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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11小学三年级译林版下学期英语期末综合复习必考题型班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图写单词1. 看图写字母的大小写或写字母补全单词。1_ 2_ag3_at 4_uck5_nt2. 读一读,写数字。1I see four pencil boxes._2I see eight eggs. _3I have three erasers. _4Im four years old._5How many pencils? _Five.3. 看图写单词。1 24. 看图,圈出对应的单词。1fox / wolf 2lion / tiger3bear / monkey

2、 4leg / arm5monkey / gorilla 6cat / horse5. 判断下列图片与单词是否相符,相符的画“”,不相符的画“”。1China(_) 2fat(_)3watermelon(_) 4boat(_)5twenty(_)填空题6. 用下列单词的合适形式填空(不能重复)。wolf, shape, cold, leaf, hear, see, house1Listen, I can_raindrops.2Do you like these_?Yes, I do.3It is autumn. The_fall and fall.4What are those animals

3、?They are_.5Its_Please put on your coat.6Look, do you_the butterfly?Yes, its over there.7What_is this?It is a triangle.7. 选词填空。me, my, I, Im, you, Its1Are_Liu Tao?No,_Tom.2This is_,_am Mike.3Look at_new skirt._nice.8. 看图片,写单词。1b_ll 2ch_ir3c_p 4 d_sk9. 选择合适的选项填空,填序号。(每个选项仅限用一次)A.class B. friend C.fam

4、ily D.Miss E.No1Good morning,_Li.Good morning.2Goodbye,_!Goodbye.3Look(看)! This is my_. This is me. This is my brother.4This is Liu Tao. Hes my_.5Are you Yang Ling?_, Im not.10. 选词补全句子。name song1.Whats your_?Im Sam.2.Whats your favourite_?Its the ABC song.连词成句11. a car toy Its (.)12. I, six, old, am

5、, years (.)13. skirt is a here white ( . )14. This my is glue (.)15. a Draw plane (.)选择题16. Mymothersmotherismy _. ( )A.mother B.grandmother C.grandfather17. 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )A.noodles B.dumplings C.food18. Lets go to the zoo! ( )_A.Thank you. B.Silly me! C.OK!19. They _monkeys. ( )A.are B.am C.is20.

6、Hi. Im Amy. Im from the _. ( )A.China B.Canada C.UK句型转换21. 按要求写出下列句子。1.her,homework,this,is(.)(连词成句)2.Aretheseonions?(否定回答)3.Whatarethese?(用cabbages回答)4.Arethoseanimals?(用vegetables回答)5.are,tomatoes,they(.)(连词成句)22. 句型变变变。(对句子提问)1. I amten.2. My name isPeter.3. I am in ClassThree.4. Im fromChina.23.

7、 变换句型。We are big.1.反义句:_2.缩写句子:_3.疑问句:_4.肯定回答:_5.否定回答:_24. 按要求改变句子。1. It is a toy train. (改成一般疑问句)_ _ a toy train ?2. I like dogs. (根据句子意思提问)What _ you _ ?3.Are these hats big and nice? (肯定句)These_bigandnice.25. 句型转换。1. Do you like snow? (作肯定回答)2. Is it hot? (作肯定回答)阅读理解26. 根据图片,判断正误。( )(1)I see four

8、teen apples.( )(2)I see thirteen pencils.( )(3)I see twelve books.( )(4)I see nine pens.27. 阅读选择正确答案。 My name is Frank. Im eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy. Thats me. There is one girl. Shes my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. Were going to the cine

9、ma. Were going to see a film.1. How old is Frank. ( )A. 7. B. 8. C. 9.2. How many people are there in Franks family? ( )A. Three B. Four C. Five.3. Are there two boys in Franks family?( )A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.4. Are there two women in Franks family?( )A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.5. What ar

10、e they going to do? ( )A. Theyre going to visit the zoo. B. Theyre going to the cinema.C. Theyre going to the shop.28. 阅读短文,判断正误。Im Tim. Im ten years old. I go to school on Mondays. I dont go to school on Saturdays. My brother Tom doesnt go to school. Hes only two years old. My dad goes to work ever

11、y day(每天). He isnt at home on Saturdays. My mum doesnt go to work on Saturdays. She goes shopping on Saturdays.( )(1)Tim is ten years old.( )(2)Tim doesnt go to school on Saturdays.( )(3)Tom goes to school on Mondays.( )(4)Tims dad is at home on Saturdays.( )(5)Tims mum goes shopping on Saturdays.29

12、. 读一读下面的句子,在表格中用 勾出相应的内容。Chen Jie: I have a ruler.Sarah: I have an eraser.Mike: I have a pen.John: I have a book and a bag.30. 阅读判断。My names JohnToday is my birthdayIm nineI like animals(动物)I like pandasThey are funnyI like eating, tooI like fish and eggsI have a birthday cake and many giftsLets eat

13、 the birthday cake,OK?( )(1)John is ten today( )(2)John likes animals( )(3)John likes cats( )(4)John likes bread and eggs( )(5)John have a birthday cake31. 根据图片内容判断下列句子的正误。(1)It has a big head and a short tail.( )(2)It has a big body.( )(3)It has long legs.( )(4)It has a short neck.( )(5)It has two

14、eyes.( )32. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。The animals(动物)are all in the zoo. The pandas are fat. But the monkeys are thin. How many elephants? There are six. Theyre big. Whats that? Its a baby tiger. Its so short. Look! This is a green bird. Its small.(1)The _ are all in the zoo.A.boys B.animals C.pupils(2)The

15、pandas are _.A.fat B.thin C.big(3)There are _ elephants.A.5 B.4 C.6(4)The _ is so short.A.baby panda B.baby tiger C.baby lion(5)The small bird is _.A.yellow B.red C.green33. 看一看,读一读,选出正确的答案。My name is Dongdong. Im nine. Im a pupil. This is my father. Hes a driver. This is my mother. Shes my English

16、teacher. This is my grandpa. Hes a doctor. This is my grandma. Shes a nurse.(1)My father is.( )A.a teacher B.a driver(2)My mother is.( )A.a teacher B.a doctor(3)My grandpa is. ( )A.a policeman B.a doctor(4)My grandma is. ( )A.a nurse B.a farmer34. 根据短文内容填空。The cat and the birdThis is a beautiful gar

17、den. There is a cat and a bird in the garden. They are very small. The bird is sitting in the tree.It is singing. The cat is under the tree. It is looking up at the bird. The cat is very happy with the birds sings. The cat and the bird are very happy to meet each other. They become good friends.each other 相互 become 成为 under 在下方(1)There is a bird and a catthe garden.(2)The cat is lookingthe bird.(3)The cat is very happythe birds songs.35. 阅读理解。Hello,Im Bill. I like swimming.This is my father.He likes reading


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