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1、When honesty disappearsFOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERTISYNo legacy is so rich as honesty. William Shakespeare If you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything. Mark Twain 7UNIT 7UNITWhen honesty disappears To apply the phrases and patternsTo discuss

2、 some social phenomenonabout dishonesty To further understand the textTo master the paragraph writing skillSection AWarming-up activities Text study Language application SummaryWarming-up activitiesSection A1. What does each picture depict?Fake foodGutter oilOfficialcorruptionAcademic cheatingShort

3、Answer Questions Some good virtues are vanishing; Honesty is not valued as much as before; Honesty disappears; Peoples morality is declining.2. What are the common problems these pictures expose?Short Answer Questions1. What would you do if you dont want to go to a friends party which youve been inv

4、ited to?2. What would you do if the cashier at the supermarket forgets to charge you for one item?Work individually. What would you do in the following situations? And whats your reason? Work and Talk1. What would you do if you dont want to go to a friends party which youve been invited to? Definite

5、ly decline the invitation; Create an excuse; Not appear rude. Work and Talk2. What would you do if the cashier at the supermarket forgets to charge you for one item? Point out his or her mistake; Tell the cashier that one item has not been charged; I wouldnt feel comfortable to gain this petty advan

6、tage.Work and TalkYou must study to be frank with the world. _ is the child of honesty and courage. Say just what you mean to do on every occasion. If a friend asks a _, you should grant it if it is reasonable; if not, tell him plainly why you cannot. You would wrong him and wrong yourself by _ of a

7、ny kind.Listen to a short passage concerning honesty and fill in the missing information.Compound DictationFranknessfavorequivocationNever do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. The man who requires you to do so is dearly _. Deal kindly but firmly with all your classmates. You will find it t

8、he _ which wears best. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.purchased at a sacrificepolicy Listen to a short passage concerning honesty and fill in the missing information.Compound DictationIf you have any fault to find with any one, tell him, not others, of what you complain. There i

9、s no more dangerous experiment than that of _ to do one thing before a mans face and another behind his back. We should say and do nothing to the _ of any one. It is not only a matter of _, but also the path of peace and honor.injury Listen to a short passage concerning honesty and fill in the missi

10、ng information.Compound DictationundertakingprincipleShort answer questions:1. How much do you know about Abraham Lincoln? 2. Whats Lincoln best known for? 3. What do American people think of the president?Abraham Lincoln1. How much do you know about Abraham Lincoln? The 16th President of the United

11、 States ; Lead the country through the American Civil War; Preserve the Union ; End slavery. Abraham Lincoln2. Whats Lincoln best known for? Issuing The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th amendment to the American constitution; Abolishing the slavery system.Abraham Lincoln3. What do American peo

12、ple think of the president? One of the greatest American presidents; Have unique appeal for his fellow countrymen.Abraham Lincoln Text studySection ANumerous accounts of cheating, lying, and fraud _ our newspaper pages and TV news; It seems that honesty is _. (Para.1)crowda rapidly vanishing valueMa

13、in Ideas of Part Main Ideas of Part The examples related with dishonesty at all layers of society are: (Para.1)The students sold copies of a university final exam; A clerk used the office postage meter to pay the postage of his own; Travelers stole towels from a major hotel chain. Main Ideas of Part

14、 In what forms did the students cheating exist and what punishments did they confront? (Para.1)Students cheatingPunishmentsPurchased a term paperBe expelled from schoolSold copies of a university final examFaced criminal chargePart I (Para.1)the widespread corruption and dishonestyThe phenomenon of

15、_ _ at all layers of society.Main Ideas of the Partsgreat resources on interneteasy access to internetdemanding task of writing a term paperhaving a university degreeWhat may have driven students to cheat ? (Para.2)reasonsmodern technologyMain Ideas of the PartsEnlightenmentImplication “its deeply t

16、roubling as todays students are tomorrows leaders!” (Para. 2) The strength and richness of a country depends on its youth.Main Ideas of the Parts Its assumed that the dishonesty is extensive in university, if the case is true, what does it imply ? (Para. 2)The standards of the students principles an

17、d morality are falling.Why it doesnt take long for students to fake a term paper? (Para. 3)Main Ideas of the Parts Some websites provide resources for free; Some websites attract students with low price and promise them success.Main Ideas of the Parts“The majority of students applauded the new strat

18、egy.” What does this sentence imply? (Para. 4)Though the phenomenon is prevalent in campus, most students are honest and are willing to obey the regulations. So, as long as the school authority takes drastic measures to reveal the _ and _ other forms of cheating, the phenomenon of exam cheating will

19、 be uprooted.hired cheaterseliminate Part II (Paras. 2-4)The rising _ cheating and plagiarism in college and university and the measures being taken to _ the phenomenon.Main Ideas of the PartsacademiccurbWhat does the author mean by citing the story of Lincoln? (Para.5)The story with its moral virtu

20、e has been passed on from generation to generation for people to think and follow. The author uses this story to show what he is driving at for the whole reading.Main Ideas of the PartsWhat are the negative effects cheating and dishonest behavior will exert on the person who practices cheating as we

21、ll as on others? (Para.6)Main Ideas of the Parts Without honesty, ordered society would descend into chaos. Without honesty, the affirmative, durable bonds of trust among people are eliminated and we all lose.Part III (Para. 5-6)Every society has stories stressing _. without mutual trust, our societ

22、y will _, we all lose the _ among us.affirmative, durable bond Main Ideas of the Partsdescend into chaosthe absolute value of honestyStudents:Selling copies of a university final exam before the exam; buying term papers. A clerk:Using the companys money to pay for his own Christmas cards. Politician

23、s:Demanding bribes.ProblemCorruption and dishonesty at all layers of societyStructure of the TextConsumers:Stealing.ProblemCauses and SolutionStructure of the TextWhy students cheat?What makes it easy to fake a term paper?How universities cope with cheating?ProblemCauses and Solutions EvaluationStru

24、cture of the TextWhen Honesty DisappearsThe numerous _ of cheating, lying and fraud in our society indicate a phenomenon that the _ of honesty is vanishing. The stories of dishonesty _ at all layers of society exemplified by consumers, politicians, travelers, and students. accountsSummary of the Tex

25、tinvolve peoplevalue If the case is true, we should be alarmed by the _ standards of morality and principles of todays studentstomorrows leaders. They are driven to _ their term papers by the eagerness to gain a university degree. Moreover, some websites should be blamed for providing the students w

26、ith free or low-priced _. To cope with the _ of _ cheating, universities and some college faculty decided to take actions.fallingSummary of the Textfakeresourcesgrowing plagueacademic Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an _ effect on anyone who practices it. Equally importantly, the ill effec

27、ts are not _ the dishonest person alone. Without trust, ordered societies would _.undesirable Summary of the Textconfined to descend into chaosPractical Phrases1. not to mention sth.更不用说某事了2. rip off盗窃3. cope with (成功地)对付,处理4. launch a campaign发起一场运动5. be confined to sb. / sth.局限于某人某事6. descend into

28、陷入 状况更不用说某事了更不用说某事了(press a button /not to mention)All they have to do is pressing a button, and they can see shows of every kind, not to mention the latest exciting football match.not to mention sth. 短语逆译短语应用他们只需按一下开关就可以看到各种各样的文艺节目。至于最近的激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。意群提示Practical Phrases盗窃盗窃(walked into the store

29、 / to rip off)He was arrested by the police for ripping off a watch after he walked into the store.rip off短语逆译短语应用他被警察抓了,因为他走进商店后偷了一块手表。意群提示Practical Phrases(成功地)处理(成功地)处理(to my delight / cope with the stress)To my delight, he was able to cope with the stress of his study.to cope with短语逆译短语应用令我高兴的是,

30、他能够处理学习的压力。意群提示Practical Phrases发起一场运动发起一场运动(comprehensive quality / launched a campaign) To improve the staffs comprehensive quality, the company launched a massive educational campaign.Launch / wage a campaign短语逆译短语应用为了提高员工的综合素质,该公司发起了一场大规模的教育运动。意群提示Practical Phrases局限于局限于(the hunger for knowledge

31、 / not confined to) For the young, the hunger for knowledge is strong, and it is not confined to any time or place. be confined to sth.短语逆译短语应用年轻人对知识的渴望是非常强烈的,并不受任何时间或地域的限制。意群提示Practical Phrases陷入陷入状况状况(take effective measures / descend into ) They have taken effective measures so as to prevent the

32、city from descending into chaos and bloodshed. descend into 短语逆译短语应用他们采取了有效措施,阻止了整个城市陷入混乱和流血。意群提示Practical PhrasesFunctional Patterns1. especially troubling / surprising / annoying are the reports/facts that.用于“表述一种更令人担忧/吃惊/烦恼/生气的现象或者事实”。2. sth. , once hailed as sth., could become sth.用于“表述一种事物或者一个人

33、今昔境况的对比”。3. Whether discovered or not (whether conscious or unconscious) , sth. will have an effect on sth.用于“表述不管在什么情况下某事可能产生的影响”。去年一年,一家大型连锁酒店的大量毛巾被游客偷走,酒店因此花费了300万美元来添置新毛巾。尤其令人担忧的是,世界范围内有关学生不诚实行为的报道越来越多。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习Travelers ripped off so many towels last year that it cost a major hotel chain

34、 $3 million to replace them. Especially troubling are the reports that dishonesty is increasing amongst student populations around the world.句型提炼句型提炼Functional PatternsSb. did sth. / sth. happened. Especially troubling / surprising/annoying are the reports / facts that句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于表达“表述一种更令人担忧/

35、吃惊/烦恼的现象或者事实感受”。句型应用句型应用Functional Patterns(slot machine / facilitate the citizens / incomplete coins / amounted to ) 典型例句投币坐车本来是给市民提供方便,然而仅一个月公交公司收就收到很多的残币,更令人气愤的是仅假钞的数额就多达三万元。意群提示The use of slot machine was aimed at facilitating the citizens, but within one month alone the public bus company recei

36、ved lots of incomplete coins. Especially irritating is the fact that fake money alone amounted to 30,000 Yuan.Functional Patterns有些人担心,曾经被奉为最棒的学习工具的互联网会成为作弊者最得力的帮手。 原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheat

37、ing.句型提炼句型提炼Functional PatternsSth., once hailed as sth., could become sth. 句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示 用于表达“表述一种事物或者一个人今昔境况的对比”。 句型应用句型应用Functional Patterns( charge with ) 典型例句曾经是一位美国警察,被称赞为英雄,现被控告有强奸等几项罪名,已被抓捕。意群提示Functional PatternsA former US police officer, once hailed as a hero, has been arrested and cha

38、rged with rape and other crimes.不管是否会被发现,不诚实都会给任何一个作弊者带来不利影响。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an undesirable effect on anyone who practices it.句型提炼句型提炼Functional PatternsWhether discovered or not (whether conscious or unconscious), sth. will have an effect on sb.句型提炼句型提炼应用提示

39、应用提示 用于表达“表述不管在什么情况下某事都可能产生影响”。句型应用句型应用Functional Patterns(present idea/ damage ones future)典型例句不管是否被查出,剽窃他人的思想会对一个人的名声造成坏的影响,甚至会毁了前程。意群提示Whether checked out or not, presenting another persons ideas as ones own may have bad effect on his name or even damage his future.Functional Patterns (learned to

40、 rush / lower morals)典型例句不管承认与否,今天,我们学会了追赶时间,却没有学会耐心等待;我们拥有的财富越来越多,道德品质却日益沦丧。意群提示Whether admit it or not, today weve learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals.Functional PatternsLanguage appreciation 这些报道确实是真实的还是言过其实了呢?我们该不该因这些关于行为准则和道德水准下降的报道而感到不安呢? a. Are these rep

41、orts truly a c c u r a t e o r d o t h e y exaggerate the situation? Should we be alarmed by the accounts of falling standards of principles and morality? (Para.2, L1) 一些大学的教师不再只是谈论日益增多的学生作弊行为,他们决定采取行动。 b. Some college faculty decided to do more than talk about rising students cheating. (Para. 4, L4

42、)Language appreciation 随着人们意识到当今社会的不诚实行为日益增多,有时这就暗示着在“过去的好时光”里,人们更好、更快乐、更诚实。 c . W i t h a w a r e n e s s o f increasing dishonesty in todays society, its sometimes implied that in “the good old days” people were better, happier, and more honest. (Para. 5, L1)Language appreciation 没有诚信,有序的社会就会陷入混乱。

43、 d. Without trust, ordered society would descend into chaos. (Para. 6, L5)Language appreciation1. In some universities, students are asked to sign an Honesty Declaration in the exam. Do you think this is an effective way to prevent cheating? Why or why not?2. Sometimes people tell white lies to avoi

44、d hurting others feelings. Should these people be considered honest or dishonest? 3.Sometimes doctors do not tell the truth to their patients about their conditions. Do you approve of this practice? Why or why not?Theme exploration1. In some universities, students are asked to sign an Honesty Declar

45、ation in the exam. Do you think this is an effective way to prevent cheating? Why or why not?Theme exploration Yes, I think signing an Honesty Declaration will effectively prevent cheating in exams. The declaration is a reminder to students that they have promised to do the right thing, and they sho

46、uld keep their promise to an honest person.No. I doubt the effectiveness of signing an Honesty Declaration, and I dont think it would help promote honest behavior during the exam. If students are honest, they will be honest even without signing thedeclaration. If they are not honest, they will cheat

47、 anyway.2.Sometimes people tell white lies to avoid hurting others feelings. Do you think people are still honest if they tell white lies? Yes, people who tell white lies are still honest. White lies are harmless and well-meant. We tell white lies not to cheat others or benefit ourselves; instead, w

48、e want to make others feel better. No, I dont consider those who tell white lies to be honest. A lie is a lie. Being honest benefits everybody, while lying destroys trust among people. Theme exploration3.Sometimes doctors do not tell the truth to their patients about their conditions. Do you approve

49、 of this? Why or why not?Theme explorationYes, I approve of doctors not telling the truth to patients. Some patients are not strong-willed enough. The truth may make them collapse and lose hope, which is bad for their recovery. No. Patients, if they are sane, have every right to know their own condi

50、tions and take part in making decisions. If the doctor hides the truth, it takes away the patients right to know the truth, and there is a risk that decisions are probably made against the patients will. In this sense, the patient is not being respected. How do you understand the following quotes “子

51、曰:子曰:“人而无信,不知其可也。人而无信,不知其可也。”? In Confucian Analects (论语), the Master said, “I do not know how a man without truthfulness is acceptable” It implies the necessity for a man to be honest, truthful and sincere.Culture exploration How to be a sincere and trustworthy person in your view?Be honest with yo

52、urself and with others. Personal integrity is a must and honesty demonstrates integrity. Keep your promises and be reliable. If you say youll do something, do it. Reliability fosters trust. Culture exploration Watching & DiscussingWatch the video clip: Scent of a Woman and write down the lines w

53、hich strike you most.Video WatchingQ: What path did Charlie take? Watching & DiscussingRead the introduction of Scent of a Woman, then do the following activities. Brief introduction of the film It is a story between Charles Simms, a poor, virtuous pre school senior and Lt. Colonel Frank Slade,

54、a blind, lonely veteran. The student needing money agrees to “babysit” the Colonel during the vacation and they become good friends finally. At the beginning of the movie, Charles witnesses a mischief (恶作剧) that two of his friends make on the headmaster, and the headmaster forces him to tell the pea

55、ce breakers. Charles refuses to betray his friends, the headmaster decides to expel him from school and cancel his chance to further study in Harvard. Frank showed up unexpectedly at the schools meeting and gave a brilliant speech, which exempted Charles from punishment and brought a big applause. W

56、atching & discussingWatch the video clip and write down the lines which strike you most. What happened is the symptom of the sickness of our society.这件事是我们社会病态的表征。Your future will be jeopardized permanently.你的前途会永久地受到伤害。The boys soul is intact.这孩子的灵魂完整无缺。He wont sell anyone to buy his own future

57、. My friends, it is called integrity. 他不会为了自己的将来出卖任何人,朋友们,这就是正直。 What path did Charlie take? Charlie chooses a path made of principles that leads to character.查理选择了一条正途,是原则之途,通往人格之路。Culture exploration Language applicationSection AExpressing sth. important or the importance of sth.:Use various claus

58、es such as subjective clause, objective clause as well as adverbial form to express the importance of a matter or event or to emphasize which one is more important than the other.Sentence writingExample: (1) The critical importance of having a university degree may have increased the pressure to che

59、at in academic environments.(2) Equally importantly, the ill effects are not confined to the dishonest person alone.(3) Its important that we do what we say well do, pay when we say we will, and create words that are our own.(4) The most important lesson our schools can teach is that we must trust e

60、ach other. Sentence writingAppreciationThe third choice that must not be missed is to cherish your human connections, your relationships with family and friends. For several years, the importance to your career of dedication and hard work has impressed upon you, thats true. But as important as your obligation


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