



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第十二单元检测卷.单项选择。(15分)( )21.What's your second _?Russian.Acountry Bworld Cstory Dlanguage( )22.We saw many _ on the farm.Acow Bhorse Cchicken Dsheep( )23.The mountain is too _.I think I can't climb up it.Ahigh Btall Cdifficult Dboring( )24.Kate felt very _ after the long walk,so sh

2、e had a good rest.Aexcited Btired Cterrible Dshy( )25.We were _ that we couldn't say anything when we heard the terrible noise.Atoo scared Btoo scary Cso scary Dso scared( )26.Please remember to _ by five o'clock tomorrow morning.Awake up her Bwake up Tom Cwoke him up Dwoke Mary up( )27.Plea

3、se _ your hands before you answer the teachers' questions in class.Aput on Bput up Cput in Dcut up( )28.Last week,we _ a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.Aride Btook Cspent Dpaid( )29.What can you do?I can _.Aplay the chess Bplay piano Cmake Chinese kung fu Dplay badminton( )30.I finis

4、hed my homework _.Anow Bin two hours Ctwo hours ago Dfor two hours( )31.At first,she _ like math,but now she _.Adidn't;did Bdoesn't;does Cdidn't;does Ddoesn't;did( )32.When _ you free last week? Well,I _ have a free day because I had too much work.Adid;didn't Bwere;didn't Cwe

5、re;wasn't Ddid;wasn't( )33.How was Jenny's weekend?_.AShe was at home BShe stayed at school CIt was fine,thanks DIt was very good( )34.Linda _ very late to learn Chinese last year.Aslept Bsat down Cstood up Dstayed up( )35.Have a nice weekend._.The same to you.AThank you BThat's OK C

6、No problem DYou're welcome.完形填空。(10分)Last night,I met my friends Victor and Annie.They _36_ about their last weekend.For Victor,the _37_wasn't bad.On Saturday,he_38_ history.On Sunday,he watched a(n) _39_talk show.“It was great!”he said.But Annie's weekend wasn't very good.She was re

7、ally _40_ because she had a busy weekend.She went _41_ on Saturday morning and read a book _42_ music on Saturday afternoon.She _43_ her grandmother on Saturday evening.On Sunday,she _44_ a new song for the school music festival.It was a little _45_,so she asked her mother to help her.( )36.A.talked

8、 Btold Csaid Dspoke( )37.A.weekend Bweek Cnight Dmorning( )38.A.thought Blooked Cbought Dstudied( )39.A.boring Binteresting Cdifficult Dterrible( )40.A.happy Brelaxed Cgood Dtired( )41.A.store Bshopping Cschool Dwork( )42.A.about Bto Cin Dfor( )43.A.had Bwent Cvisited Dwatched( )44.A.sang Bdid Cplay

9、ed Dwrote( )45.A.difficult Beasy Crelaxed Ddirty.阅读理解。(30分)AJiang YiyiI studied all weekend.I studied for a math test all day on Saturday.On Sunday morning,I did my history homework.In the evening,I talked to my friends on the phone.Zhang ZimuI had a great weekend.I visited some of my friends.On Sat

10、urday night,we went out to a party.On Sunday night,we went to the amusement park(游乐场)We really had fun.Ma YiliI had a boring weekend.On Saturday,I cleaned the house,and I washed the clothes.On Sunday,I painted my bedroom.It was really a tiring(累人的) weekend.Sun TianyuLast weekend,I stayed at home.I w

11、atched old videos on Saturday.And on Sunday,I saw an old movie.It was an interesting weekend.( )46.What did Jiang Yiyi do on Saturday?AVisited her friends. BStudied for a math test. CWatched TV. DDid her history homework.( )47.How was Zhang Zimu's weekend?ATerrible. BBoring. CGreat. DBusy.( )48.

12、Who did Zhang Zimu go to the park with on Sunday night?AHer parents. BHer friends. CHer sister. DHer grandparents.( )49.When did Ma Yili clean the house?AOn Friday. BOn Sunday. COn Thursday. DOn Saturday.( )50.Who watched old videos on Saturday?AJiang Yiyi. BZhang Zimu. CMa Yili. DSun Tianyu.BWe had

13、 a terrible school trip last week.Some students were late.Then we waited half an hour for the school bus,but it didn't arrive.Finally,our teacher took us to take the subway.It took over an hour.When we arrived at the zoo,we were all tired and hungry.We wanted to see dolphins(海豚),but there weren&

14、#39;t any.There were some really smart seals(海豹),but we didn't see the show because we arrived too late.We forgot our cameras,so we didn't take any photos.Then it started to rain,and no one had an umbrella.We didn't see many animals because of the rain.So we went for lunch.We ate hamburg

15、ers.My friends also had some icecream.But I didn't have any,because I don't like it.I wanted French fries,but there weren't any in the shop.They were sold out(卖光)!Finally we went back to school.We were wet,tired and stressed out(紧张的)I didn't enjoy my school trip at all.( )51.Why did

16、the teacher take the students to take the subway?ABecause the students didn't want to have the trip. BBecause the school bus didn't arrive.CBecause the students didn't like taking the school bus. DBecause the students didn't take cameras.( )52.The students were _ when they arrived at

17、 the zoo.Aexcited Bhappy Ctired Dlucky( )53.What animal show was there at the zoo?ADolphin show. BSeal show. CMonkey show. DPanda show.( )54.How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?ASunny. BCloudy. CWindy. DRainy.( )55.What did the writer think of the school trip?ATerrible. BGreat. CNot ba

18、d. DFun.CJim had a busy weekend last week.On Saturday morning,he went to visit his grandmother with his parents.His grandmother lives in a beautiful village.There Jim went to the mountains with his cousin.After dinner,they had a good time seeing some old videos.On Sunday morning,Jim wanted to go bik

19、e riding,but it was raining hard,so he had to stay at home.He wanted to watch TV but his mother asked him to help her with some housework.In the evening,he studied for the coming math test,then it was time to go to bed.根据短文内容补全下面表格,每空不超过2个词。Jim's busy weekendOn SaturdayHe went to 56._ his grandm

20、other in a village.He went to the mountains with his cousin.They 57._ seeing old videos after dinner.On SundayHe 58._ stay at home because of the heavy rain.He helped his mother 59._ some housework.He 60._ for the coming math test.根据句意用括号中单词的正确形式填空。(5分)61A family of _(mouse) are all in the kitchen n

21、ow.62It was important not _(go) near a snake.63Thank you for giving us a _(use) lesson.64There are many monkeys _(jump) up and down in the trees.65Lots of _(visit) went to the zoo to take photos of the koalas.根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子。每空词数不限。(10分)66Don't _(熬夜) to watch sports games.It's bad for your he

22、alth.67Jim often _(去海滩) with his friends last year.68The cat _(跑开) quickly when he saw a big dog.69Little Tom _(呼喊) his father for help when he hurt(伤害) himself.70They _(去湖边野营) last weekend.阅读短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成短文。(10分)play,read,do,go,clean,watch,is,study,computer,shopThis is what I _71_ last week

23、end.Last weekend,I _72_ very busy.On Saturday morning,I went _73_ in a supermarket with my mother.In the afternoon,I _74_ my room and played _75_ games.On Saturday evening,my parents and I _76_ to the movies.On Sunday morning,I _77_ for the math test.Then in the afternoon,I _78_ soccer with some fri

24、ends.On Sunday night,I _79_ a book about a great musician and then _80_ TV.71_72._73._74._75._76_77._78._79._80._.书面表达。(15分)根据中文提示,写一篇60词左右的短文。上个周日,你的朋友汤姆很早就起床了。早餐他吃了两个鸡蛋,一片面包,喝了一杯牛奶,然后他写了作业。下午和朋友吉姆一起去打篮球,之后他们一起看了一场电影。晚饭后和家人一起在公园里散步。大约10点钟他上床睡觉。第十二单元检测卷参考答案.15E D B C A.610B C C A B.1115A B C B C.1620A A B C C.21.D从答语可知问句应该询问对方的第二门语言是什么。22D从many一词可得到提示。23A形容山高用“high”。24B由句意长时间的步行后应该是累了,故选B。25Dsothat为固定搭配,意为“如此以至”。26Bwake up为动词和副词搭配,宾语为名词时,名词可前可后;宾语为代词时,代词只能放在中间。27Bput up意为“搭起;举起”。28B29Dbadminton是表示“球类”的名词,与play连用时,前面不能加定冠词“the”。30Cago是典型的用于一般过去时的时间状语。31C由but now知前一分句用一般过去时,后一分句用一般现在时。32B由时间状语l


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