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1、致用户(To Users)尊敬的用户:感谢您对我公司的信任,选购我公司的液氮生物容器产品。在您使用我公司产品前,请先仔细阅读本使用说明书。谢谢合作!四川盛杰低温设备制造股份有限公司Dear Users,Thank you for your confidence in our company and for your purchasing the Liquid Nitrogen Dewarsmade by us.Before you use these dewars, please read this operation manual carefully. Thank you for your

2、cooperation!Shengjie Cryogenic EquipmentPLC.目录(Contents)一、概述2General二、产品部分名词术语3Terminology三、产品型号及编号编制方法4Model list Instruction for Dewar Model四、产品结构示意图7Diagram of Dewar五、产品主要结构及其特点8Main Structure and Features六、产品使用须知9Notice七、产品质量保证范围13Quality Guarantee八、产品静态液氮保存期的测试、计算方法14Methods of Testing and Calc

3、ulating Static Holding Time of Liquid Nitrogen九、其他15Others一、概述(General)我公司长期致力于低温生物储存、真空绝热、深冷处理的研究、开发及系统集成,提供低温应用的完整技术方案、产品设计及专用低温设备的制造。ChengduShengjie Cryogenic Equipment Co.,Ltd has been long-term devoted into the research of cryogenic storage, vacuum insulation, cryogenic treatment and system int

4、egration. We provide technology scheme and product design of application manufacturing, including special cryogenic equipment.我公司主要产品有液氮生物容器、大口径液氮容器、自增压式液氮容器、低温治疗器、液氮液位报警器、低温温度监测仪、液氮生物储存系统、制氮机及各种附件。The main products of our company are cryogenic storage of central control system, cryogenic dewar, cry

5、ogenic tank, intelligent cryogenicdewar, level alarm for liquid nitrogen, cryogenic monitoring device and so on, which are all widely used in biological research, medicine, livestock, materials and cryogenic treatment ect.我公司始终坚持“以质量起飞、靠科技腾达”的兴企策略,率先在全国同行业中建立“低温储存研发中心”,拥有科学的管理机制、高效的技术队伍。Our business

6、 covers stem cell bank, blood bank, hospital, biological engineering, animal husbandry, higher institute, research institution, machinery, petrifaction, semi-conductor, aerospace, superconductor, industrial gas and liquid, metallurgy, new material, air separation, low carbon chemical engineering and

7、 so on.我公司注重信誉,讲究服务。在销售产品的同时,为用户提供最经济、最合理的解决方案以及国内外最新行业信息。Currently, driven by advanced enterprise concept and scientific enterprise management, Shengjie staffs, under the help of favorable governmental policies, attempt to make a new leap forward in cryogenic industry in cooperation with vast assoc

8、iates with their effort and wisdom.二、产品部分名词术语(Terminology)序号No术语Terminology定义Definition1几何容积Geometric Volume由内胆内缘几何尺寸(不含颈管)所限定的空间体积。Volume of space defined by the geometric size of the inside wall of the inner vessel (excluding that of neck tube)2口径Caliber颈管的内直径。Inside diameter of neck tube3外径Outsid

9、eDiameter产品外壳筒体不含筋的外直径。Outside diameter of outer shell(Excluding the rib)4高度Height产品外形不含盖塞和提筒沿筒体轴向的最大长度。Maximum axial length of the shell (excluding the plug and canister)5空重Empty Weight产品在内胆为室温空气,带盖塞,不放提筒时的质量。Weight of dewar with plug at the ambient temperature (without canister)6液氮吸收体Adsorbent吸附液氮

10、的载体Adsorbent of liquid nitrogen序号No术语Terminology定义Definition7产品寿命Life Service从产品出厂使用至液氮保存期低于出厂指标40%的时间间隔。Days for interval between EXW and holding time being less than 40% of the EXW specifications8吸附容积Adsorbent capacity液氮吸收体吸附液氮达到饱和状态时,所吸附的液氮体积When the adsorbent fully adsorb liquid nitrogen, the ca

11、pacity of liquid nitrogen9静态蒸发损失试验Test of static evaporationloss液氮吸收体吸附液氮并达热平衡后,在静置状态下测定某段时间内液氮吸收体中液氮蒸发损失的试验The test of liquid nitrogen loss in Liquid Nitrogen Adsorber in a certain period under the static situation while Liquid Nitrogen Adsorber adsorbs liquid nitrogen and reaches thermal balance10

12、静态液氮日蒸发量Daily StaticEEvaporation Loss mass静态蒸发损失试验中,液氮吸收体中液氮间隔一天的蒸发量(此值为常态下的参考值)Evaporation Loss mass of liquid nitrogen in Liquid Nitrogen Adsorberevery two days during the test of liquid nitrogen loss11静态液氮保存期Static Holding Time of Liquid Nitrogen产品注入液氮预冷,不放提筒达到热平衡后,再盛满液氮静态放置全部挥发完的天数。Days for the

13、thorough evaporation of the statically stored liquid nitrogen in the fully re-filled dewar after being pre-cooled by liquid nitrogen and reach its thermal balance (without canister)三、产品型号及编号规则(Instruction for Dewar Model)序号No.液氮生物容器Liquid nitrogen container产品型号Model1便捷式系列Portable DewarYDS-22YDS-2-30

14、3YDS-2-354YDS-35YDS-66YDS-107静态储存系列Storing tankYDS-10-808YDS-139YDS-1510YDS-2011YDS-2512YDS-3013YDS-30-8014YDS-3515YDS-35-8016YDS-50B序号No.液氮生物容器Liquid nitrogen container产品型号Model17大口径实验室专用系列Wide neck used for lab.YDS-10-12518YDS-15-12519YDS-30-12520YDS-35-12721YDS-47-12722YDS-50B-12523YDS-65-21624YD

15、S-95-21625YDS-115-21626YDS-140-21627YDS-175-21628YDS-30-125-F29YDS-35-125-F30YDS-47-127-F31YDS-50B-125-F32YDS-65-216-F33YDS-95-216-F34YDS-115-216-F35YDS-140-216-F序号No.液氮生物容器Liquid nitrogen container产品型号Model36大口径实验室专用系列Wide neck used for lab.YDS-175-216-F37运输专用系列Transportation containerYDS-20B38YDS-

16、30B39YDS-30B-8040YDS-35B41YDS-35B-8042YDS-50B43YDS-50B-8044YDS-50B-12538航空运输系列Dry shipperYDS-3H39YDS-6H-8040YDS-8H-8041YDS-10H-125产品型号编号规则Instruction for Dewar Model四、产品结构示意图(见图1、图2)(Diagram of Dewarsee the diagram 1, 2)1Handle 2Plug 3Neck Tube 4Adsorbent5Inner Vessel 6Canister 7Multi-layer Insulati

17、on8Outer Shell 9Nameplate 10Evacuating Nozzle1Handle 2Lockable lid 3Plug 4Evacuating Nozzle 5Neck Tube 6Nameplate Canister 7Multi-layer Insulation 8Adsorbent 9Canister 10Inner Vessel 11Outer Shell五、产品主要结构及其特点(Main structure and Features)YDS系列产品主要由外壳、内胆、颈管、多层绝热体、提筒等组成(见图1),其中航空运输系列产品另含液氮吸附体(见图2)。YDS-

18、seriesproductsaremainlymadeupofoutershell,innervessel,necktube,multi-layerisolatingmaterialandcanisters.(frag.1)dryshipperseriesalsoincludeliquidnitrogenabsorbent.(frag.2)1. 容器外壳、内胆采用铝合金板制作,具有重量轻、低温下强度高、耐腐蚀等特点。The outer shell and inner vessel are made of the aluminum alloy plate featuring light weig

19、ht, high cryogenic strength and corrosion resistance.2. 颈管采用玻璃钢制作,具有机械强度高、导热系数小等特点。The neck tube is made of glass-fiber reinforced plastics featuring of high mechanical strength and low heat conductivity.3. 多层绝热体采用反射性能特别优良的铝箔为反射屏,采用导热系数小,放气速率低的材料为隔热材料,以减少热辐射。The multi-layer insulation is composed of

20、 the reflecting screen of aluminum foils with high reflectivity and insulation material with low heat conductivity and low gas-passing speed to reduce heat radiation.4. 容器外壳与内胆间的夹层为高真空状态,以防止气体的热对流,并采用在低温状态下吸附量大的吸附剂,以保证容器的性能长期稳定可靠,产品寿命不低于5年。The jacket between the outer shell and inner vessel is of hi

21、gh vacuum to prevent thermal convection. Moreover, an adsorbent with a high adsorbing capacity at the cryogenic temperature is used to ensure the long-term stable and reliable performance of the dewar with more than five-year life service.5. 航空运输型液氮生物容器中先进的液氮吸收体,可大量吸附液氮并防水、防潮。当向容器中注入液氮时,液氮吸收体便充分吸附液氮

22、,通过液氮吸收体吸附的液氮自然挥发形成氮气,使内胆中的温度在一定时期内始终保持在150 以下,保存的生物样品便可在冷冻和干爽状态下储存或安全地进行远距离运输,即使在运输途中容器倾倒,也不会有液氮流出。While filling liquid nitrogen, Liquid Nitrogen Adsorber adsorbs and stores liquid nitrogen. Poring excessive liquid nitrogen from the container, nitrogen gas evaporated from liquid nitrogen in Liquid

23、Nitrogen Adsorber can maintain the temperature of Inner Vessel under -150 for a certain period, it is suitable for long-distance transportation for liquid nitrogen stored or biological specimen stored, especially for air transportation. Even if the container is turned over, liquid nitrogen never spi

24、lls out.六、产品使用须知(Notice)1. 用户使用产品前,应开箱检查产品外观质量,如发现容器外观有缺陷,在收到产品后5个工作日内,将此信息返回我公司(联系方式见封底)。代、经销单位则按代、经销协议有关条款执行。Before using the dewar, users should open the cases to check the outward appearance. If any defect is found on it, our company should be informed within 5 working days after receiving the d

25、ewar (For means of contact, see the back cover) . Then the sales agency or distribution department shall solve the problem in accordance with the related clauses in the agreement2.液氮生物容器系列产品分贮存、运输两大类型。贮存型容器主要用于室内液氮和冷冻物品的静置贮存,不能作车载运输使用;为满足运输的使用条件,运输型容器作了专门的防震设计,该类容器除可静置贮存外,还可在充装液氮状态下作运输使用,但应避免碰撞和剧烈震动

26、。Liquid nitrogen container includes storage and transportation types.The storage dewar is mainly used for indoor static storage of liquid nitrogen and frozen goods. It is prohibited to use the storage dewar for transporting. To meet the requirements of transporting, the transporting dewar with speci

27、al anti-vibration design is used not only for static storage but also for transportation full of liquid nitrogen, but no bumping or sever vibration is permitted.3贮存型容器初次使用时,按如下步骤进行:Instruction for first time of using storage type:1).若在室内对容器补充液氮,请注意要打开门窗操作,防止操作环境中严重缺氧。If the making-up of the liquid n

28、itrogen is conducted indoor, all the windows and doors must be opened to avoid the severe lack of oxygen to cause suffocation of the operator.2). 贮存型新容器或已解冻复温的容器,在使用前必须先充入少量液氮预冷,接近热平衡(气化不剧烈)后再注满液氮。充装液氮时,宜用泵或长管漏斗,其充注管要插至接近容器底部,并须在容器口部留有空隙,让氮气排出。注入容器内的液氮液面高度不能超过颈管下端平面。操作中应避免人体与液氮接触,以免引起冻伤。New dewars o

29、r de-frosted dewars must be pre-cooled to reach the thermal balance (with no violent vaporization) before they are filled with liquid nitrogen. During filling liquid nitrogen, the pump or long-tube funnel is preferred for this purpose. The filling tube should reach near the bottom of the dewar with

30、a gap left at the dewar mouth as an outlet for gaseous nitrogen. The height of liquid nitrogen level filled in mustnt be higher than bottom of the neck tube. During the operation, caution must be taken against the contact of human body with the liquid nitrogen to avoid cold injuries.4.航运型容器初次使用时,按如下

31、步骤进行:Instruction for first time of usingdir shipper:1)向容器内注入液氮,液面高度达颈管底部;Fill the container to the bottom of Neck Tube and Liquid Nitrogen Absorber starts to absorb liquid nitrogen;2)12小时后,再向容器内注入液氮,液面高度达颈管底部;Fill the container to the bottom of Neck Tube for the second time 12 hours later to make li

32、quid nitrogen absorbed completely (to reach saturation);3)静止12小时后,才能将残余液氮倒出;After another 12 hours, Liquid Nitrogen Adsorber should be saturated (Complete absorption may take up to 24 hours);运输之前,应测试液氮吸收体是否已达饱和,按下述“容器中液氮贮量的测试”方法进行测算液氮吸收体吸附的液氮贮量,比较该值与表1对应的吸附容积数值,若两者偏差不大(由于大气压情况、制造误差,液氮吸收体的实际吸附能力与表1的理

33、论值可能有偏差),便可判定液氮吸收体已经饱和。反之,应再次向容器内注入液氮,2小时后,倒出残余液氮,即可使用。Prior to shipment, pour off the excess liquid nitrogen. If the container is just for storage, it is unnecessary to pour off the excess liquid nitrogen.In order to make Liquid Nitrogen Absorber reach saturation (to ensure the maximum liquid nitro

34、gen holding time), it is recommended to test if Liquid Nitrogen Absorber reaches saturation before the above step 4). The method is: calculating liquid nitrogen volume which Liquid Nitrogen Absorber adsorbs, and comparing with the value in Table 1. If the value calculated is as much as the value in

35、table 1, Liquid Nitrogen Absorber has reached saturation (The actual value is slightly different from the nominal value due to manufacturing tolerance). If not, refill liquid nitrogen to the bottom of Neck Tube. 2 hours later, Liquid Nitrogen Absorber will reach saturation.5. 在容器初次放入冷冻物品后的23个小时内,建议用

36、户落实专人,定时观察容器外表面是否出现冷凝水或有结霜现象,如出现这两种情况,表明容器的真空度已恶化,将引起容器内的液氮在很短的时间内挥发完,容器便不能正常使用。出现这种现象的概率虽然很小,有可能是由于未按产品要求进行装卸、运输所致,但为避免冷冻物品的损失,这种观察很有必要。Within 23 hours after the frozen goods are put into the dewar for the first time, a special person must be designated by the user to regularly observe whether ther

37、e is condensed water or frost on the outer shell. If there is condensed water or frost, it means that the vacuum of the dewar has been deteriorated, which will cause liquid nitrogen to evaporate completely in a very short time. In this case, the dewar cant work normally. The possibility of this kind

38、 of phenomenon is small. It may be caused by the improper unloading or transporting of the dewar. However, in order to avoid the loss of frozen matters, this kind of observation is very necessary.6.请注意,容器外壳已承受使用、运输环境的大气压压力,在使用或运输过程中,如发生严重碰撞或重压,将会使容器外壳表面发生凹陷,导致产品损坏或失效。Attention must be paid to the fa

39、ct that the outer shell of the dewar is under the atmospheric pressure in the transportation and operation, so if any serve bumping or heavy pressing occurs, the outer surface of the dewar will be dented to cause damage or ineffectiveness to the dewar.7. 容器为液氮贮存、运输而设计,严禁盛装液氧。The dewars are designed

40、for liquid nitrogen storage and transporting, please do not store liquid oxygen.8. 容器的内胆属常压工作状态,不允许随意采取充气加压或密封容器口的方法使用。The inner vessel generally works under the normal pressure and no pressurization is permitted at random and no sealing of the vessel mouth is allowed in operation.9. 颈管是液氮和冷冻物品进出的通道

41、,使用时切勿划伤管壁。The neck tube is the channel for liquid nitrogen and frozen matters and no scratch on the wall of the neck tube is allowed when using.10. 容器真空封口接头是保持容器夹层真空的关键部件,一旦受到破坏,将立即导致容器夹层真空恶化,产品不能继续使用,因此,用户不得擅自打开容器真空封口接头。The Evacuating Nozzle is important for protecting the interlayer vacuum of the

42、 dewar; Once damaged, the interlayer vacuum will deteriorate immediately and dewars cant work, so users mustnt open the Evacuating Nozzle privately.11. 容器中液氮贮量的测试Test of the quantity of liquid nitrogen in the container1)、贮存型容器中液氮贮量的测试检查容器内液氮贮存量,可使用称重法,也可采用液面尺、细木或竹杆插入液氮视其结霜高度(液面高度)的方法,切勿用空心管插入,以免液氮从管

43、内冲出飞溅伤人。使用中注意及时补充液氮,对容器补充液氮时,其液位的高度不得高于容器颈管的下端平面。操作及取放冷冻物品时,请注意要轻拿轻放。The quantity of liquid nitrogen stored in the dewar may be measured by weighing or by inserting a level gage, thin wooden or bamboo stick into thedewarto see the height of its frosted part (i.e. the height of liquid nitrogen). It i

44、s prohibited to insert any hollow pipe into the dewar to prevent the liquid nitrogen from squirting out. During the operation, attention must be paid to make up liquid nitrogen in the dewar in time. The height of liquid mustnt be higher than the bottom of the neck tube. Please conduct gently and car

45、efully when putting in and taking out the frozen matters.2)、容器在使用过程中,用户如需测试液氮贮量以便及时补充液氮,可按以下方法进行:先称出容器含盖塞、不含提筒和冷冻物品时的重量(若内胆中有残余液氮,则需完全倒出后称重),再减去表1中对应的容器空重,差值即为液氮吸收体所吸附的液氮重量,以该重量除以液氮密度(理论值为0.808 kg/L),即可得出液氮吸收体吸附的液氮体积。Container during use, users need to test in order to replenish the liquid nitrogen

46、storage in liquid nitrogen, according to the following method: First, said the container covering the plug, without mentioning when the weight of the barrel and frozen items (if the liner has residual liquid nitrogen, you need to completely poured weighing), minus the table a corresponding container

47、 empty weight, the difference is liquid nitrogen absorber liquid nitrogen adsorbed weight divided by the weight of the liquid nitrogen density (theoretical value of 0.808 kg / L), can be derived liquid nitrogen absorption of liquid nitrogen adsorbed volume.12. 容器如需清洗,先用中性洗涤剂洗刷,再用不高于50的温水冲洗干净。洗后应使内胆干

48、燥(最好采用热风吹干,其温度不高于50)并冷却至常温后,再充入液氮。If it is necessary to clean the dewars, the cleaning must be done with a neutral detergent and then the cleaned dewar must be rinsed with warm water at a temperature not higher than 50. After cleaning, the inner vessel must be dried (preferably by blowing warm gas a

49、t a temperature not higher than 50) and cooled to the ambient temperature before filling liquid nitrogen.13. 容器应放在阴凉、通风、干燥的环境中;长期贮存时应注意定时检查液面和容器外表面有无冷凝水和结霜现象。The dewars must be placed in a cool, ventilated and dry area. They must be checked to see if any frost or condensed water exists on the level

50、of liquid nitrogen and the outer surface of the dewar during long-period storage.14. 容器盖的开启、关闭方法。为防止非正常的振动、碰撞等原因造成容器盖(未加锁时)的意外开启,我公司产品配装的带锁扣的容器盖采用了独特的自锁结构设计。用户在开启、关闭容器盖时,应按如下方式操作:Ways to open and close the cover of dewars. To prevent accidently open of cover(unlocked) caused by abnormal vaporization

51、 and pumping, cover with lock in our company uses specific self-lock design. To open and close the cover of dewars, please follow the operations:在容器盖上锁处,伸入手指(食指和中指)扣住上盖边缘朝外施加并维持一定的力,然后向上翻转即可打开容器盖(如图2)。关闭容器盖时,当听见轻微“咔嚓”一声,表明容器盖的关闭已到位,上盖和底座之间已形成了自锁。At the locked place of the cover , use your finger(Ind

52、ex and Middle) to clasp the edge of upper cover and impose appropriate force towards outside for a while, then flip up(see diagram 2), the cover of dewar is opened. To close the cover, a slight Clicking means the cover is closed, upper cover and base has been self-locked图215. 提筒的正确提取方法。用手握住一个提筒的提勾,垂

53、直向上提起约4080mm,然后将提勾旋转180,再垂直向上将整个提筒从容器中提取出来(如图3)。按照前述办法,便可以一一将容器中的所有提筒提取出来。Ways to get canisters. Hold a catch of the canister by using hand and lift up about 40 80m mvertically, then rotate 180 and lift up vertically, the canister is got out of the dewar(see diagram 3). All of the canisters can be g

54、ot out by following the ways.图316、注意事项1)禁止向容器内注入其它液体,以免造成液氮吸收体的吸附能力减弱或者丧失。Never fill tap water or other liquid into the container, avoid the function of Adsorber weakening or losing.2)容器在空置时,应盖上盖塞以免液氮吸收体吸收大气中的水分,造成液氮吸收体吸附能力降低。While the container leaves unused, please cover Plug to minimize the moist

55、ure absorbed from atmosphere and reduce the ability of absorbing liquid nitrogen.3)尽量避免容器受到强烈的震动和撞击,以免造成容器损坏,导致真空度丧失。Keep the container upright at all times and avoid tipping over. During using and transporting the container, protect the container from severe jolting and impact that could result in

56、partial or complete loss of vacuum.4)若需清洁内胆,可通过反复倾倒容器,倒出其中的杂物;或者用吸尘器吸出内胆中的脏物,不能采用水清洗容器内胆。Do not clean Inner Vessel with tap water or any other liquid. If the cleaning is necessary, please pour the container again and again to swill the sundries or aspirate the sundries with dust collector only when Inner Vessel (Liquid Nitrogen Adsorber included) is dry.5)使用时切勿划伤颈管管壁。Neck Tube is the gate of accessing liquid nitrogen and materials stored. Never scratch the surface of Neck Tube during using the container.6)不允许随意对容器采取充气加压或者密封使用。Do not cover or seal th


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