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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、As a saying goes, “_ in the mind is better than money in the hand.” Every one of us should make an effort to learn more and beco

2、me cleverer.AWisdomBWisedomCWise2、Yu Guangzhong is a famous writer and poet_ wrote the well-known poem Nostalgia (乡愁) and passed away on December 14th, 2017.AwhoBwhichCwhatDwhose3、Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda?Yes. Im _ at drawing than her.Abetter Bgood Cwell Dbest4、The police sav

3、ed three lives in the accident.AchildBchildsCchildrenDchildrens5、-Could you describe_?-Yes. I was calling and didnt notice the light turned red.Awhy did the accident happenBwhen did the accident happenChow the accident happenedDwhere the accident happened6、Almost every school now has a website which

4、 allows us to _ the information about it.Alook atBlook afterClook aroundDlook through7、Whats your father doing now? He _ the room.AcleanedBcleansChas cleanedDis cleaning8、Jane any letter to her friends since she left home.Adoesnt writeBdidnt writeChasnt writtenDwont write9、I need _bananas to make fr

5、uit salad . Could you please buy some ?AfewBa fewClittleDa little10、Have you ever been to Disneyland?No, _. I hope I can go there next year.AalwaysBsometimesCneverDoften. 完形填空11、My husband kissed the babys cheek, said goodbye to me and then rushed out of the door, into his busy day. With the cold of

6、 the morning fading, I fed my baby and it fell fast asleep. Usually I would place it in bed and quickly have the house somewhat in 1 This morning, however, I stayed seated, just 2 , with the baby in my arms. The thoughts ran into memories of the 3 with my husband, a father rushing out of the door to

7、 meet the obligations 责任of life. It was only a small jump to thoughts of my own 4 My mother passed away when I was ten, and as I looked 5 , I could see how much of a family man my dad was. He went to work every morning and returned to his family every evening. He provided food, clothing, warmth, and

8、 6 He was a faithful father.Setting the baby down, I dialed the 7 number. I had just realized the 8 of the ordinary普通的daily life going on around us that we often took for granted(理所当然), and that it needed to be recognized(重新认识).“Hi, Dad.”I said, 9 back tears.“Hey, Bud. How are you?”, 10 was in his v

9、oice.“Fine, Im just calling to say. thank you.”I got it out before my throat 喉咙 11 too much for me to speak.What for?“For getting up and going to work every morning of my life. Now that I have my own child and I see my husband doing the same, I just wanted to thank you for being 12 ”There was 13 for

10、 a moment as my dad calmed himself down, and with a small tremble 颤抖in his voice he said, Youre welcome, Bud.”I dont remember much of the rest of the call, 14 that moment of revelation(显露)about my father, I will never forget. Since then, I have realized that those 15 everyday fathers are the true he

11、roes in life. Im thankful that my father was one of them.1AuseBlineCorderDfashion2AthinkingBdreamingCimaginingDpraying3AmorningsBafternoonsCeveningsDnights4AchildBfatherCmotherDfamily5AoutBawayCbackDaround6AprotectionBhelpCfamilyDmoney7ApopularBrelativeCregularDfamiliar8AdifferenceBimportanceCbalanc

12、eDabsence9AsendingBpushingCholdingDputting10ASadnessBStressCDoubtDLove11AclearedBhurtCachedDtightened12AhelpfulBfaithfulCthoughtfulDwonderful13ApeaceBcalmCsilenceDrest14AandBbutCorDnor15AexcellentBpatientCordinaryDhonest. 语法填空12、A robot has started serving customers at a high-tech highway restaurant

13、 in Chongqing. After greeting customers at the gate, the robot 1 (name) Amy brings meals to customers. But 2 can a robot avoid walking into customers and the restaurants human staff while walking? In fact, Amy has 3 in-built navigation system (导航系统) that allows it to choose a proper way to reach a c

14、ustomers table without any problem. Orders 4 (place) at two tables that double as big touch screens and customers can order food there or simply on their own phones 5 scanning QR code(二维码). After they have ordered their food, diners can pay using a mobile payment app 6 as Alipay or WeChat Pay. While

15、 waiting for the orders, customers can use the special tables to play games, read some 7(news), and check the traffic and weather conditions for their journey ahead. The robot catches everybodys eyes with 8 (it) human-like appearance. It is really welcomed by customers and the restaurant 9 it not on

16、ly cuts down much of business cost for the restaurant, but makes diners wait a much 10 (short) time. So the local government is trying to put them into use in the citys other service stations. 阅读理解A13、Millions of Chinese have been playing a mobile game called Travel Frog recently. You play as the “m

17、other” of a frog who lives alone and enjoys traveling. You need to prepare food and tools for his trips. The frog will send you postcards while he is away.The games popularity may have something to do with how lonely people are these days, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Many players have said

18、that the lonely frog is just like them. But playing with the frog helps them forget their loneliness for a short time.Loneliness seems to be a common problem today. According to the Guardian, a British daily, about 40 percent of American adults say theyre lonely. And in the UK, about one in five peo

19、ple in the country are “always or often lonely”, the Telegraph reported.This might be why the UK government announced the countrys very first “Minister of Loneliness” (孤独大臣) in January. The ministers job is to find ways to help UK citizens feel less lonely. The ministers office will provide more mon

20、ey for activities that connect people together.This loneliness problem may be partly because of social media. When we see pictures of friends having fun or posting pictures on WeChat or Microblog, we may compare their “perfect” lives with our own and feel sad and lonely.But we should remember that n

21、o one is born to be lonely. As UK poet John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island. Every man is a piece of the land, a part of the main.” Here are some tips to get rid of loneliness:Sing your favorite songs.Connect with a friend. Do something creative, such as drawing a picture. Imagine some place

22、youd like to visit, like a fun gathering or a sporting event.1What do players do while playing Travel Frog?ABuild houses for their frogs. BWrite postcards to their frogs.CChoose places for their frogs to travel. DPrepare food and tools for their frogs trips.2According to the passage, why is the game

23、 so popular?ABecause the frog is lovely. BBecause it can be played on mobile phones.CBecause it makes people feel less lonely. DBecause people have more spare time now.3To deal with the problem of loneliness, the UK government .Adesigned the game Travel Frog Bnamed the “Minister of Loneliness”Cheld

24、parties for people to get together Dstopped peoples use of social media4What can we learn from the last paragraph?AEveryone is connected with others. BWe should not compare ourselves to others.CIts not fun to feel lonely. DWe should be away from social media.B14、 Tea is an important part of Chinese

25、tradition. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture.It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough

26、 to turn into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737 BCDrinking tea has many advantages. It makes peopl

27、e feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably

28、 be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is empty, or cause stomachache when your stomach is full.Do not drink with medicine. It may change the medica

29、l result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine.Green tea is the best choice for office workers.Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.1Paragraph 2 is mainly about _.Awhen King Shen Nong livedBwhere Chinese tea was createdChow Chinese tea was discoveredDwhy Ki

30、ng Shen Nong drank tea2Drinking tea has lots of advantages EXCEPT _.Ahelping you lose weightBletting you feel less tiredChaving a strong wish for foodDclearing heat inside your body3Mr. Smith is a computer teacher. Hed better drink _.Agreen teaBblack teaCstrong teaDcoffee with milk4What can we infer

31、(推断) from the passage?ADont drink too much strong tea.BNot all office workers drink green tea.CTea is connected with Chinese culture closely.DKing Shen Nong loved creating new things.5The passage is mainly written to _.Alet us know how tea was discoveredBgive some advice about drinking teaCtell peop

32、le the history of teaDadvise people to drink green teaC15、Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is the color of most growing plants, too.Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet f

33、inished or plants that are not_.For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns had not yet developed. A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in

34、war (战争). By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today-a person who is new in a job.About one hundred years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west. Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities in the east. The green

35、horn didnt have the skills that he would need to live in the hard, rough country.Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds.A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly

36、 and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.The Green Revolution (革命) is the name which was given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crop

37、s. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural (农业的) scientists who had green thumbs.1According to the passage, a greenhorn means_ now.Aa young cow or ox whose horns have not yet developedBa soldier who has not had any experience in warCa person who is new in a jobDa man who doe

38、snt have the skills to live in the country2The meaning of the underlined word “ripe” in the second paragraph is _.A未完成的 B成熟的 C青涩的 D老练的3Which of the following about the Green Revolution is NOT right?AIf there werent the Green Revolution, we would have no rice to eat.BThe expression “the Green Revolut

39、ion” appeared several years ago.CBecause of the Green Revolution, we have more kinds of rice and other grains.DAgricultural scientists with green thumbs started the Green Revolution.4We can know from the passage that _.Aall growing plants is greenBgreen is the most important color in natureCa person

40、 with a green thumb can make plants grow wellDthe expression “a green thumb” has a history of two hundred years5The main idea of the passage is _.Aa greenhorn Ba green thumbCthe Green Revolution Dthe word “green” and its storyD16、Welcome to YueyangMovie TheatersRestaurantsClothes StoresDadiHuizeHeng

41、daKFCPizza HutStarbucksTianhongStoreKangxingStore19.923.539.5Fried ChickenPizzaCoffeeClothes forwomenClothes forchildren1Which is the cheapest theater?ADadiBHuizeCHengda2You can buy a skirt for your mother at _.ATianhong StoreBKangxing StoreCDadi3Which store can you buy pizza?AStarbucksBPizza HutCKF

42、CE17、 I love to go biking! Two years ago I bought an exercise bike(健身脚踏车). But soon I got bored with being at home, so I bought a used bike and started going for short rides. Now I plan day trips in my neighborhood (街区). When you drive a car, you miss many things. Its surprising how much more you ca

43、n see when youre biking.-SamMy favourite thing to do at weekends is to go to the beach. The beach is beautiful all through the year. I usually drive there. If the weather is cold, I wear some warm clothes and go for long walks on the beach. When the weather is hot. I enjoy swimming or just lying in

44、the sun.-BarbaraAt weekends I like to read books. If the weather is nice, Ill take a good book to the park and stay there reading for hours. I think theres nothing as delightful as reading a good book.-BillWeekends are for going hiking(徒步旅行) with my parents. We live near some beautiful mountains. So

45、metimes we camp out at night. We really enjoy cooking dinner over a campfire and spending a night under the stars!-Grace1Now Sam plans to_.Adrive a carBgo for short ridesCride his exercise bikeDgo biking in his neighborhood2Barbara_ if the weather is cold.Adrives on the beachBwalks on the beachCswim

46、s in the seaDlies in the sun3The underlined(划线的)word “delightful” in what Bill says probably means_ in Chinese.A有光线的B轻如羽毛的C令人愉快的D浅色调的4Which of the following is True about Grace?AShe goes hiking alone at weekendsBShe doesnt like cooking over a campfire.CShe and her parents sometimes camp out.DShe and

47、 her parents live in the mountains.5What does the passage mainly talk about?AFavouritesBSuggestionCShoppingDNatureF18、On day , a poor boy was trying to sell things from door to door to pay for school . He was hungry . Then he decided to ask for a meal at the next house . However , when a nice young

48、woman opened the door , he changed to ask for a drink of water . She thought he looked hungry and brought him a large glass of milk . He drank it slowly and then asked , “How much do I pay?” “You neednt do that ,” she said . “mother has taught me to be kind .”Years later , the young woman became ser

49、iously ill . She was sent to a big city . When Dr Howard Kelly , a very famous doctor now , heard the same of the town she came from , a strange light filled his eyes . At once , he got up and went down through the hospital hall into her room . He recognized her at once and decided to do his best to

50、 save her life . He did it and they won at last !Before she left , the bill(账单)was sent to her . She was quite afraid to open it . To her surprise , she found these words on the bill , “Paid with a glass of milk . Dr Howard Kelly .”Tears of joy came down from her eyes as she said silently , “Thank you , God . Your love has passed through hearts and hands .”1Why did the boy want to sell things ?AHe wanted to pay for school.BHe was hungry .CHe wanted to make money .DHis mother made him do it .2What can we say about the woman ?AShe was kind .BSh


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