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1、中考(Kao)九年级英语完形填空题型解题点拨与练习第一页,共三十六页。完形填(Tian)空 此题型主要考查学生以语篇理解为依据的语言综合运用能力,但它又不同于阅读理解,其题型较复杂,涉及面广涵盖语法、句法、惯用法、常识等。下面为此类题型的解题方法和技巧:1通读全文,掌握大意。2上下文要连续,前后要贯通。连词的使用为各行各句之间提供了紧密的因果、转折、并列或者条件的内在逻辑关系,通过发(Fa)现和识别连词,可以从宏观的角度把握文章的大意,构建全文的内在逻辑结构,领会作者的思路。第二页,共三十六页。3要仔细推敲,复读全文。4要培养扎实的语言能力(Li)和严密的逻辑思维。注意:在接近中考时要进行强化

2、训练,每天至少要做两至三篇完形填空,并自己计时。完(Wan)形填空 第三页,共三十六页。阅读(Du)下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项 (A)Mr and Mrs Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb(哑的) _1_ he was normal in every other way. Mr and Mrs Green tried everything to get him to _2_, but with no success.完形填(Tian)空 巩固

3、练习第四页,共三十六页。When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town _3_ him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he _4_ spoke.“There might be something wrong with his _5_, and he doesnt know hes able to speak,” one doctor said. “But he can read and wr

4、ite,” said Mr Green. “Weve written him notes, telling him that he can speak.”“Its certainly very _6_,” another doctor said. “Perhaps hell be able to speak some day.”_7_ passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a _8_ word.完(Wan)形填空 第五页,共三十六页。Then one day Leo was having a meal with his par

5、ents. Without any warning, he looked up from his _9_ and said, “Pass me the salt, please.”Mr and Mrs Green were excited. “You spoke! You spoke!” they cried. “Why have you _10_ so long to speak?”“I didnt have anything to say,” he said. “Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in

6、these potatoes.” 完形(Xing)填空 第六页,共三十六页。()1. A. because B. when C. though D. before ()2. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh()3. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked ()4. A. never B. often C. usually D. always ()5. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind ()6. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet ()7. A. Ho

7、urs B. Weeks C. Months D. Years ()8. A. good B. right C. single D. new ()9. A. chair B. meal C. hands D. books ()10. A. slept B. walked C. served D. waited完形填(Tian)空 CACADBDCBD第七页,共三十六页。 (B)My holiday is coming.Yesterday I asked my American friends about the best way to travel within the United Stat

8、es.They said it was best to go by _1_ and gave me the _2_To fly, of course, is the fastest way, but one cant see anything during a _3_ except the blue sky and white clouds.So it is not very interesting to one who wants to see the_4_Besides, airfare is very_5_To travel by train is _6_, because passen

9、gers can walk and buy food and drinks on a train.They can also see cities and the country through the windows.But trains dont leave or_7_ at a place every day, and dont go to many cities.完形填(Tian)空 第八页,共三十六页。To travel by bus, my friends tell me, is easy, cheap and convenient, though not so fast as t

10、ravelling by plane or so _8_ as by train.But you can find buses almost in every city, big or small.That makes travel arrangement easy. I take their_9_Now I have decided to go to the east coast with an interesting _10_ by bus.完(Wan)形填空 第九页,共三十六页。()1.A.bike Btrain Cplane Dbus()2.A.reason Banswer Csugg

11、estion Dkey()3.A.railway Bflight Ccourse Droad()4.A.country Bheaven Cmountains Dhouse()5.A.cheap Blarge Cexpensive Dsmall()6.A.relaxing Binterested Cdear Dtired()7.A.wait Barrive Cpass Dget()8.A.tiring Bconvenient Ccomfortable Dslow()9.A.surprise Badvice Cfeeling Didea()10.A.dialogue Bmovement Cacti

12、on Dtrip完(Wan)形填空 DABACABCBD第十页,共三十六页。 (C)Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone _1_ his own dream in his life.The dreams are very important_2_ them.The dreams can make them_3_ harder.完形(Xing)填空 第十一页,共三十六页。I am studying in a school now.My dream is _4_ a teacher in West China.Many chil

13、dren there want to go to school_5_they cant.Their families are very poor and the parents_6_have enough money to send their children to school.But going to school and studying is the only _7_to change their life.Teachers are greatly needed there. So I want to be a teacher to help them.I_8_kind to my

14、students and make friends with them.I will give them love and teach_9_ how to be a useful person.I think it is a great_10_ in the world.完(Wan)形填空 第十二页,共三十六页。()1.A.has Bhave Cis Dare()2.A.at Bto Cin Dwith()3.A.to work Bto study Cwork Dworking()4.A.be Bto make Cto do Dto be()5.A.and Bbut Cor Dso()6.A.

15、dont Bnot Cno Ddoesnt()7.A.way Bidea Ctrip Droad()8.A.am Bwill be Cwas Dam going to()9.A.they Btheir Cthem Dtheirs()10.A.room Bbook Cschool Djob完形填(Tian)空 ABCDBAABCD第十三页,共三十六页。 (D)Once there was a man. He loved _1_oceans, rivers, and lakes; he loved them all. _2_ he loved a pond best. He found that

16、there were beautiful trees, birds and butterflies around the pond. He knew a _3_ leading there, so he stopped to see the pond nearly every day on his way home from work. He always felt very _4_ there.After many years he found that there were _5_ frogs, fish, turtles and other living things in the wa

17、ter. Also there was an unpleasant smell coming from the pond. Still, he stopped to see the pond almost every day.完(Wan)形填空 第十四页,共三十六页。One afternoon as he _6_ the pond again, he saw the water become lifeless(死气(Qi)沉沉的). Suddenly he broke into tears. He closed his _7_ and felt his great love for the w

18、ater. He thanked it for its being there and for the peaceful feelings it gave him. To his _8_, he felt a wave of love which seemed to be coming back from the water! He _9_ to do this every time he visited the pond. After some time, he saw life returning, the unpleasant _10_ disappearing, and the wat

19、er becoming clean. Frogs, fish and turtles started returning to the pond.完形(Xing)填空 第十五页,共三十六页。()1. A. water B. air C. sports D. gifts()2. A. And B. But C. So D. Or()3. A. car B. bus C. road D. truck()4. A. angry B. boring C. tired D. relaxed()5. A. more and more B. smaller and smaller C. less and l

20、ess D. fewer and fewer()6. A. visited B. left C. built D. moved()7. A. mouth B. eyes C. hands D. bags()8. A. anger B. sadness C. cost D. surprise()9. A. stopped B. cared C. ended D. continued()10. A. animals B. fish C. smell D. flowers完(Wan)形填空 ABCDDABDDC第十六页,共三十六页。 (E)Long long ago there was a lege

21、nd about a monster that lived in a lake by the side of a little village in Scotland. No one had ever seen the monster, _1_ the whole village talked about her. People said that the monster had four eyes and _2_ all the little children who went near the lake.Jake, a little boy from the village, decide

22、d to set off for the lake. Jake went off _3_ his backpack full of food. When he reached the bank of the lake, he began _4_ the food to the monster to attract it.完(Wan)形填空 第十七页,共三十六页。Suddenly he _5_ a great noise coming from the lakethe monster! And after a few _6_ her foureyed head popped out of (从(

23、Cong)中突然出来) the water right in front of Jake.Of course Jake was very scared, but he _7_ quietly. The monster asked, “Arent you _8_, little boy?” Jake didnt say a word, so the monster kept on talking, “I like you. Youre the first person not to _9_ when seeing me.” Little by little, Jake grew calmer a

24、nd replied, “Im sure you cant be all bad. You dont eat children, do you?”And that was how Jake and the monster ended up being friends. And Jake told the story all over the village and made _10_ see that the monster wasnt as bad as they thought. 完形填(Tian)空 第十八页,共三十六页。()1. A. and B. or C. so D. but()2

25、. A. ate B. fed C. helped D. loved()3. A. to B. with C. in D. on()4. A. cooking B. eating C. throwing D. leaving()5. A. made B. heard C. gave D. got()6. A. seconds B. hours C. months D. years()7. A. laid B. slept C. stood D. jumped()8. A. happy B. afraid C. angry D. sad()9. A. run away B. lie down C

26、. get off D. come out()10. A. her B. us C. you D. them 完(Wan)形填空 DABCBACBAD第十九页,共三十六页。 (F)Its a good habit to say “Thank you” when others help you or say something kind to you.You should say “Thank you” when someone _1_ you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work _2_, or you buy a

27、nice thing, or your city is very _3_“Thank you” is _4_not only between friends, but also _5_ parents and children, brothers and _6_, husbands and wives.完形(Xing)填空 第二十页,共三十六页。“Excuse me” is _7_ short sentence that is often used.Its not _8_ to break others when they are talking.If you want to_9_ to on

28、e of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin to talk.You should also do so when you want to cough or make any other noise before others.Lets _10_learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”完形(Xing)填空 第二十一页,共三十六页。()1.A.takes Bpasses Csells Dmakes()2.A.good Bnice Cfine Dwell()3.A.beautiful Bbad Csmall

29、 Dhot()4.A.used Bknown Ctaken Dbrought()5.A.by Bbetween Camong Dwith()6.A.classmates Bteachers Csisters Dcousins()7.A.the other Bother Canother Dthe another()8.A.proud Beasy Cpretty Dpolite()9.A.tell Bsay Ccall Dspeak()10.A.we Ball Cone Dthey完形(Xing)填空 BDAABCCDDB第二十二页,共三十六页。 (G)My name is Nadia and

30、Im thirteen. Ive volunteered since I was eight. I love singing. I used to _1_ for my mothers friends, and then I started singing for womens clubs, the Lions Club, and groups _2_ that.I have three books of poetry and songs. I gave all of the _3_ from the books to childrens charities. For example, the

31、 money from _4_ first book went to a school for blind children, and to the Lions Club. The _5_ held an activity called Sight First to help the blind.完形(Xing)填空 第二十三页,共三十六页。I visit people at a nursing home near my school. People there ask me to come by on Sundays and _6_ for them. I think thats what

32、makes me feel satisfied. _7_ I sing to someone who is dying or sick, theres a smile on his _8_I find that everyone needs love, everyone can give love, and that love is what everyone wants. Thats a really _9_ lesson to me. Making some people happy _10_ you happy too, and they go on making others happ

33、y.完(Wan)形填空 第二十四页,共三十六页。()1. A. dance B. read C. sing D. write()2. A. about B. for C. with D. like()3. A. money B. time C. volunteers D. clubs()4. A. her B. my C. his D. your()5. A. club B. office C. company D. hospital()6. A. need B. talk C. visit D. perform()7. A. Because B. But C. When D. Though(

34、)8. A. look B. appearance C. face D. head()9. A. sick B. important C. disappointing D. useless()10. A. asks B. makes C. gives D. wants完形(Xing)填空 CDABADCCBB第二十五页,共三十六页。 (H)Everyone should do something to protect the environment. What can we do to help to save our earth? Let me tell you what our famil

35、y have done.First, my family try to save _1_. We never leave the lights on when leaving the rooms. We turn off the TV when _2_ is watching it. My mum only uses cold water in the washing machine.Second, we also start recycling this week. We _3_ to write on both sides of the paper, not just on one sid

36、e. We also _4_ our rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food. My mum keeps the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags. 完形(Xing)填空 第二十六页,共三十六页。Third, my family also save water. We never take long baths and have short showers _5_. We wash the t

37、oilet with used water. My sister and I dont _6_ the tap running when we are brushing our teeth.At last, my mum and dad begin to save gas. Mum _7_ to drive us to school, but now my sister and I start riding our bikes to school. Its hard work _8_ good exercise! This week my dad and his workmates(同(Ton

38、g)事) also start to go to work together in one _9_ and share the cost. This also helps reduce greenhouse gases.These are great _10_ to help protect our environment.完(Wan)形填空 第二十七页,共三十六页。()1. A. water B. oil C. electricity D. food()2. A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D. anybody()3. A. want B. keep C

39、. refuse D. try()4. A. divide B. check C. buy D. change()5. A. again B. instead C. already D. too()6. A. leave B. stop C. finish D. watch()7. A. hoped B. began C. used D. needed()8. A. or B. but C. for D. and()9. A. car B. bus C. subway D. train()10. A. ways B. advice C. information D. news完(Wan)形填空

40、 CCDABACBAA第二十八页,共三十六页。 (I)Travel is useful to us at least in three ways:First, by travelling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of different _1_We can see _2_ our own eyes many places which can be read about in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.完(Wan)形填空 第二十九页,共三十六页。Second, well

41、_3_ people with different interests and see all kinds of strange things when we travel.We can get ideas of what the conditions and customs of _4_ people are, and can taste local foods of different flavors(味道) if we like._5_ this way, we can understand_6_ differently other people live.Third, travel w

42、ill not only help us to _7_ knowledge of geography, history and other subjects, _8_ also help us to keep _9_ and make us broadminded(心胸开阔(Kuo)的)With all these advantages of travel, its no wonder _10_ travel has now become more popular than ever in China.完形填(Tian)空 第三十页,共三十六页。() 1.A.towns Bcities Cvi

43、llages Dplaces() 2.A.in Bwith Cby Don() 3.A.listen Bwatch Cmeet Dnotice() 4.A.other Bthe others Canother Dothers() 5.A.At BOn CBy DIn() 6.A.what Bhow Cwhether Dwhen() 7.A.get Bgive Csee Dbring() 8.A.or Bso Cand Dbut() 9.A.health Bhealthy Chealthily Dhealthier() 10.A.these Bthat Cthose Dthis完形(Xing)填

44、空 DBCADBADBB第三十一页,共三十六页。 (J)It is important that a puppy is welltrained. It needs to learn to listen and to _1_ you as it grows into an adult dog. You can begin teaching your puppy some simple commands(命令(Ling) _2_ it is about two months old. Here are two simple commands you can _3_ your puppy.Teach

45、 your puppy to sit.This is one of the first commands your puppy should learn. Follow these _4_ to teach your puppy to sit.Hold your puppys collar(项圈) with your right _5_Put your left hand on your puppys back, near _6_ shoulders.完形填(Tian)空 第三十二页,共三十六页。Command your puppy to sit with a firm _7_ kind voice. DO NOT REPEAT THIS COMMAND.Run your


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