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1、数字图像处理双语教学教学大纲                                     安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院二OO五年四月前言数字图像处理课程是高等学校工科类本科生专业选修课。数字图像处理研究内容和方法涉及许多学科如数


3、方面的实际技能,从而胜任数字图像处理以及其它信号处理系统的应用与开发方面的工作。学习本课程的要求是:学习者应了解和掌握数字图像处理的基本概念,基本理论和方法,以及本学科的发展动态,提高学生专业英语阅读能力,同时努力提高英语听说能力,为自身的进一步深造,以及培养与国际接轨的专业技术人才奠定基础。先修课程要求:计算机程序设计语言,高等数学,信号与系统,数字信号处理本课程计划54学时,3学分。选用教材:Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle,Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision,人民邮电出版社,20

4、02.1教学手段:课堂多媒体教学考核方法:总成绩由两部分组成,平时成绩30%,期末考查70%。教学进程安排表:周次学时数教 学 主 要 内 容教学方法备注1-26数字图像,数字化,灰阶,灰度级,相关研究领域课堂教学3-46图像数字化器,数字化器的特性,矩阵表示,图像的大小, HIS彩色系统,半色调和抖动课堂教学5-66欧几里德距离,城市街区距离,棋盘距离,图像直方图,图像直方图的性质,直方图均衡,线性运算课堂教学7-86图像全局平均,图像局部平均,差值图像运算,图像梯度,Sobel边缘算子,图像相乘运算,图像掩模运算,中值滤波运算课堂教学9-106空间位置插值,灰度级插值,双线性插值,空间变换

5、,平移、旋转和尺度变换,形变技术课堂教学11-126Matlab软件简介,数字图像处理箱,读入和显 示图像,Matlab 图像类型,直方图和直方图均衡图像写出,空间变换,边缘检测图像代数,图像增强,线性滤波课堂教学13-159图像阈值化分割、最优阈值化、基于边缘的分割、边缘松弛、边缘跟踪、Hough变换、基于区域的分割、区域合并、区域分裂、分裂与合并课堂教学16-176线性离散图像变换、离散余弦变换、离散图像变换的应用、图像数据压缩、图像数据压缩中的离散图像变换课堂教学3考查第一章 图像与数字处理Chapter 1 Images and digital processing一、学习目的通过本章

6、的学习,帮助同学了解数字图像,数字化,灰阶,灰度级相关研究领域的内容和情况,对图像建立起大致概念,为后文的学习打下基础。本章计划6学时。二、课程内容1数字图像:Definitions of Image:(1)Image: Any representation of a physical scene or of another image;(2)Digital image: An array of integers representing an image of a scene;(3)Digital image processing: Digital processing of a image

7、, the manipulation of information by computer.2数字化Digitization:(1)Sampling;(2)Quantization;3灰阶Gray scale: The set of all possible gray levels in a digital image.4灰度级Gray level: The value, associated with a pixel in a digital image, representing the brightness of the original scene at the point.5相关研究

8、领域Related areas: (1)Digital Image Processing: starts with one image and produces a modified version of that image;(2)Computer Graphics: is concerned with the processing and display of images of things that exist conceptually or as mathematical descriptions rather than as solid objects;(3)Image Analy

9、sis: The process of describing or evaluation an image in terms of its parts, properties, and relationships;(4)Pattern Recognition: The analysis, description, identification, and classification of objects or other meaningful regularities by automatic or semiautomatic means;(5)Computer Vision: is conc

10、erned with developing systems that can interpret the content of natural scene. 三、重点、难点提示和教学手段(一)掌握数字图像的概念(二)模拟图像数字化,灰阶,灰度级四、思考与练习1用三种灰度级变换设计程序,判断变换是否有用。(1)负片变换(2)设置分段线性函数增强图像在亮度p1和p2之间的对比度(3)图像亮度阈值化第二章 图像的数字化和显示Chapter 2 Digitizing and display images一、学习目的通过本章的学习,帮助同学了解图像数字化器,数字化器的特性,矩阵表示,图像的大小,HIS彩

11、色系统,半色调和抖动等数字图像的相关基础知识,让同学们加深对数字图像的了解。本章计划6学时。二、课程内容1图像数字化器a. Elements of digitizer:(1)Sampling aperture (取样光圈)(2)Scanning Mechanism(3)Light sensor (CCD array, Photodiodes)(4)Quantizer (Analog-to-digital converter)(5)Storage mediumb. Digitizing Images: (1)Scanning(2)Sampling(3)Quantization2数字化器的特性Di

12、gitizer Properties(1) Digitizer Spatial Properties;(2) Digitizer Amplitude Properties3图像的矩阵表示Mathematical Representation(1)Pixel intensity as a function of row/column position(2)Matrix Representation4图像的大小Image Size:Pixels in width, Pixels in height5HIS彩色系统(1)Chromaticity Diagram(色度图) Any color char

13、acterized by its H, S, and I Mathematically convertible to other representations, e.g., RGB(2)Hue(色调) Commonly referred to as color(3)Saturation(色饱和度) How “red” the color red is(4)Intensity(亮度) How “bright” the color is6半色调Half-tone for Grey: A reproduction of a grayscale image which uses dots of va

14、rying size or density to give the impression of areas of gray.7抖动Color Dithering: Dithering is the attempt by a computer program to approximate a color from a mixture of other colors when the required color is not available.三、重点、难点提示和教学手段(一)图像数字化器的组成和特性(二)数字图像的矩阵表示与HIS彩色系统(三)数字图像的半色调和抖动技术四、思考与练习1假设我

15、们要做两个有限的数字函数的卷积,问对于给定大小的域来讲,需要多少基本运算(加法和乘法)?若使用卷积定理的话,又需要多少运算(不考虑傅立叶变换的代价)?第三章 直方图与点运算Chapter 3 Histogram and point operations一、学习目的通过本章的学习,了解学习和掌握欧几里德距离,城市街区距离,棋盘距离,着重掌握图像直方图,图像直方图的性质,直方图均衡,线性运算。本章计划6学时。二、课程内容1.(1)欧几里德距离Euclidean distance: (2)城市街区距离City block distance:(3)棋盘距离Chessboard distance:2图像

16、直方图Grey-Scale Histograms:(1)Definition: The gray-level histogram is a function showing, for each gray level, the number of pixels in the image that have the specific gray level;(2)Plot of frequency of occurrence as function of pixel value;(3)Number of pixels at each grey-level or in a range of grey

17、levels;(4)Statistical equivalent (a posteriori) of a probability density function.3图像直方图的性质Histogram Properties:(1) Histogram is a many-to-one mapping, spatial information is not included;(2) An image has unique histogram, but different images may have same histogram;(3) Histogram is invariant under

18、 certain image operations:Shifting,rotation, reflection;(4)If object has constant grey-level or range of grey levels, then relative area is the sum of histogram lines at that level(s);(5)Normalizing histogram to 1 makes it a discrete approximation to a pdf(概率密度函数).4直方图均衡Histogram equalization:(1)Def

19、inition: A technique which aims to create an image with equally distributed brightness levels over the whole brightness scale. Histogram equalization enhances contrast for brightness values close to histogram maxima, and decreases contrast near minima.(2)Way: Denote the input histogram by H(p) and r

20、ecall that the input gray-scale is .The intention is to find a monotonic pixel brightness transformation q=T(p) such that the desired output histogram G(q) is uniform over the whole output brightness scale 5线性运算Linear Point Operations: a: slope, b: interception三、重点、难点提示和教学手段重点:欧几里德距离,图像直方图,图像直方图的性质,

21、直方图均衡难点:城市街区距离,棋盘距离,直方图均衡,线性运算四、思考与练习1编写一个程序计算图像的直方图。对于一定范围的图像,画出其直方图。当彩色图像分别用下面的模型表示时,画出其三个分量的直方图。第四章 代数运算Chapter4 Algebric operations一、学习目的通过本章的学习,学习和掌握图像全局平均,图像局部平均,差值图像运算,着重掌握图像梯度,Sobel边缘算子,图像相乘运算,图像掩模运算,中值滤波运算。本章计划6学时。二、课程内容1. 图像全局平均Image averaging: if n images of the same scene are available,

22、the smoothing can be accomplished without blurring the image by , the noise will be suppressed.2. 图像局部平均Local averaging:1) Results are acceptable if the noise is smaller in size than the smallest objects of interest in the image, but blurring of edges is a serious disadvantage 2) In many cases only

23、one image with noise is available, and averaging is then realized in a local neighborhood. 3差值图像运算Differential image: If there exists motion objects in two images, we can extract the change of the objects by image subtraction mainly for security purposes.4图像梯度Gradient: (1)Gradient calculation;(2)Gra

24、dient magnitude approximation;(3)Gradient Image;(4)Gradient Operators: Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt, Laplacian.5Sobel边缘算子Sobel edge detection:下图示的两个卷积核形成Soebl边缘算子。图像中的每个点都用这两个核做卷积,一个核对垂直边缘响应最大,而另一个对水平边缘响应最大。两个卷积的最大值或它们的模作为该点的输出位。运算结果将是一幅边缘幅度图。-101-202-101-1-2-10001216 图像相乘运算Multiplication for Masking: A

25、region of an image can be zeroed by multiplying by an array of ones with the region to be masked replaced by zeroes7 图像掩模运算Averaging using a rotating mask Avoids edge blurring by searching for the homogeneous(均匀的) part of the current pixel neighborhood Brightness average is calculated only within th

26、e homogeneous region A brightness dispersion is used as the region homogeneity measure.Let n be the number of pixels in a region R and g be the input image. Dispersion is calculated as:8中值滤波运算Median smoothing: In a set of ordered values, the median is the central value. Median filtering reduces blur

27、ring of edges. The idea is to replace the current point in the image by the median of the brightness in its neighborhood. The main disadvantage of median filtering in a rectangular neighborhood is its damaging of thin lines and sharp corners in the image - this can be avoided if another shape of nei

28、ghborhood is used. Advantages: eliminates impulsive noise quite well does not blur edges much and can be applied iteratively 三、重点、难点提示和教学手段重点:图像梯度,Sobel边缘算子,图像掩模运算,中值滤波运算难点:图像梯度,Sobel边缘算子,图像相乘运算,图像掩模运算,中值滤波运算四、思考与练习题目:设在每个象素处的噪声数值是独立分布的随机变量,均值和标准差分别为0和,证明:的均值为0,标准差为第五章 几何运算Chapter 5 Geometric Operat

29、ions一、学习目的通过本章的学习,学习和掌握空间位置插值,灰度级插值,双线性插值,空间变换,平移、旋转和尺度变换,形变技术。本章计划6学时。二、课程内容1.空间位置插值Geometric OperationsStep:(1) Determining the pixel co-ordinate transformation;- mapping of the co-ordinates of the input image pixel to the point in the output image. - the output point co-ordinates should be comput

30、ed as continuous values (real numbers) as the position does not necessarily match the digital grid after the transform.(2)Finding the point in the digital raster which matches the transformed point and determining its brightness. Brightness is usually computed as an interpolation of the brightness o

31、f several points in the neighborhood. 2. 灰度级插值Gray-level Interpolation:1) General way: Pixel (x,y) is in output image where x and y lie on the discrete raster. The co-ordinates of the point (x,y) in the original image can be obtained by inverting the planar transformation:(x,y) = T-1 (x , y)2) Gray

32、Level Interpolation Methods: In general, (x, y) is not integer, so brightness is not known .Denote the result of the brightness interpolation by, and the brightness can be expressed by the convolution equation:(4) Need to interpolate new pixel value- Forward-mapping- Backward-mapping3. 双线性插值Bilinear

33、 Intensity Interpolation:问题描述:单位正方形顶点已知,求正方形内任一点的f(x,y)值。(1) Solution is overdetermined for a plane since we have four points (2) Fitting with Hyperbolic Paraboloid (双曲抛物面)(3) Bilinear Transform(4) For the sake of discussion, normalize to Unit Size, 0>x>1, 0>y>1(5) Linear equation on eac

34、h X-edge(6) Linear equation on Y-edge(7) Combined bilinear equation4. 空间变换Spatial Transformations:Transformation form:5. 平移、旋转和尺度变换Translation, rotation and scaling:1)平移(translation):Matrix form:2)旋转(rotation):Matrix form:3)尺度变换(change of scale):Matrix form:6形变技术Morphing:- Dissolving(渐隐) only change

35、s the color or grey levels- Morphing is a technique that allows one object to transform gradually into another. Morphing changes color and warp the position of pixels as well三、重点、难点提示和教学手段重点:空间位置插值,灰度级插值,双线性插值难点:空间位置插值,灰度级插值,双线性插值四、思考与练习1推导线性亮度插值公式。2为以下几何变换设计程序:A旋转B尺度变化C扭曲(斜切)D根据三对对应点计算的仿射变换。E根据四对对应点计算的双线性变换。为了避免写求解线性方程组的程序,使用数学计算软件包确定仿射变换D和双线性变换E的变换系数。对于上述每个变换,实现以下三种亮度插值方法:(1)最近邻插值。(2)线性插值(3)双三次插值。为了高效地实现所有可能的组合,按照模块化的方式设计你的程序使得代码能充分地被重用。比较一下这三种亮度插值方法结果的主观性图像品质。第六章 Matlab数字


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