



1、“怎样扩展句子”学案教学目标; 在愉悦的气氛中学习扩展英语句子,提高读写能力,建立良好的情感态度。教学重点: 掌握扩展句子的四种方法。教学难点: V-ing短语、不定式短语和名词从句作主语、宾语、表语等。课题组织: 本课采用小组合作学习与竞赛的方式进行。首先,全班分成两大组,每大组根据学生的自愿,按邻座就近原则,形成人数不等的若干小组,对课堂的问题进行讨论作答。答对者所在大组可得10分,如答错,本组其他成员可补充,同样得分。课前知识准备:同学们应了解句子的三种类型: 简单句,并列句和复合句。.应掌握简单句的5种基本句型。1. 主语+谓语 2. 主语+谓语+宾语 3.主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾

2、语 4.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 5 主语+系动词+表语。应.熟悉名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句),定语从句(形容词性从句)和状语从句(副词性从句) 课堂练习:1. 复习 提示: 5个意思相关联的简单句,可帮助记忆5个基本句型。 Mary was a girl. She smiled. Tom liked her. He gave her a picture. She put the picture on the wall.2. 练习 一根据要求在空格处填上合适的修饰成分: 提示:可试着写出一个与众不同的答案。1. Mary was a(n) _ girl. (形容词)2.

3、 She smiled _. (副词)3. Tom liked her_. (副词)4. He gave her a picture _. (定语从句)5. She put the picture on the wall _ . (状语从句)3. 练习 二. 在空格处填上并列的成分。Mary was a beautiful and _ girl. Tom and _ liked her very much. They soon became good friends. On Marys birthday, Tom gave her a picture and _, She smiled hap

4、pily,_ them and put the picture on the wall.探究:第空,如果在以下单词got, get; receive, received; accepted, accept中选择,你选哪一个,为什么?4. 练习 三. 用并列连词 and, so, but, while, for(因为)等构成并列句。Jack was rich, he had his own company made a fortune, he bought Mary a diamond ring, neither Jack nor Tom knew what Mary thought. Duri

5、ng that night before Marys birthday, Jack had a dream in which he asked Mary to marry him Tom couldnt get to sleep until he finished drawing the picture of Mary from his memory. 提示:for 和because都可作“因为”讲;但for是并列连词,because是从属连词。5. 练习 四. 找出下列一段话中的V-ing短语、不定式短语或名词性从句。After her birthday party, Mary couldn

6、t help looking at the picture now and then because in her eyes looking at herself in the picture was like looking at a superstar on the screen. To see is to believe. The picture proved that Tom had a talent for painting and her choosing him as her boy friend was a wise decision. 提示:painting看上去是V-ing

7、 形式,但它在这里是一个抽象名词。V-ing短语和不定式短语也能扩展句子,是因为它们的动词可以带自己的宾语和其他修饰语等。句子To see is to believe.较短,是因为动词没有带自己的宾语和其他修饰语6.练习 五. 根据上下文填上合适的词。(综合运用所学知识)It was obvious Jack was unhappy. made him angry was the diamond ring he had bought for Marys birthday was refused by her. he told Mary that not only he was more han

8、dsome Tom,but also he had a car,a flat and more money, Mary said softly firmly,“ I am very very sorry,Jack. You should know the fact liking you does not mean loving you. To have money is not to have everything. ,we remain good friends as before. ” Homework1. 一个学生想把下列三个简单句连成一个句子,但又不改变原意,结果遇到了一点困难.请在以

9、下空白处各填上一词,帮他解决问题。三个简单句:Jack would never forget the party. At the party, he met Mary. He fell in love with her at the sight of her.句子1. Jack would never forget the party, he met Mary there _fell in love with her at the sight of her.句子2. Jack would never forget the party he met Mary _he fell in love w

10、ith at the sight of her.2. 有同学对Tom, Jack 和Mary 的故事产生了兴趣,续写了结局。你先看看,如不满意,也可自己试着用英文续写你认为理想的结局。Not until Mary told him about their relationship in person did Jack know she loved Tom instead of him. Jacks heart bleeding, sleepless night as he spent, he was unable to find out what it was that made the charming girl called Mary love Tom, which was the same question that Tom asked Mary. “I


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