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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档课时分层作业(一)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1Their talks are expected to focus(focus)on arms control.2She spent twenty yuan in all.3His father has just recovered from heart surgery.4Then all of the students were challenged to write(write)down the statements from memory.5Susan has been reading(rea

2、d)that storybook since last night.6One had better see life in its various(vary)aspects when young.7As a famous lawyer,it was convenient for him to do that.8Hes always had a tendency(tend)towards fast cars.9Children should be made to understand(understand)the importance of saving water.10He no longer

3、 keeps his neighbors at a distance(distant).完成句子1那个老师提高了嗓门以便别人能听到他。The teacher raised his voice so that he could make himself heard.2为了比赛比尔从他的伤痛中及时恢复是有很大可能性的。There is much chance that Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.3你方便时就来,我什么时候都行。Come at your convenience,any time will do for

4、 me.4各种重工业沿着港口逐渐发展起来。A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port.5现实中,事情总是出乎意料地发生。In reality,things always happen out of expectation.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解17yearold Elexis Webster grew up homeless with cruel family members and serious health problems.But Webster has got over these difficulties

5、to become an honor student at her high school.The teen spent her childhood living in dugouts(防空洞),cars,and any place where her family could find shelter.She was treated cruelly by her mother,a drug user,who left her and her sister alone without food for days.Her older brother disturbed her study too

6、 many times.Her poor living conditions led to her becoming extremely weak,which caused her to miss school often.However,she got a 4.1 GPA in the exam,though many wouldnt expect her to have such a hard life.Surviving in the family in an environment like that,she was able to come out of it,and she kne

7、w she had to make the best of what happened to her.At 14,her mother was put in prison for leaving Webster and her sister in a car in the middle of a school day.The two girls were placed in foster care(寄养所)with a woman whom Webster still lives with.She calls her “Mema”“Mema”,who the teen sees as her

8、mom,encouraged Webster as she returned school again.Even after missing three years of school,Webster was able to be excellent.Now Webster has planned to attend University of California at Los Angeles and study physics.“I got to a place where I was able to keep going and push for higher than a 4.1 an

9、d push to get into a really great college or university.I see success.I see happiness and I see peace,” she told KPIX 5.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一个名叫Elexis Webster的少女,在残忍的家人和严重的健康问题的双重打击下,克服了这些困难,依然成为了她所在高中的佼佼者。这篇文章为我们详细记录了她的故事。1Where does Webster live now most probably?AIn a car.BIn the dugout.CIn foster

10、care. DAt the University of California.C推理判断题。由第四段的“The two girls were placed in foster care(寄养所)with a woman whom Webster still lives with.”可知在Webster 14岁的时候,她的妈妈被捕入狱,她和妹妹被送到了寄养所,后面的“still lives with”可以让我们推断出,Webster现在依然居住在那里。2Why was Websters mother put into prison?AShe was always taking drugs.BSh

11、e left her daughters alone in a car.CShe stole food for her three children.DShe didnt let her children attend school.B细节理解题。由第四段的“At 14,her mother was put in prison for leaving Webster and her sister in a car in the middle of a school day.”可以得知,她的妈妈被捕入狱是因为将她和她的妹妹独自留在了车内。3Whats the future goal of Web

12、ster?ABecoming a physics teacher.BEarning enough money to buy a house.CBeing admitted into a really good college.DBreaking away from her mother and brother.C细节理解题。由最后一段的“I got to a place where I was able to keep going and push for higher than a 4.1 and push to get into a really great college or univ

13、ersity.”可以得知,Webster的其中一个目标就是可以进入一所很好的大学。4What do we know about Webster?AShe wouldnt believe in anyone any longer.BShe got a lot of help from her brother.CShe was brought up in a warm family.DShe got motherly love from Mema.D推理判断题。通过文章可以得知,Webster和妹妹在寄养所里面遇到了Mema,Webster将她看成了自己的母亲,并且她鼓励Webster重返学校,让

14、Webster在离开学校三年的情况下,重新变得很优秀。由此可以推断出,Webster从Mema那里得到了母爱。.阅读七选五How to Stay Out of TroubleSometimes it may seem like youre always getting into trouble with your teachers or your parents. 1 The best thing to do is to stop trouble before it starts.Its always possible to turn over a new leaf. 2 Joining a

15、sports team is a great way to stay out of trouble.Whether youre playing soccer or baseball,team sports are a great way to find something to do rather than get into trouble.Join a club.If sports arent your thing,you can always join a club.You can join an art club,chess club,French club,cooking club a

16、nd so on. 3 Therefore,you wont have time to annoy your teachers or parents.Go volunteering. 4 If youre too young to do it on your own,go with a parent to a volunteering event.You can help people learn to read,clean up a local park,or work in a soup kitchen.Find something that is meaningful to you an

17、d commit to it at least once a week.Read as much as you can.Reading can help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. 5 Getting truly interested in stories can help you forget the hours passing by.Reading for just 20 minutes before bedtime every night can help you develop an addicting l

18、ifelong habit.AJoin a sports team.BPlay soccer or baseball.CThen you can have a good time with your friends.DVolunteering is another great way to stay out of trouble.EThese clubs can help you focus on something you care about.FWhats more,if youre reading,then youre not getting into trouble.GAnd no m

19、atter what you do,you just cant seem to get things right.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,文章就如何避免麻烦向读者提供了四条建议。主要有参加运动队,加入俱乐部,多读书等。1G前句“Sometimes it may seem like youre always getting into trouble with your teachers or your parents.”意为有时你似乎总是和老师或父母发生麻烦,选项G对上句进行了进一步的说明,同时也引出了下句解决麻烦的迫切性,故选G。2A根据文章篇章结构可知,此处是对本段主题的考查,且为祈使

20、句,本段主要讲加入运动队,故选A。3E本段主要讲加入社团。选项E中的These clubs与上句中的“an art club,chess club,French club,cooking club and so on”对应,故选E。4D本段主要讲参加志愿活动,选项D中的Volunteering与主题句“Go volunteering”对应,故选D。5F本段主要讲多读书可以使你避免麻烦,选项F中的“if youre reading,then youre not getting into trouble”与本段主旨对应,故选F。.语法填空There once were a goat and a d

21、onkey 1. (live)on a farm.The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer 2. (feed)it the most food.Sometimes the donkey was given more food 3. it could eat.This made the goat so jealous 4. it began plotting against(谋划对付)the donkey.“Hey,donkey,” the goat said one day.“I think you do too much work on this

22、 farm.You carry such heavy things from morning to night.Why dont you pretend 5. (get)sick so you can take a day 6. ?” The donkey thought the goat had a great idea.So the next morning,the donkey lay in the stable(畜栏)on its side with its eyes 7. (close).8. (immediate),the farmer called the doctor.Afte

23、r looking at the donkey,the doctor said it needed a special 9. (medical) made from the heart of a goat.So the farmer killed 10. goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。讲述的是山羊嫉妒驴子能干活受到主人疼爱,告诉驴子让它装病想要陷害它,但最后山羊却被自己的嫉妒心害了。1living主语为a goat and a donkey,与live之间为主动关系,故填living。2f

24、ed浏览全文可知本文是一般过去时态,根据时态一致的原则,故填fed。3than考查固定搭配“more than”超过,驴子有时候被给的食物比它能吃的还要多,故填than。4that考查so.that的用法,故填that。5to get考查固定搭配“pretend to do sth.”假装做某事,故填to get。6off根据句意可推断出此处指休假,使用固定搭配“day off”休假,故填off。7closed考查with复合结构。题目中已经给出了with和一个名词eyes,和动词close构成被动关系,故填closed。8Immediately通过副词形式来表示时间频率,故填Immediat

25、ely。9medicinespecial为形容词,修饰名词,故填medicine。10his/the这里既可以填the来特指山羊,也可以用his表示农夫的山羊,故填his/the。课时分层作业(二)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1The film is based on the truelife story of a cancer sufferer(suffer)2Frankly speaking(speak),how many times do you go to KFC and McDonalds every week?3I wonder if some time I could hav

26、e a word with you.4Obviously they came here to seek after/for truth.5But it is so typical of this girl to take the easy way out.6I need a flash of inspiration(inspire)to finish my essay.7He applied himself(him)to his new duties with great energy.8Our difficulties passed away when we dealt(deal)with

27、them in the proper way.9His parents as well as he are(be)very kind to me.10We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving(solve)the problem.完成句子1我设法得到了我要的东西。I managed to get what I wanted.2我的父亲要我当医生。My father intended me to become a doctor.3我们捐赠衣物救济贫民。We contributed clothing to the relief of the

28、 poor.4老有别人告诉我应该如何过我的个人生活,我实在受不了了。Im sick and tired of being told what to do with my personal life.5她不能全力以赴地安排自己的婚礼。She could not entirely apply herself to the arrangements for her wedding.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解I had the meanest mother in the world.While other kids ate candy for breakfast,I had to have cere

29、al (麦片粥),eggs and toast.Others had cokes and candy for lunch,while we had to eat a sandwich.As you can guess,my supper was different from the other kids.But at least I was not alone in my suffering.My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.My mother insisted on knowing where we we

30、re at all times.She had to know who our friends were and what we were doing.We had to wear clean clothes every day.Other kids always wore their clothes for days.We reached the height of disgrace (丢脸)because she made our clothes herself,just to save money.The worst is yet to come.We had to be in bed

31、by 9:00 each night and up at 7:45 the next morning.So while my friends slept,my mother actually had the courage to break Child Labor Law.She made us work.I believed she lay awake all night thinking up mean things to do to us.Through the years,our friends report cards had beautiful colors on them,bla

32、ck for passing,red for failing.My mother,however,would merely be content with black marks.None of us was allowed the pleasure of being a dropout (辍学者)She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults.Using this as a background,Im now trying to bring up my three children.Im filled with pride w

33、hen my children think I am mean because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the world.【语篇解读】文章讲述的是妈妈对我的要求很严格,甚至到了苛刻的地步,但是对我的成长有很大的帮助。1From the passage we can learn that the writers mother was .Anot generous at allBvery strict with her childrenCvery mean with money mattersDv

34、ery cruel to her childrenB推理判断题。根据文章第一段“I had the meanest mother in the world”,还有文章第二、三段可知B正确。2Which of the following things did the writer hate to do most?AEating differently from other kids.BWearing clean clothes which were made by mother.CGoing to bed early and getting up early.DLetting mother kn

35、ow where they were.C细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The worst is yet to come.We had to be in bed by 9:00 each night and up at 7:45 the next morning.”可知C正确。3It can be inferred from the passage that .Athe writer worked hard and usually got good grades in studiesBmother was punished for breaking the Labor LawCall the ot

36、her kids studied better than the writerDthe writers family lived a miserable lifeA推理判断题。根据文章第三段“our friends report cards had beautiful colors on them,black for passing,red for failing.My mother,however,would merely be content with black marks.”可知A正确。4Which of the following statements is NOT true acc

37、ording to the passage?AMother practised economy in running her home.BThe writer is very thankful for her mother.CThe writer is strict with her children when bringing them up.DThe writer doesnt love her mother for the past miserable life.D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知作者很感激妈妈对自己的严格要求,故D正确。.完形填空From the time I line

38、d up my dolls on the sofa in playschool,I wanted to be teacher.“Open your books,” I would 1 my teddy bear and dolls.Then I would 2 teach them whatever new things I had just 3 at school.For me,dream was one thing,and 4 was quite another.My family was too poor to 5 my tuition.Finally,with others help,

39、I attended a state university.However,I 6 needed more money to pay for my other expenses,so I found a parttime job, 7 test tubes in the science department.By then I believed that every dirty test tube I washed meant I was one step closer to my 8 .When working as a substitute (代替)teacher in the local

40、 area,I learned they were planning to 9 the biology teacher I had substituted for.I was sure the 10 was meant for me.However,the principal (校长)said,“Youre too 11 .This last teacher had a lot of discipline problems because of his age.We want someone older with more 12 .”I cried all the way to work,di

41、sappointed and 13 .Suddenly,a stranger who I met by chance asked me what had happened.I told him how much I wanted to 14 and how upset I was to be 15 because of my age.Then I also shared some of my thoughts with him.He 16 me,“Never lose heart.I believe you can make it.” The next morning my phone ran

42、g.It was the principal calling to offer me the 17 position.I was totally 18 and asked him why.He explained,“You made quite an impression on the chairman of our Board of Directors.He 19 that you should have this position.” A few weeks later,I stood by the door of my classroom,welcoming my 20 on their

43、 first day of school.When they were settled,I said with a smile,“Open your books.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者从小就想要当老师,但是家庭条件有限,作者只好半工半读,经过一番周折后,终于成为了一名生物老师。1A.persuadeBcalm Cinstruct DcongratulateCpersuade说服;calm使镇定;instruct指导;congratulate祝贺。我想要成为老师,所以我是以老师的口气来指导泰迪熊和布娃娃。2A.angrily Bdelightedly Cjealously Ddis

44、appointedlyBangrily生气地;delightedly高兴地;jealously嫉妒地;disappointedly失望地。因为我喜欢当老师,所以我在教它们的时候是非常高兴的。3A.found BchangedCundertaken DlearnedD根据句意“我非常高兴地把我在学校刚学到的所有新东西都交给它们”可知,选D。4A.advice BinterestCschooling DtimeCadvice建议;interest兴趣;schooling学校教育,学费;time时间。根据下文可知,我家非常穷交不起学费,所以对我来说,梦想是一回事,上学又是另外一回事了。故选C。5A.

45、cover BignoreCforget DplanAcover足够支付;ignore忽视;forget忘记;plan计划。根据句意“我家非常穷,交不起学费”可知,选A。6A.almost BsuddenlyChardly DstillD根据句意“最后,在别人的帮助下,我上了一所州立大学。但是,我仍然需要更多的钱来支付其他的费用”,故选D。7A.decorating Bcleaning Ccollecting DproducingB根据下文“By then I believed that every dirty test tube I washed.”可知,我的兼职工作是清洗试管,故选B。8A

46、.house BjobCdream DschoolC根据句意“那时我相信我每洗一个试管,就离我的梦想又近了一步。”可知,答案为C。9A.punish BreplaceCpraise DacceptB根据下文我想要申请这个职位可知,他们想要换掉生物老师。故选B。10A.result BscholarshipCexperiment DpositionD我确信这个职位就是为我准备的,故选D。11A.young BimpatientCbusy DstrangeA根据下文的“We want someone older”可知,校长嫌我太年轻。12A.adventure BconfidenceCexperi

47、ence DindependenceC根据句意“我们想要年龄大些的,经验丰富的”可知,选C。13A.tired BcomfortableCnervous DsorrowfulD因为我被拒绝,所以我感到非常失望和难过。14A.travel BteachCstudy DsingB因为我想要当老师,所以这里用teach(教书)。15A.called on Blooked afterCturned down Dbrought upCcall on拜访,号召;look after照顾;turn down拒绝;bring up抚养,呕吐。根据句意“因为年龄而被拒绝,我是多么的沮丧啊。”可知,选C。16Af

48、orted Bordered Cthanked DpromisedA根据下文的“不要灰心,我相信你会成功的。”可知,他在安慰我。17A.biology BmathCEnglish DChineseA根据上文提到的生物老师可知,选A。18A.selfish BupsetCanxious DconfusedD因为昨天我刚刚被拒绝,而现在又给了我这个职位,所以我感到非常困惑。19A.recommended BinformedCcomplained DregrettedArecommend推荐;inform通知;complain抱怨;regret遗憾。根据句意“他推荐你担任这个职位”可知,选A。20A

49、.parents BstudentsCteachers DfriendsB我站在教室门口,迎接第一天上学的学生们。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档课时分层作业(三)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1It is reported(report)that 20 people were killed in the accident.2Until finished(finish),the problem was a continuous worry to me.3Your experience has been a most entertaining(entertain)one.4Dont

50、 try to cut in while others are talking.5This is the role that you will play in this film.6He made a quick adaptation(adapt)to the new environment.7My wife is three years senior to me.8His disappearance is being looked into by the police.9He presented her with a bunch of flowers.10I came across an o

51、ld friend in changed circumstances.完成句子1她沿着河堤边走边唱着流行歌曲。While (she was)walking along the river bank,she was singing a pop song.2她一直等到女儿回来才去睡觉。She didnt go to bed until her daughter came back.3人们相信阅读可增加我们的知识、扩大我们的心胸。It is believed that reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.4他一到那里便开始下雪。

52、The moment he gets there,it begins to snow.5不是父亲而是母亲出席此仪式。Not father but mother was present at the ceremony.高考题型练习提能力阅读理解AWhen my students ask me why I live in a tiny house,they ask it in light of all the “sacrifices(牺牲)” I am making.They know that I have moved from a large apartment in the city to

53、a small custombuilt home on wheels in the backyard woods.They know I forego running water,Internet connection,sewage(下水道),and reliable phone reception.However,it was possible for me to be truly happy while living with very few material things.My body responded well,in health,fitness and mood,to a sc

54、hedule more consistent(一致的)with the natural day and night cycle.Observing the daily sunset,hosting friends for days at a time,reading,writing letters to my families and friends and exploring natural wonders in my spare time all were free and invaluable experiences.What was necessary to my survival p

55、roved to be a rather short listhealthy food,clean and drinkable water,heat source,weatherprotecting shelter,weathersuitable clothing,equally important friends and mental and physical stimulations(刺激)When I returned to life in the US,I couldnt help but sense a deep and uneasy belief that life suddenl

56、y changed.I felt disconnected with many thingsthe earth,others,my food source,my waste disposal,the natural cycle of my body and the productive interests.These are the things I once cared for but now find myself too busy to enjoy.How was it that I was earning literally 40 times my Peace Corps salary

57、 and was less healthy,satisfied and intentional in my daily schedule? I found myself askingwhat is it to be rich anyway? Therefore,last August I let go of most of my possessions and moved into a tiny house on wheels because I wanted to see if I could live a more enjoyable lifestyle.So far so good.No

58、 inconvenience has made up for the many positive benefits that continue to come from this change in lifestyle.I believe that I have made the right decision.【语篇解读】作者不愿生活在大城市,宁愿贴近大自然生活,简单、健康、快乐,且更适合她自己。1What does the underlined word “forego” in the first paragraph probably mean?AGive up.BTake along.CC

59、are for. DGo after.A词义猜测题。根据前文的描述,作者以前生活在城市的大房子里,现在生活在树林里一个移动的自主建造的小房子里,没有自来水,因特网,手机等这些现代化的东西,故此处为“放弃”的意思,因此答案为A。2What interested the author most when living in the tiny house?AThe natural living schedule.BBusy and invaluable experiences.CThe happiness of the simple life.DThe very few material posse

60、ssions.C细节理解题。根据第二段首句“However,it was possible for me to be truly happy while living with very few material things.”可知,最吸引作者的还是简单的生活带来的快乐,故答案为C。3What did the author feel when she returned to the US?AShe was behind the times.BShe wouldnt enjoy the modern life.CShe was rich enough to enjoy the city lif


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