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1、 鲁教五四版 八年级上 期末专训词汇题专训答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接1dishes2sweeping3island4skill678910Whatevertraditionalencourageweighschildhood题组一5caused1112131415governmentclearcopyprotectionbrave答 案 呈 现习题链接16171819pupilssafedeepthick题组一1condition2cheats3including4copied678910regardcommunicationcountwildInstead题组二5Acco

2、rdingbambooadultsuccessfullyweighs1112131415worsetruthtechnologyrestguntourists1617181920题组二答 案 呈 现习题链接1railway2safe3appeared4Indian5imagine题组三答 案 呈 现习题链接introducelinefeetillness1112131415modern题组三1clearly2Instead3since4hate678910passthrowknifestresswaste题组四5While678910populationborrowvoicesomewhere

3、hurt答 案 呈 现习题链接dependssweetfoxpeaceful1112131415bamboogoldborrowNeitherchoresrapid1617181920题组四1oil2neither3provide4develop题组五5neighbor答 案 呈 现习题链接Japaneseinvitedmemberelderwrongexplainingcompetemessmatch1112131415dealingenoughRelationsarguedcloudguess题组五6789101617181920答 案 呈 现习题链接1passage2opinion3of

4、fered4properclearhardlymemoriesuntilAlthough5explainshotpressuregradesmembers1112131415compete题组六678910答 案 呈 现习题链接aloneanotherpushcomparebeauty题组六16171819201against2couple3crazy4developmentkeepernobodystrangealarmsuddenly5endangered678910题组七答 案 呈 现习题链接began/startedrainstormareabeat1112131415taughtow

5、neraparticywind题组七1617181920abroad1kidding2stone3weak4unbelievable5remind题组八researchbandsmiledalarmprincesalesilksillywhether1112131415snackSquaredeepprotectfirstcheat6789101617181920题组八答 案 呈 现习题链接1south2wood3crazy4treasureclassicstechnologyFrenchmillionfantastic5hurriedmoonlightreportedjuniorpop111

6、2131415woke题组九678910答 案 呈 现习题链接rockfanbelongsrealizehome题组九16171819201scarf2toilets3protect4braveperfectfallenGermans; Germancompletelytheme5social678910题组十答 案 呈 现习题链接ridessimplywheneverfair1112131415tailbirthintroducesadtypical题组十1617181920beat1mostly2yard3check4boards5century题组十一答 案 呈 现习题链接opposit

7、efloorconsiderNowadaysforcesearchingstepmothercrayonsshame1112131415gardenOceantoysSuddenlyguesssoft6789101617181920题组十一答 案 呈 现习题链接1memories2nature3relations4lightimportancesilencetouristsrealizedshocked5reporteddatepassagebetterpupils1112131415truth题组十二678910答 案 呈 现习题链接题组一1. I hate to do the _ (餐具)

8、 after supper.2. What are you doing?Im _ (打扫) the floor. Its dirty.3. There are different kinds of animals on that small _ (岛屿).dishessweepingisland4. I should improve my writing _ (技能) by reading.5. Do you know what _ (引起) the fire?6. _ (无论什么) difficulties you meet, never give up easily. 【2020宁波】sk

9、illWhatevercaused7. In most countries, people usually eat t food on special holidays. 【2020随州】8. Parents should e children to do things by themselves.9. This elephant _ (重量是) many times more than this panda. 【2020甘孜州】10. My father told me a good story of his _ (童年).raditionalncourageweighschildhood1

10、1. We have had some help from the _ (政府).12. At night I like to look at the stars in the _ (晴朗的) sky.13. Can I help you?Yes, please. I want to _ (复印) my ID ernmentclearcopy14. Their tent gave little _ (保护) against the storm.15. You are _ (勇敢的) enough to accept such a difficult job. 【中考安徽】pro

11、tectionbrave16. The school has over 400 p and 30 of them come from the village.17. It isnt s to play soccer on the road.18. The river is very _ (深的) . Dont swim in it.19. The ice was not _ (厚的) enough for us to walk on.upilsafedeepthick题组二1. Its up to the weather _ (状况) to decide if we can go out fo

12、r a trip.2. In the story The Emperors New Clothes, the emperor was fooled by two _ (骗子) .conditioncheats3. We all want to watch the documentary Amazing China , i my grandparents.4. Mr King was angry with Bob because he c . his classmates homework just now.5. A to Kate, he is interested in science fi

13、ction.ncludingopiedccording6. I always r him as a good friend of mine.7. I think you should sit down and have good c . with your friend.8. The little baby can c from one to twenty.egardommunicationount9. People should protect w animals. They are our friends.10. Paul didnt drive to the museum. I , he

14、 rode his bike.ildnstead11. This chair is made of b . I like sitting on it very much.12. You are an a . You must think it over when you do something.amboodult13. I have _ (成功地) completed all the work.14. He _ (weight) only 70 kilos now after taking a balanced diet. 【中考鄂州】15. Hundreds of _ (旅行者) visi

15、t this ancient temple every day.successfullyweighstourists16. How are you today?Im feeling much _ (bad) than yesterday.【中考安顺】17. You should try your best to find out the t . Of the matter.worseruth18. In our modern society, _ (科技) is developing very quickly.19. I will finish reading the _ (剩余部分) of

16、the book in two hours.20. You cant use a _ (枪) to kill animals.technologyrestgun题组三1. His father works in a _ (铁路) company.2. We shall take the treasure away to a _ (安全的) place.railwaysafe3. Mickey Mouse first _ (appear) in the cartoon over 90 years ago. 【2021济宁兖州期末】4. Many people like to travel to

17、India and eat I . food.5. We cant i how hard the womens life was in the old days.appearedndianmagine6. Whats the p of your city?Its about 300 thousand.7. Could I _ (借) your dictionary?【2020遂宁】8. She was in a good _ (声音) at the concert last night.opulationborrowvoice9. They live _ (在某处) in France.10.

18、 I didnt see Jim for long.He fell down last month and h his legs.【2021烟台福山期中】somewhereurt11. Im a new student. Let me i myself to you.12. When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait in l .13. One of his _ (foot) got hurt during the journey.【2021济宁邹城期中】ntroduceinefeet14. If your child shows any

19、 signs of i , take him or her to the doctor.15. Nowadays its a m lifestyle to spend weekends in the countryside. 【中考宁波】llnessodern题组四1. It rained heavily. It was too dark for us to see the road _(清楚地) .2. Lucy didnt walk to the park. I , she rode her bike.clearlynstead3. I have had them s I was a ch

20、ild.【2021泰安岱岳期末】4. I h hamburgers and ice cream, so I never eat them.5. W I m listening to music, my brother is playing the violin.inceatehile6. My pen is on the sofa. Please p it to me.7. Dont _(扔) it to him. Give it to him!8. I need a k to cut it off. 【2021淄博沂源期中】assthrownife9. I think now student

21、s have lots of s from school.Yeah! Teachers give them so much homework and are so strict with them.10. Mike, since we dont need these clothes, why w money on them?tressaste11. Dave d on his sister too much.Yes. He always asks his sister to do this or to do that.12. Could you please give me a cup of

22、hot _(甜的) tea?13. They both have tails. Theyre the _(狐狸) and the cat!ependssweetfox14. You need a _(安静的) environment in order to study properly.15. You have made such _(快速的) progress in spoken English!peacefulrapid16. Everything there is made of _(竹子).17. There was a big _(金色的) star on the door.18.

23、May I b some money from you? I dont have any.bamboogoldorrow19. Would you like some milk or coffee?N . Id like a glass of water.【2020眉山】20. I think teenagers should do some _(杂务) at home. 【2021烟台莱州期中】eitherchores题组五1. When the o is hot, add the sliced onion.2. He didnt remember when it happened and

24、n . did I.3. Its the parents job to _(提供) a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.ileitherprovide4. Doing chores helps _(培养) childrens independence.5. He lives next to me. He is my _(邻居).developneighbor6. _(日语) has borrowed heavily from English.7. Why dont you _(邀请) Jerry to p

25、lay sports in the playground tomorrow morning? 【2020南京】Japaneseinvited8. I joined the club two weeks ago. Now I am a m of the club.9. She is my e sister and she is three years older than me.10. Lisas answer is w . She asks me to tell her the right answer.emberlderrong11. Judy was late for class and

26、e the reason to the teacher. 【2020自贡】12. I dont want to _(竞争) with my best friend.13. The kids made a _(不整洁) in the bathroom.xplainingcompetemess14. I also like to collect stamps, postcards, coins, and _(火柴) boxes.15. Wheres our English teacher now?Hmm, I g shes in the sports club but Im not sure.ma

27、tchuess16. Mr Sigmund Friend is used to _(处理) with all kinds of problems.17. I like the bike very much, but I dont have e money to buy it.dealingnough18. _(关系) between my parents are very good.19. Does your sister often a with others?No, she is friendly to others. 【2021泰安宁阳期中】20. There is a big, bla

28、ck _(云) hanging over the mountain.Relationsrguedcloud题组六1. What is the main idea of this _(段落) ?2. In my o , youd be crazy not to accept his advice.3. A stranger _(主动提出) to give her a ride on the street, but she refused politely. 【2020泰州】passagepinionoffered4. You have to answer these questions in a

29、 p order.5. I dont know the meaning of the word. Can you e it to me?roperxplain6. I cant understand it. Please make it c to me.7. Most of the children were so young that they hadh any experience.8. She wants to keep the old toys because they can bring back sweet m .learardlyemories9. We didnt start

30、our discussion u everyone arrived.10. A the traffic was heavy, we got to the railway station on time. 【2020杭州】ntillthough11. He s at a bird, but missed it.12. Too much p makes me feel sad every day.13. Andy worked hard this term and finally he got betterg .14. There are 28 _(成员) in the English club.

31、15. We can _ (竞争) with the best teams.hotressureradesmemberscompete16. You cant go out _(独自) at night.17. The three of them kept looking at one a . without saying a word.18. You should p the door instead of pulling it.19. Dont c me with others. I think I am special.20. Mount Tai has given us the b o

32、f nature.alonenotherushompareeauty题组七1. Put the piano there, _ (倚着) the wall.【2021烟台莱州期中】2. The young _(夫妇) decided to take a holiday for their honeymoon.againstcouple3. Linda is _(狂热的) about this singer and she can sing all his songs.4. People can learn about the new _(发展) in science from this maga

33、zine.5. The theme of the story is to protect _(濒危的) animals.crazydevelopmentendangered6. Luckily they knew I was an old and friendly _ (饲养员) .7. I was afraid that _(没有人) would believe me.8. A _(奇怪的) thing happened last night.9. I didnt get up early because there was something wrong with my _(闹钟) .10

34、. When the teacher _(突然) came, what were you doing?keepernobodystrangealarmsuddenly11. I _ (开始) to learn English when I was five.12. The new son TV reports that there will be a heavy _ (暴风雨) this afternoon.13. There are many old houses in the _ (地区).14. He won the first place because nobody could _

35、(打败) him.15. The candle was blown out by the _ (风).areabeatwindbegan/startedrainstorm16. Miss Li has _ (教) us English for 3 years. She is very kind to us.17. The o of the house is an American.18. The storm broke many things a , but it brought people closer.19. It snowed last night and the road was i

36、 .20. He has been _ (在国外) for ten years.taughtwnerpartcyabroad题组八1. Youre k me, arent you?2. Bob picked up a _ (石头) and threw it into the river.3. The old man was very _ (虚弱的). He couldnt stand up.iddingstoneweak4. I know it sounds _ (难以置信的) , but its true.5. If my father forgets it, I hope you can

37、_ (提醒) him.unbelievableremind6. Ive done some _ (研究) to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.7. My mother was a singer in a _ (乐队).8. Lucy _ (微笑) to us after she won the first place in the high jump.researchbandsmiled9. I was still half asleep when I turned off the a .10. When she was young

38、, she wanted a p to be her husband.larmrince11. Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard s .12. My mother bought me a _ (丝绸) shirt yesterday evening.alesilk13. Its _ (愚蠢的) of him to do so.14. Its dinner time. Im wondering w to have Chinese food or Western food. 【2020眉山】

39、15. He said he didnt _ (欺骗) me, but I didnt believe him.sillyhethercheat16. Lets have a _ (快餐) at the nearest restaurant.17. Yesterday we visited the Tiananmen S .18. Dont swim in the river because its too _ (深的) .snackquaredeep19. We should show kindness to doctors who are trying to p our lives. 【2

40、020宜宾】20. In the Warring States period, Mozi made the _ (第一) kite in history out of wood. 【2020盐城】rotectfirst题组九1. Hainan is in the _ (南方) of China.【2020遂宁】2. The forests of Canada produce _ (木头) for buildings.southwood3. Paulas had another _ (疯狂的) idea.4. She dreamt that she got lots of _ (珠宝).5. J

41、ust now his father _ (匆忙) to leave the house.6. Oliver Twist and Robinson Crusoe are both _ (名著) .7. They have decided to make use of the latest _ (技术) .crazytreasureclassicstechnologyhurried8. She stayed in Paris for five months to learn _ (法语) .9. Man has lived on this earth for perhaps a _ (百万) y

42、ears.10. Ive finished reading Robinson Crusoe. I think its _(极好的) .Frenchmillionfantastic11. They walked along the road in the _ (月光).12. It is r that there is going to be a heavy rainstorm tomorrow.13. My father teaches maths in a j high school.14. Teenagers often like p music.15. I w up too late.

43、As a result, I was late again.moonlighteportedunioropoke16. Many people dont like r because they think its so noisy.17. I like Hu Ge and I am a f of this popular actor.18. This is my bag and it b to me.ockanelongs19. Work hard, and we can _ (实现) our China dream. 【2021济宁太白湖新区期末】20. China is the h of

44、tea culture.realizeome题组十1. How cool you are with this blue silk _ (围巾) !2. There I saw many different kinds of _ (坐便器).3. Each student should learn to _ (保护) the wild animals.scarftoiletsprotect4. The teacher is _ (勇敢的) . He saved three children in the river.5. We asked more _ (社会的) groups to take

45、part in this activity.bravesocial6. Do you want to live a _ (完美的) life?7. There are _ (落下的) leaves on the ground.8. _(德国人) speak _ (德语).9. Ive _ (完全地) forgotten her name.10. The t is how to help each other at the meeting today.perfectfallenGermans Germancompletelyheme11. There are many exciting _ (供

46、乘骑的游乐设施) in Happy Valley.12. Lisa can s speak English most of the time.13. Students can ask for help _ (无论何时) they need it at school. 【中考南京】ridesimplywhenever14. Its not f on the students to keep changing the timetable.15. He lives in a _ (典型的) European building.airtypical16. Better be the head of a

47、 dog than the t of a lion.17. The baby weighed three kilos at b .18. Can I i myself? Im Helen Robins.ailirthntroduce19. He is a little _ (难过). Though he worked hard, he didnt pass the math exam.【2021济宁曲阜期末】20. Class One b all the other classes and won the match.sadeat题组十一1. The students in our class

48、 are _ (主要地) southerners.2. My grandparents like reading newspapers in their _ (院子).3. After you finish your homework, you should _ (检查) it.mostlyyardcheck4. He put these _ (木板) under the tree.5. He was the most famous writer in the eighteenthc .boardsentury6. We sat o each other, so I could see his face clearly. 【2020南充】7. She walked across the _ (地板) and lay down on the bed.8. Why not c visiting the Great Wall?ppositeflooronsider9. N , more and more people realize the importance of health.10. The _ (力) of the explosion(爆炸) broke all the windows.owadaysforc


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