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2、题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Hello! May I speak to Lucy,please?Sorry,Im afraid you have the wrong Away Bname Cnumber Dtelephone2、Jack _ on his mobile phone when the car hit him.AtalkBtalksCtalkedDwas talking3、My parents want me to help the community and increase my _ of the world.AoperationBtreasureCinstrumentDkn

3、owledge4、- Would you please your radio a little? I can hardly go to sleep.- Oh, sorry.Aturn off Bturn onCturn down Dturn up5、- _ you often go to school by bike?- Yes, but sometimes I go by bus when it rains.ADoBWillCHaveDAre6、Do you like tennis?Yes, I do. Its my favorite _.AfoodBfruitCcolorDsport7、I

4、 went to return the book to Jack, but I couldnt find him. He _ the library. You can find him there.Ahas been toBhas gone toChas leftDwent to8、We are not supposed to the bus until the bus stops.Thats right. Safety comes first.Aput offBget offCtake offDgo off9、1 didnt mean to trouble Curry yesterday.

5、It was pouring with rain so I his offer of a lift.ArefusedBreceivedCallowedDaccepted10、一Look at Lucy! How weak she looks!一Well, she never eats and thats why she is not healthy.AproperlyBrapidlyCsmoothlyDcompletely. 完形填空11、 Today is Friday, August 14th. My good friend Bob came to me 1 . He told me so

6、mething exciting: his father helped the police catch a thief yesterday.When Bob was waiting for the ferry (渡船)with his father, he 2 some people arguing loudly. He looked around and saw 3 women and a big man shouting at each other. When his father asked 4 was going on , one of the women said they wer

7、e tourists and three men 5 her friends purse when they were buying postcards in a bookstore. The other two had 6 , but they followed the big man closely.When the ferry 7 , the big man hurried on to the ferry. Then, the two women went aboard after 8 . Bob was angry, and he wanted to go up and help th

8、e women. 9 his father said he didnt want to take that ferry. Bob felt even 10 because he thought his father was afraid of the big man and didnt want to help others.What Bob saw next changed his 11 of his father. His father hurried to store nearby, and used their 12 to call the police. He reported th

9、e things to the police and gave some useful details about the 13 , the tourist and the ferry.When they got off the next ferry,Bob saw the big man was caught 14 the policemen. While Bob was telling me this story, he seemed very 15 . He said he had a better understanding of his father. Although he is

10、a common man, he was a real hero in his mind.1AexactlyBhappilyCwiselyDpolitely2AsawBsmeltCfeltDheard3AtwoBthreeCfourDfive4AwhereBwhoCwhatDwhy5AboughtBstoleCbroughtDcaught6Astayed awayBgiven awayCrun awayDput away7AleftBwentCarrivedDreceived8AitBhimCherDthem9AAlthoughBThereforeCBecauseDBut10AhappierB

11、betterCangrierDworse11AideaBdreamCpromiseDsuggestion12AcomputerBphoneCbookDTV13AweatherBtimeCthiefDpurse14AatBtoCforDby15AproudBupsetCpatientDspecial. 语法填空12、 A good friend is like a mirror. Everyone 1 (need) friends. We can share secrets 2our friends and turn to them for h3when we are in trouble. B

12、ut do you know how to make friends? First, learn to smile. A smile always makes the others like you, Smile at someone and you are sure to get a smile back from 4(he).Second, try to remember names. It makes your new friends f5 happy when you call them by their name b6 you dont forget them.Third, lear

13、n to discuss instead of arguing when you have 7(difference) ideas. If you dont 8(同意) with other people, you should still be friendly. Teenagers(青少年) need tohave one or a group of good friends because friends can discuss things which are too difficult to say to their family 9(member).All in all, a go

14、od friend will help to bring out the 10(good) in you. Once you find such a good friend, do treasure him. 阅读理解A13、ColorsMakes you feel .OpinionsBlueSafeDavid: I like blue. I have a clothes shop, and I find when I changed the walls color to blue, my clothes sold better. Someone told me that blue can m

15、ake people feel safe.GreenEnergeticMary: I am a nurse. I heard that green can make people feel energetic. Because it is the color of nature, it can also give people a feeling of hope. It is my favorite.RedLucyLi Ming; I like red. In our country, red means good luck. For example, during the Spring Fe

16、stival, most Chinese people like wearing red clothes, because we believe it will bring us good luck in the future.OrangeHappySam: I like orange because it is a warm color. When I am sad, if I see something orange or wear orange clothes, I will feel better. I like buying things that are orange bags ,

17、 caps ,cups, anything ! I live in an orange word!BlackPowerfulLinda: I think black is a powerful color .we know that the leaders of a country always wear black clothes. And it makes people look thin.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1Of the following people, who likes orange best?ADavid.BMaryCSamDLinda2If yo

18、u want to give a gift to a friend who is sad , which of the following is the best ?AAn orange pencil caseBA blue coatCA green cupDA black wallet3Why do Chinese like red ?AThey think red gives them a feeling of hope.BThey think red makes them feel safe.CThey think red brings good luck.DThey think red

19、 makes them powerful.4If you want to look like all of the other people in the government, which color will you wear?ARedBblackCGreenDOrange5Which of the following is TRUE?ASam thinks fat people should wear green clothes.BLinda is a nurse, and she likes green.CLi Ming thinks red is a lucky color.DMar

20、y thinks orange gives people a feeling of hope.B14、阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。It is really a happy thing to look back on the days I spent with Jennie. We met in night school. After Jennie and I had completed the required courses, we started teaching in the same school. For a time

21、 we were just casual friends, but one day, when I was telling Jennie about my problem son, we discovered we were kindred (同类的) spirits. Hes a difficult little character, I explained. Jennie looked thoughtful. Maybe youre only seeing him with your eyes. She was silent for a moment and then added soft

22、ly, It is only with the heart that one sees rightly. I stared at her. Youre quoting (引用) that! Its from The Little Prince, Saint-Exuperys book for children, one of my favorites. You know it, too? Jennie nodded. I love it. Ive read it so often. Ive practically memorized it.Now, when I think of Jennie

23、, I recall that book because Jennie more than anyone I know possessed the gift of seeing with the heart.From that moment of a treasured book shared, our friendship grew steadily. It wasnt that I didnt have an excellent relationship with my husband and son, but my mother had died shortly after my mar

24、riage, and I had neither sisters nor daughters. I realize, now, how I needed someone to share those little, seemingly unimportant things that add so much to life things that must be shared to be fully appreciated.And it was Jennie who helped me with my fourth-grade problem child. One day I was at my

25、 wits end. What he needs is a good beating! I exploded.Hes probably had plenty of those, Jennie said. Maybe he just needs sincere praise for anything he does right, and a hug or two each day. I followed this suggestion, and eventually, because of Jennie, I discovered a lovable little boy.Looking bac

26、k, I have to admit that she taught me so much. The days I spent with her has become one of my happiest memories.1What does the underlined part mean in the fourth paragraph?AI was unsure of how to treat my son.BI decided to give up my job.CI faced financial difficulties.DI was very disappointed with

27、myself.2How did the author and Jennies friendship grow?AThey both were interested in childrens education.BThey both liked a novel, The Little Prince.CThey often chatted together about their families.DThey both worked in the same school.3We learn from the text that _.Athe author has the gift of seein

28、g with the heartBthe author had no friends before meeting JennieCthe author had lost her mother before her marriageDthe author seldom praised her son in the past4How does the author feel about her family?ANo one listened to her seemingly unimportant things.BShe didnt get along well with her husband

29、and son.CShe once seldom spoke to her mother.DShe felt quite lonely in her family.5The text is mainly about _.Ahow to educate children properlyBthe fact that we should see nature differentlyCthe influence of friendship in lifeDhow friendship begins and developsC15、Parisian architect(建 筑 师 )Paul Andr

30、eu has designed so many landmark buildings in China.Among his best known are the National Grand Theatre in Beijing,the Jinan Grand Theatre and Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Andreu is nearly 80 and he continues to develop projects in China. The worldfamous architect,writer and painter held h

31、is first art show last summer in Beijing where he sat down for this interview.How was it that you went from architecture to writingand more recently to painting?I have a desire to create,for continuous renewal. While I cant say that I know everything about architecture,I no longer have much to prove

32、 or discover. For me,painting is just as important,creatively,but its something you do alone in your workshop,with a piece of paper and a pot of inkits totally refreshing.Why did you wait so many years to start painting?It was a kind of need. I was tired off in my field and wanted to try something n

33、ew and I tried to improve this situation by writing. But writing is a very long processit takes at least a year to write a book. Painting is faster. Being alone with yourself during the day,in the light,and then putting yourself in a situation where you produce something of which you know nothing an

34、d for which no one has askedits a kind of freedom you seldom have in life.What is your project in China right now?Theres a project in the ZhuhaiMacao area. The Chinese engineering and building company Zhuhai Da Heng Qin asked French architect Thomas Coldefy to think about the project, suggesting tha

35、t he work with an architect whos already known in China. He asked me if Id be willing to do some of the work. Well present the project some time before December;the planned completion date is in 2019.1Paul Andreu has gone from architecture to painting because .Ahe likes paper and ink Bhe thinks pain

36、ting is fasterChe has a desire to create Dhe has to prove that he is great2Where is Paul Andreus project in China now?AIn Beijing. BIn Jinan.CIn Shanghai Pudong. DIn the ZhuhaiMacao area.3What do you know about Paul Andreu from the passage?AHis achievements. BHis challenges. CHis worries. DHis habit

37、s.D16、Buying Is Doing?How important is shopping to you? How much time do you spend buying things? And how much time do you spend organizing these things in your home? In the future, how much time will you spend in movie theaters, at amusement parks, at shopping malls, or at convenience stores? When

38、you add it all up, you will probably see you spend a lot of your life consuming(消费)things. Consuming products is not necessarily bad. However, if we spend too much time doing it, we should look at it carefully.Imagine that you have a week off from school. You dont have to go to class. However, in th

39、is week, you cannot spend any money no shopping, no movies, no eating out. How would you spend your time?What things would bring you happiness? Perhaps you would take a walk with your best friend. Perhaps you would help a child read. Or you might spend time with your family.When we look back, it is

40、likely that non-consuming experiences like these will be our most important memories. Why? Non-consuming activities are active, not passive. They dont come in a package. You make the experience yourself. For example, each person who reads to a child will have a different experience. The experience c

41、hanges with the reader, the child, and the book. Similarly, when you have a conversation with a friend, you are actively creating an experience. The conversation that you have with your friend cannot be experienced or recreated by anyone else. However, if you watch a movie with a friend, you will ea

42、ch have a package experience. It requires no action and little interaction between the two of you.The environment we live in encourages us to have packaged experiences. We feel that we must consume because we believe that buying is doing. However, we can start a personal revolution(变革) against consu

43、merism. How? By consuming less, we can ask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction. Then we can organize our lives so that we have more of those kinds of experiences.1If consuming products takes too much time, we should _.Aspend less money Bthink about it carefullyCorganize our

44、 things Dgo to convenience stores2According to the passage, the writer believes that _.Awe can say no to consumerism by consuming lessBbuying things can bring us the greatest satisfactionCthe environment seldom influences our shopping choicesDconsuming experiences will be our most important memories

45、3What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage?ATo introduce some ways of enjoying our spare time.BTo encourage people to have more active experiences.CTo explain reasons behind peoples shopping behavior.DTo share his personal experience in consuming products.E17、All living things on the

46、earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live,

47、 and together they form a food chain. Some food chains are simple, while others are not. But all food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become broken up if one of them disappears.All life needs sunlight to live on. But only plants can use sunlight directly. Plants are “factories”. They

48、make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air.Plants feed all other living things. Animals can only use the suns energy after it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirect

49、ly.What about human beings? We are members of many food chains. We eat wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits and so on. We watched a display show. It was exciting. We also eat meat and drink milk. But men often break up the food chain. They kill wild animals. They also make rivers, lakes and seas dirty. W

50、hen these rivers, lakes and seas are polluted, the fish in them can not be eaten. If men eat the fish, they will get strange diseases.Each form of life is linked to all others. Breaking the links puts all life in danger.1How does every living thing on the earth live?AEach plant can live alone. BEach

51、 animal can live alone.CIf living things want to live, they must kill each other. DEvery living thing on the earth cannot live without others.2Who often breaks up the food chains?AHuman beings. BAnimals CPlants and animals. DMen and wild animals.3Which of the following do you think is the best title

52、 for this passage?AAnimals BPlants. CFood Chains. DLiving things.F18、Can I take your order? Night after night, I had to say this as I worked in my familys restaurant. My father was a fantastic cook. He wanted me, his only son, to cook with him, but I didnt like cooking. Because of the restaurant, my

53、 father was always busy. He never had time to play football with me.During my high school and college years, I worked with my family at night. But I always avoided the kitchen. I couldnt wait to graduate (毕业)so that I could move away from the family business. Several days before my graduation day, m

54、y father and I started looking at new cars. Finally, we found the right car. I was sure that my father would give it to me as my graduation gift.On my graduation day, my father gave me a book as a gift. It was his old cookbook. I was so angry that I gave it back to him and ran out of the house. Seve

55、ral days later I moved away and started my business. Although I often saw my father during holidays, we never talked about the graduation gift. Then one day, I got a call that my father was ill. I went to see him because I was very worried.That night, I looked through my fathers books and saw the co

56、okbook that he had given me year before. I carefully opened the cookbook and went through it. Then I found something that made me cry. It was a check(支票)for$30,000 dated(注有日期) the day of my graduation. And the price of the car my father and I chose all those years ago was $30,000.1From Paragraph I w

57、e know that the writers father_.Awas a common cook Bhad a lot of free timeCwanted the writer to be a cook Doften played foot ball with the writer2The writer couldnt wait to graduate because he wanted to_.Aleave the family business Bmanage the familys restaurantChave enough time to find a good car Dget a graduation gift as soon as possible3The writer_ on his graduation day.Aaccepted his fathers gift Bmoved away from homeCwas very angry w


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