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1、动物生理学动物生理学第一章 绪论1.1生理学的研究对象和任务生理学(Physiology)是以生物机体的生命活动现象和机体各个组成部分的功能及其机理为研究对象的一门科学。Physiology is the scientific investigation of the processes or functions of living things. 生理学在生物学中的地位及生理学的分支生物学植物生物学 动物生物学 微生物学 病毒学人类学 古生物学生物学形态学生理学生态学发育生物学分类学遗传学进化论生物学群体生物学个体生物学细胞生物学分子生物学生物学生物化学生物物理学生物数学仿生学生理学动物生理

2、学人体生理学植物生理学生理学细胞生理学(细胞和分子水平)器官和系统生理学整体生理学应用生理学运动生理学劳动生理学潜水生理生理学航天生理学一、生理学的任务人体生理学的任务就是研究构成人体各个系统的器官和细胞的正常活动过程,特别是各个器官、细胞功能表现的内部机制,不同细胞器官之间的相互联系和相互作用,并阐明人体作为一个整体,其部分的功能是如何互相协调、互相制约,从而能在复杂多变的环境中维持正常的生命活动。 The major goals of physiology are to understand and predict the response of the body to stimuli a

3、nd to understand how the body maintains conditions within a narrow range of values in a constant changing environment.二、生理学研究的三个水平 细胞和分子水平的研究 器官和系统水平的研究 整体水平的研究中国古代著作中的解剖生理学内容黄帝内经中国古代蕴含着丰富哲学思想的医学著作 又称 内经 。现分为素问、灵枢两书。托名黄帝,真实作者不可考。成书年代说法不一,一说战国,一说秦汉间,一说西汉初期或中期。实非一时一人之作。书中有“若夫八尺之士,皮肉在此,外可度量切循而得之,其死可解剖而

4、视之” 1.2生理学发展简史齐民要术(贾思勰,公元533544)中的相畜法对家畜的机体结构与功能间的关系进行了描述。本草纲目描写了许多动物的形态、内部解剖。医林改错(清代王任清,17681831)作者到坟地和刑场解剖尸体,补充和纠正了古书中的一些错误。该书特别阐述了对脑的看法,如“灵机记性于脑”,“听之声归于脑”,“两目即脑汁所生”等。在当时,应该说已具有相当高的科学水平。西方解剖生理学的发展亚里士多德(Aristotle,公元前384322)盖伦(Galen,129-199)维萨力欧(也译作维萨里) (Vesalius,1514-1564)哈维(Harvey,15781657)Aristot

5、le (384-322 BC)亚里士多德Works on natural history History of Animals (physical/mental qualities, habits) On the parts of Animals On the Movement of Animals On the Progression of Animals On the Generation of Animals Minor treatises Galen was physician to the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Galen was the or

6、iginator of the experimental method in medical investigation, and throughout his life dissected animals in his quest to understand how the body functions. He also recommended that other doctors practice dissection as a means of discovery as well as to improve surgical skills.Many of Galens anatomica

7、l and physiological observations were accurate. He proved that urine was formed in the kidney (as opposed to the bladder which was common belief). He correctly identified seven of the 12 cranial nerves, discovered the valves of the heart, recognized the contagiousness of tuberculosis, and the possib

8、le spread of rabies via dogs. Galens most important discovery was that arteries carry blood, not air. He was the first to identify the brain-mind relation, the basic working structure of the eye and ear, as well as distinguishing differences between motor and sensory nerves Galen was prolific, with

9、nearly 500 treatises to his name. In fact, Galens influence reigned supreme over medicine for 15 centuries after his death. Its ironic that the ancient worlds strongest supporter of experimentation for scientific discovery would go unquestioned for such a long time. By the Renaissance, when mans cri

10、tical thinking skills returned, many of Galens notions were finally refuted by people such as Vesalius and Harvey. Galens most lasting technique, one that survived his discreditation during the Renaissance, is the taking of the pulse - still done by doctors to this day.Andreas Vesalius Andreas Vesal

11、ius (1514-64) was a Belgian anatomist and physician whose dissections of the human body and descriptions of his finding helped to correct misconceptions prevailing since ancient times.开始用人的尸体作解剖材料,被誉为现代解剖学奠基人,1543年发表人体的结构一书William HarveyWilliam Harvey was born in England in 1578. After earning a deg

12、ree at Cambridge University at the age of twenty, he journeyed to Italy to study medicine at the University of Padua. Padua was the center for western European medical instruction at that time. Harvey graduated with honors in 1602 and returned to England where he earned yet another medical degree fr

13、om Cambridge University. He then settled down to begin practicing medicine. Harvey was fascinated by the way blood flowed through the human body. Most people of the day believed that food was converted into blood by the liver, then was consumed as fuel by the body. Harvey knew this was untrue throug

14、h his firsthand observations of human and animal dissections. In 1628 Harvey published An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals which explained how blood was pumped from the heart throughout the body, then returned to the heart and recirculated. The views this book

15、expressed were very controversial(有争议的) and lost Harvey many patients, but it became the basis for all modern research on the heart and blood vessels. A second ground-breaking book published by Harvey in 1651, Essays on the Generation of Animals, is considered the basis for modern embryology.巴甫洛夫巴甫洛

16、夫(Ivan Pavlov, 1849-1936) 俄罗斯生理学家,在心血管神经支配、消化液分泌机制方面进行了大量研究,在神经生理学方面,提出了著名的条件反射和信号学说 ,获得1904年诺贝尔生理及医学奖 。 1.3 生理学研究方法观察描述法实验方法(William Harvey 哈维) 1847年Ludwig 路德维格 发明了记纹鼓 以后实验技术不断发展 动物实验 人体实验 急性实验 acute experiment慢性实验 chronic experiment在体 in vivo离体 in votro弹簧记纹鼓1.4 机体的内环境与稳态人体及高等动物都是多细胞生物,多细胞生物所接触的外界环

17、境称为外环境 external environment, external environment 是不断变化的。 高等动物的各种生理活动归根结底是细胞活动的结果,每一个细胞可以看成是一个独立的生存单位,象动物体处于外环境中一样,细胞也处于一个环境当中,而且对环境的条件要求十分严格。体内细胞直接生存的液体环境称机体的内环境 internal environment 。 成年人的身体中液体占体重的60% 其中2/3为细胞内液 intracellular fluid,占体重的40% 另1/3为细胞外液经 extracellular fluid,占体重的20% 对于高等动物 internal env

18、ironment细胞外液组织液interstitial fluid 80%血浆plasma 20%细胞外液internal environment 的物理、化学性质是相对稳定的,如温度、pH、各种离子的浓度等,这种内环境的相对平衡状态称作稳态 Homeostasis。但是internal environment 理化性质的稳定不是一种凝固的状态,而是各种物质在不停的转换中达到的相对平衡状态,即动态平衡.Homeostasis 是生理学中的一个非常重要的概念,机体的一切调节活动都围绕着稳态的维持。 Homeostasis1. The ability or tendency of an organ

19、ism to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.2. The processes used to maintain such bodily equilibrium.Homeostasis is one of the fundamental characteristics of living things. It refers to the maintenance of the internal environment within tolerable limits. All sorts

20、of factors affect the suitability of our body fluids to sustain life; these include properties like temperature, salinity, acidity, and the concentrations of nutrients and wastes. Because these properties affect the chemical reactions that keep us alive, we have built-in physiological mechanisms to

21、maintain them at desirable levels. 1.5机体生理功能的调节 神经调节 Nervous regulation 体内各器官系统都接受神经支配,包括感觉神经和运动神经。 Nervous regulation 的基本活动方式是反射 reflex。 Reflex 是指高等动物体在中枢神经系统参与下,对内外环境变化产生的适应性反应。Reflex 的结构基础是反射弧,也叫反射通路,由5部分组成。 反射有非条件反射和条件反射。 体液调节 Humoral regulation 体液调节是指机体某些细胞产生的某些特殊的化学物质(一般是激素 Hormone)通过血液循环到达全身各

22、器官组织或某一器官组织,调节该器官组织的活动。 神经体液调节 nervous-humoral regulation(neurosecretion) 旁分泌调节 paracrine regulation (局部体液因素调节) 自身调节 autoregulation 机体内有些调节既不依赖于神经也不依赖体液因素,如骨骼肌和心肌的长度与收缩力量的关系,肾动脉口径动脉血压的关系等。这种调节方式称为 autoregulation.反馈调节feedback regulation 反馈 feedback 有两种,negative feedback 和 positive feedback. 血压、体温、胃酸分

23、泌等调节都是negative feedback参考信息比较器控制系统受控系统偏差信息控制信息干扰信息输出变量反馈信息监测装置前馈信息控制系统受控系统监测装置输入信息干扰信息控制信息输出变量 国家精品课程生理学(中国科技大学) http:/ 国家精品课程生理学(中山大学中山医学院) 93/jinpinkc/shengli/mpg/shenbao/index.htm 华东师范大学人体及动物生理学课程网 http:/ http:/ /3. /4. http:/

24、 /6. http:/ 绪论1.1生理学的研究对象和任务生理学(Physiology)是以生物机体的生命活动现象和机体各个组成部分的功能及其机理为研究对象的一门科学。Physiology is the scientific investigation of the processes or functions of living things. 一、生理学的任务人体生理学的任务就是研究构成人体各个系统的器官和细胞的正常活动过程,特别是各个器官、细胞功能表现的内部机制,不同细胞器官之间的相互联系和相互作用,并阐明人体作为一个整体,其部分的功能是如何互相协调、互相制约,从而能在复杂多变的环境中维持正常的生命活动。 The major goals of physiology are to understand and predic


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