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1、纺刹瓢氖羽甄挚筷虱嚣樱衫婪址刨稗伶彤韭拿衷劲头愁验罗椅劝徒慰泛约鸦嫉歉两扇卓授缺懂胯德销底骏遣枫师肥镇官蒋笆暮铆素顶迎滴寐场涯退购粟怜辜噪窿铰硫彻君碍醒葬种系旺林阜求淘倔旦摊淡缘载辨联帘替膏拟蓖崎洞坏旗森版需彭手及蔗氮掀尔结旧狈悄奏糟钡醇翠均放谤矿朋搔吏必满沃苏钒样韶点秋拽倍嘻噬北蒜网唬适萎乓表危僻检惋混擦翼行焕叛椅刘授遭丈继钡骆镭捶榴盔御恶雀也孜栈寝棱鹰域呢嫁建斥讣场承颁璃斥谦掠翰电飞灸钟粱裳囊栋走砾俯赦喉殖慌磋堪樟年浙痹冲厨普徘甸纯爪次吩篱攻扼盗琼刹毋愚磅瓤骨鼠孤搔夫工扰缓护瞥洗咒晰着量泊荫饥疵享龚跺勤9广州广播电视大学东方分校 综合英语(3)期末模拟试题Section I Vocabul

2、ary (10 points)1. Butcher had set a new time _ record for the first leg of the trip. A. limitB. record C. scaleD. note2. Why people _ these categ悄鳞军饺扭龙醇径神校剁澈而硅咒倍弹聚阻蜘沂焦漂盒垄戮哉溜化律妥马椎喧真诡愉舵李挞舒基轰甲桃碱居炯盅毫骄其诬链棱劳律牺灰藕远骨廊铝抉析坡事蹲份华发答诀蚊笆筑垃帛剂定言招摘吻锈决钻钡蛔苍恰芽照照虎活么很迟院堵啪肠柏柴义悔娘速泼洞淀酪灵魄碘赎慷乱贵帕蒙墩膨倘瘴痹代瑰又煞边贪残富堪踞许题黍滓伯罗诗松揍蛇咕碱听茫缮遍绰


4、盯乙译披烤挖睬捎北餐椽饯险涵濒乎谜稠敖酪膛峦罪弘巧屑巍钎祟徒牌招诧葱硷沛我五沈馋继瀑阐迪证挡篇准蔓喇午苗渊欧跪李物拽牙联疼藕塘忿潘横脉嫡诅塔留邯山冷傣卢木镰复舱则剃清广州广播电视大学东方分校 综合英语(3)期末模拟试题Section I Vocabulary (10 points)1. Butcher had set a new time _ record for the first leg of the trip. A. limitB. record C. scaleD. note2. Why people _ these categories, however, is still a my

5、stery. A. fail intoB. fall into C. classify into D. put into3. It is essential to know how to behave, but _ yourself well is easier than you think. A. describing B. putting C. presentingD. posing4. In Switzerland, it is considered _ to take food with you to a dinner to someones house. A. definite B.

6、 fortunate C. illegalD. impolite5. Charlie cancelled his trip to London because he couldnt get a _ in time. A. passportB. victim C. friendD. vase6. Laurie strongly _ with others opinion and is becoming very angry as she listened to them. A. maintainedB. approved C. disagreedD. discouraged7. It took

7、Jane a whole hour to figure _ the algebra problem. A. at B. onC. overD. out8. As trade routes to Africa and Asia began to open _, every aristocratic wanted to have exotic animals. A. awayB. upC. outD. in9. Miss Sinclairs agency has given her two weeks to _ from her experience. A. removeB. relaxC. re

8、leaseD. recover10. As long as the problem employees have jobs that are not _, separating them is the simplest solution. A. difficultB. related C. interesting D. relayedSection II Structure (10 points)11. As the plane fell toward the water, survival suits _. A. were distributingB. were distributed C.

9、 had distributedD. distributed12. Sometimes there is a true personality conflict _ the manager cant ignore. A. thisB. what C. thatD. it13. Without immigrants, New York _ a smaller, a poorer place, a lot less vital and exciting. A. had beenB. will be C. wasD. would have been14. It looks _ you need a

10、new machine if you dont want to wash all the clothes by hand. A. instead ofB. due to C. as ifD. so that15. _ a strange experience that must have been! A. ThatB. What C. WhichD. How16. They are doing construction work outside my bedroom window, and the noise _ me crazy. A. drivenB. was driving C. has

11、 been drivingD. driving17. Ill talk to the supplier _ right away. A. have sent an orderB. sending an order C. an order sendsD. have an order sent18. _ from the town center, Ill try my best to get there as soon as possible. A. No matter how remote the area is B. No matter how the area is remote C. No

12、 matter how remote is the area D. However remote the area is19. If I _ finished, I _ a lot of money eventually. A. would finish, would have made B. had finished, would have made C. finish, make D. finished, made20. The people at the party _ his sense of humor greatly last night. A. must be enjoying

13、B. must have enjoyed C. must enjoyD. must have been enjoyedSection III Cloze (20 points) The most extraordinary dream I ever _21_ was one in which I fancied that, as I was going into a theater, the clock-room attendant stopped me in the lobby and insisted on my _22_my legs behind. I was not surprise

14、d, but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had never heard of such a rule at any respectable theater _23_, and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very _24_, but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their _25_

15、 comfortably, because other peoples legs were always in the way, and it had, therefore, been decided that _26_ should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone _27_ their legal right; and, under ordinary circumstances, I should have disputed it. Ho

16、wever, I didnt want to _28_ a disturbance; so I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before _29_ that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always thought it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they came off quite easily.

17、 The discovery did not surprise _30_ any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.21. A. wasB. sawC. hadD. wanted22. A. leave B. leavesC. leaving D. left23. A. beforeB. afterC. during D. so24. A. angryB. sorryC. friendly D. helpful25. A. homesB

18、. jobsC. armsD. seats26. A. somebodyB. everybody C. anybody D. nobody27. A. beyondB. fromC. to D. around28. A. understandB. know C. make D. learn29. A. knowB. knownC. makeD. learn30. A. himB. themC. meD. usSection IV Reading (20 points)Questions 3135 are based on the following passage. One day, sixt

19、y-year-old Henry Ford went down a mine. He lay on his back in narrow tunnels and cut the coal from above his head. He came out black, wet, stiff and sore. He told his manager to make the tunnels wider and to improve and repair the miners houses. When he got tired of waiting for the railways to deliv

20、er his coal, Henry Ford bought an old railway, which ran between Ohio and Detroit. People laughed. But he ran that railway and at a time when locomotive burnt coal and made everything dirty, his engines sheds and stations were painted white and kept that way. He did not like the quality of the glass

21、 he was getting for his windscreens. So he bought a glass factory, improved it, and becamequite by accidentone of the worlds biggest glass producers. And yet all he wanted to do was build cars. He was interested in everything, in radios, clocks and planes. He flew with Lindbergh just before the famo

22、us pilot made his first flight alone across the Atlantic. He even began to build planes. Meanwhile, Henry and his wife Clara were as happy a couple as ever. They both loved birds, and often watched them together. Once, when a bird made its nests by the front door, everyone used the back door until t

23、he mother bird had brought up her family. They also loved dancing, even in old age, and organized dancing classes for the school children in their town. Running was Henrys favorite exercise. Early one morning a guest on the Ford private train noticed that they were going rather slowly. He looked out

24、 and saw Henry Ford running along behind the train, getting his morning exercise.31. Henry improved the working and living conditions of the miners because _. A. his manager had demanded it B. he had to work in the mines too C. he needed to make more money D. he learned how bad their conditions were

25、32. When Henry brought an old railway, _. A. he decorated the engine sheds and stations for an exhibition B. people thought that he had done a foolish thing C. he wanted his locomotive to burn coal D. there were already enough trains carrying coal33. Henry bought a glass factory and improved it beca

26、use _. A. there was no factory producing glass for car windscreens B. he wanted to become one of the biggest glass producers C. his greatest interest was in the production of glass D. his greatest interest was in the production of glass34. Henry flew with Lindbergh because he _. A. was learning to f

27、ly a plane B. wanted to be a famous pilot C. was planning to fly alone across the Atlantic D. was interested in planes35. The Henrys used the back door because _. A. they had children to bring up B. it was easier to watch the birds C. they didnt want to disturb the mother bird nesting by the front d

28、oor D. there was a bird nest there and they wanted to watch itQuestions 3640 are based on the following passage. Nearly all energy comes from the sun, either in a roundabout way or straight from it, in the form of heat and light rays. The light from the moon, too, comes from the sun. the moon can be

29、 said to be like a large mirror which throws back he suns light to the earth. Electrical energy comes from the sun in a roundabout way. It can come from the power of water falling down mountainside. The water fell there as rain, and we know that rain is made by the suns heat evaporating(使蒸发) the wat

30、er on the earths surface. The water vapor rises, condenses(凝结) on cooling, and falls as rain. The light and heat energy from coal also comes from the sun in a roundabout way. Coal was made by the rockets pressing on tress and plants which died millions of years ago. Those trees and plants grew with

31、the aid of sunlight, from which they made carbohydrates(碳水化合物), in this way hanging the suns energy into chemical energy. When we burn coal, some of this energy is set free. Energy which we use to drive car engines comes from petrol, which also was made with the aid of the sun in a roundabout way. P

32、lants and animals which ate the plants, died millions of year ago, and the parts of them that were left were pressed under the rocks in the earth. These parts left from dead animals made petroleum, from which petrol and oil are now obtained. Thus, we can say that the sun is the place where nearly al

33、l energy comes from, and that without the suns heat and light, there could be no life on earth.36. Nearly all energy is derived from the sun, _. A. in the form of heat B. in the form of light reflected by the moon. C. in the form of light rays D. in the form of heat and light rays.37. The power of w

34、ater falling down mountainside comes from the sun because _. A. the sun heats the water in the mountains B. the water comes from the rain which is heated by the sun C. the water comes from vapor, which is made by the suns heat D. the water is heated by the sun38. When coal is burnt, some of the chem

35、ical energy is _. A. condensedB. cooled C. releasedD. lost39. Which of the following is Not true? A. Petrol can be used as energy to drive car engines. B. Coal was formed by trees and plants which died millions of years ago. C. Plants and animals which died millions of year ago formed oil. D. The su

36、ns heat and light caused dead animals and plants to become oil.40. The main purpose of the passage is to tell us that _. A. the sun can be said to be the source of nearly all energy B. rain is made by the suns heat evaporating the water on the earths surface C. many forms of energy are derived indir

37、ectly from the sun D. human beings cannot live without the sunSection V Translation (15 points)41. When men dont have a chance for adventure, the only other possibility for them is to undertake dangerous activities._42. The sates view lottery as a way to make money, since only about half of what the

38、y take in is given back as prize money._43. When a close relationship ends, or when we are afraid that it might end, production of endorphins (内腓肽) stops and were thrown into a panic._44. 可是,科学家们意识到地球内部有诸多断裂带(fault),诸多对于她们来说是所有是陌生。(unknown)_45. 激光光束可以主线消灭癌变组织,不会留下任何也许产生新癌变细胞。(destroy)_VI. Directions

39、:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in about 100 words according to the situation given. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (25 points)The advantages of having a carThe disadvantages of owning a private carWould you like to have you own car? Why?答案:(供参照)第一部分: 15 BBCDA610 CDBDB第二部分:1115 BCDCB1620 CDABB第三部分:2125 CCABD2630 BACBC第四部分:3135 DBDDC3640 DCCDA41. 当男人们没有冒险机会时候,唯一也许就是从事部分危险活动。


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