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1、英文励志名言十句:找到方向的同时学习英语2016年 08月 14日 06:51新浪教育 微博1. zero in your target, and go for it。从零开始,勇往直前!2. Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance。 完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。3. The first blow is half the battle 。 良好的开端是成功的一半。4. Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people

2、。 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。5. The good seama n is known in bad weather 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色6. Where there is life, there is hope。有生命必有希望。7. The shortest answer is doing。最简短的回答就是行动。8. For man is man and master of his fate人就是人,是自己命运的主人9. Like knows like。惺惺相惜。10. Don t give up and don ' t give in不要放弃,不要言败!本文来源:沪江英语更多信

3、息请访问:新浪少儿英语频道标签:少儿英语双语英语名言哪些小善举让你成为一个nice的同事(双语)2016年08月05日09:39新浪教育 微博There must be ran dom acts of kindn ess going on in some workplaces but you would n't know it by read ing some of the stories people share about their colleagues' bad behavior. Very rarely do we hear tales of people who g

4、o out of their way to do something nice for those with whom they work. Is it that such acts are a rarity in the workplace or is it more likely that we, as huma ns, just like to compla in? What if you could do somethi ng that would give one of your coworkers one of those rare stories to tell? Would t

5、hey spread the word about your ran dom act of kindn ess? How about giv ing it a whirl? Try doing one of these nice things for some one in your workplace.在职场中,肯定有一些偶尔的小善举进行着,但你不会发现它们,因为你听说过许多关于坏同事的故事。我们也很少会听到别人分享职场 中的善意行为的事迹。那么,这些善举在职场中真的就如此渺茫吗?还是更多的只是因为我们,作为人类,只懂得抱怨?若你能做点小事情, 就能成为同事分享的稀奇故事之一呢?他们会不会传

6、扬你的这种不经 意的善举?要不试试看吧?尝试为你的同事做出以下这些友善的行为。Bring your coworker a cup of coffee when she looks like she needs a pick-me-up.在同事需要打起精神的时候,给对方带一杯咖啡。Share your mid-afternoon snack with him or if you don't want to share,bring an extra one (everyone gets hungry a couple of hours after lunch).与对方分享你的午后零食,或如

7、果你不想分享的话,那就多带一份(人们在午餐过后几个小时都会饿的)。Buy your coworker her favorite iced cold beverage on the first warm day of the year.在一年气温刚升高的时候,为同事买一杯她喜爱的冰冷饮料。Celebrate Friday or make Monday more bearable by bringing in a treat for the entire department. Or maybe choose to do this on a rainy day to cheer everyone

8、up.为了庆祝周五的到来(或让周一更容易度过),给整个部门带来一顿美食。或在雨天这样做,以此激励每位同事。Offer to stay at work late or come in early to help a coworker with a difficult project (don't wait to be asked).主动要求加班或提前到公司, 帮助同事完成一项困难的任务(不要 等别人提出请求的时候才做)。Praise him for a job well done. No one can get too many compliments.赞赏对方的工作出色。赞赏没有人嫌多

9、。If you see someone is about to make a mistake, try to intervene to prevent it.如果你发现某人将会出错,试着介入以避免错误的发生。Offer unsolicited advice, especially to a new colleague who seems to be floundering.主动提供建议,尤其是为一位看起来跌跌撞撞的新同事。Stop others from spreading a rumor about someone.劝阻同事散播别人的谣言。If you see something you k

10、now your colleague will absolutely love, a book about a topic in which he's interested for example, get it for him.如果你看到了同事肯定喜欢的东西, 比如一本讲述了对方钟爱话题 的书籍,那就带给对方吧。Include a less experienced colleague in a meeting or on a project that can help her grow.把缺乏经验的同事带到有助于他积累经验的会议或项目中。Invite him to join your

11、 lunch group especially if he doesn't have many workplace friends.邀请对方加入你们的午餐小队, 特别是在他并没有别的职场朋友的 时候。Stop by her desk to say good morning.走到她的桌子旁跟她说早安。Stop by his desk to say goodbye.走到他的桌子旁跟他说再见。Hold the (otherwise unoccupied) elevator while your colleague runs back to her desk to get something

12、she forgot even if you're in a hurry to leave the building.如果你的同事忘记拿东西了, 需要赶回去取, 那么就为同事按住电 梯等等他吧,即使你此时很急着离开。Praise her to the boss who may not realize how hard she's working.向老板表达你对同事的赞赏, 因为老板有时候可能没有发现她的辛勤工作Save him a trip to the office supply closet by offering to pick up his supplies when

13、you get yours.为他人省下补充办公橱柜物品的时间,主动帮助对方存放物品。Offer to mentor an inexperienced coworker. Many people are too shy to ask or may not even think of it.给经验不足的同事推荐一名导师。 太多人羞于表达或者甚至没有意 识到这个需求。Put your colleague's bully in her place or lend a sympathetic ear and give him advice on how to deal with one.站在同事

14、的角度考虑她的抱怨, 抱有同情心地倾听并提供解决问题 的建议。Tell a coworker about an internal job opening for which you think she'd be perfect.告知同事有一个内部工作的机会,如果你认为她能胜任的话。Pack an extra brown bag lunch for a coworker who can't ever seem to remember to bring his own.多带一份便当,为那些可能忘记带便当的同事做准备。Have an errand to run in your coworker's neighborhood after work? Offer her a ride home so she doesn't have to take the bus or train


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