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1、UNIT 2 Healthy Eating Wordsdiet provide energy nuts bones muscle fight disease protective pea cucumber eggplantpepper mushroom peach lemon balanced special predict frustrated prepare barbecued mutton roast pork stir-fried bacon finest sugary hurry sign slim serve curiosity hostess menu choice raw vi

2、negar customer hopeful discount energetic competition energy regular copy weaknessstrength punish service particular quality advantage consult weigh behavior encourage amazingly boil intention permission possibility ability poisonous carrotvitamin protein suggestion explain upset limitadvertise bene

3、fit breast garlic sigh admitincrease cooperation ingredient flavor appearance packettin treat fairly increase ham riddigestion amount item gently Phrases:eat a healthy diet a balanced diet ought to be full of think of be made of seem to do sth be tired of lose weight be fit in be amazed at throw dow

4、n on ones way find out could have doneget away with tell lies do some research be surprised to do sth far too much win. back compete.with be afraid of sth.laugh at. dare to be unwilling to do sth be fond of .gain weight plenty of give up borrow.from all dayearn ones living after all look forward to

5、be in debt no longer glare at the other day spy on neither.norcombine.with rather than cut down before long put on weightturn into connect.with as well as get rid of think about by lunchtime Grammar:1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.1)feeling very frustrated 现在分词在句中作伴随状

6、语eg.She sat on the chair reading a newspaper.(表伴随) Walking in the street, she met her old friend.(表时间)Seeing no body at home , she decided to eat outside.(表原因)The child fell, striking his head against the ground.(表结果)He thought of his mutton kebabs, fatty pork cooked in the hottest, finest oil. 过去分词

7、短语作后置定语,表被动。= which were cooked in the hottest oil.2) feel frustrated at/with.因.而懊恼,对.感到沮丧frustrated 修饰sb. frustrating修饰sth中译英因为他的没有出现在聚会上,他们感到很沮丧。Eg.The flowers picked by him are very beautiful.2. His restaurant ought to be full of people.1) ought to to show a moral duty 表示一种道义上的责任,应该Eg.She ought t

8、o look after her child better.表示劝告或建议This dish is delicious. You ought to try some.表示期望或可能发生的事Children ought to be able to read by the age of 7.表示推测,表示较大的可能性That ought to be enough food for the four of us.ought to have done 表示本应该,而却没有Eg.You ought to have come yesterday.2) be full of =be filled with/

9、be crowded withHe looks so upset; I _him the bad news so early.A. should have told B.should tell C.oughtnt to have told D.shouldnt tell 3.He thought of his mutton kebabs, fatty pork cooked in the hottest, finest oil. 过去分词短语作后置定语,表被动。 = which were cooked in the hottest oil.Eg.The flowers picked by hi

10、m are very beautiful.4. Nothing could have been better.比较级与否定词连用表示最高级。= All his food could have been the best.Eg.I have never seen a better film.常用的否定词:no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly意义:再也没有比.更.的了。表示最高级的其他表达方式:主语+谓语+比较级+than+any other+单数名词+比较范围(比较对象属于一个比较范围)主语+谓语+比较级+than+any +单数名词+比较范围(比较对象

11、不属于一个比较范围)(2013浙江高考)I _ myself more-it was a perfect day.A. shouldnt have enjoyed B.neednt have enjoyed C.wouldnt have enjoyed D.couldnt have enjoyed(2011全国高考) Mr. Stevenson is great to work for-I really couldnt ask for a _ (good) boss.(2012天津高考)-You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if

12、 you dont. -_(我再同意不过了). Confidence is really important.5. Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight?1) tired of 厌烦的 He is tired of doing the same thing all year round.tired out 筋疲力尽 I was tired out when I finally reach the top of the mountain.tired from 因而疲倦 I was very tied from running fast.2) los

13、e weight weight n.-weigh v.称重.,衡量put on weight=gain weight 增加体重 control ones weight 控制体重by weight 按重量计算中译英玛丽去年体重增加了,但是现在她已经通过运动成功减肥了。6. What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet?1) diet n&v. 日常饮食,节食go on a diet=be on a diet 节食 a balanced/healthy diet均衡的/健康的饮食辨析diet/fooddiet:日常饮食,特指维持健康

14、的定量或定质的食物food:凡是能吃、喝的及具有营养的东西It is obvious that_(健康的饮食对我们身体有好处)In the past, many people _ for lack of_(因食物不足而饿死)2) balance adj.均衡的 n.平衡的 v.平衡,权衡keep.in balance 保持平衡 out of balance不平衡 break ones balance打破平衡 lose ones balance 失去平衡in the balance 前途不明朗,未定,悬而未决(2015湖北高考)when he was running after his brot

15、her, the boy_ _ and had a bad fall.(失去平衡)(2012天津高考)You are working too hard. Youd better keep a _ between work and relaxation.A. promise B.lead C.balance D.diary 7. Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.curiosity n.好奇心,求知欲-curious adj. 好奇的,稀奇- curiously adv.have curiosity to do sth 有做某事的决心show curiosity

16、about sth 对某事表现出好奇satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心with curiosity 好奇地out of curiosity 出于好奇be curious about.对.好奇(2010天津高考) People have always been_(curiosity) about exactly how life on earth began.8. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.1) have sb. doing sth 让某人一直做某事,听任/容忍某人

17、做某事辨析have sb. do / have sb. doing/ have sth done have sb. do 使,让某人做某事have sb. doing 听任/容忍某人做某事,多用于否定句,不能让,不能容忍have sth done 让某人做某事,让某事被做(2012四川高考) Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car_.A. washed B.wash C.washing D.to wash 2)get away with sth./doing sth. a)不因某事而受惩罚。I wont ha

18、ve you getting away with cheating in the exam.b)偷携某物潜逃。The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.c)收到较轻的惩罚。He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.get away 逃脱,离开 get across 使人了解,表达清楚get along/on with 进展,与.相处 get down to doing sth 开始/着手做某事get over 恢复、克服 g

19、et through 通过、完成get rid of 摆脱, 除掉 3) lie 谎言,说谎 tell a lie=tell lies 辨析lie /lay lie vi. 撒谎,躺,位于 lie-lied-lied lie-lay-lain lay vt. 放置 lay-laid-laid 9. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.1) discount n.折扣 offer/give sb. a discount (on sth.) 给.打折with/at a discount 打折f

20、or sale bargain discount a real bargain 待售 讨价还价 打折 一件便宜货2) win.back 赢回,重新获得 win or lose 不论成败,无论胜负中译英他正在努力工作,想赢回他的声誉。10. The weakness of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it did not give enough protective food.weakness n.弱点,缺点,不足 weak adj. weaken v.减弱,使变虚弱辨析:weakness, fault, mistake Weakness

21、: 弱点或不足之处Fault: 做事不完美,个人习惯上的毛病、错误等Mistake: 学习、认知、判断、计算、决定等的错误In my opinion, one should know his strengths and_ clearly.One learns a language by making _ correcting them.(2015湖南高考)Its your_ to make such a_. His father said to him.A. mistake, fault B.fault, weakness C.fault, mistake D.mistake, weaknes

22、s11. The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided plenty of energy-giving food.strength n.优点,长处,优势,力量,力气 strong adj.有力气的,强壮的strengthen v. 加强、增强、巩固strong-strength-strengthen long-length-lengthen high-height-heighten deep-depth-deepen 辨析:strength, energy, force, powerstrength

23、:力量,体力,精神力量energy:人的精力,工作、活动的能力,自然界的能量等force:物理意义上的力,为指某事而使用的力量,常指武力power:人或机器的功能、职位、权力或政权(2011天津高考)the days are gone when physical_(strong) was all you needed to make a living.(2012福建高考)Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well, you know, English is my _. So it is my best ch

24、oice.A. strength B.talent C.ability D.skill 12. However, as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor.consult v. 咨询,请教,查阅,商议,商量consult sb. about sth 就某事向某人咨询consult (with) sb. about/on sth 与某人就某事商议consult a dictionary/a teacher 查阅词典、请教老师consult with a friend

25、和朋友商议(2014陕西高考) To work out the difficult maths problem, I have _(咨询) Professor Russell several times.(2010江苏高考) I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain.(失败). Why not_ _(与.商议)Frank? You see, two heads are better than one.(2015天津高考) If you have any doubts about your heal

26、th, youd better _ your doctor at once.A. convince B.consult C.avoid D.affect 13.Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.earn ones living by =live by=make a living by靠谋生earn ones own living 自食其力 earn money=make money 挣钱earn salary/income 挣工资/收入 earn

27、respect 赢得尊敬(2011辽宁高考) You are old enough to _ your own living.A. win B.gain C.take D.earn 14. He didnt look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.1) be in debt 欠债 be out of debt 还清债务be in sb.s debt 欠某人人情 get/fall/run into debt 负债Pay for the debt 偿还债务 pay off the debt

28、 偿清债务中译英自从买了房子,史密斯一家这些年都欠债中。2) no longer=not .any longer 不再辨析 no more/no longerno more表示数量上或程度上“不再”no longer 表示时间上“不再”延续He is no more a student. He is no longer young.no more.than/not more.thanno more.than .和.一样不(两者都否定)not more.than 不如.(前者不如后者)Xiao Li is no more diligent than John.小李不勤奋,约翰也不勤奋。)14.

29、She didnt look happy but glared at him.glare at 怒视,带有敌意 辨析:glare at/glance at/stare atglare at 怒目而视,由于生气而瞪着眼看 glance at 扫视,一瞥,粗略地看 stare at 张大眼睛死死地盯着,由于好奇、无礼或傲慢而长时间地看15. I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu.spy (v/n) 监视,侦查,看见 n. 间谍1) 暗中监视;侦查。 I

30、t is impolite to spy into other peoples windows.2) 看见,发现。 He suddenly spied an old friend in the supermarket.spy on 暗中监视,侦查 spy out 暗中查明16. I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.1)limited adj.有限的 limit v.限制,

31、限定,限量 n.限度,限额within limits 在某种程度上,有一定限制beyond the limit 超过限度 without limit 无限制地to the limit of .达到.的限度 set a limit to 设定.的限度the speed limit 车速限制 limit .to把.限制在.limit sb. to (doing) sth 限制某人做某事2) benefit n.好处,利益 v.有益于,有助于,获益be benefit to=be beneficial to.对.有好处for the benefit of=for ones benefit 为了.的利

32、益benefit from/by . 从.中获益for the good of sb.=in the interest of sb. 为了某人的利益 (2011湖北高考) Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also _ our thinking.A. direct B.limit C.change D.improve(2012福建高考) China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals_ all its citiz

33、ens.A. in charge of B.for the purpose of C.in honor of D.for the benefits of 17. Perhaps we ought to combine our ides and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and bine v. 和.结合起来 combine.with 和.结合起来辨析combine, connect, join, link Combine:结合,组合,把2个或2个以上的人或物混合起来,成为不可分割的一体。Connect:连接

34、,联系。强调通过第三者把双方连接,联系起来connect.with/to Join: 接合,连接。侧重把原来不相连的物体紧密地连接在一起 join.to Link: 连接式的连接。用接合物或其他方式连接link A with/to B(2010福建高考)In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well. I cant agree more. Its great to have the two_.A. linked B.related C.connected D.combined18. In this way, they

35、cut down the fat and increased the fiber in the meal.cut down 削减,缩小,砍倒cut across 走捷径 cut in 插话cut through 穿过 cut away 切除cut off 中止,切断 cut out 删除cut up 切碎 (2013陕西高考) My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _.A. cut out B.cut down C.cut up D.cut off19. Their balanced diets became

36、 such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.1) success n.成功的人或事 胜利,成名,发财Failure is the mother of success.2) before long 不久以后,一会儿辨析:before long/long before before long=soon,与一般将来时或一般过去时连用long before 在.之前很久,在.之前早就 it was not long before.不久就.it will not be

37、long before 不久就会.巧记:long 在前,很久前;long在后,不久后It was long before 过了很久才.It was not long before.没过多久就.It will be long before.要过很久才会It will be not long before.要不了多久就会.(2010陕西高考)John thinks it wont be long_ he is ready for his new job.A. when B.after C.before D.since20. Only slimming foods served here.serve

38、 v. 充当. serve sth. to sb. serve-service-servant if my memory serves me 如果我没记错的话 serve at table 当侍者 serve ones time 任期内任职serve someone right 罪有应得;活该 serve ones/its turn 有用;起作用We are_ people and we should _ the people heart and soul.A. servants of, serve B.service for, serve C.servants of, serve for D

39、.servants of, serve of21. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant!more than 比.多,超过=overmore than+adj./adv.=very much 非常more than+n.不只是more than a little 非常nothing more than 不过是,无非是no more than 仅仅,只不过no more.than.与.一样不more.than.与其说.,倒不如说.22. Yong Hui agreed to stay and soon they were both enj

40、oying the dumplings, fatty pork and cola.1) agree to (do) sth. 表示“同意某事或某建议”,后只能跟表“提议,计划,方案,打算,安排” Eg.He agreed to their proposal.agree with sb. 同意某人Eg.I agree with every word you said.agree on sth. 表示在某事上取得一致的意见Eg.They agreed on a date for the next meeting.2) both.and .不但.而且. either.or.或者.或者 neither

41、.nor.既不.也不.23. But dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner?虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式(be用were),而主句的谓语动词用would(should, could ,might)+动词原形。例如:If I were you, I should study English better.24. whether and if 的区别:1) 用于动词之后, 引导宾语从句时可以互换。2) if 不可以和 or not 直接连用而 whether可以。3) whet

42、her to do eg. I dont know whether to answer it.4) whether 可引导同位语、表语从句。5) whether 可以放在句首引导主语从句而if 不可以。25. only to do sth. 表示一个与主语愿望相反的或出乎主语预料的结果,或用来暗示最初的未能实现的动作。Eg. For nearly three hours we waited for the decision, only to be told to come again the next day.only doing sth.表示谓语动词本身的动作造成的结果。 Eg. He di

43、ed, only leaving nothing but debts. 情态动词:can, could, may, might,must,ought to, shall, will,would, need ,dare1. 表示推测的情态动词1.1基本原则:1.1.2 对现在或将来情况推测,用情态动词+do / be / be doing对过去的推测,用情态动词+have done / been。1.1.3表示肯定推测的情态动词,按可能性由大到小依次为:must should / ought tomaymightcould。1.1.4否定推测,按语气由强到弱依次为: cant / couldnt

44、(根本不可能)may not might not/could not(可能不)。 1.2 具体用法:1.2.1 must be表示推测,意为“一定是”,只用于肯定句中must have done意为“一定做过某事或某事肯定发生了”, 并且有前文铺垫e.g. Listen! There must be some children in the room. The road is wet. It must have rained last night.1.2.2 should (not) / ought (not) to在中表示根据常规或常识推测,表示“某事应该或不应该发生”e.g. It is

45、nearly 7 oclock. Jack should be here at any moment. You shouldnt be texting in the class now. We are having a lesson.(should not 含有责备之意)1.2.3 can, could表达推测时,一般用于疑问句和否定句中;can用于肯定句中表示一种理论上的可能性,意为“有时候会”,并不牵涉是否真的会发生;could用于肯定句中,语气比may/ might更弱。e.g. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it can

46、 be rather cold sometime.1.2.4 may (not) / might (not)表达一种不太把握的推测,意为“或许,可能”;might的语气比may较婉转。e.g. Although this may sound like a simple task, great care is needed.2. 表达虚拟语气的情态动词 2.1 适用情况:对过去的一种结果的假设或虚拟,形式:情态动词+have done 2.2 具体用法: 2.2.1 should (not) / ought (not) to have done本(不)应该做某事,但却没有做或做了,含有责备或后悔

47、之意。 e.g. You should have gone over your lesson yesterday. (In fact, you didnt go over your lesson yesterday.)2.2.2 could have done本来能够做某事但未做。e.g. If you followed my advice, you could have finished it. 比较一下这一句: The road isnt wet. It couldnt/ cant have rained last night. (对过去的猜测)2.2.3 neednt have done

48、: 本没有必要做某事但却做了。neednt do: 没有必要去做某事 (时间上应该是现在或将来)。 e.g. Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks. You neednt have done it. I could manage it myself. You neednt do it. Ill do it later.2.2.4 would (not) have done:本来(不)会发生某事,但却(发生了)或没有发生。常用于虚拟条件句或含蓄虚拟条件引导的虚拟语气,表示对过去所发生事情结果的假设。e.g. He hesitated

49、for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise, he would have scored a goal.2.2.5 might have done:本来可能发生,但实际上没有发生的事。e.g. What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he might have done better.3.表达“情感、态度、语气”的情态动词 3.1 must: 表示主观的义务和必要,意为“必须”。用于:肯定句:You must finish it now. Yes, you must/have t

50、o.疑问句:Must I finish it now? No, you neednt/ dont. 条件句或疑问句: 可以用来表示责备、抱怨的感情色彩,意思为“偏要,硬要” e.g. May I smoke here ?If you must, choose a seat in the smoking section. John, look at the time. Must you play the piano at such a late hour?3.2 mustnt: 表示禁止e.g. When I was young, I was told that I mustnt play wi

51、th matches3.3 should3.3.1表示责任和义务。e.g. According to the air traffic rules, you should switch off your mobile phone before boarding.3.3.2在虚拟条件句中用以加强假设语气,表示与将来事实相反的假设,意为“万一”。 e.g. If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay at home.万一明天下雨的Should you be fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.3.3.3表示说话人对某事不能理解、赶到意外,译为“竟然”。e.g. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady. 3.4 shall3.4.1用于第一和第三人称,常用于疑问句中,用来征求对方意见。e.g Shall I carry it for you?3.4.2用于第二和第三人称,表示“命令、威胁、警告、允诺、”等。e.g Excuse me. But I want to use your computer to type a repo


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