



1、NON-COMPETITION RESTRICTIONS AGREEMENT竞业禁止协议Whereas: The information resources and technology of( hereinafter referred toas the “ Company”) are confidential and can bring about market benefits;鉴于: (下称“ 公司 ”)的信息资源及技术具有保密性及市场效益。Whereas:( hereinafter referred to as“ You”) will, during your service with

2、the Company, directly or indirectly touch with, know, understand and grasp the business information and technical information of the Company, and such business information and technical information are not known to the public, can bring economic benefits to the Company, have been treated by the Comp

3、any as confidential, and belong to the Company' s trade secrets ;鉴于: (下称“ 你 ”)在公司工作期间,将直接或间接地接触、知悉、了解和掌握公司的经营信息和技术信息,而该经营信息和技术信息均属于不为公众所知悉、能为公司带来经济利益,并已由公司采取 保密措施,系属公司的商业秘密;Whereas: You understand and acknowledge that, if you disclose to any existing or potential competitors any above-mentioned

4、business information and technical information, such disclosure will cause the Company to be in a very disadvantageous competitive position and damage theCompan'y s interests; if you are employed by or serve any enterprise competitive with the Company, the employment or service will necessarily

5、cause irremediable damage to the Company;鉴于:你了解并承认,若你向公司现有或潜在的竞争对手披露任何前述经营信息和技术信息,将会导致公 司处于非常不利的竞争地位并损害公司的利益;若你就职或服务于与公司相竞争的企业,则必定会对公司 造成无可补救的损害;Therefore, according to the Company' s non-disclosure system, both the Company and you (hereinafter collectively referred to as “both parties ” ) agree

6、 upon as follows through consultation:因此,根据公司的保密制度,你与公司双方(以下合称“ 双方 ”)经协商,达成如下协议条款:1 Non-Competition 竞业禁止Competition Behavior竞业行为You agree that during your employment with the Company you shall in no event and without any claims for any forms of compensation conduct anyCompetition Behavior (as define

7、dbelow).你同意在公司任职期间不可从事任何 竞业行为 ( 定义如下 )You further agree that for the period of 6 (six) monthsfollowing the termination ofyour employment with the Company or one of its affiliates (regardless of the reasons for termination) ( “ Post-employment Non-compete Period ” ), you will not conduct any Competit

8、ion Behavior (Post Employment Competition Behavior)in China area.你进一步同意在结束与公司或其关联企业的劳动关系后的六个月内(无论离职原因为何)(“ 离 职后竞业禁止期 ”) , 你不可在中国境内从事任何竞业行为( 或离职后竞业行为 )Competition Behavior refers to your behavior to, without first obtaining the express written consent of the Company, whether on your own account or fo

9、r any other person, firm or company and whether or not for compensation, directly or indirectly (whether as principal, servant, agent, consultant or otherwise) be engaged as follows: 竞业行为 是指你未事先获得公司的书面同意,无论是为自己或为他人或为其它企业或公司,无论 有偿或无偿,直接或间接的从事以下行为 :a) Operate, for yourself or for any other person, any

10、 product or business the same as or similar to the Company' s productsor business, or directly or indirectlyinvest in any company and/or enterprise and/or other economic entity engaging in any products or business the same as or similar to the Company' s products orbusiness; 自营或为他人经营与公司相同或类似

11、的产品或业务,或直接或间接地投资于与公司从事相 同或类似产品或业务的公司和 / 或企业和 / 或其他经济组织;b) Be retained and/or employed by any company and/or enterprise and/or other economic entity whose business is competitive with the Compan'y s business, or provide any advisory services or other assistance for any of such companies and/or en

12、terprises and/or other economic entities, regardless of the position held by you and whether you work on a full or part-time basis;受聘和 / 或受雇佣于与公司业务构成竞争的公司和/ 或企业和 / 或其他经济组织 , 或提供任何咨询服务或其他协助给前述此类公司、企业和其他经济组织 , 无论你担任何种职位,亦 不论系全职抑或兼职;c) Be entrusted to, or entrust, authorize or permit any third party to

13、, engage in any business within the scope provided in the above-mentioned Items a) and b); 受托或委托、授权、允许第三方从事上述a) 和 b) 项范围内的业务;d) The above-mentioned companies and/or enterprises and/or other economic entities whose businesses are competitive with the Company' s businesses, shall includebut not li

14、mited to the suppliers of technology, products and equipment relating to the industry in which the company involved, as long as they produce or engage in the same or similar products of the Company or engage in the same or similar business; 前述所称对公司业务构成竞争的公司、企业及其他经济组织包括但不限于与公司所在行业 相关技术、产品和设备的供应商,只要他们

15、生产或从事与本公司同类或相似的产品或从事 同类或相似的业务;e) Solicit or endeavor to entice away from the Company or any of its affiliates any employees, distributors, retail stores, customers, or any other persons/entities engaged by the Company or its affiliates in the course of conducting the Compan'y s business, whether

16、 or not such a person/entity will commit any breach of contract by reason of leaving the service or engagement of the Company or its affiliates. 在执行公司业务过程中,引诱或试图怂恿公司或其关联企业的员工、经销商、零售商、客 户、或其它任何受雇于公司或其关联企业的个人 / 实体离开公司,无论该个人或实体是否 因离开公司或其关联企业而违约。f) Disclose to any unauthorized person or persons or misus

17、e any confidential information or trade secrets of the Company or any of its affiliates. 向任何未授权的个人或群体披露或滥用公司或其关联企业的任何机密信息或商业秘密。1.2 Compensation for Post Employment Non-Competition离职后竞业禁止之补偿(a) Both parties acknowledge that the Company has the sole discretion to decide whether or not it will request

18、your compliance with Post Employment Non-Competition. If the Company does not request you to comply with the non-competition restrictions in post employment, the Company may provide you a prior notice to terminate this Agreement. If the Company requests you to comply with the non-competition restric

19、tions, it will pay you a reasonable compensation. 双方同意,公司有权决定是否要求你遵守离职后竞业禁止的条款。若公司不要求你遵守离 职后竞业禁止义务, 公司可提前通知你解除本协议; 若公司决定要求你履行竞业禁止义务, 公司将给予合理的竞业禁止补偿。(b) In consideration of you agreeing to perform the non-competition obligations asoutlined in Article above during the Post-employment Non-competition P

20、eriod, the Company agrees to pay you monetary compensation on a monthly basis during the Post-employment Non-competition Period.The aforesaid monetary compensationshall be paid in the amount of 30% of your average monthly salary for the last twelve (12) months preceding to your departure if you are

21、employed by a non-competitor of the Company, or the Company will pay you the average of your monthly salary for the last twelve (12) monthspreceding to your departure if youare unemployed due to the non-competition restrictions and you do not engage in any actions which violate your non-competition

22、obligations with the Company ( “ Non-competition Compensation ”). For the purpose above, you shall provide proof of your employment with a new employer(s) or proof that you are unemployed on a monthly basis during the Post-employment Non-competition Period, and the proof you provide shall be used as

23、 the basisof non-competition compensationto be paidby the Company. 在你同意于离职后竞业限制期内履行其上述第条所言之竞业限制义务的条件下,公司同意 在离职后竞业限制期内按月给予你相应的经济补偿,若你离职后在非与本公司竞争的单位 就业的,该等经济补偿的金额应为你离职前十二个月的月平均工资的30%,若你离职后因竞业限制而失业,并且你也未从事任何与公司竞争的业务的,则该等经济补偿金应为你离 职前十二个月的月平均工资( “ 竞业限制经济补偿金 ”)。为此目的,你应按月向公司提交 竞业限制期间在新雇主就业的证明,或你离开本公司后的失业证明

24、,作为公司向你支付经 济补偿金的依据。(c) If the aforesaid calculation causes the compensation lower than the minimum wage of Shanghai Municipality, the compensation should be paid according to the minimum wage of Shanghai Municipality. 按照上述方法计算的经济补偿金若低于上海市最低工资标准的,则该等经济补偿应根据上 海市最低工资标准支付。Breach of Non-Competition Oblig

25、ation违反竞业禁止If you breach the covenants contained herein, the Company shall not be required to pay any compensation described in the preceding paragraph, and you agree to pay to the Company the following: 若你违反本竞业禁止协议的规定, 公司不会给予任何上述补偿金, 同时你同意支付公司下列款项 :(a) The equivalent of the amount already paid by t

26、he Companyt o you for Post Employment Non-Competition; and 公司已经给付你的离职后竞业禁止补偿金全额 , 以及(b) Penalty equal to six (6) times the average monthly salary of the twelve (12) months preceding to your departure; and 相当于你离职前十二个月的月平均工资的六倍的违约金 ; 以及(c) Any other damages caused by you due to your breach of the cove

27、nants herein, including but without limitation legal fees, witness fees, etc. 其它任何因你违反此竞业禁止条款所造成的公司损失 , 包括法律费用、举证费等。You recogn ize the difficulty in proving the Company' s damage in monetary value andtherefore agree to exempt the Company from providing proof for its damage under Item (c) above.你

28、认识到公司所受损失的货币价值难以举证衡量, 因此同意公司不负上述 (c) 项所述之损害的举 证责任。Furthermore, the time period for the restriction set forth in this paragraph shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the period of such non-compliance. 此外,此条款所载之竞业限制期间将自动延长到等同于违反此条款的期间。1.4 Notification Obligation 通知义务Upon leaving from t

29、he Company and within six (6) months of leaving the Company, you undertake to notify the Company the name of your new employer, if any. The Company reserves the right to inform your new employer of the existence and contents of your non-competition obligation. 当你离开公司时及之后的六个月内,你承诺将你的新雇主的名称通知给公司(如有) 。

30、公司保留 通知你新雇主有关你的竞业禁止义务之相关内容的权利。1.5 Applicable Laws and Dispute Settlement法律适用和争议解决The conclusion, interpretation, content, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People ' s Republic of China. With regards to all disputes arising in connection with this Agreement, i

31、f failed to be settled by both parties through consultation, they shall be submitted to the labor dispute arbitration commission or a competent people ' s court of the place wherethe Company is located.本协议的成立、解释、内容、履行均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。因本协议发生的所有争议, 如双方不能自行协商解决,应提交公司所在地的劳动争议仲裁委员会或有管辖权的人民法院解 决。1.6 Effectiveness 效力(a) This Agreement shall come into force as of the date when it is


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