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1、常见场景词归纳一. 交通场景A . 机场场景送别:airway 空中航线 , airport, keep in touch, see sb. off.询问:flight, fly, direct flight直飞 , transfer转机 ; arrival, departure出发 , destination 目的地 , one-way ticket单程票 , return ticket, first class头等舱 , business class, economy class 经济舱 , airline, airway , airport, air lounge 候机大厅 , wait

2、ing room 候机大厅 , book, be booked up 客满 , get ticket changed换签 , switch换签 , on time, delayed, postponed延期 , put off, behind schedule延期 , cancelled.登机:luggage 行李 , baggage, suitcase 手提箱 , briefcase 公文包 , bag , backpack ; check-in登记 , board上飞机 , boarding pass登记证 , the Customs海关 .机上:take off起飞 , land着陆 ;

3、 fasten, seat belt, safety belt, life belt安全带 ; blanket 毯子故障:bad weather, mechanical problems机械故障B . 事故场景交通堵塞:be held in traffic, be stuck in traffic, break down抛锚 ; rush hours 高峰时间 , traffic jam交通堵塞事故后果:consequence 结果 , crash 碰撞 , minor injury 小伤 , slightly injured 小伤 .C . 交通工具工具:car, van, truck, l

4、orry, jeep, bus, coach, trailer 拖车 , limousine豪 华轿车 ;工具的一部分:wheel 车轮 , tyre (tire轮胎 , flat tyre (tire, steering wheel方向盘 , headlight 前灯 , windscreen 挡风玻璃 , brake 刹车 , pedal 踏板 , compartment 车厢 .二. 家庭生活A . 写信:write home, hear from收信 , receive a letter from, mail, email.B . 电话:phone, call, ring, conta

5、ct, mobile phone, pay phone公用电话 , hand phone , cost, cheap, operator接线员 , dial拨号 , wrong number, not in不在 , nobody by that name没有这人 .打电话场景1 电话种类:long distance call 长途电话 overseas call 越洋电话collect call 对方付费电话 incoming call 往里打的电话outgoing call 往外打的电话 telephone booth 公用电话cell phone/mobile phone 手机 pay p

6、hone 投币式公用电话person-to-person call 受话人接听电话 station-to-station call 叫号电话(这种(比较贵,但只有当你和受话人真正谈 电话只要有人接听,从对方摘机起就话时才开始计费。 开始计费,但是费用较低2 打电话时可能出现的问题:to dial the wrong number 拨错电话The line is busy/hot/engaged. 电话占线。The connection is bad. 信号不好。The phone is not clear. 听不清楚。3 常用表达:telephone/phone book/directory

7、电话簿 receiver 电话听筒phone bill 电话账单 The line is dead. 电话断了。to hang up 挂上电话 to cut off 挂电话(对方to hold on 别挂电话 to hold the line 别挂电话to ring sb. up 给某人打电话 to give sb. a ring 给某人打电话to give sb. a call 给某人打电话 to leave a message 留个口信answering machine 电话(自动答录机I will call you back in a minute. 我马上给你打过去。C . 过节节日:

8、Christmas, Thanksgiving;出游:travel, tour, visit, quite an experience.D . 送礼:礼物:gift, present;场合 : birthday, Christmas;赠送 : give, buy for, get for, send三. 健康场景A. 受伤:twist 扭伤 , strain拉伤 , injure, hurt;B. 外伤部位:shoulder 肩 , ankle踝 , knee膝 , wrist手腕 ;C. 内伤部位:stomach 胃 , liver肝脏 , lung肺 , heart;D. 检查措施 : m

9、ake an appointment 预约 , check, x-ray, operation, treat 治疗 , cure治愈 , diagnose诊断 ;E. 症状描述 : tired, sneeze打喷嚏 , running nose流鼻涕 , have ringing in the ears耳鸣 , feel under the weather身体不适 , catch a cold感冒 , cough咳嗽 ;F. 建议处方:ward 病房 , take two days off, more vegetables, less fried(fast food少油炸 , quit(giv

10、e up smoking戒烟 .G. 相关人员:doctor, nurse, dentist牙医 , surgeon外科大夫 , physician内 科大夫 ;四 . 娱乐场景A. 陶冶情操观赏活动:film, movie, theatre电影院 , concert音乐会 , play, show, TV, art gallery艺廊 ;相关词汇:channel, part, actor, actress, scene 场面 , act, oil painting, romance 爱情片 , love story, horror恐怖片 , action, documentary 纪录片 ,

11、 comedy 喜剧 , soap opera肥皂剧 , quiz show智力节目 , sit-com(situation comedy 连续剧 , thriller 恐怖片 ;对电影的评价与讨论:Not that exciting. 没那么精彩。feel sleepy 无聊It's a waste of time. 浪费时间,不值。It's a waste of money. 真不值B .户外活动出游:camping, picnicking野餐 , boating, skating, swimming, historical sites 历史遗址 , natural bea

12、uty自然风光 , scenery, tourist attraction游览 胜地 , sightseeing观光 ;球赛:game, match, score, season, superstar.五. 用餐场景:A . 预定:a table for four, reserve a table, reservation预定 , corner table;B . 等待 : hungry, starving饿死了 , order, menu, waiting line排队 , queue;C. 用餐:try something Italian, appetite 胃口 , appetizer

13、开胃菜 , dessert餐后点心 ;D. 埋单:treat 埋单 , my turn, on me记我账上 , go Dutch AA制 ;1 餐馆类型常见表达:restaurant 餐馆 café 餐馆place <口 >餐馆 Italian place 意式餐馆French place 法式餐厅 Chinese place 中餐馆pub 酒吧 inn 小客栈snack bar 快餐店 cafeteria 学生自助餐厅2 食物种类:buffet 自助餐 main dish 主菜salad 沙拉 soup 汤sauce 汁 dessert 甜食pudding 布丁 dr

14、essing 调味汁doughnut 多纳圈(面包圈 French bread 法式面包a loaf of bread 一片面包 jam 果酱apple pie 苹果派 sandwich 三明治toast 吐司,烤面包 pizza 比萨饼hamburger 汉堡 snack food 快餐食品potato chips 土豆片 French fries 炸土豆条yogurt 酸奶3 饮料种类:water 水 mineral water 矿泉水juice 果汁 orange juice 桔汁lemonade 柠檬汁4 餐馆常见动作:to order dishes 点菜 to bring me th

15、e menu 看菜单to make a recommendation 推荐招牌菜5 付账常用说法:I will pick up the bill. 我来买单。It's my treat. 我请客。Let me foot the bill. 我付账。It's on me. 我请客。Let me treat you. 我请客。Let's go Dutch. 我们各付各的(AA 制。Go fifty-fifty. 各付各的。separate checks AA 制Let's split the bill. 分摊费用。六. 学习场景A. 选课 : course, day

16、 course, evening course, optional course 选修课 , literature, curriculum课程 , extra curriculum activities 课外活动 ;B. 作业:report, essay评论 , assignment, presentation陈述 , paper, due期限 , credit学分 , rewrite重写 ;C. 考试:mark, score, exam, fail, pass, go over, review;D. 教授:lecture, topic, briefing简报 , take notes记笔记七

17、. 买卖场景A. 买卖租赁:on sale廉价出售 , for sale待售 , for rent, let 出租 ;B. 廉价购买:bargain, Sunday market, flea market跳蚤市场C. 买书:paperback 平装本 , hardcover 精装本 , edition 版本 , bestseller, copy, volume卷 , magazine, issue出版 , Periodical期刊 ;D. 买房:furniture 家具 , three-bedroom house, waiting room, living room, balcony 阳台 ,

18、 bathroom, kitchen;E. 其他:straw hat草帽 , TV setF. 广告:advertise, advertisement, quote rate报价 ;1 价格便宜的说法:It's a real bargain. It's a good bargain.It's cheap indeed. It's a good deal.It's a good buy.2 价格合理的说法:It's affordable/acceptable. The price is a fair/reasonable.3 价格贵的说法:The

19、price is steep. The price is high.4 付款方式的说法:pay by installment 分期付款 down payment 头期款5 打折的常见说法discount 折扣 to give a 30% discount 打七折to offer a 10% discount 打九折 50% off 打五折on sale 降价出售 to bargain with sb. 讨价还价6 常见商品的表达:stationery 文具用品 cosmetics 化妆品shoes 鞋类 Men's Wear 男士服装Women's Wear 女士服装 jean

20、s 牛仔裤sportswear department 体育用品部 sports goods 体育用品TV 电视 electronic products 电子类产品DVD player DVD 播放机 digital video camera 数码摄像机second-hand car 二手车7 其他:shopping 购物 to do some shopping 购物shopping list 购物单 latest style 最新款式to be out of stock 卖光了 to be sold out 卖光了to be in stock 有现货 price tag 商品标签receipt

21、 收据 catalog 商品目录shipping 送货 deliver 送货八 . 工作场景A .找工作申请:apply, application letter, resume履历 ;寻觅:job-hunting 求职 , job opportunity, job vacancy; 面试:interview, interviewer考官 , interviewee被考者 ;跳槽:job hopping.1 面试的注意事项:to wear tidy and clean clothes to respond truthfully to inquiry穿着整齐干净 回答问题要诚实Honesty is

22、 the best policy. Be yourself.诚实是最好的美德。 <口 >镇静点儿!别慌张!2 面试的典型问题:Which position do you think most appeals to you?你觉得自己适合什么职位?Why would you like to get this post?你为什么申请这个职位?What makes you think you would succeed in this position?你认为自己的优势在哪里?Why do you think you might like to work for our company?

23、你为什么想来我们公司工作?How do you rate yourself as a professional?怎么评价你自己?B. 办公室工作:forward email, typing, type writer, typist打字员 , typing errors, Xerox copy 电 子 复 印 文 件 , arrange appointment(files, confirm arrangement 预约 ;出差:business trip, on behalf of代表 , vacation假期 ;雇佣关系:employment 雇佣 , employee 雇员 , direct

24、or 主任 , boss, secretary九. 公共生活A. 银行:account 账目 , loan贷款 , interest利益 , interest rate利率 , cash现金 , cheque 支票 , deposit保证金 , withdraw收回 , overdraft 透支 , exchange兑换 ;B. 填表:surname 姓 , last name姓 , family name姓 , given name名 , sex, gender 性别 , address, occupation 职业 , marital status 婚姻状况 , print, sign,

25、signature;C. 邮局:deliver 投递 , send, mail, parcel包裹 , postage邮资 , registered mail挂号信 , express mail, priority mail优先的信 ;D. 租房:book, reserve预定 , rent, let, full up订满 , booked up;E. 交通标示:sign, one-way street 单行线 , drunk driving, traffic rules, regulation 规则 .十. 天气场景snow, rain, storm暴风雨 , shower阵雨 , rain

26、 cats and dogs下倾盆大雨 , cold, windy, sunny, warm up变暖 , forecast预报 .十一 . 图书馆:library, librarian, overdue过期 , fine罚款 ;1 图书馆内常见设施:shelf 书架 stack 书库reading room 阅览室 reference room 参考书阅览室periodical room 期刊阅览室 copier 复印机(方便学生复印资料study lounge 自习室 circulation desk (图书馆流通台2 图书常见表达:librarian 图书馆管理员(经常为女性 call

27、number 书号catalogue (书目录 call slip 索书条index 索引 volume 卷library card 借书证3 图书馆常见规章制度:written permission 书面许可 to book reservation 预订书overdue 借书逾期 renewal 续借fine 罚款 reserved library books 馆内藏书to check out the book 借书 to take out the book 借书to return the book 还书to put on reserve 把某本书定为馆内阅读(一般不能外借文化背景:在图书馆借书的流程如下:先进行检索(index ,检索的方式一般有三种(author , subject, title 。如果 找到,随后进入书库(snack 去查找这本书,容易出现的问题是有时候想借的书被以前借去的学生归还时 放错了书架, 很难找到,


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