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1、如何成为一个经理的英语作文 篇一:浅谈如何成为外贸经理人 原创:如何做好外贸部经理。 如何做好一个外贸部经理: 谈一下浅略的看法, 做外贸经理,首先要是一个经理,有经理的才能。 为人处世,是一个经理最需要的东西,没有这个,经理就少了一个胳膊。 做经理的人,尤其是销售经理, 自己的业务要最好,这是保住位置的最重要的武器。 做 经理的人,始终要有这样一个观念,不要把经理这个东西看得太重,其实就是老板的一句话而已。 面对手下的牛气冲天的业务员,要特别小心,他很可能当众给你难堪,甚至越级处理事情,很让人老火。这样的情况,要看经理的气度和涵养。情感沟通,最为重要,给他相应该得的,他才服你。有时他只是想有

2、点特别的对待就行。 做外贸经理,最重要的还有能够进行大项目的谈判。 做经理的人,始终要记住,你可以拿到四张牌, 老板,客户, 手下,其他部门经理及其员工。最重要的两张是客户和老板。 你只要能玩好这四张牌,经理稳如泰山,在这个公司前途无量。 但是始终要记住:不要到低劣的舞台(企业)上表演,这样的地方只会浪费你的青春。 浅薄管见。多多指点! 我想补充一下我的看法: 1.做业务员很简单,埋头联系自己的客户,做自己的订单,按经理指示去办就可以了,但部门经理要有全局观念,做好自己的订单的同时,更要着眼于整个部门的业务发展,需要经常协调部门里的订单安排,需要经常按部门的销售任务目标来关注部门的业务进展情况

3、,及时根据目标,市场和公司内部情况的变化来调整部门业务工作,出现问题或困难时要迅速予以解决,的确无法解决时再向公司高层寻求相应的支持。 2.部门经理需要养成定期向老板汇报的习惯,只顾自己工作,不向老板汇报,老板无法了解你的具体工作进程,也会对你产生怀疑,不信任或不满,汇报也不应该是工作流水帐的繁冗复述,老板日理万机,没功夫听你的长篇大论,部门经理应选择一些重点的工作内容、相应的工作进度情况、下一阶段的工作安排,简要地向老板汇报,注意汇报时应表现出你的信心和工作的条理性,增强老板对你,对你带领的这个团队的信心,但也要恰当地插入一些目前面临的困难,目的是从老板那里得到一些支持。 3.部门经理同普通

4、业务员相比,更应注重业务知识(既包括外贸业务知识,也包括产品知识)的学习,对市场信息的了解和掌握应该更全面、更深入,这样在遇到突发事件时才能高屋建瓴,提出较完善的解决办法。 4.定期开展部门内的业务培训,了解属下员工知识结构欠缺的地方,进行相应的弥补,以提高部门每个员工的业务素质,避免工作失误。 5.养成每天记录完成工作事项和定期做工作总结的习惯。6.在老板和属下员工之间为自己寻找最适合的平衡点,避免单向矛盾处理不好给自己的工作带来不利影响,在接手工作初期,应尽量同老板谈妥一个比较适合的部门管理办法,形成一套比较合理的竞争激励机制,这样会为日后部门工作的良好运作打下基础;部门利益同老板利益发生

5、矛盾时,要委曲求全,要及时果断地将部门内的消极情绪压制在部门内部并妥善处理,以免招致老板的不满。 补充: 做经理人, 还有一个必须注意的是自己交往的圈子里要多些老总,多些经理,这样自己有个很好的参照,话说物以类聚,人以群分,这点有时 还是很重要的,当然这个不是对下面人的轻视。 作为一个外贸经理人应该比你下面的人更具有全局意识,忧患意识,以及对市场及行业更敏感. 对外,要做到和客户周旋游刃有余,至少遇到突发事件时临危不惧,有大将风范.独挡一面. 对内,要平衡好自己部下和老板之间的关系,适当的时候尽量维护部门的利益. 当和其他部门有冲突时,你这个经理要替部门出头,保护好自己的部下. 一个经理人,自

6、身素养很重要,以德服人. 一个经理人,更应该有更广泛的人脉,最好是同行业的圈子.篇二:职位英文翻译 职位英文翻译 2008-02-27 15:39 account manager 客户经理 CEO(Chief executive officer)首席执行官 类似总经理、总裁,企业法人代表 COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官 类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官 类似财务总经理 CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官 类似总工程师 CIO(Chief information officer

7、)首席信息官 主管企业信息的收集和发布 这里总结CAO-CZO的代表意思,大家有兴趣看看,对你工作有帮助哦! CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CCO: Content 内容总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CEO: Executive 首席执行官 CFO: Finance 财务总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CIO: Information 技术总监 CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人 CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labo

8、ur 工会主席 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表 COO: Operation 首席营运官 CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CTO: Technology 首席技术官 CUO: User 客户总监 CVO: Valuation 评估总监 CWO: Women 妇联主席 CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长 CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人 CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太子 在中国可能碰到的一些职

9、位简称: 1. GMDGeneral Managing Director总经理。 2. MD(Media Director)媒体指导、媒介部经理Media Supervisor媒介主任、媒介总监 Media Planner媒介策划 3. CDCreative Directo创作总监、创意总监、创意指导。CD的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导。 ACDAssociated Creative Director副创作总监 ECD执行创意总监 GCD创意群总监 CGHCreative Group Head 创意组长 4. AD Account Direc

10、tor客户服务总监、业务指导 AAD副客户总监 GADGroup Account Director客户群总监 AM客户经理 DCSDirector of Client Service客户主管 AEAccount Executive-客户服务人员、客户主任、 5. ADArt Director-美术指导在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督 AAD-副美术指导 SAD高级美术指导 Studio Manager-画房经理、作业室经理 Finish Artist-画师 Visualizer-插图家、插画师、绘图员、视觉设计 Computer Visualizer计算机绘图员 Visualiz

11、er Group Head 视觉设计组长 Production Manager制作经理 Print Production Manager平面制作经理 Traffic Coordinator平面制作统筹 FAFinish Artist完稿 Finish Artist Group Head完稿组长 TV Producer 制片 6. Planning Supervisor企划总监 Planning Director企划指导 APACOUNT PLANNER客户企划(分 策略企划 和 业务企划 两种) 7. CWCopywriter撰稿人。 SCW高级文案 Copy Director文案指导 Art

12、ist正稿员 8. AEAccount Executive预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之联系。9. Traffic Control Specialist(简称Traffic)制管人员 10. Research Supervisor调查总监 名片中常用的100个职称、头衔名称的英文翻译。 董事长 BoardChairman 总经理 General Manager 副总经理 Vice General Manager 总经理秘书 Secretary 总经理助理 General Managers Assistant 市场营销部经理 Manager of M

13、arketing Department 销售部经理 Sales Manager 餐饮部经理 Food and Bererage Manager 客房部经理 Housekeeper 康乐部经理 Recreation Dept Manager 财务部经理 Financial Controller 人事部经理 Personnel Manager 工程部经理 Chief Engineer 保安部经理 Chief Security Officer 办公室主任 Director of Executive Office 大堂副理 Asst Manager 物资经理 Logistic & Purchasing

14、 Dept.Manager 会计 Accountant 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 生产经理 Production Dept.Manager 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 工会主席 Labour Union chairman 操作工 Operator 库管员 Warehouse Keeper 技术工程师 Technicial Engineer 销售一部经理 Sales Dept.Manager 接待员 Receiptionalist 配料员 Operator 保洁员 Purifier 人事经理助理 HR Assistant 炊事员 Canteen Worker 会计

15、Accountant 质保经理 QC Dept.Manager 机械师 Machinist 工程主管 Facilities Supervisor 采购员 Buyer 车间班长 Group Leader 叉车司机 Driver机修工 Operator 采购主管 Purchase Manage 综合管理部 Colligation and Management Dep 财务部部长 Finance Dep.Minister 市场部部长助理 Market Dep.Ministers assistant 生产部部长助理 Produce Dep. Ministarls assistant 研发工程师 Dev

16、elop Engineer 业务主办 Operation Direct 计划员 Programmer 更夫 Bellman 技术服务部经理 Technical Service Dept.Manager 物资内勤 Secretary 技术服务工程师 Technician Service Engineer 销售二部经理 Sales Dept.Manager 车间主管 Production Supervisor 内勤 Secretary 出纳 Cashier 检验员 hecker 市场部经理 Marketing Dept.Manager 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager I

17、T工程师 IT Engineer 研磨工 Operator 司机 Driver 清扫工 Purifier 人力资源部经理 Human Resources Manager 文员 Clerk 财务经理 Finance Dept.Manager 技术发展部经理 Technical Development Dept.Manager 电工 Electrician 送货员 Deliveryman 挤压工 Operator 行政经理 Administrative Dep.Manager 运输协调员 Traffic Coordinator 副总工程师 Vice - Chief Engineer 综合管理部部长

18、 Colligation and Management Dep.Minister 网络主管 Network Manage 综合管理部总务 Colligation and Management Dep.General Affair 市场部部长 Market Dep.Minister 市场部项目总理 Market Dep.Item Manager 质保部 Quantity Engineer 工艺员 Engineer 调度员 Dispatcher秘书 Secretary 董事长Board Chairman 总经理 General Manager 副总经理 Vice General Manager 总

19、经理秘书 Secretary 总经理助理 General Managers Assistant 市场营销部经理Manager of Marketing Department 销售部经理 Sales Manager 餐饮部经理 Food and Bererage Manager 客房部经理 Housekeeper 康乐部经理 Recreation Dept Manager 财务部经理 Financial Controller 人事部经理 Personnel Manager 工程部经理 Chief Engineer 保安部经理 Chief Security Officer 办公室主任 Direct

20、or of Executive Office 大堂副理 Asst Manager 物资经理 Logistic & Purchasing Dept.Manager 会计Accountant 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 生产经理 Production Dept.Manager 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 工会主席 Labour Union chairman 操作工 Operator 库管员 Warehouse Keeper 技术工程师 Technicial Engineer 销售一部经理 Sales Dept.Manager 接待员Receiptionalist 配料员

21、Operator 保洁员Purifier 人事经理助理 HR Assistant 炊事员Canteen Worker 会计 Accountant 质保经理QC Dept.Manager 机械师 Machinist 工程主管Facilities Supervisor 采购员 Buyer 车间班长Group Leader 叉车司机Driver 机修工 Operator 采购主管Purchase Manage 综合管理部Colligation and Management Dep篇三:一次难忘的经历 英语作文An Unforgettable Experience 一次难忘的经历 英语作文An Unf

22、orgettable Experience This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great. In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel.

23、First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldnt believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious. After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach w

24、as golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day. In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on. Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy.

25、This was the reason why we didnt feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday. 一次难忘的经历 英语作文2 An Unforgettable Travel My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghaineses lips.It is a magnific

26、ent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so its very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l sudd

27、enly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city. This is the trip l never forget. As a student ,I dont have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination. During

28、the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers changing , harder and harder texts , terrible pressure and of course the graduate exam .Where your

29、position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life .We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next day. But I must say that its really an unforgettable memory in my life. Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed

30、the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life. My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed. I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many peoples true & pure friendship, both teach

31、ers and classmates. In some way, I like that kind of life, as it taught me many things Id never learned before. Teachers also helped me a lot. I still cant forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me,so did my Chinese teacher. I should


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