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1、1. 重点单词拼写1) Im sorry, but there is no abut to sell the car to pay him back.2) SI just dont think your plan will work.3) Athat the proposal is accepted, when do you think we can get the money?4) Their mother never shows them much a, but they know she loves them.【答案】alternative【答案】Somehow【答案】Assuming【

2、答案】affection5) There are various branches of science and botany falls into the cof biology.【答案】category6) The drugs only provided temporary(暂时的)r from the pain.7) You need to say why this old building is worth p.8) Aof the wine indicated that it contained dangerous additives (添加剂).9) The sof this li

3、es in the fact that he had previously denied all knowledge of the fund.【答案】relief【答案】preserving (be worth doing sth) 【答案】Analysis【答案】significance10) You said you live in Guangdong Province. Could you be a bit more s?【答案】specific2. 用方框中词汇的正确形式填空accuracyampleprimitiveapplaudradioactiveacceleratedizzys

4、kilfuldivisionpatient1) The audienceloudly when he left the stage.2) The magician was sowith his hands that nobody can discover his secret.3) Workers in some occupations are exposed(暴露)to highly materials.【答案】applauded【答案】skilful【答案】radioactive4) Louise was verywith me when I was ill and crabby(乖戾).

5、【答案】patient5) There isstorage space in the new house.6) The house was, with an earthen(泥土)7) Greg felt sick andin the hot sun.【答案】ample【答案】primitive【答案】dizzy8) Sometimes there is no simplebetween good and evil.9) I had read about another account(描述)of the story so I began to doubt theof his report.【

6、答案】division【答案】accuracy10) We should take effective measures to the rate of economic growth.【答案】accelerate返回单元菜单短语积累regardless of 不顾;不管look ahead向前看;为将来谋划look back 向后看;回顾look down (on / upon sth) 向下看;轻视 look up 查找;形势好转;看望look up to sb 尊敬look forward to sth / doing sth 盼望look at 看待;杳看;考虑look on 旁观;看作

7、look out 留神;注意look into 调查look over 快速浏览look through 仔细查阅look to 指望2. 介词填空2) my relief, my son was found safe and sound at school.3) If this plan doesnt work, we have an alternativeit.4) Mr.Garcia looks downanyone who hasnt had a college education.【答案】of (regardless of )【答案】To (to sbs relief )【答案】to

8、 (an alternative to sth )【答案】on (look down on sb )5) We all look on himone of the greatest writers in our country.【答案】as (look on sb as )1) He went to work as usual regardlessthe clod.6) This report lookedthe caused of unemployment.【答案】into (look into sth )返回单元菜单1. It must have been very uncomfortab

9、le.must have been表示过去。本单元课文中出现了很多情态动词+完成式结构,用法相同。如:We have discovered fireplaces in the center of the caves where they constructed fires. That would have kept them warm, cooked the food and scared wild animals away as well.我们发现在洞穴中央有生火用的地炉。他们用地炉里的火来取暖做饭,还可以用火来吓跑野兽。本句在有三个并列的这种结构,所以后面残余分子个分词前省略了would

10、have。We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这意味着他们可能整个冬天都在烧火。2. Worried about the preparations for the feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection of nuts and fruit.(P43)拉拉担心

11、她这次盛宴的准备工作,所以赶紧把坚果和不果收集起来就快步回家了。worried about . 是一个过去分词结构作原因状语,表示被动,相当于because she was worried about . 。又如:Filled with great anger, I hit him in the face.因为我当时气坏了,就打了他一耳光。Lost in a book, he didnt notice me enter.他当时正聚精会神地看一本书,所以没有注意到我进来。3. If only it could just be like last year.(P43)要是能像去年那样就好了!If

12、only she had looked ahead and planned better. Then she wouldnt have been feeling so worried.她要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!那么她就不会这么担心了。If only . (= I wish .) “但愿”,后面常跟过去式(谈论现在和将来的事情)或过去完成式(谈论过去的和已经发生的事情),是一促虚似语气。又如:If only we could afford to buy a place of our own. 我们要是能买得起属于自己的住所就好了。If only I had studied harder

13、 at school.在中学时代我要是刻苦学习就好了。4. Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild animals lying in wait for her.(P43)拉拉沿着回洞穴的路走着,步伐也加快了,担心会有野兽在等着她。fearing that . 是一个现在分词结构作原因状语,表示主动,相当于because she feared that . 。又如:Not knowing what to do, I went to the teacher for hel

14、p.因为不知道该怎么办,所以我就去找老师帮忙。5. He chose one large stone and began to hit one of the scrapers hard on the edge that needed sharpening.他选了一个大块石头,在一个需要磨快的石刮子边沿上敲打起来。need / want / require doing 需要,没有被动式,但相当于need to be done。即时强化练习:根据所给汉语完成句子1) Your anti-virus software. (需要升级了)【答案】needs / wants / requires upgr

15、ading2) at the time, I applied for the job.(因为手头缺钱)【答案】Being short of money3)in his room?(你认为他在干什么)【答案】What do you think he is doing4) If only, I could get out of this place.(我有辆车)【答案】 I had a car5) , I decided to work harder.(被他的事迹感动了)【答案】 Encouraged by his deeds6) He in Guangzhou for nearly 15 yea

16、rs but still cant understand Cantonese.(生活)【答案】 have been living7) ; theres plenty of time left.(不必急急忙忙)【答案】 neednt have hurried返回单元菜单1. You must be aware that its here that weve found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world (P38) aware adj.意识到;知道的 be / become awa

17、re of sth. 知道;意识到 We should be aware of the importance of learning a foreign language. 我们必须意识到学习外语的重要性。 Though most smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking, they wont give it up. 尽管大多数烟民都知道吸烟有危害,可他们还是不愿戒掉。2. So we think it is reasonable to assume (that) they lived in these caves, regardless of t

18、he cold. (P38) assume vt 假设;设想;装作 The scientists assume that there are living things on the Mars. 科学家们设想火星上有生物。 When she was blamed by the classmates, she assumed a look of innocence. 当同学们责备她时,她装出一副无辜的表情。【提示】assume表示假装时与pretend同义,但pretend的固定搭配用法是pretend to be; pretend thatregardless of 不管;不顾 She is

19、determined to go to study abroad, regardless of the fact that her English is poor.不管她英语多贫乏,她还是决定到国外留学。【词语辨析】regardless / despite / in spite of 以上三个短语都可以表示“不管,不顾”,但是固定搭配用法不同。despite“虽然,尽管;不顾”,语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。in spite of“虽然,尽管;不顾”,in spite of多用于书面语,语气较重,表示不管遇到什么障碍、干扰和反对也坚持要干。regardless of.是“不管,不顾,不理

20、会”的一般用语。 The training class welcomes all students regardless of age. 培训班欢迎各个年龄段的学生参加。 Despite the fact that the doctor told him to rest, Jack went to Spain. 尽管医生嘱咐他休息,但杰克还是去了西班牙。 In spite of all his efforts, he failed in his English exam. 尽管他付出了他的努力,他的英语还是不及格。3. It seemed that they might have used sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin. (P38) 看样子他们可能是用磨尖的石器来切割野兽并剥皮。 cut


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