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1、PAGE PAGE 19平川四中七年级英语上Unit7导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 37: Seasons and Weather课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, rainy, Wednesday, snowy句型:1. What day is today? 2. How is the weather? 3. I love green grass and rainy days? 4. Its Monday today. 5. Its snowy. 6. I l

2、ike to go swimming in summer.过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:1. What day is today? 2. How is the weather? 3. I love green grass and rainy days? 4. Its Monday today. 5. Its snowy. 6. I like to go swimming in summer.难点:灵活运用所学句型,怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍天气状况学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到

3、疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 怎样有礼貌客气地向别人询问或介绍季节特征及天气。 常用句型:1. What day is today? 2. Hoe is the weather? 3. I love green grass and rainy days? 4. Its Monday today. 5. Its snowy. 6. I like to go swimming in summer.二.预习指导1.根据对话判断对错:(1) Wang Mei likes winter.(2) Li M

4、ing likes snowy days.(3) Li Ming doesnt like to go swimming.(4)Yang Haos favourite season is Autumn.2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词Monday_, Tuesday_, Thursday_, rainy_, Wednesday_, snowy_B.短语a rainy day, have a good time, how about, go shopping, go swimming, be snowyC.句子1. What day is t

5、oday? 2. Hoe is the weather? 3. I love green grass and rainy days? 4. Its Monday today. 5. Its snowy. 6. I like to go swimming in summer.三单词探究1.weather n. 不可数名词,之前不用a / an.提问天气:How is the weather?=Whats the weather like?回答:Its + 自然现象形容词。2What day is it today?=What day of the week is it today? 今天星期几?

6、为提问星期几的常用句型,回答用:It is + 星期名词。即兴练习:1)今天星期几?_ _ is it today? 星期三。_ _.2) 明天星期几? _ _ is it _.明天星期二。_ _ _.3)今天天气怎么样?_ is the _?天气晴朗。Its _ and _.4) Shanghai is a _ (rain) city.5) How is the weather?Its _.A. sun B. rain C. windy D. snow四,学以致用,拓展提升:用所给词的适当形式填空:1. What a hot, _ (sun) day!2. My little brother

7、 likes to play with _ (snow) on _ (snow) days.3. Today is Sunday. Lets go _(skate).4. Look at the _ (cloud) in the sky. Its going to _ (rain).5. Lets stay inside and _ (drink) a cup of tea.五总结反刍1 本课我们学习了1. What day is today? 2. Hoe is the weather? 3. I love green grass and rainy days? 4. Its Monday

8、today. 5. Its snowy. 6. I like to go swimming in summer.怎样有礼貌客气地向别人询问或介绍季节特征及天气。2.注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。六基础知识巩固题把简单的事做好就叫不简单! I. 给出下列词的形容词形式:wind: _ sun:_ cloud: _ snow: _ rain:_II. 句型转换:How is the weather in Lanzhou in summer? (同义句)_ the weather _ in Lanzhou in summer?The weather is cold and windy today

9、. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the weather today?Li Ming likes autumn. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ Li Ming _?备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)平川四中七年级英语上Unit7导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 38: Nicks Busy Month课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:mark , best , sale, December, Christmas, Sunday句型:1. My best friend Tonys birthday is on Tuesday,

10、December 6. 2. On Christmas Eve, I have a big dinner with my family and eat lots of good food. 3. My parents like to go shopping on that day. 4. Many store have big sales! 5. And just before midnight, all of us count down. 过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:1.My best friend Tonys birthd

11、ay is on Tuesday, December 6. 2.On Christmas Eve, I have a big dinner with my family and eat lots of good food. 3. My parents like to go shopping on that day. 4. Many store have big sales! 5. And just before midnight, all of us count down.难点:灵活运用所学句型,怎样谈论月份及中国和西方国家的传统节日。 学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2

12、 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 怎样谈论月份及中国和西方国家的传统节日。 常用句型:1.My best friend Tonys birthday is on Tuesday, December 6. 2.On Christmas Eve, I have a big dinner with my family and eat lots of good food. 3. My parents like to go shopping on that day. 4. Many

13、 store have big sales! 5. And just before midnight, all of us count down.二.预习指导1.根据对话回答问题:(1) Which month is a very busy month for Nick?(2) How many birthdays parties does Nick have in one week?(3) What do Nick and his family do on Christmas Eve?(4) What do Nicks parents like to do on Boxing Day?(5)

14、 whats do Nicks family and friends do on New Years Eve?2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词mark_ , best_ , sale_, December_, Christmas_, Sunday_B.短语make ones calendar, go shopping, count down, in needC.句子1.My best friend Tonys birthday is on Tuesday, December 6. 2.On Christmas Eve, I have a

15、big dinner with my family and eat lots of good food. 3. My parents like to go shopping on that day. 4. Many store have big sales! 5. And just before midnight, all of us count down.三单词探究1.best:是good/well的最高级,短语do/try ones best to do sth.2in/on/at表时间的区别: in泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上及月,年等较长时间。on用在星期日期或某一天的早、中、晚。a

16、t表几点几刻。即兴练习:用填介词in, on at 填空:Danny is coming to see me _ December 25.They will arrive here _ 6:00 this afternoon.I like swimming _ summer.四,学以致用,拓展提升:选择填空:1. Can you show me the _ way to get to the shop? A. well B. good C. best D. worst2. We do our best _ English. A. to learn B. learning C. learn D.

17、 learns3. A friend _ need is a friend indeed. A. in B. on C. at D. for4. Are the coats in the shop _ now? A. play B. playing C. is playing D. plays5. Christmas is a great day _ our wishes. A. for counting B. to count C. to counting D. by counting.五总结反刍1. 本课我们学习了怎样谈论中国和西方国家的传统节日。 常用句型:1.My best frien

18、d Tonys birthday is on Tuesday, December 6. 2.On Christmas Eve, I have a big dinner with my family and eat lots of good food. 3. My parents like to go shopping on that day. 4. Many store have big sales! 5. And just before midnight, all of us count down.2.注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。六基础知识巩固题-把简单的事做好就叫不简单! 选词并用其

19、当形式填空:mark, Friday, sale, midnight, bestThis weekend the department store is having a big _.You can _ your way or you may get lost in the forest.My _ friend is coming this weekend._ is the end of the workweek.You should go to sleep because its _ already.备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)平川四中七年级英语上Unit7导学案 班级 姓名 科目Engli

20、sh课题Lesson 39: A Class Calandar课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:date, January, March, April, June, second, February, third句型:1. Whats the date? 2. Its January 17. 3. We have a basketball game against Class 6 on April 12. 4. What month comes after March? 5. January is the first month of a

21、 new year. 6. Lets look at our calendar for next year.过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:1. Whats the date? 2. Its January 17. 3. We have a basketball game against Class 6 on April 12. 4. What month comes after March? 5. January is the first month of a new year. 6. Lets look at our cale

22、ndar for next year.难点:灵活运用所学句型,学会怎样用英语描述人或物所在的时间学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 学会怎样用英语描述人或物所在的时间 常用句型:1. Whats the date? 2. Its January 17. 3. We have a basketball game against Class 6 on April 12. 4. What month comes after

23、March? 5. January is the first month of a new year. 6. Lets look at our calendar for next year.二.预习指导I.短语互译: 1. 举行班级聚会:_ 2. 开运动会:_ 3. come after:_ 4. mark on our calendar:_2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词date_, January_, March_, April_, June_, second_, February_, third_B.短语have a class p

24、arty, have Sports Day, come after, mark on our calendarC.句子1. Whats the date? 2. Its January 17. 3. We have a basketball game against Class 6 on April 12. 4. What month comes after March? 5. January is the first month of a new year. 6. Lets look at our calendar for next year.三单词探究1. have用法:have1. 表举

25、行后跟活动比赛。2.表示有,强调所属关系,主语多为人。3.表用、使用后跟工具。4. 后跟三餐表吃饭用餐。5. 表做.后跟a/an+动作名词。6. 后跟食物表吃.2. Whats the date today? = What date is it today? 回答:Its +月份 + 日期。四、即兴练习,学以致用,拓展提升:我们5月6号与二班将举行一场篮球赛。_.他们今天下午准备举行班级晚会。_.明天几月几号?_?丹尼在吃早餐。_.让我看看。_.五总结反刍1 本课我们学习了1. Whats the date? 2. Its January 17. 3. We have a basketball

26、 game against Class 6 on April 12. 4. What month comes after March? 5. January is the first month of a new year. 6. Lets look at our calendar for next year. 怎样用英语描述人或物所在的时间2.注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。六基础知识巩固题-把简单的事做好就叫不简单! 连词成句:1. second, of, week, Monday, the, day, is, a _.2. say, year, lets, of, the, seaso

27、ns, a_!3. we, friends, have, will, our, all, with, party, a, big, of_.4. May, what, after, comes, month_?5. in, when, China, spring, is_?备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)平川四中七年级英语上Unit7导学案 班级 姓名_科目English课题Lesson 40: When Is Your Birthday?课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:August, September, November, July,

28、eighth, ninth, October句型:1. Im making a birthday present for my grandfather. 2. When is his birthday? 3. His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. 4. A calendar is a good present for him. 5. Maybe I need to make a calendar for you, too. 6. How many days are in a month?过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养

29、成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:Im making a birthday present for my grandfather. 2. When is his birthday? 3. His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. 4. A calendar is a good present for him. 5. Maybe I need to make a calendar for you, too. 6. How many days are in a month?难点:灵活运用所学句型,学会怎样用英语描述家人及自己的生日及庆祝方式。学法指导:

30、1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 学会怎样用英语描述家人及自己的生日及庆祝方式。 常用句型:1. Im making a birthday present for my grandfather. 2. When is his birthday? 3. His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. 4. A calendar is a good present for him. 5. Ma

31、ybe I need to make a calendar for you, too. 6. How many days are in a month?二.预习指导I英汉互译:1.十月:_ 2. 八月:_ 3. 十一月:_ 4. 第九:_ 5. 第八:_ 6. leap:_7. eleventh:_ 8. twelfth:_ 9. July: _10: leap year:_II.读课文判断对错:1. May has thirty days. ( )2. June has thirty-one days. ( )3. February has twenty-nine days. ( )4. N

32、ovember has thirty days. ( )5. September has twenty-eight days. ( )2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词August_, September_, November_, July_, eighth_, ninth_, October_B.短语enjoy doing sth. a good present for sb. forget sth.C.句子1. The countryside is so nice and quiet. 2. I like to feed the ani

33、mals and pick vegetables and fruit. 3. Im afraid. Are the animals friendly? 4. Dont worry. 5. Come on! We can feed the cows. 6. You are doing a good job, Jack.三单词探究1.enjoy v.意为喜欢、享受。后跟名词、动名词或反身代词作宾语。2. too作副词也,常放在肯定句末。also作副词也,常放在肯定句中。either作副词也,常放在否定句末。即兴练习:用所给词的正确形式填空:She enjoys _ (read) books on

34、weekend.The children enjoy _ (they) at school.I _ (也) like swimming.Danny wants some food, _ (也).They wouldnt like to go out, _ (也).四,学以致用,拓展提升:1.你什么时候回家?_.2. 李明的书包在教室的书桌上。_.3.我的小妹于2012年11月24号出生。_.4. 在我买东西前,我总是列一个清单。_.5. 你看上去很疲劳,需要休息一下。_.五总结反刍学会怎样用英语描述家人及自己的生日及庆祝方式。 常用句型:1. Im making a birthday pres

35、ent for my grandfather. 2. When is his birthday? 3. His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. 4. A calendar is a good present for him. 5. Maybe I need to make a calendar for you, too. 6. How many days are in a month?2.注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。六基础知识巩固题把简单的事做好就叫不简单! 1. Tom _ get up a little earlier tomorrow.

36、 A. needs B. need C. need to D. needs to2. A calendar is good present _ the teacher. A. about B. for C. with D. to3. November is _ month of a year. A. eleven B. the eleven C. eleventh D. the eleventh4. Tom is a good student. Jim is _ a good student. A. too B. either C. also D. to5. Some of girls enj

37、oy _ music. A. listens to B. listening to C. listen to D. to listen备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)平川四中七年级英语上Unit7导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 41: Holidays课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:present, international, national, usually, during, climb句型:1. Jenny, where are we going first? 2. This museum has many

38、famous paintings. 3. Thats boring, Jenny! 4. We can learn about the history of war. 5. Go straight down the Rest Area and turn left at the Gift Shop. 6. Youre a great friend, Danny!过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:Li Ming is presenting his report about holidays.I would like to talk ab

39、out holidays in China.We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays.We have many holidays in China.We have Childrens Day on June 1.Teachers Day is on September 10.And the Spring Festival is usually in January or February.What do you like to do on holidays?难点:怎样有礼貌客气

40、地向别人介绍中国的节假日及自己在家日喜欢做的事。学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍中国的节假日及自己在家日喜欢做的事。 常用句型: Li Ming is presenting his report about holidays.I would like to talk about holidays in China.We can play with our friends and get t

41、ogether with our families during holidays.We have many holidays in China.We have Childrens Day on June 1.Teachers Day is on September 10.And the Spring Festival is usually in January or February.8. What do you like to do on holidays?二.预习指导I英汉互译:介绍、呈现_;国际的_; 国家的、民族的_; 节日_; 通常地、惯常地_; 在.期间_; 爬、攀登_; 山、山

42、脉_; 新年_; 教师节_II学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词present_, international_, national_, usually_, during_, climb _B.短语the report about sb,/sth. get together with sb. During holidays International Workers Day Childrens Day Teachers Day National Day the Spring Festival C.句子怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍中国的节假日及自己

43、在家日喜欢做的事。 常用句型:Li Ming is presenting his report about holidays.I would like to talk about holidays in China.We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays.We have many holidays in China.We have Childrens Day on June 1.Teachers Day is on September 10.And the Spring Fe

44、stival is usually in January or February.8. What do you like to do on holidays?三单词探究1. would likewould like=want 表想要,后跟动词不定式。2. likelikev.喜欢like to do sth. 喜欢做某事,表示邮箱做某事的愿望还未做。like doing sth. 喜欢做某事,表示经常性习惯性的动作。 prep. 像常与系动词连用,后跟名词或动名词。四,学以致用,拓展提升:1. I like _ fishing this morning. A. go B. goes C. to

45、 go D. going2. Would you like _ with me? A. shops B. to shop C. shopping D. shop3. They would like _ a party on Sunday.A. having B. have C. has D. to have4. She has many interests like _ sports, dancing and drawing.A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays五总结反刍怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍中国的节假日及自己在家日喜欢做的事。 常用句型: Li M

46、ing is presenting his report about holidays.I would like to talk about holidays in China.We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays.We have many holidays in China.We have Childrens Day on June 1.Teachers Day is on September 10.And the Spring Festival is usually i

47、n January or February.8. What do you like to do on holidays?2.注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。六Do exercise on page107. 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)平川四中七年级英语上Unit7导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 42: Happy Holidays!课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:excited, beach, Australia, yours句型:1. Its December 23 and Christmas is comi

48、ng!2. Im so excited.3. Christmas is so fun, but it is very cold now.4. I dont like cold weather very much.5. I hope to go to Australia and see Ann next Christmas.6. Do you have any plans for your holidays?过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型: 1. Its December 23 and Christmas is coming!2.

49、Im so excited.3. Christmas is so fun, but it is very cold now.4. I dont like cold weather very much.5. I hope to go to Australia and see Ann next Christmas.6. Do you have any plans for your holidays?难点:怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍自己的度假方式及假日愿望。学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍自己的度假方式及假日愿望。 1. Its December 23 and Christmas is coming!2. Im so excited.3. Christmas is so fun, but it is very cold now.4. I dont like cold weather very much.5. I hope to go to Australia and


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