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1、埃兹拉,庞德,18851973,1,2,Part 1.Life experience,Part 2.Main achievements,3,1,Born in Idoha,爱达荷州,in 1885,2.University of Pennsylvania , Hamilton College,Romance languages, Renaissance literature,Master degree in 1906,3.19081924, a lot of literature works,Works,4.1914, he married with Dorothy Shakespeare,多

2、萝西,莎士比亚,4,4,1924 about 1939,the shift of his mind,After 1924, he paid more attention to the political,and economic problems under capitalism,He firmly insisted on the fascism and anti,semitism,He made speeches at Roman radio to attach,American policies and praise fascism during the,WWII,思想的转变,doc,5,

3、5.1943, he was arraigned for high treason,1944, he was arrested by American soldiers,1945,he was on trial at Washington,1958, because of Archibald McLeish,阿奇博尔,德,麦克利什),Robert Frost,罗伯特,弗罗斯特,Ernest Hemingway,欧内斯特,海明威,his treason,was repealed,叛国罪入狱,doc,6,Smithsonian,志文章用忧伤的蓝调这样结尾,他又活了,15,年,日子越来越悲惨。他的创

4、作力渐渐,竭尽,他生活在跟妻子、女儿、秘书和情妇的轮番做战之,中。最终,老情妇把他像战利品似地拐到拉巴罗,他就在,那里的养老院和医院来回地出入,8. Died in 1973,in Italy,7. 1958,after travel around for short time, he,went to with his wife and secretary,7,8,一,major works,二,Imagism,9,major works,1.Ripostes,1912,反击,2.Cathay,1915,中国,collection of Chinese translation,长干行,doc,

5、3.Hugh Selwyn Mauberley,1920,休,西尔文,毛伯莱休,赛尔温,毛伯利,4,The Cantos,19171968,诗章,intellectual diary since 1915,10,Imagism,A literary movement launched by,British and American poets early in the 20th,century in reaction against Victorian,sentimentalism that advocated the use of free,verse, common speech patt

6、erns, and clear,concrete images,Imagism,11,意象主义,是,20,世纪初期英美诗歌届掀起的一场运动,1912,年在伦敦由埃兹拉庞德,ezra pound,amy,lowell,等人发起。他和一起朋友认为十九世纪的诗歌都有,一下的缺点:词汇堆砌、语言过时、重复累赘、格式复杂,尤其是传统的章节和音步,他们提倡诗歌应遵循意象的准,确性,使用清晰精准的语言。意象主义者反对过多的涉及,情感和技巧,而这些是在浪漫主义诗歌和维多利亚诗歌中,经常出现的,意象主义强调回归到比较古典的风格,如表,达的直观性,语言的间接性,主张尝试非传统的诗歌格式,他们认为物体就是物体,这种


8、流方面作了很大努力。他在,长诗诗章中阐述孔子学说,在,1915,年出版的,中国中,收集并翻译了十几首中国古诗,庞德不,太懂中文,他的译作是由日译本转译的,庞德还曾,译过大学、中庸、论语等,在翻译过,程中庞德得到了华盛顿一些专家学者的帮助,克服,了各种困难。尽管人们可以对译文进行各种指摘,但庞德毕竟作了前所未有的尝试。除了翻译中国作,品外,庞德也译过包括日本、希腊、意大利文学等,多种语言的外国文学作品。就此而言,庞德也是一,个有成就的翻译家,庞德最著名的作品,要属意象,派名作在地铁站内,14,The apparition of these faces in the crowd,人群中幽灵般的一张

9、张面孔,Petals on a wet, black bough,黑色潮湿枝头上的一片片花瓣,In a Station of the Metro,15,原诗排列模版,The apparition of these faces in the crowd,Petals on a wet, black bough,对应中文就成了,幻景闪现,面孔,人群,花瓣数点,黑湿,树枝,16,1,在地铁站,人潮中这些面容的忽现,湿巴巴的黑树丫上的花瓣。(罗池,3,在伦敦的地铁车站里,这些脸的幻影在人群中,一条潮湿的、黑色枝干上的点点花瓣。(李德武,2,地铁车站,人群中这些面庞的闪现,湿漉的黑树干上的花瓣。(赵毅衡

10、,4,人群中,这些面孔的鬼影,潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。(余光中,17,About the poem,1.The “Metro” is the underground railway of Paris,2.The word “apparition”, with its double meaning, binds the,two aspects of the observation together,Apparition meaning “appearance”, in the sense of,something which appears, or shows up; something,whic

11、h can be clearly observed,Apparition meaning something which seems real but,perhaps is not real; something ghostly which cannot be,clearly observed,18,3.The poem is an observation of the poet of the human faces,seen in a Paris subway station. It looks to be a modern,adoption of the Japanese haiku,4.

12、He tries to render exactly his observation of human faces,seen in an underground railway station. He sees the faces,turned variously toward light and darkness, like flower,petals which are half absorbed by, half resisting, the wet,dark texture of a bough,5.Repeating it, you can have a colorful pictu

13、re, also you can,feel the beauty of music through it,s repetition of different,vowels and consonants, such as /p/ and /au/. Especially,the repetition of /e/ in the second line emphasize it,s,sense of music,19,6.In this brief poem, Pound uses the fewest possible words,to convey an accurate image, acc

14、ording to the principles,of the,Imagists,Pound wrote an account of its,composition, which claims that the poem,s form was,determined by the experience that inspired it, evolving,organically rather than being chosen arbitrarily,7.Whether truth or myth, the piece has become a famous,document in the history of Imagism,20,His own,significant contributions,to,poetry begin with his,promulgation (spre


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