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1、学习目标:学习目标:1.读懂课文文本,了解美国足球、篮球和棒球的起源。 2.通过阅读,掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读能力. 3.掌握课文当中的一些知识点。 4.通过阅读,要求学生能够用自己的语言来描述美国足球、篮球和棒球的起源 Cultural Corner-1. Warm-upbasketballAmerican football (rugby)baseball pre-readingHow much do you know about American football, basketball, and baseball? Try to say as much information as pos

2、sible.Fill in the chart namesTime of originPlace of originhowRugby(American football)Basket-ballbaseball18231823Rugby school,England18911891Spring field USAPerhaps EnglandunknownA pupil picked up the ball and ran with it.PE teacher Created for cold winter monthsItsPopular in the 19th century USAAmer

3、ican football (rugby)1. Football or _ started in _ with a _ball that players _but could not _.2. In 1823, a _ picked up the ball during the soccer game and _with it . His classmates enjoyed it . Later, rugby was played with an _ ball that could be both _ and _3. Rugby was _ to the USA and became _sp

4、ort that Americans now call it _. However, people in China _ play it.soccerEnglandroundkickedcarrypupilranovalcarriedthrownexportedpopularfootballseldomBasketball 1. It was invented in 1891 in a _by a _ teacher who wanted to _ exercise _ a noisy class. He _ two basket _ two tall poles and asked the

5、players to throw the ball into the baskets.2. The 13 rules he wrote are the _ of modern basketball rules.3. Basketball is very _in the world.gymnasiumphysical educationprovideforattachedtobasispopularBaseball 1. It _probably_ _ an old English game called rounders.2. A _of the game became popular in

6、the early 19th Century. Modern rules of the game are very similar to his _rulesisbased onversionoriginalReading and Note-taking Read the passage again and underline some important words or phrases.Pick up用法小结: We will pick up where we finished yesterday. 2. Her health soon picked up after a few days

7、 rest. 3. The lifeboat picked up all the survivors. 4. He picked up the girl at a college disco. 5. He picked up the telephone and dialed the number.(活动活动,谈话等谈话等)中断后继续中断后继续好转好转,改善改善救起某人救起某人偶然结识某人偶然结识某人拿起拿起,拾起拾起,举起,卷举起,卷起起6. The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite.7. She soon picked up

8、French when she went to live in France.8. She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale9. The train is picking up speed now .10. pick up an infection/ a cold/ the flu/bad habbits11. I will pick up you at five。见到见到,听到听到(尤指借助仪器尤指借助仪器)通过实践学会通过实践学会(外语外语,技术等技术等)买到买到(尤指廉价或运气好尤指廉价或运气好)加速加速得

9、得,染染(疾病,坏习惯疾病,坏习惯)开车接某人,搭载Provide的用法:的用法: 可用于可用于provide sb.(with sth.)或)或provide sth.(for sb.)结构。)结构。 The school provided food for the students. 学校为学生提供伙食。学校为学生提供伙食。 They provided us with all the books we need. 他们为我们提供所需要的所有书籍。他们为我们提供所需要的所有书籍。Supply的用法: 常用于常用于supply sb. with sth.或或supply sth. to sb.

10、结构。结构。 The company will supply cars to workers. 这个公司将供应车子给工作人员。这个公司将供应车子给工作人员。 Cows supply us with milk. 母牛供给我们母牛供给我们牛奶。牛奶。Offer的用法:的用法: offer sb. sth.或或offer sth to sb. She offered me a cup of tea. 她给我端了她给我端了杯茶。杯茶。 She offered a cup of tea to me.AttachAttach to 把 贴在 把系在 把.固定在.I attached the lable on the boxBe attached to 附属于Our school is attached to Shangdong UniversityAttach impo


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