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1、你了解中外节日吗 Do you know about Chinese and western festivals,制作者:Group Five,Western festival,New Years Day 新年 Valentines Day 情人节 Easter 复活节 April Fools Day 愚人节 Mothers Day 母亲节 Halloween 万圣节 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Christmas 圣诞节,the Spring Festival 春节 the Lantern Festival 元 宵节(灯节) the Qing Ming Festival 清明节

2、 the Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节,Chinese traditional festival,A clown (小丑,April Fools Day,A bat,A pumpkin lantern (南瓜灯,Halloween (万圣节,Brainstorm,How many Chinese traditional festivals do you know,Chinese traditional festival,Spring Festival (春节,

3、Lantern Festival (元宵节,Tomb-sweeping Festival (清明节,Dragon Boat Festival (端午节,Qi Xi Festival (七夕节,Mid-autumn Festival (中秋节,Double Ninth Festival(重阳节,How many western holidays do you know,Western Holidays,Christmas (圣诞节,Valentines Day (情人节,Easter(复活节,April Fools Day(愚人节,Halloween(万圣节,Thanksgiving Day,1

4、.The Spring Festival (春节) 2. Qi Xi Festival(七夕) 3. Tomb-sweeping Day (清明节) 4. Double Ninth Festival (重阳节,1. Christmas (圣诞节) 2. Valentines day (情人节) 3. Halloween(万圣节) 4. Thanksgiving Day (感恩节,P K,Compare the Chinese Traditional Holidays with Western ones,The Spring Festival,Part One,Christmas,The Spr

5、ing festival is also known as the Chinese New Year, which is the most important traditional festival in China. It falls on the first day of the first Chinese lunar month,Do you know the origin of the Spring Festival,Celebrate the New Year,In ancient time, a demon(怪物) called “Nian” that lived under t

6、he sea would hurt people once a year on the new year eve. It jumped out from the sea, attacked villages, devoured(吞食) people, animals and plants,Origin,Demon Nian,The villagers gathered to discuss how to deal with “Nian” .Some people suggested that the demon was afraid of loud noises, red color and

7、flames,Origin,Fireworks,Dragon dance,So they lighted firecrackers, put on red couplets (对联)on their gates, beat gongs (锣)and drums to drive “Nian” away. Since then, the custom and tradition of celebrating the Spring Festival were born,Origin,1. Spring Cleaning,Customs,From December 23rd in the Chine

8、se calendar, people begin to clean their house to say goodbye to the old year and usher in (宣告来临)a happy and fresh new year,Do you know the customs in the Spring Festival ,2. Write and paste couplets(对联) on doors,Customs,3.The lion and dragon dancing,Customs,4.Set off fireworks,Customs,It is said th

9、at the evil spirits can be frightened to run away,Customs,5. Receive Gift Money,Children get money in red paper or envelop from their parents or relatives,Customs,6. Greet each other,恭喜发财!红包拿来,Dumplings (饺子) 2. New Year cake (年糕,Do you know the food in the Spring Festival,It means in Chinese the beg

10、inning of the new year,It means abundance(富足) and wealth for household(一家人,3. Whole fish (鱼,Food,Fish” in Chinese language is pronounced as “Yu”. It sounds like “余”. “年年有余”means togetherness and abundance(富足,Debate :Should we celebrate western festivals or not,Pro,Con,Nowadays, most of the youngster

11、s observe Christmas holiday. Should we still celebrate western festivals or not,Yes,No,December 25 is the day that most Christianities celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,How did the Christmas originate,In 1607, religious leaders all over the world met and reached an agreement that December 25 would

12、 be the Christmas day. Since then, most Christians began to celebrate Christmas,Origin,1. Send Christmas Cards and songs,Customs,People send Christmas cards to their friends or family members to show their best wishes for a new year,In the bible, Jesus was born at night, so the night of December 24

13、is known as the Christmas eve,Origin,2. Receive gifts from Santa Claus,Customs,Santa Claus is believed to be a fat happy old man with a red suit, red hat and long white beards,He can come down from chimney on Christmas Eve and bring children gifts,3. Exchange gifts,Customs,Ancient religion believed

14、that the first Christmas gifts were given by Three Wise Men to the infant Jesus,1. Christmas Tree,Symbols,President Bushs wife with Christmas tree,It is covered with strings of colored lights, and the star on the top is believed to guide Three Wise Men to find Jesus,2. Santa Claus,Symbols,Santa Clau

15、ses are studying,Santa Claus sends parcel(包,3. Christmas wreath,Symbols,It means the perpetuity(永恒) of Jesus Christ,4. Stockings,Symbols,1. ( ) The origin of the Spring Festival is associated with a monster called “Nian”. 2. ( ) In the early December of lunar calendar, people begin to sweep the hous

16、e for the new year. 3. ( )December 24th is known as Christmas Eve. 4. ( ) It is said that the Santa will knock the door and give presents to children,Exercise: True or False Questions,X,X,December 23rd in the Chinese calendar,climb down from the chimney,Qi Xi Festival (热爱中国文化,2. Comprehend and understand western festivals;(包容外国文化,3. The most important is introducing our Chinese festivals around the world. (宣传中国文化,Confucian Univer


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