



1、Say No to food wasteStep 1: watch a video and answer the following questions:Do you want to eat up 12 boxes of instant noodles?_Do you think the girl really likes the noodles so much that she eats up 12 boxes of instant noodles?_3. Why does she eat up so many boxes of instant noodles?_4. What do you

2、 think the government and public should do to stop such kinds of food waste?_Step 2: read the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1 The origination and problems of the eating shows.Para 2 Peoples attitude to eating shows.Para 3 Clean Plate Campaign 2.0Para 4 What Chinas top legisl

3、ature and some short-video platforms are doing to stop food waste.Step 3: read the passage and answer the following questions.Para 1: What Chinas top legislature and some short-video platforms are doing to stop food waste?_Para 2: 1.What is an eating show?_2.Where did the eating show originate from?

4、_3.Why did some vloggers pretend to eat a lot of food in front of the camera?_4. How did the vloggers waste food?_Para 3: Whats peoples attitude to such shows?_Para 4: Why has China launched “Clean Plate Campaign 2.0 ”?_Step 4: DiscussionWhat do you think are the top three causes of food wastage?_As

5、 a student who spends most of your time in the school, what can you do to stop wasting food in the canteen?Reference words and expressions:strongly suggest:强烈建议2. arouse the students awareness of saving: 唤起学生节约意识3. organise activities: 组织活动4. make relevant rules and regulations to punish those who w

6、aste food: 制定规章制度惩罚浪费 食物的人5. clear up your plate; eat up all you have on your plate 光盘6. leftover: 剩菜剩饭7. cultivate thrifty habits: 培养节俭的习惯8. small portions of dishes: 小份菜_Step 5: translate the following sentences.Data(数据) of global food wastage:The annual(每年的) amount of food wasted globally reaches

7、 1.6 billion tons, 1.3 billion tons of which are still edible(可食用的)._The annual carbon footprint(碳排放量) made by wasted food equates(等同于) to 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases._Global food production every year consumes 250 cubic kilometers(立方千米) water, 3 times that of Lake Genevas(日内瓦湖) total volum

8、e(体积)._1.4 billion hectares(公顷)of land are used to produce food that will be wasted every year._Developing countries suffer more losses during food production. Medium and high-income areas waste more during retail(零售)._Food wastage has been estimated(估算)to lead to losses of $750 billion every year._Step 6: Homework假如你是城厢中学高一学生李华,入校一个月来,你发现尽管今年国家开展“光盘行动2.0”以号召公众不要浪费食物,但是学校食堂食物浪费的情况依然严


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