已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上常用语句第五课1. If the finished products delivered by the processor do not conform to the quality requirements, the ordering party may request the processor to bear such liabilities as repairing, reprocessing, reducing remuneration or making compensation.如果加工人所交之成品不符合品质要求, 订做人可以要求加工人承担修理、重做、减

2、少报酬、赔偿损失等责任。2. We process supplied materials, or manufacture goods according to supplied samples and / or under designated brand names.我们使用来料、按照来样或指定的牌名进行加工。3. Our projects include the establishment of a fruit processing plant, a food processing mill, a potato processing factory, a licorice processi

3、ng shop and an asparagus processing line.我们的工程包括一间水果加工厂、一间食品加工厂、一间马铃薯加工厂、一个甘草加工车间和一条芦笋加工线。4. Before going further, may we ask you to let us have your idea on the following points:在深入讨论之前, 我们想知道你们对下列各点的意见:( 1 ) What do you want to produce by processing and assembling and what materials or component p

4、arts are you going to provide us with?你们想要加工装配什么商品? 将向我们提供什么材料或部件?( 2 ) What will be the quantity of the finished products? When are they to be delivered, and how are they to be packed?成品数量若干? 何时交货? 如何包装?( 3) Please indicate the rate of processing or assembling charges, and also the method of pay-me

5、nt.加工装配费多少? 支付方法如何? 请告知。5. Earning processing fee is not the sole object of our accepting orders for processing of supplied materials. What we particularly welcome are projects which will help enhance our technique of production, quality of products, labour productivity and managerial expertise.赚取加工

6、费并不是我们接受来料加工订货的唯一目的。我们特别欢迎的是有助于提高我们的生产技术、产品质量、劳动生产率和管理技能的那些项目。6. We are very much interested in your proposal that you supply us with the assembly line, technical information, testing instruments and complete sets of components for us to assemble them into finished products.我们对于由你方供给装配线、技术资料、测试仪器和全套

7、部件给我方装配为成品的建议非常感兴趣。7. We agree to pay for the equipment and technology by installments with the processing fees payable to us.我们同意用我们的加工费分期支付设备和技术的价款。8. All supplied materials shall be reinspected at this end. If they do not conform to the requirements of the processing, we may ask you to send us re

8、placements.一切来料必须在此地重新检验。如不符合加工要求, 我们得要求你方调换。9. The overall processing fee is US . . . per unit, including charges for labour, packing, depreciation of machinery, storage and transport.总的加工费是每件港元, 包括人工、包装、机器折旧、仓存和运输费用等在内。10. It has been agreed between us that the auxiliary materials and packing mate

9、rials for the assembly shall be purchased by us on your behalf and that the cost involved shall constitute a part of the assembling fee.我们双方同意, 装配所需之辅料和包装物料由我方代购, 所需费用构成装配费的一部分。11. The rate of substandard products should not exceed 5%.次品率不得超过5% 。12. The trade marks of the products shall be designate

10、d by Party A. Should Party B involve in infringement of trade marks or patent right of a third Party, Party A shall be responsible for the consequence.产品的商标应由甲方指定, 如果因此而侵犯了第三者的商标权或专利权, 甲方应对其后果负责。13. If any short shipment of supplied parts and components is made by the client, the supplements should

11、be delivered to the processor immediately. Should an excess of materials and parts be sent by the client, the excessive portion shall be returned by the processor at the expense of the client.如果客方来料来件装运数量不足, 应立即向加工方补充。如果客方材料超额装运,加工方应将超过部分退回, 其费用由客方负担。14. Should the shipment of materials is delayed b

12、y the client, the delivery of the finished product may be postponed by the processor correspondently.如果客方延迟材料的装运, 加工方也可相应地推迟成品的交货。15. If the client fails to pay the processing fees, the processor shall have the right to place a lien on the finished products.如果客户不付加工费, 加工方有权对成品行使留置权。16. Any natural p

13、erson or legal person that needs to acquire the exclusive right to the use of a trademark for the goods produced, manufactured, processed, selected or marketed by him, shall file an application for registration of the trademark of the goods with the Trademark Office.任何自然人或法人对其生产、制造、加工、拣选或经销的商品, 需要取得

14、商标专用权的, 应当向商标局申请商品商标注册。17. The user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods on which the trademark is used.商标使用人应当对其使用商标的商品质量负责。18. No applicant for trademark application may infringe upon another persons existing prior rights, nor may he, by illegitimate means, rush to regi

15、ster a trademark that is already in use by another person and has certain influence.申请商标注册不得损害他人现有的在先权利, 也不得以不正当手段抢先注册他人已经使用并有一定影响的商标。19. Anyone who uses the identical trademark on the same kind of goods without permission of the owner of a registered trademark, which constitutes a crime, shall, in

16、addition to compensating the losses suffered by the infringed, be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.未经商标注册人许可, 任何人在同一种商品上使用与注册商标相同的商标, 构成犯罪的, 除赔偿被侵权人的损失外, 依法追究其刑事责任。20. The amount of compensation for infringement of the exclusive right to the use of a trademark shall be

17、 the amount of the profits that the infringer has earned as a result of the infringement during the period of the infringement, or the amount of the losses that the infringed has suffered as a result of the infringement during the period of the infringement, including any reasonable expenses the inf

18、ringed has paid in his effort to put an end to the infringement.侵犯商标专用权的赔偿金额, 为侵权人在侵权期间因侵权所获得的利益; 或者为被侵权人在被侵权期间因被侵权所受到的损失, 包括被侵权人为制止侵权行为所支付的合理开支。第六课1. The details of the models, names, specifications, quantity, prices, packing, delivery, etc. of the equipment shall be specified in an additional equi

19、pment import agreement to be concluded by both parties which shall serve as an component part hereof.设备的具体型号、名称、规格、数量、价格、包装、交货期等由双方另签设备进口协议, 作为本合同的不可分割的一部分。2. Party A shall reimburse Party B for the equipment supplied by Party B by delivering goods to Party B on a monthly basis and the reimbursement

20、 will last for . . . years and . . . months.甲方应分月用商品偿付乙方所提供的设备的价款, 此项偿付共需时 年零个月。3. To guarantee the implementation of this agreement, each party shall submit to the other party a letter of guarantee issued by its bank respectively.为保证合同的履行, 各方分别向对方提供由各自一方银行出具的保函予以担保。4. Our main objectives of doing c

21、ompensation trade are as follows:我们进行补偿贸易的主要目的如下:( 1 ) Importing advanced equipment and technology;引进先进设备和技术;( 2) Providing the foreign currency required for importing the equipment and technology by that earned from exporting the resultant products; and用出口赚得的外汇来平衡引进设备和技术所需的外汇;( 3 ) Obtaining the ot

22、her sides co-operation in selling our products.在销售我方产品方面取得对方的合作。5. It is required that the equipment and technology to be provided by you should be up to advanced world standards, reasonable in price and suitable to our conditions of production.要求你方提供的设备和技术应达到世界先进水平, 价格合理, 适合我方生产情况。6. We hope you wi

23、ll let us have an outline of your proposal, stating in detail the scale of production, equipment required, layout and size of the factory, marketing arrangement, etc. so that we can make a preliminary evaluation of the economic feasibility of your proposal.我们希望得知你方建议的要点, 详细讲明生产规模、所需设备、工厂设计大小、销售安排等,

24、以便我们对你方建议的经济可行性作出初步的估价。7. We hope you will quote us in detail, on cash basis and on buy-back basis separately, the prices of the equipment and instruments and the charges of know-how and technical service, so that we can give the matter an overall evaluation to arrive at a decision.我们希望你方按照付现和返销两种方式

25、分别详细报出设备、仪器的价格和专有技术与技术服务的收费, 以便我们对此进行全面估价和作出决定。8. An irrevocable Letter of Guarantee ( L/G) will be issued in your favour by the Bank of China here, to guarantee timely payment of the instalments with the interest due, provided that you have fulfilled your obligations under the contract.我处中国银行将开出以你方

26、为受益人的、不可撤销的保证书, 以担保按时分期付款,并加上应付的利息, 但要以你方已经完成合同义务为条件。9. Interest on deferred payment will be calculated annually at the preferential rate (single interest) of . . . % per annum and will accrue from the date of the B/L covering the last main shipment.拖延付款的利息将按优惠利率( 单利) % 年利计算, 并按最后一次主要货物装船提单的日期开始计息。1

27、0. Within one month after receipt of the L/C issued by the Bank of China, you shall provide us with an irrevocable L/C issued by your Bank in our favour, guaranteeing payment for the countersale products delivered according to the agreement.在收到中国银行开出的信用证后一个月内, 你方应提供一份由你方银行开出的、以我方为受益人的、不可撤销的信用证, 以保证支

28、付按照本协议交付的对销产品的货款。11. Three months after the equipment supplied by you becomes operational, you shall, not later than 30 days after receipt of our advice, establish an irrevocable revolving L/C in our favour in respect of the resultant products to be exported to you, for a sum equal to the total valu

29、e of the equipment.在你方提供的设备开动了三个月之后, 你方应为我方向你方出口的直接产品开立一份不可撤销的循环信用证。该证应在收到我方通知后30 天内开出, 其金额应与设备的金额相等。12. You should warrant that if the equipment fails to operate normally due to faulty manufacture, you will send over your technicians to effect repairs or replace the defective article or parts with

30、all expenses to be borne by your side.你方应保证, 如果设备由于制造不良而不能正常开动, 你方要派出技术人员进行修理, 或调换不良的商品或零件, 一切费用均由你方负担。13. We wish to make it clear that it must be definitely agreed that the equipment will be paid for with buy-back products because that is the key point in this kind of transaction. Should you have

31、any difficulty in accepting the resultant products, we would suggest that a reliable and competent partner in a third country be invited to join you in signing the contract with us to help you resolve this problem.我们希望讲明: 设备将用返销产品付款这一点必须是肯定同意了的, 因为这是这种补偿贸易的关键。如果你方在接受产品方面有困难, 我们建议邀请第三国可靠而合格的伙伴与你方一起和我

32、方签订这个合同, 以帮助解决这一问题。14. If the resultant products are not in line with market demand in your country, we may supply other non-resultant products instead.如果直接产品不符合你国市场需要, 我们可用其他非直接产品代替。15. For the full term and even after the termination or cancellation of this Agreement, Party B shall take all and ev

33、ery necessary care to ensure that such technical information shall not be disclosed to any third party or parties.在本合同有效期内, 甚至在其终止或被撤销后, 乙方仍须注意保密, 不得将该项技术资料泄露给任何第三者。16. Party B shall have no right to apply for registration of any industrial property for the said machinery, such as Patent, Utility Mo

34、del, Designs, etc. in any place or country, with regard to the technical knowledge, inventions, and technical know-how rendered to Party B by Party A as specified herein.对于甲方按本合同规定所提供的关于该机器的任何工业产权如技术知识、发明、技术诀窍等, 乙方均无权在任何地方或国家申请办理诸如专利、实用新型、外观设计等权利的注册。17. Other detailed terms and conditions relating t

35、hereto are stipulated in the Technical Service Agreement which is attached hereto and constitutes a part of this Contract.有关技术服务的其他详细条款, 在所附之“ 技术服务协议” 中有所规定; 该协议是本合同的组成部分。18. Foreign Party hereby warrants that it has the right to sell the equipment and technology to Chinese Party and Chinese Party m

36、ay use the same free from infringement of the patent right of other parties.外方凭此保证有权出售该项设备和技术, 中方也可使用它们而不会受到侵犯他人专利权事件的损害。19. Foreign Party shall be responsible for the settlement of disputes on trade marks and patent rights.外方应负责解决关于侵犯商标和专利权的一切纠纷。20. If there is any infringement of trade mark and pa

37、tent right arising from the supplied equipment and technology, Foreign Party will make compensation for any damage suffered by Chinese Party.如有任何关于所供设备和技术的商标和专利侵权事件发生, 外方愿对中方所受的损害予以赔偿。第七课1. We are interested in setting up a power plant in this city with equipment and technology to be leased from abr

38、oad.我们要在本市建立一座发电厂, 设备和技术都要从外国租进。2. We should appreciate it if you would let us know the annual rental of each machine, its selling price, interest rate, and maintenance charges.请告知每部机器的年租金、卖价、利率和保养费。3. Please let us know in detail the machines you wish to lease from us, including specifications, pro

39、duction flow and designed productivity, raw materials to be used, and the term of the lease.请详细告知你方要向我方租用机器的规格、生产流程、设计生产能力、所用的原料和租赁的期限。4. Please quote for the equipment on the“maintenance lease”basis, i. e., you will take care of servicing, maintenance, replacement of spare parts, insurance and othe

40、r expenses during the term of the lease.请报设备维修租赁的价格, 即你方在租赁期内负责服务、保养、更换备件、保险和其他开支。5. The rental is to be calculated on the basis of the export price of the equipment plus charges for pre-lease consultation, after-lease maintenance service, interest, depreciation, handling charges, etc.租金的计算是以设备的出口价为

41、基础, 外加租前咨询、租后维修服务、利息、折旧、管理费等。6. In case of breakdown of any of the machines, repairs will be made on the spot free of charge because maintenance and service charges are included in the rental. However, if the breakdown is due to negligence or misuse on your part, you will have to pay the expenses fo

42、r repairs.机器如有损坏, 可以到场免费修理, 因为保养服务费用已经包括在租金之内。但是,如果损坏是由于你方疏忽或错用所致, 修理费必须由你方负担。7. In accordance with the terms of the lease, we have the option either to extend the lease on its expiration, or to purchase the equipment then at a price equal to 10% of its original value.根据租赁条款, 我们可以在满期时任意选择延长租约, 或以不高于

43、原价10% 的价格购买所租的设备。8. After expiration of the lease, we will buy the equipment at a price to be fixed by experts jointly appointed by both parties, which price shall not be higher than 15% of its original value.租赁满期后我们将购进所租的设备; 价格由双方指派的专家确定, 但不能超过原价的15% 。9. It is understood that the equipment leased b

44、y you shall remain our property; you have only the right to use and operate the equipment and no other entitlement to it.应当理解: 你方所租设备的所有权仍属我方; 你方除了使用操作权之外别无他权。10. The lessees pay lease rentals at regular intervals in advance and the common practice is to pay monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual

45、ly. In many cases there will be no initial deposit or front-end fee.承租人每隔一定时间预付租金, 通常是每月、每季、每半年、每年付一次。多数不必先付押金或开办费。11. In the primary term of a finance lease, the rentals cover the full cost of the equipment, plus the interest and the lessors profit.融资租赁的首次租金总额就把设备的整个成本包括在内, 另外加上利息和出租人的利润。12. The va

46、lue of the equipment at the end of the primary term is known as the residual. It is vitally important for the lessee to know what his position is concerning this residual. If he is able to realize some or all of this value, it will have an important effect on the cost of the transaction.设备首次租赁的期末价值叫

47、残值。对承租人来说, 知道他与残值的利害关系是至为重要的, 因为如果他能全部或部分了解这个价值, 这就对这笔交易的成本具有重要的影响。13. The lessee is entitled to purchase the leased article from the leasing company. The purchasing price is equal to the book value of the leased article at the end of the original leasing term calculated on the basis of the straight

48、 line depreciation rate. Should the market value at that time be lower than the book value, the purchase price to be paid by the lessee shall be reduced accordingly.承租人有权向租赁公司购买所租的物件。买价等于在租期末时按直线折旧率计算出来的账面价值。如果当时的市价低于这个账面价, 承租人所付的购买价应该照减。14. The lessee is entitled to extend the leasing contract for

49、a further term and the rentals for the further term shall be calculated on the basis of the book value at the end of the original leasing term or the market value, whichever is lower, and the residual useful life of the equipment.承租人有权延长租期; 延长期的租金总额应该以上一期期末时的账面价值与市场价格两者中较低的一个为基础, 并且考虑所租设备的残余使用寿命予以计算

50、。15. As the lessor usually retains a substantial residual value in the equipment at the end of the operating lease, the purchasing price is much higher than that in a finance lease.在经营租赁中, 由于出租人在租期期末仍然经常使设备保留着相当大的残值, 所以购买价格比融资租赁的要高得多。16. Should neither party notify the other party of its intention w

51、hether the Contract is to be prolonged or terminated three months before the expiration of this Contract, the lease is to be considered as renewed for a further year.如果在本合同满期前三个月没有哪一方通知另一方要延期还是终止, 那么租期就应被认为是要延长一年。17. Lease trade is conducted between a lessor and a lessee on the basis of a lease cont

52、ract whereby the lessor gives the lessee the right to use the equipment for a specified term in return for a series of regular payments called rent.租赁贸易是出租人和承租人在租赁合同的基础上进行的。出租人凭合同将设备的一个时期的使用权交给承租人以取得一系列定期租金的回报。18. It may also be stipulated that the lessor will provide technical service and supply ra

53、w materials, fuel and component parts.也可以规定出租人提供技术服务, 供应原料、燃料和零部件。19. Leasing business is growing as a form of economic and technical co-operation internationally. It enables Chinese enterprises to be benefited by foreign equipment and technology through rental payment, thereby avoiding large immedi

54、ate outlays.租赁业务正在成为一种国际性的经济技术合作方式。它可以使中国企业通过支付租金受益于外国设备和技术, 从而避免大量现金支出。20. The lessor shall bear the consequences of any infringement of industrial property of third parties during the period of the lease.在租赁期间, 出租人应对侵犯第三者工业产权的一切后果负责。第八课1. In carrying out economic and technological co-operation wit

55、h the Third World countries, we sign contract on the principle of“ equality and mutual benefit, stressing practical results, adopting various forms and working for common development. ”我们与第三世界国家进行经济技术合作, 按照“ 平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展” 的原则签订合同。2. Employer shall provide Employee with meals and housing free

56、of charge. . .雇主应向雇员免费提供食宿。3. The forms of service co-operation include drawing up feasibility studies, prospection, design, construction, equipment installation and technical guidance.劳务合作的方式包括草拟可行性研究、勘探、设计、建筑、设备安装和技术指导。4. In the event of termination for cause, Employer shall pay Employees wages th

57、rough the effective date of the termination and shall purchase a one-way ticket for the return of Employee to his /her point of hire.如果因故解除合同, 雇主应支付雇员直至解除生效之日的工资, 并为雇员购买他( 她) 返回雇佣地的单程机票。5. With regard to labour service co-operation, we will provide any line of engineers or technical workers needed f

58、or the project construction or equipment installation and technical guidance for any of the factory or mine production lines.关于劳务合作, 我们愿意提供任何行业的工程师或技术工人, 为任何工厂或矿物生产线进行工程建设、设备安装和技术指导。6. Today the world contracting market is quite large, and there are broad prospects for Chinas corporations in the area of labour service co-operation.当前承包工程的世界市场很大, 中国的劳务合作公司有着广阔的前景。7. Termination for cause shall include any of the following:下列任何一条均构成合同的因故终止:(1) 5 times unauthorized absences and /or 10 times unauthorized tardiness to wor


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