职通英语综合教程Unit 6The End of the life_第1页
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1、The End of the Course1 The End of the Course3 The End of the Course4 The End of the Course5 The End of the Course6 The End of the Course7 Step 1Look back at Annas email. How does Anna talk about the order of her presentation? Write the phrases she uses on the lines.Starting: First Ending: And to fin

2、ish Adding more information: Next Annas PresentationFirst of allThen, After that, And thenAnd finallyVocabulary: Putting Information in OrderExercise本页备注:The End of the Course8 1 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. _2 Thank you for listening. _3 Im going to tell you about _4 Do you have any question

3、s? _5 My names _6 Welcome to this presentation on _Step 1Look at these phrases. Where do you use them in a presentation, at the beginning (B) or at the end (E)? Anna practises her presentation with Susan.Listen and tick the phrases that Anna uses.Annas PresentationB EB EB B How to Say It: Preparing

4、a PresentationExercise(S = Susan, A = Anna)S: OK, Anna now remember, nice and slowly .A: Good evening, everyone. My names Anna Turner and this evening Im going to tell you something about my family. As you know, Im from Canada but my family was from Faversham originally. So first of all, Id like to

5、show you my family tree and introduce you to my family. Then Im going to tell you about Faversham in the 1940s thats when my grandparents lived here. Im going to show you some lovely old photos of the town and an old map. Then Im going to tell you a bit about my grandparents lives in Faversham and w

6、e can look at some old letters that they wrote to friends here in England. Next, Id like to talk about why they emigrated to Canada in the 1950s. After that, Id like to look at some statistics about British people emigrating to Canada. And finally, Im going to tell you about my family today my mothe

7、r, who now lives in Quebec, and my brother and sister. So lets begin with this my family tree . . as you can see in the photos. Thats all for this evening. Thank you for listening. But, before we finish, do you have any questions?S: Well done, Anna! That was very good!本页备注:The End of the Course9 Ste

8、p 1Listen again. Number the topics in the order that Annas going to speak about them.Now check your answers with a partner.First of all, shes going to talk about Then After that Finally family inQuebecFavershamin the 1940sold lettersfamily inQuebecFavershamin the 1940sold lettersAnnas Presentation6

9、2 4 3 1 5 Annas PresentationExercise(S = Susan, A = Anna)S: OK, Anna now remember, nice and slowly .A: Good evening, everyone. My names Anna Turner and this evening Im going to tell you something about my family. As you know, Im from Canada but my family was from Faversham originally. So first of al

10、l, Id like to show you my family tree and introduce you to my family. Then Im going to tell you about Faversham in the 1940s thats when my grandparents lived here. Im going to show you some lovely old photos of the town and an old map. Then Im going to tell you a bit about my grandparents lives in F

11、aversham and we can look at some old letters that they wrote to friends here in England. Next, Id like to talk about why they emigrated to Canada in the 1950s. After that, Id like to look at some statistics about British people emigrating to Canada. And finally, Im going to tell you about my family

12、today my mother, who now lives in Quebec, and my brother and sister. So lets begin with this my family tree . . as you can see in the photos. Thats all for this evening. Thank you for listening. But, before we finish, do you have any questions?S: Well done, Anna! That was very good!本页备注:The End of t

13、he Course10 Step 1Im going to talk about my grandparents.Annas going to show them some old photos.She isnt going to talk about Canterbury.Theyre going to look at an old map.我将会谈到我的祖父母。安娜打算给他们看些老照片。她不会谈到坎特伯雷。他们打算去看一下旧地图。Future with going to例 句译 文Annas PresentationLanguage FocusExercise本页备注:The End of

14、 the Course11 Step 1In sentences with going to, the word to isnt stressed. Listen and repeat the sentences in the Language Focus.Annas Presentation1 Im going to talk about my grandparents.2 Annas going to show them some old photos.3 She isnt going to talk about Canterbury.4 Theyre going to look at a

15、n old map.Say It Like ThisExercise本页备注:The End of the Course12 Step 1After the lesson,1 Im _ have a snack.2 Im _ watch television.3 Im _ phone a friend.4 Im _ have a glass of wine.5 Im _ be in bed before 11 pm.6 Im _ drive home.Write in the missing words going to or not going to to make the sentence

16、s true about you.Annas PresentationNow You: After Your LessonExercise本页备注:The End of the Course13 Step 1Tell a partner what youre going to do after the lesson:First Im going to . Then Im going to .Then tell your partner two things that you arent going to do: Im not going to .Annas PresentationNow Yo

17、u: After Your LessonExercise本页备注:The End of the Course14 Step 1Work in small groups and talk about your plans for nextweekend. Here are some ideas:Then, in class, say two things that you can remember about someone in your group.Emmas going to visit her friends in Bonn.Peters going to a football game

18、 at the weekend.Annas PresentationNow You: Your Plans for Next WeekendExercise本页备注:The End of the Course15 Step 1In small groups, talk about your plans for next week, next summer, next Christmas, next year .Your FamilyWork in small groups. Talk about your parents or grandparents.were born | lived |

19、went to school | met | worked |got married | had children | Annas PresentationNext .Round Up本页备注:The End of the Course16 Step 1Annas Presentationbe going to 的肯定句和否定句be going to 表示打算、准备做的事或即将发生或肯定要发生的事。肯定结构为am / is / are going to,否定结构为am / is / are not going to。Language Study本页备注:The End of the Cours

20、e17 Step 1Look at the cloud! It is going to rain.This question is going to be very complex.Ted is going to be a doctor when he grows up.Your boss isnt going to be very pleased when he sees that.Sara is going to apply for promotion next year.I think I am going to like this job.看那片乌云!天就要下雨了。这个问题将会很复杂。

21、泰德长大后打算做一名医生。你的老板看见这种情况不会高兴的。萨拉计划明年申请升职。我想我会喜欢这份工作的。例 句译 文Annas PresentationLanguage Study本页备注:The End of the Course18 Step 1Read Jennys plan of next weekend activities and write sentences with be going to.1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _Annas PresentationJennys going to meet Tom after work.next weekendmeet Tom afte

22、r workhave a lie-incatch up on workcook supper for her colleaguestudy the company reportsJennys going to have a lie-in.Jennys going to catch up on work.Jennys going to cook supper for her colleague.Jennys going to study the company reports.Language Study本页备注:The End of the Course19 Complete these se

23、ntences with the correct form of be going to and the verbs in the brackets.1 They _ for jobs in the same office. (not apply)2 I _ to get a qualification in sales and marketing. (try)3 We _ an office party at Christmas.(have)4 Oscar _ this weekend.(not work)5 Irene _ with that company for much longer

24、.(not stay)arent going to applyam going to tryare going to haveisnt going to workisnt going to stayLanguage StudyStep 1Annas Presentation本页备注:The End of the Course20 Translate the following sentences into English.1 安迪打算从车站给我们打电话。_2 将会有一场暴风雪。_3 史密斯先生打算在这个夏天找份兼职工作。_4 亨利将会接管地区经理的工作。_5 顾客今天下午要看一下合同的草稿。_

25、Andy is going to ring us from the station.There is going to be a snowstorm.Mr Smith is going to look for a part-time job this summer.Henry is going to take over the job of regional manager.The customer is going to go over the draft of the contract this afternoon.Step 1Annas PresentationLanguage Stud

26、y本页备注:The End of the Course21 VideoStep 1Annas Presentation本页备注:The End of the Course22 1Starter2What Are You Going to Do?4Round Up5Language Study3ExerciseStep 2 The End of the Course23 StarterYour PlansTell the class one thing youre going to do at the weekend it can be true or false: Im going to vi

27、sit my mother at the weekend.Other students guess: I think thats true. / I dont think thats true.Step 2The Last Evening本页备注:The End of the Course24 Its the last evening of the family history course. After the lesson, the students go to a restaurant with Dave.(D = Dave, S = Susan, A = Anna, T = Tom)D

28、: Why were you so nervous, Anna? Your presentation was great.S: Yes, it was excellent. And your grandmothers letters are wonderful. Are you going to give them back to Mrs Benton?A: No, Im not. She gave them to me. You know, Im so happy she didnt throw them away. Im going to copy the letters tomorrow

29、 and Im going to make a book for my mother as a birthday present.S: What a lovely idea! Dave, thanks so much we really learned a lot about our families in this course.What Are You Going to Do?Step 2The Last Evening本页备注:The End of the Course25 T: Yes, we did and we all enjoyed it. What are we going t

30、o do in the next course, Dave?D: Well, were going to do a project on what happened to families who emigrated to Australia in the 1950s. Are you going to register for the next course, Anna?A: It sounds really interesting but Im not going to be here!D: Really? Why?T: Anna has to go back to Canada next

31、 week so she isnt going to be here next term.D: Oh, thats a pity. But are you going to visit us again?A: Of course I am! Faversham is my second home now.You never know I might come back and live here Step 2The Last EveningL&C: Immigration本页备注:The End of the Course26 ExerciseStep 2ComprehensionAnswer

32、 the questions.1 Whats Anna going to do with Mrs Bentons letters?_2 What did Daves students think about the course?_3 What are they going to do in the next course?_4 When does Anna have to return to Canada?_5 Is Anna going to come back Faversham again?_The Last EveningShes going to copy them and mak

33、e a book for her mother.They learned a lot about their families. / They enjoyed it.Theyre going to do a project on families who emigrated to Australia in the 1950s.Anna has to go back to Canada next week.Yes, she is. / Of course she is.本页备注:The End of the Course27 Step 2Vocabulary: Verbs with Prepos

34、itionsWrite in the correct prepositions. The Last Evening1 look _ her passport.2 say goodbye _ her colleagues.3 buy a present _ her mother.4 listen _ jazz.5 look _ photos of Faversham.6 talk _ her neighbour.7 talk _ her stay in England.Before she leaves, Annas going to On the plane, Annas going to f

35、ortofortoattoaboutExercise本页备注:The End of the Course28 Step 2The Last EveningIn class, ask for alternative endings to the sentences.Whats Anna going to look for?Shes going to look for her tickets.Before she leaves, Annas going to look for her tickets / Canadian money / keys. Shes going to say goodby

36、e to James / Mrs Benton. Shes going to buy a present for Dave / Susan and Tom. On the plane Annas going to listen to her iPlayer / guitar music. Shes going to look at photos of her class / Canterbury. Shes going to talk to the flight attendant / other people. Shes going to talk about Canada / her fa

37、mily.ExerciseVocabulary: Verbs with PrepositionsWrite in the correct prepositions. 本页备注:The End of the Course29 Step 2Language Focus Is Anna going to do the next course? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Are you going to do the next course? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.What are we going to do in the next cour

38、se? 安娜将要学习下一门课程吗? 是的。/ 不。 你将要学习下一门课程了吗? 是的。/ 不。我们在下一门课程里将要学习什么?be going to (questions and short answers)例 句译 文The Last EveningExercise本页备注:The End of the Course30 Step 2Now You: What Are You Going to Do?Work with a partner. In turns, ask questions. When you get the answer Yes, I am, ask a follow-up

39、question.The Last EveningExercise.本页备注:The End of the Course31 Step 2Are you going to work in the gardenuse your computerphone a friendget up latevisit family or friendsthe cinemaa restaurantthis evening?tomorrow?at the weekend?after the lesson?on Friday?No, Im not.Yes, I am.What are you going to ?

40、| Where ? | Why ? |Who ? | When ? | Which ?The Last EveningExerciseNow You: What Are You Going to Do?本页备注:The End of the Course32 Step 2Tell the ClassTell the class what you found out about your partner. Jan is going to Stuttgart at the weekend. Hes going to visit his parents because its his fathers

41、 birthday.The Last EveningExercise.本页备注:The End of the Course33 Step 2How to Say It: Talking About the FutureTick the sentences that talks about a definite plan.The Last Evening1 I want to play tennis later.2 Id like to play tennis later.3 I might play tennis later.4 Im going to play tennis later.Ex

42、ercise本页备注:The End of the Course34 Step 2Now You: Your FutureTalk in small groups about The Last Eveningyour next free day | your next birthday | next Christmas |when you retireI want to I might Id like to .Im going to Exercise本页备注:The End of the Course35 Step 2How to Say It: Saying GoodbyeWrite the

43、se words on the lines:The Last Evening1 Goodbye, _ you next week!2 _ a great weekend!3 Bye, have a nice _!4 Dont _ to send us a postcard!5 See you _ .forget have holiday see soonseeHave holidayforgetsoonExercise本页备注:The End of the Course36 Step 2Anna Says GoodbyeIts time for Anna to say goodbye. Lis

44、ten. Who does shesay goodbye to?The Last Evening1234DaveSusanMrs BentonJamesExercise1 . and thanks for everything. Your course was really interesting. I learned a lot. You have my email address so we can stay in contact. Well, goodbye and have a nice holiday and good luck with the next course.2 . an

45、d I had lots of fun with you shopping together, doing the course and the lovely dinners at your place. Well, this is goodbye. I hope you and Tom are going to visit me in Canada next year. Id love to see you.3 Thanks again for those lovely photos and letters. Im going to show them to my mother when I

46、m home. And dont forget to write to me when Im back in Ottawa.4 It was good of you to drive me to the airport. You know, I had a great time here in England. And the last weeks were the best, thanks to you. It was so lucky that I asked you the way in Kew! So maybe see you in the summer .本页备注:The End

47、of the Course37 Step 2Goodbye, AnnaWhat can you remember about Annas stay in Faversham?What do you think Anna wants to do before she goes back to Canada?What do you think Annas plans are for the future?The Last Evening?Round Up本页备注:The End of the Course38 Step 2When the class is over, stand up and s

48、ay goodbye to yourteacher and at least four other students.The Last EveningBye, Thomas. Have a nice weekend.Thanks. And thesame to you.Say GoodbyeRound Up本页备注:The End of the Course39 Step 2The Last EveningLanguage Studybe going to 表示将来时间概念的疑问句及其回答be going to 表示将来时间概念的疑问句,常用来询问一件事或一种情况是否属实,其回答通常用 yes

49、 或 no,在非正式语体中,否定回答通常用缩略形式。本页备注:The End of the Course40 Step 2 Are you going to be at home on Sunday? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is your secretary going to have a holiday? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Are the applicants going to spend much time dressing themselves before the interview? Yes, they are. /

50、 No, they arent. 星期天你会在家吗? 是的,会。/ 不,不会。 你的秘书会休假吗? 是的,会。/ 不,不会。 在面试前,求职者会花大量 时间来打扮自己吗? 是的,会。/ 不,不会。例 句译 文The Last EveningLanguage Study本页备注:The End of the Course41 Step 2What do the abbreviations stand for? Rewrite them in full forms and change sentence 1, 2 and 3 into negative sentences.1 Were going

51、 to have a drink after the lesson. re=_2 Im going to invite my friends to dinner at the weekend. m =_3 Shes going to miss the next lesson. s =_4 Theyre going to be here next week. re =_5 Its going to rain tomorrow. s =_The Last EveningareamisareisLanguage Study本页备注:The End of the Course42 Step 2Comp

52、lete the following sentences and give the short answer to each of the questions according to What Are You Going to Do? on Page 110.1 Are all of Daves students _ to do the next course?2 _Anna going to see her parents soon?3 _ the children _ to have an English lesson tomorrow?4 Is Dave _ _move to Cana

53、da?5 _her party _ _be on her birthday?6 _ Sue and Tom _ _ buy a new house?The Last EveninggoingIsAregoinggoing toIsgoing toAregoing toNo, they arent.Yes, she is.Yes, they are.No, he isnt.Yes, it is.No, they arent.Language Study本页备注:The End of the Course43 Step 2Translate the following sentences into

54、 English.1 今年你们打算去弗罗里达州度假吗? 不打算去。_2 你要写报告给销售经理吗? 是的。_3 简要把真实情况告诉总监吗? 她不会。_4 员工在圣诞节会得到奖金吗? 一定会的。_5 你要预订8月7日飞往柏林的航班吗? 是的,没错。_The Last EveningAre you going to spend your holiday in Florida this year?No, we arent.Are you going to write a report to the sales manager?Yes, I am.Is Jane going to tell the tr

55、uth to the director?No, she isnt.Is the staff going to get a Christmas bonus?Sure.Are you going to book a flight to Berlin departing on August 7th?Yes, I am.Language Study本页备注:The End of the Course44 VideoStep 2The Last Evening本页备注:The End of the Course45 1Starter2An Appointment3Reading: False Teeth

56、4Time for a Game5Language StudyStep 3 The End of the Course46 StarterDuring the BreakAt the end of term, theres usually a short break. What are your plans for that break?Step 3The End of Term本页备注:The End of the Course47 Step 3The End of TermDaves AppointmentLook at Daves appointment card.1 Whats he

57、going to do during the summer break?2 Who is his dentist?3 Where is his dentists?4 When is his appointment?Hes going to (go to) the dentists during the summer break.His dentist is AJ Turnbull.His dentists is in Canterbury.L&C: DatesAn AppointmentHis appointment is on Thursday, August 11 , at 2pm.th本

58、页备注:The End of the Course48 Step 3The End of TermHow to Make an AppointmentListen to Dave (D) on the phone to the dental receptionist (R). Tick the phrases you hear.R: Ashby Dental Surgery. Good morning | Good afternoon. Can I help you?D: Hello. This is Dave Evans. Id like | I want to make an appoin

59、tment, please just for a check-up.R: Right. Would Tuesday | Wednesday be OK?D: Im sorry, I cant come | I dont have time then.R: How about | What about Thursday?D: Yes, Thursdays fine | OK.An Appointment本页备注:The End of the Course49 Step 3The End of TermR: Thursday morning at 10 | afternoon at 3?D: Oh

60、, do you have anything earlier | later?R: Yes, one hour earlier | later?D: Yes, thats fine | OK for me.R: Right | OK. I have your email address so I can send you your appointment card.D: Thank you | Thanks a lot. See you then. Bye.R: Youre welcome. Bye | Goodbye.本页备注:The End of the Course50 Step 3Th


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