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1、独家经销协议由SOLE SALES AGREEMENTSigned-by and between-中国沈阳以下称“甲方”和ShenyangP. R. ChinaPARTY Aand(国家城市)以下称“乙方”签署年月日(City and country)PARTY B(DATE)独家经销协议SOLE SALES AGREEMENT协议号:(甲方)Agreement No.:(Party A)协议号:(乙方)Agreement No.:(Party B)本独家经销协议(下称“本协议”)是由依照中华人民共和国现行法律合法设立并有效存续的、其主要经营地址为 的 (下称“甲方”)与依照现行法律合法设立并

2、有效存续的、其注册办公地址为 的 (下称“乙方”)于 年 月 日在中华人民共和国辽宁省沈阳 市签订。甲方与乙方合称为“协议双方”,单称为“协议一方”。This “SOLE SALES AGREEMENT” (hereinafter referred to as “This Agreement”) is made on theday of,at Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, P. R. China by and between:(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a corporation duly establi

3、shed and existing under the currently effective laws of the Peoples Republic of China with its registered address atand (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), a corporation duly established and existing under the currently effective laws ofwith its registered address at.Party A and Party B are here

4、inafter referred to collectively as the “Parties”, and individually as a “Party”.鉴于:WITNESS1、甲方是一家汽车产品的制造、销售公司,有权并愿意根据本协议约定的条件许可乙方成为在经销区域内的独家经销商,以便乙方在经销区域内经销甲方所供协议产品。1. Party A, a corporation in the business of manufacturing and selling vehicles, has right to and intents to authorize Party B as its

5、Sole Sales Agency to sell Agreement Products supplied by Party A in the Sales Territory under the terms and conditions agreed in This Agreement.2、乙方是具有从事汽车进口及销售资质及能力的公司,愿意在满足本协议约定的条件下成为甲方在经销区域内的独家经销商,以经销甲方所供协议产品。2. Party B, a corporation in the business of and has the qualification and capacity of i

6、mporting and selling vehicles, intents to be Party As Sole Sales Agency to sell Agreement Products supplied by Party A in the Sales Territory under the terms and conditions agreed in This Agreement.由此,双方基于以上前提,并经友好协商、达成一致,签订本协议条款,以资双方共同遵守。NOW THEREFORE, based on the said precondition, and through fr

7、iendly consultations, the Parties have agreed to enter into the following terms and conditions of This Agreement, for mutual compliance of the Parties.第一条定义1. DEFINITIONS1.1 “许可商”,指甲方,即。甲方有权附条件许可乙方在经销区域内成为针对协议产品享有经销权的独家经销商。1.1 “Licensor”, refers to Party A,. Party A has right to conditionally author

8、ize Party B to be the Sole Sales Agency which has the sales right for the Agreement Products in the Sales Territory.1.2 “经销”,指在经销区域内,乙方针对协议产品的进口、展示(包括广告宣传等)、促销、销售、分销、售后服务等正常的经营活动。1.2 “Sales”, refers to Party Bs normal business activities as importing, displaying (including advertising, etc.), promot

9、ion, sale, distribution, after-sale service, and etc. for the Agreement Products in the Sales Territory.1.3 “经销权”,指乙方被甲方许可在经销区域内经销协议产品的权利,同时,乙方应承担相应的义务。1.3 “Sales Right”, refers to Party Bs rights authorized by Party A to sell the Agreement Products in the Sales Territory, meanwhile, Party B shall b

10、ear relevant obligation.1.4 “独家经销商”,指乙方,即。乙方在满足本协议规定的相关条件的前提下,在得到许可商的许可后,在经销区域内享有独家、排他性地经销协议产品的权利,同时,乙方应承担相应的义务。1.4 “Sole Sales Agency”, refers to Party B,. Party B has the sole rights to sell Agreement Products with Licensors permission under the terms and conditionsagreed in This Agreement, meanwh

11、ile, Party B shall bear relevant obligations.1.5 “经销区域”,指。1.5 “Sales Territory”, refers to.1.6 “协议产品”,指乙方向甲方购买的、由甲方生产销售的、 车型的品牌汽车整车(下称“协议车辆”)及其零件、部件、备件(用于乙方整车销售前的特殊更换及售后维修服务等,下统称“零部件”)的总称。1.6 “Agreement Products”, refers to the general appellation of complete automobile (hereinafter referred to as “

12、Agreement Vehicles”) and parts, components, spare parts (used for special replacement before Party Bs complete vehicles sales, after-sale maintenance services and etc., hereinafter referred to as “Spare Parts”) ofmodels of brand purchased by Party B from Party A, produced and sold by Party A.1.7 “销售

13、合同”,指本协议签订后,乙方根据本协议的内容,向甲方每批订购协议车辆时与甲方另行签署的相关买卖合同。1.7 “Sales Contract”, refers to the relevant sales contract Party B separately signed with Party A when order vehicles each time from Party A based on This Agreement after the signature of This Agreement.1.8 “售后备件买卖合同”,指本协议签订后,乙方根据本协议的内容,向甲方每批订购零部件时与

14、甲方另行签署的相关买卖合同。1.8 “After-Sale Spare Parts Sales Contract”, refers to the relevant sales contract Party B separately signed with Party A when order Spare Parts each time from Party A based on This Agreement after the signature of This Agreement.第二条乙方作为甲方独家经销商应具备的资格、能力等2. THE QUALIFICATION AND CAPACIT

15、Y OF PARTY A AS PARTY BS SOLE SALES AGENCY2.1 鉴于乙方愿意成为甲方在经销区域内的独家经销商,乙方应将能证明其具备法定资格、履行能力和经验的相关文件提供给甲方,以证明其具备甲方所要求的独家经销商的资格及具有全面履行本协议的资金及经营能力。如乙方在合理期限内(如2个月)不能完整地向甲方提供上述证明文件,则甲方有权终止本协议,并要求乙方承担违约责任。2.1 Whereas Party B intends to be Party As Sole Sales Agency in the Sales Territory, Party B shall provi

16、de Party A relevant documentations which could prove its legal qualification, performance capacity and experience, in order to prove that Party B has the Sole Sales Agency qualification, and the capital and business capacity to fully performThis Agreement required by Party A. If Party B fails to ful

17、ly provide Party A with the said documentations in a reasonable time (for example, 2 months), Party A has right to terminate This Agreement and request Party B to undertake remedies for breach of agreement.2.2 乙方应当提供给甲方的证明文件包括但不限于以下文件:有效的进口权证明、汽车经营许可证、营业执照、售后服务资质;最近(3个)年度的资产负债表、利润表、现金流 量表;授信额度、信用等级等

18、证明;土地(房产)购买或租赁协议、地产(房产)证影印本、土地政府规划文件;第三方公证公司出具的股权结构证明等能反映乙方真实情况的文件材料; 有可能影响乙方资金流量、资产状况、履约能力的重大或有事项(如重要不动产的抵押、对 外提供大额担保、重大诉讼或仲裁等)。2.2 The documentations Party B shall provide to Party A includes but not limited to the followings documentations: valid import right proof, automobile business certificat

19、e, business license, After-sales service qualification; last (three) years balance sheet, profit statement, cash flow statement; line of credit, credit rating and so on; land (real property) purchasing or leasing agreement, copy of land (real property) certificate, governments land planning document

20、s; a third notary office issued equity structure proof and any other documents which could reflect Party Bs real conditions; significant contingencies ( for example, important real estate mortgage, large guarantee, significant lawsuit or arbitration, and etc.) which may have impact on Party Bs capit

21、al flow, condition of assets, and contractual capacity.2.3 在本协议期内,上述相关文件、材料如有变更,乙方应在日内向甲方提供书面变更说明及变更后的证明文件。否则,由此而影响甲方对乙方的评级等级甚或由此造成甲方取消乙方独家经销商资格的后果,应由乙方自行承担。2.3 During the term of This Agreement, if the above relevant documentations, materials shall be changed, Party B shall provide Party A with cha

22、nging statements and the documentations of after changing in writing within days. Otherwise, Party B shall undertake the consequences as Party As grading of Part Bs class, or Party A canceling Party Bs qualification as Sole Sales Agency at its own risk.第三条甲方许可的内容3. CONTENT OF PARTY AS LICENCE3.1 甲方作

23、为许可商,许可乙方作为经销区域内的独家经销商独家经销协议产品。许可期限为 年,从本协议生效之日起至 年 月 日止。本协议期限届满,若甲、乙双方继续合作,可在本协议到期日前九十(90)天重新签订相关协议,否则,本协议到期时自动终止。本协议期限届满,若甲、乙双方不再继续合作,则乙方于期限届满之时不再享有独家经销商的资格。甲、乙双方应在本协议期满之日前 1 个月之内签署相关处理善后事宜的协议,以约定库存协议产品处理、售后维修服务解决方案、往来帐结算、知识产权停止使用等善后事宜,并最长在本协议期限届满后 3 个月之内完成相关业务资料等的移交或处理工作。3.1 Party A, the Licensor

24、, authorizes Party B as its Sole Sales Agency in the Sales Territory to solely sell the Agreement Products. The period isyears, from the effectiveness date of This Agreement to.At the expiration of This Agreement, Party A and Party B may conclude and signrelevant contracts again with ninety (90) day

25、s prior to the expiration if the Parties intend to continue cooperation, otherwise, This Agreement shall terminate automatically after expiration.At the expiration of This Agreement, if the Parties decide not to continue cooperation, Party B no longer enjoys the qualification as Sole Sales Agency at

26、 expiration. Party A and Party B shall sign relevant agreements within one (1) month before expiration dealing with follow-up affairs, in order to confirm the handling of Agreement Products in stock, the solution of after-sale service, current account balance, disusing intellectual property and othe

27、r follow-up affairs; as well as, complete the handover and dispose of the relevant business materials and etc. within three (3) months since the expiration of This Agreement.3.2 本协议有效期内,甲方许可乙方:3.2 During the term of This Agreement, Party A authorizes Party B:3.2.1在经销区域内独家享有经销协议产品的权利,即在经销区域内,甲方不得再许可除

28、乙方之外的第三方经销协议产品。3.2.1 Enjoying the sole right to sell the Agreement Products in the Sales Territory; namely, within the Sales Territory, Party A shall not authorize any third party selling the Agreement Products.3.2.2 对于原产地来自中国(不含香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区及台湾地区,下同) 的、甲方之外的第三方生产厂家生产、销售的与甲方协议产品相同或相似的、中国自主品牌的竞品车辆,

29、以及原产地虽不是来自中国,但该车型产品却是中国自主品牌公司与他人采取合资、合作等方式在中国境外生产、销售的与甲方协议产品相同或相似的竞品,乙方不得采购并在经销区域内经销。3.2.2 Party B shall not purchase or sell the same or similar domestic independentbrands competing automobiles as produced, sold by any third party manufacturer from China (excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative

30、Region and Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan, similarly hereinafter), and even though the origin is not from China, the vehicle model products are manufactured, sold by Chinese domestic independent brands corporation and other company through joint venture, cooperative enterprise out o

31、f the territory of China.3.2.3乙方不能在经销区域外直接或间接寻求客户、建立分支机构或销售点、分销和销售与协议车辆相同及/或相似的车辆,并不得接受经销区域以外的客户主动发出针对协议车辆的订单。3.2.3 Party B shall not directly or indirectly seek customers, establish any branch or distribution depot, distribute or sell vehicles which are same and/or similar with the Agreement Vehicl

32、es outside the Sales Territory, or accept unsolicited orders for the Agreement Vehicles from customer located outside the Sales Territory.3.2.4 在本协议期内,按照本条第 3.2.1 款、第 3.2.2 款、第 3.2.3 款的规定,甲方承诺不接受来自经销区域内的任何第三方发出的订购协议车辆的订单,如甲方收到来自经销 区域内上述订单或关于协议车辆的询价等信息,甲方将及时通知乙方处理,但是,经销区域 内有关政府采购协议车辆时则不在此限(即甲方有权单独供货,

33、且相关协议车辆的售后服务, 甲方有权指定由乙方或甲、乙双方共同指定的第三方提供)。3.2.4 During the term of This Agreement, under 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3 of this Article, PartyA undertakes not to accept orders of Agreement Vehicles from any third party within the Sales Territory. Party A shall inform Party B in time if Party A receives the abov

34、e orders or inquires of the Agreement Vehicles within the Sales Territory; however, the government procurement for Agreement Vehicles within the Sales Territory is excluded (namely, Party A is entitled to supply by itself, and appoint Party B or a third party mutually appointed by the Parties to pro

35、vide the relevant after-sale service of Agreement Vehicles).3.2.5 乙方如果违反本条第 3.2.2 款和第 3.2.3 款的规定时,构成实质违约。在甲方书面通知乙方予以纠正或补正后的 1 个月内,乙方仍未全面停止并消除影响时,甲方有权不担任何责任的终止本协议,取消对乙方的许可,终止乙方经销协议产品的权利并有权要求乙方承担违约责任。3.2.5 If Party B breaches the stipulations of 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 of this Article, a material breach of ag

36、reement is constituted. Within one (1) month after Party A informs Party B in writing requiring correcting or remedy, Party B still does not fully stop or eliminate the effects, Party A is entitled to terminate This Agreement without undertaking any obligation, cancel the license to Party B, termina

37、te Party Bs right for selling Agreement Products, andrequest Party B to undertake the responsibilities of breach of agreement.3.3 根据甲方协议车辆的现生产标准,乙方已经过专业评估并愿意自担责任地保证协议产品符合经销区域国家、政府等相关机构或部门对协议产品的有关许可、认证、技术、环保、安全等法律、法规及规范性文件等的各项要求,保证协议产品在经销区域的经销行为符合经 销区域的法律、法规及规范性文件等的相关规定。否则,乙方的行为构成实质违约。3.3 On the basi

38、s of current production standard of Party As Agreement Vehicles, Party B, with professional evaluation and on its own risk, intends to guarantee Agreement Products accord with laws, statutes and regulations of relevant institutions or departments of country, government of the Sales Territory in admi

39、ssion, authentication, technology, environment, security and other stipulations in the Sales Territory; guarantees the sales activities of Agreement Products accord with laws, statutes and regulations in the Sales Territory. Otherwise, Party Bs behaviors constitute a material breach of agreement.3.4

40、 在本协议期限内,乙方必须按时、按量完成甲、乙双方确定的采购计划及双方不时修改的各期限的采购计划。否则,乙方的行为构成实质违约。届时甲方有权不担任何责任的终止本协议,取消对乙方的许可,终止乙方经销协议产品的权利并有权要求乙方承担违约责任,追究乙方因此给甲方造成的一切损失。3.4 During the terms of This Agreement, Party B must complete the Purchase Plan agreed by the Parties and purchase plans for each period frequently amended by the P

41、arties on time and quantity. Otherwise, Party Bs behaviors constitute a material breach of agreement. Party A is entitled to terminate This Agreement without undertaking any obligation, cancel the licenses to Party B, terminate Party Bs right for selling Agreement Products, and request Party B to un

42、dertake the remedies of breach of This Agreement, hold Party Bs responsibility for all loss caused to Party A.第四条乙方对协议车辆的订购4. PARTY BS PURCHASES OF AGREEMENT VEHICLES4.1 乙方承诺在本协议期限内,按照本条第4.2款采购计划及双方不时修改的各期限的采购计划向甲方订购协议车辆及相关零部件。4.1 Party B undertakes to order Agreement Vehicles and relevant Spare Par

43、ts from Party A in accordance with Article 4.2 Purchase Plan and purchase plans for each period frequently amended by the Parties during the term of This Agreement.4.2 采购计划4.2 Purchase Plan4.2.1 总体数量4.2.1 Total Quantity乙方承诺在本协议期内采购协议车辆的总体数量不低于台。Party B undertakes to totally order at leastUnits of Ag

44、reement Vehicles during the term of This Agreement.4.2.2 采购计划4.2.2 Purchase Plan订购日期(从 到)订购量(至少) 单位:台Period (From - To)Order quantity (minimum)4.2.3乙方承诺在本协议有效期内每单向甲方订购协议车辆的数量最低不得少于台。每批订单具体的采购内容由双方届时另行签署的销售合同确定。4.2.3 Party B undertakes to order Agreement Vehicles at least Units from Party A each time

45、 during the term of This Agreement. The detailed purchasing content for each order shall be confirmed by signing Sales Contract by the Parties.4.3 乙方应按照本协议的约定向甲方订购协议车辆,并按甲方的要求经销协议车辆。如乙方未按本条的约定向甲方订购协议车辆,则乙方的行为构成实质违约,甲方有权不担任何责任的终止本协议,并要求乙方承担违约责任和赔偿责任。4.3 Party B shall purchase Agreement Vehicles from

46、Party A under the stipulations of This Agreement, and sell Agreement Vehicles according to Party As requirements. If Party B fails to order Agreement Vehicles from Party A in accordance with this Article agreed by the Parties, Party Bs behaviors constitute a material breach of agreement; Party A has

47、 right to terminate This Agreement without undertaking any obligation and request Party B to undertake responsibility for breach of agreement and liability for damages.4.4、在本协议期内,如果甲方停止了协议车辆的生产,则甲方没有义务继续向乙方提供相关协议车辆,但甲方将及时通知乙方。如果乙方不订购甲方新的车型产品予以替代协议车辆,则甲方有权终止本协议。双方将按本协议的规定协商相关善后事宜。4.4 During the term

48、of This Agreement, if Party A stops the production of Agreement Vehicles, Party A takes no responsibility to continually provide relevant Agreement Vehicles to Party B; however, Party A shall inform Party B in time. If Party B does not purchase Party As new model vehicles to replace Agreement Vehicl

49、es, Party A is entitled to terminate This Agreement. The Parties shall negotiate the follow-up affairs in accordance with This Agreement.4.5 在本协议期内,如甲方对协议车辆进行改进及变更,甲方将协议车辆变更后的价格、设计、式样和技术规格等事宜及时通知乙方。4.5 During the term of This Agreement, If Party A improves or changes Agreement Vehicles, Party A shal

50、l inform Party B the changed price, design, model, technical specifications and so on of Agreement Vehicles in time.4.6 如因上述变更、改进及终止生产而造成的乙方的所有损失、损害、成本费用,甲方不负任何责任,但应尽量配合乙方以使乙方因此造成的损失降至最低。4.6 If the said changing, improvement and terminating production bring Party B any loss, damage, cost, Party A ta

51、kes no responsibility, but shall do its best to cooperate with Party B to reduce its loss to a minimum.4.7 乙方每批采购协议产品均以订单的形式向甲方订购。基于乙方的订单而发生在甲、乙双方间的每一笔交易,都必须由双方另行签署书面的销售合同。双方均应受到该销售合同的约束。该销售合同是本协议的组成部分,其中没有约定的内容以本协议的内容为准。4.7 Party B shall order Agreement Products for each time from Party A in form o

52、f Order. The Parties shall sign written Sales Contract for each purchase between the Parties based on Party Bs order. The Parties shall be bound by the Sales Contract. The Sales Contract is a constituent part of This Agreement; any content not stipulated within the Sales Contract shall be subject to

53、 the This Agreement.4.8 乙方根据采购计划、经销区域的实际市场需求、以及甲方的要求向甲方下达采购订单,该订单至少应符合下列条件并具有约束力:4.8 Party B places purchase orders in accordance with the Purchase Plan, the marketing requirements in the Sales Territory, and Party As request. The purchase orders shall, at least be in accordance with the provisions

54、described as follows and with binding effect:4.8.1 明确的订单日期;4.8.1 Explicit order date;4.8.2 明确的协议车辆型号和协议车辆数量;4.8.2 Explicit model and quantity for Agreement Vehicles;4.8.3 乙方以 T/T 方式或提前开立信用证的方式向甲方支付协议产品的货款,具体内容以销售合同规定的为准;4.8.3 Party B makes the payment of Agreement Products by T/T or opening letter o

55、f credit in advance to Party A; the details are subject to Sales Contract;4.8.4 符合本协议约定的交货期限及运输方式。4.8.4 Delivery term and transportation method in accordance with This Agreement.4.9 协议产品的价格4.9 Prices of Agreement Products4.9.1 甲、乙双方根据本协议的约定及相关价格调整规则来确定每笔订单中协议产品的单价并记载于销售合同。销售合同一旦生效,则协议产品的价格不能更改,除非双方以

56、书面形式确认修改或变更。4.9.1 The Parties confirm unit price of each order according to This Agreement and relevant price adjustment rules, and record in Sales Contract. Once the Sales Contract comes into force, the prices of Agreement Products cannot be changed, unless the Parties confirm to amend or change in

57、 writing.4.9.2 销售合同上所记载的协议产品的价格以美元计算。4.9.2 The prices of Agreement Products quoted in Sales Contract are in U.S. currency.4.9.3 协议产品每年度的价格调整规则和办法,由甲、乙双方另行协商确定。4.9.3 The Annual price adjustment rules and methods of Agreement Products are separately agreed by the Parties.第五条甲方的权利义务5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A5.1 品质保证甲方保证向乙方出口的协议车辆符合甲方现生产的质量标准。因协议车辆的原始设计、制造过程或原材料等方面的质量缺陷而产生的问题,则根据中国法律规定的责任范围由甲方负责。乙方应自担费用负责甲方协议车辆及零部件在经销区域的相关各种认证工作(如需要),并应将认证合格文件、材料等的副本报甲方备存(认证变更或修改时,亦同)。为此,甲方有义务向乙方提供相关的信息、文件等。5.1 Quality GuaranteeParty A guarantees that the Agreement


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