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1、PAGE PAGE 11 一、真实条件语句1、依据其它将来事件,将来有可能发生的事件。Eg: If the rain stops, the match will begin. If you go to the science museum, you will see a lot of interesting exhibitions. If people dont stop polluting the air, animal and plants will soon die.The pattern is:If clause main clauseIf + Present Simple, will

2、/wont + infinitive(不定式,这里是省去to的不定式)也有可能用其它句型,特别是使用情态动词时:If you have time, we can go for a walk this evening.2、建议或命令某人做某事, 提出建议或请求:If you feel sleepy, go to bed.If she comes, phone me.If you want an interesting day out , visit the Science Museum.The pattern is:If clause main clauseIf + Present Simple

3、, imperative(祈使句)二、虚拟语气 英语有三种语气:陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。其中虚拟语气用来表示说话人的一种与事实相反的主观愿望、猜测、建议或假想等。虚拟语气可分为三种: 1)一般虚拟 2)混合虚拟 3)特殊句式。一一般虚拟的构成:(1). 对现在的虚拟:If S. did/were sth., Swould/could/shoulddoIf I had time, I would attend the meeting. If I were you, I would seize the chance to go abroad.(2) 对过去的虚拟:If Shadp.p, S

4、would/could/should havep.p If you had taken my advice, you would not have failed in the exam.(3) 对将来的虚拟: If Sdid/were/shoulddo/were to do, Swould/should/coulddo sth. If you came tomorrow, we would have the meeting. If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off. If he should not co

5、me tomorrow, we should put off the meeting till next day.二. 混合虚拟:(1)不同时间的虚拟:If he had listened to me, he would not be in trouble now. If he had told me yesterday, I should know what to do now.(2) 虚拟与陈述的混合:He could have passed the exam, but he wasnt careful enough.You should have come earlier, the bu

6、s left a moment ago.三. 特殊句式:(1).suggest, advise, recommend, propose, order, command, request, require, demandthat clause (should do/do )He suggested that we (should) save money for the future.(2) It is suggested/advised/ordered/requested/required that clause(should do/do)(主语从句)It is advised that we

7、(should) save money for the future.(3) My advice/suggestion/request/requirement is that-clause (should do /do) (表语从句)His suggestion/advice/request/requirement that clause(should do/do ) is. (同位语从句)My advice is that we (should) save money for the future.His advice that we (should) save money for the

8、future is sensible.(4) It is natural/necessary/strange that-clause (should do/do)表惊奇、怀疑、惋惜、不满、理应如此等。Its strange that he should have missed the train. (表竟然)It is important that we should learn from others.(表理应如此)It is a pity that he should not go with us.(表惊讶、惋惜)、(5) wish that clause (did/were 与现在相反)

9、wish that clause (would/could/might do与将来相反)wish that clause ( had done 与过去相反)I wish I were a superman.I wish I could go with them tomorrow.I wish I had never met him.(6) It is (high/about) time + clause (did ) 是做某事的时候了 It is (high/about) time we went home.(7) would rather + clause (did 与现在或将来相反);(h

10、ad done 与过去相反)I would rather you were here with me now.I would rather you came tomorrow. I would rather you hadnt told her the news.(8) If only + clause ( did/were与现在相反) (would/could/might do与将来相反)( had done 与过去相反) 要是就好了If only I were ten years younger! If only he would come tomorrow! If only I had

11、taken her advice!(9) as if/though+ clause (did/were 与现在相反) (would/could/might do与将来相反)( had done 与过去相反) . 好像,仿佛注意:as if/though从句若情况属实,用陈述语气。否则用虚拟语气。It looks as if its going to rain. (情况属实)She treats Kate as if she were her own daughter.She looks so pessimistic as if everything would be very terrible

12、 in the future.They talked as if they had been friends for years.(10) 在if引导的虚拟语气的条件句中,如果谓语动词含有were,或had, should, would等,有时可将if省略,将条件句中were,或had, should提到主语之前。 e.g. Were I (=If I were) you, I would make more notes. Had you (= If you had) invited us, we would have come. Should it (=If it should) rain

13、tomorrow, we would put it off. 注意:如果省略的条件句中的谓语动词是否定形式,则不能用动词的缩略形式。e.g. If it werent for the expense, I would go abroad now. Were it not for the expense, I would go abroad now. Werent it for the expense, I would go abroad now. (11) would like/was/were to have done something 过去本想/本打算做某事,但没做成I would li

14、ke to have attended the party, but one of my friends came to see me.(12) without/but for + n.= if it were not for n./if it hadnt been for n. 要不是; 如果没有I would not have passed the exam without/ (but for) your help.= I would not have passed the exam if it hadnt been for your help.If it were not for you

15、r warning, I would be in danger now.= But for/ Without your warning, I would be in danger now.随堂练习:1. The plant is dead. I _ more water.A. will give B. would have given C. must give D. should have given2. I insist that a doctor _ immediately.A. has been sent for B. send for C. will be sent for D. be

16、 sent for3. If you the doctors advice, you would have already recovered.A. follow B. followed C. would follow D. had followed4. I wish I _ you yesterday.A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see5. What would you have done last night, if you written your homework.A. hadnt B. havent had C. didnt h

17、ave D. hadnt had6. Did you catch the plane? No, if I had hurried, I .A. would B. would have C. could D. did7. Without electricity human life _ quite different today.A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be8. We could have walked to the station, it was so near. Yes, a taxi _ at all necessary.A

18、. wasnt B. hadnt been C. wouldnt D. wont be9. If you early tomorrow morning, you would be there by noon.A. have started B. were start C. were to start D. had started10. Tom ought not to _ me your secret, but he meant no harm.A. have told B. tell C. be telling D. having told11. If he _, he _ that foo

19、d. Luckily he was sent to hospital immediately. A. was warned, would not take B. had been warned, would not have taken C. would be warned, had not taken D. would have been warned, had not taken12. Are you thinking about going to Dalian for the vacation?No, but if I time, I very glad to go there. A.

20、have, will be B. had had, would have been C. had, would be D. had had, would be13. If you George, would you please tell him to ring me? A. saw B. were to C. have seen D. see14. You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired. A. drove, didnt get B. drove, wouldnt get C. were driving, wouldnt

21、 get D. had driven, wouldnt have got15. I am sure he hasnt sent the letter. If he it, I it. A. sent, got B. sent, have got C. sent, would go D. had sent, would have got 课后作业:一. 单项选择16. The two strangers talked as if they _ friends for years.A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been17. Janes

22、pale face suggested that he _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _ a medical examination.A. be, should have B. was, have C. should be, had D. was, has18. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will19._ for the free tickets, I wo

23、uld not have gone to the films so often.A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not20. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You _ come, but why didnt you?A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have21. I should have been there, but I _ not find the time.A. wo

24、uld B. could C. might D. should22. If he _ quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldnt suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie23. How I wish every family _ a large house with a garden.A. has B. had C. will have D. had had24. If I_ ten years younger, I _very happy.A. were; would

25、beB. am; shall beC. were; shall beD. am; would be25. There was plenty of time. She _.A. neednt have hurried B. couldnt have hurried C. must not hurry D. mustnt have hurried26. It was necessary that he about what had happened.A. be told B. was told C. should tell D. tell27. It was strange that we sho

26、rt of water in the country where it was always raining.A. are B. be C. should be D. both B and C28. You any difficulty now, if you had made a more careful plan.A. wont meet with B. would not meet with C. would not have met with D. have not met with29. You should have gone to the show with us yesterd

27、ay. It is very good.I wished I , but I was busy with my report.A. would have B. did C. had D. were30. Would you have told him the answer, if possible?Yes, I would have, but I very busy.A. had been B. were C. was D. would be31. If only I his advice, but I am sorry I did.A. would not take B. would not

28、 have taken C. did not take D. had not taken32. It is time we to the concert. A. went B, go C. will go D. should go33. Id like to get a job in that computer shop.I would much rather you _at home and _ care of the children.A. stay, take B. stayed, took C. should stay, took D. stayed, take34. If we _

29、birth control earlier, China _ such a large population. A. had begun, wouldnt have B. had begun, wouldnt have hadC. began, wouldnt have D. should begin, wouldnt have had35. They treats the granny as if she _ their own mother. A is B. was C. were D. had been36. What do you think of the food here? Oh,

30、 wonderful! We _ a better place.A. wont find B. mustnt have found C. cant find D. couldnt have found37. We _ last night, but we went to the concert instead.A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study38. It was suggested that the match _ because of the weather.A. would b

31、e put off B. should put off C. must be put off D. be put off39. If only I _ to your advice and returned home in time.A. listened B. had listened C. would listen D. would have listened40. _, there would be no industry.A. Without steel B. If there is not steel C. There would be no steel D. If there wa

32、s not steel41. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? I wish I _, but I _ study for a test.A. had, will have to B. would, had to C. did, have to D. could, have to42. He spoke as if he _ in space at that moment.A. had walked B. were walking C. would walk D. walked43. I would do it in a different

33、 way _ it.A. were I do B. were I to do C. should I to do D. had I done44. But for his help, they _ over the mountain in such a short time.A. had not run B. have not run C. couldnt have run D. cant have run45. There is nothing left. I wish I _ so much money on clothes.A. havent spent B. hadnt spent C

34、. couldnt have spent D. not spend46. Why are you late? I got caught in traffic; otherwise I _ here on time.A. would have been B. was C. were D. had been47. What happened to the trees planted last spring?The trees _ well. But they didnt take good care of them.A. would grow B. shall have grown C. woul

35、d have grown D. might grow48. He would have died _ that doctor.A. hadnt it been B. it id had been C. were it for D. had it not been for49. - Helen couldnt go to France after all. -Thats too bad, Im sure she would have enjoyed it if _. A.shes gone B.shell go C.shed gone D.shed go50. _be offered the i

36、mportant position?A. Who do you suggestB. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who shouldD. Do you suggest whom should1-5. DDDCD 6-10. BDACA 11-15BCADD 16-20. DBBCD 21- 25.BCBAA 26-30.ADBCC 31 35. DABAC 36-40. DCDBA 41-45. DBBCB 46-50. ACDDA2012高考题虚拟语气1.(安徽卷31. )Grace doesnt want to move

37、to New York because she thinks if she there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often.A. lives B. would live C. has lived D. were to live2.(山东卷30. )If we _ adequate preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful.A. havent made B. wouldnt make C. didnt make D. hadnt made3.(浙江卷1

38、9. )Had they known what was coming next, they _ second thoughts. A, may have B, could have C, must have had D, might have had 4.(湖南卷29. )Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.A. have had B. had had C. have D. had5.(北京卷33.) We _ the difficulty together, bu

39、t why didnt you tell me?A. should face B. might face C. could have faced D. must have faced6.(北京卷35.) Dont handle the vase as if it _ made of steel.A. is B. were C. has been D. had been7.(天津卷15. )We would have called a taxi yesterday if Harold _us a ride home.A. didnt offer B. wouldnt offer C. hasnt

40、 offered D. hadnt offered8.(福建卷31.) We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _ more places of interest yesterday.A. visited B. had visited C. would visit D. would have visited9.(辽宁卷33. )Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he something instead of just talking. A. will do B. has done

41、 C. do D. did 10.(陕西卷17.) If my car _more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.A. was B. had beenC. should be D. would be答案:15 DDDDC 610 BDDDB二. 完形填空Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend?Now you 1 do both at the same

42、 time.Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a 2 for many people to shop without 3 having to leave their homes.Some shoppers are 4 of department stores and supermarkets5 the crowds,waiting in long lines,and sometimes 6 of finding anything they want to buy.Theyd rather sit quietly at home

43、in front of the TV set and 7 a friendly announcer describe a product8 a model shows it.And they can 9 around the clock,buying something 10 by making a phone call.Department stores and even mail-under companies are 11 to join in the success of home shopping.Large department stores are busy 12 their o

44、wn TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.13 can ask questions about products and place 14 ,all through their TV sets.Will shopping by television 15 take the place of shopping in stores?Some industry managers think so.16 many people find shopping at a 17 store a great enjoyment.And fo

45、r many shoppers,it is still important to 18 or try on dresses they want to buy.Thats 19 specialists say that in the future,home shopping will 20 together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it.1. A.mustB.shouldC.shallD.can2. A.programme B.way C.reasonD.purpose3. A.everB.never C.s

46、tillD.once4.A.proud B.fond C.tiredD.careful5. A.fightingB.striking C.treating D.stopping6. A.senseB.doubt C.hopeD.feeling7. A.see B.watch C.letD.notice8. A.untilB.since C.ifD.while9. A.shopB.wait C.turnD.deliver10. A.suitably B.cheaply C.simplyD.hardly11.A.nervousB.lucky C.equalD.eager12. A. putting

47、 up B. making up C. setting up D.looking up13. A.Guests B.Assistants C.Managers D.Customers14. A.orders B.goods C.booksD.answers15. A.lastly B.finally C.especiallyD.fortunately16. A.Then B.Yet C. HoweverD. Therefore17. A.general B.popular C.realD.true18. A.design B.make C.wear D.touch19. A.howB.why

48、C.what D.when20. A.exist B.practise C.follow D.appear 答案:DBACA CBDAC DCDAB BCDBA1. 解析:can意为“可以”,表示可以同时选择两者,既可以在周末待在家里看电视,又可以购物。must意为“必须”,表示有义务做某事。should意为“应该”,表示应该做某事。shall用于第二人称或第三人称,表示说话者的意志、命令、约定、决心、警告、威胁、预言等,意为“必须;应该;要;得;给”。答案:D2. 解析:way意为“方法,方式”,用法丰富,可指具体的方法,也可指抽象的方法,多指一般的思想、行动、办事的方法,也可指个人特殊的方

49、法、方式等,表示网络已经成为人们购物的方法。programme意为“程序表;节目单,说明书;(演出)节目;要目,大纲”。reason意为“理由”。purpose意为“目的”。答案:B3. 解析:ever意为“曾经”,多指过去的任何时候,常用于疑问句、否定句、条件状语从句和比较状语从句,表示不必离开家。never意为“从来没有,一点也不”,只用于肯定句,不用于否定句。因为without意为“没有;不”,表示否定,所以不与never连用。still意为“仍然”。once意为“从前,曾经”,表示过去曾经发生的动作或存在的状态。答案:A4.解析:be tired of意为“厌倦,厌烦”,根据下文所提供

50、的情景the crowds,waiting in long lines可判断出有些购物者对百货公司和超市感到厌倦或厌烦。be proud of意为“为而感到骄傲”。be fond of意为“喜欢”。be careful of意为“对小心翼翼”。答案:C5.解析:fight意为“搏斗,争斗”,既可指为某一目标而斗争,也可指真刀真枪地搏斗或打架,还可指打斗中打、蹋、拉、推等动作,在此指人们与人群、排长队而进行的争斗。strike意为“打,敲,击,殴;碰,撞,攻击,冲击”。treat意为“对待,待遇;处置;处理”。stop意为“停止”。答案:A6. 解析:hope意为“希望”,指盼望得到好的或有利的

51、结果,含有崇高或英勇的意味,没有wish的“愿望”强烈,确信可能实现,充满信心或抱有希望,不表示不可能实现的愿望,在此表示购物者有时抱着一点找到他们想要的东西的希望。sense意为“感觉”。doubt意为“怀疑;疑惑,疑问”。feeling意为“感触,感觉;知觉”。答案:C7. 解析:watch意为“看,注视”,指全神贯注地观看、观察或注视事物的活动、变化或发展。在此指在电视里观看播音员描述产品。see意为“看”,指有意识或无意识地看(见),强调结果,不与有关电视方面的内容连用。let意为“让”。notice意为“注意,注意到”。答案:B8. 解析:while引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候;

52、和同时”,表示与主句谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,即一边看模特演出,一边听播音员对产品的介绍。until引导时间状语从句,表示“一直到”。since引导时间状语从句时,其主句要用完成时态。if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”。答案:D9.解析:shop作动词的意思是“购物”,根据所提供的情景buying something可判断出一边看电视,一边购物。wait意为“等待”。turn意为“旋转”。deliver意为“递送,投递,送(信等);传达,传(话等)”。答案:A10. 解析:simply意为“仅仅”,表示仅仅通过打个电话就可以购买到东西。suitably意为“适当地”。cheaply意为“便

53、宜地”。hardly意为“几乎不”。答案:C11.解析:eager意为“渴望,极想,热衷于”,多指对成功的期望或进取的热情,带有更多热切兴奋的情绪,但不含有焦虑担心的意味。表示百货公司和超市也加入到这种成功的家庭购物之中去。nervous意为“紧张不安的”。lucky意为“幸运的”。equal意为“平等的,均等的,公平的”。答案:D12. 解析:set up意为“建立”,可指制度、机构、组织、企业等建立起来,往往强调起点,表示建立自己的电视频道来鼓励电视购物。put up意为“建设”,指建造、搭起,大多指工程较小的施工。make up意为“编造”。look up意为“(在词典等上)查找”。答案

54、:C13. 解析:customer意为“顾客”,这篇短文讲述的是电视购物,所以应该是顾客可以询问有关产品的问题。guest意为“客人”。assistant意为“助手”。manager意为“经理”。答案:D14.解析:place orders意为“订货”,表示通过电视进行订购货物。goods意为“货物”,其谓语应为buy。books意为“书籍”。answers意为“答案”。答案:A15. 解析:finally意为“最终”,表示按一系列事物或论点的顺序居最后。表示通过电视购物是否最终会代替在商店购物。lastly意为“最后;终于”,主要指次序的最后,多用于列举,常用于句首。especially意为

55、“特别地”。fortunately意为“幸运地”。答案:B16.解析:yet意为“然而”,表示两个句子之间是转折对比关系。表示一些工业经理们认为电视购物最终会代替在商店购物,而许多人不这么认为。then意为“然后”。however表示“然而”时,要用逗号与句子隔开。therefore意为“因此”。答案:B17. 解析:real意为“真实的,真正的”,是指shopping at a real store与shopping by television相比。general意为“一般的,综合的,通用的”。popular意为“流行的”。true意为“真实的,真正的”,与虚假的相对。答案:C18.解析:t

56、ouch意为“触,碰,摩,摸”,表示用身体的某个部位去触摸。design意为“设计”。make意为“制造”。这都不是顾客所做的事。wear意为“穿”。与下文中的“try on dresses they want to buy”矛盾。答案:D19解析:why引导表语从句,意为“为什么”。表示为什么专家认为将来人们在家中购物与在商店购物并存。how引导表语从句表示“如何”。what引导表语从句时,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。when引导表语从句表示“在时候”,因为句中也有时间状语in the future,所以是错误选项。答案:B20解析:exist意为“存在”,指人或物客观存在,强调真实性。表示

57、将来在家中购物将会与在商店购物并存。practise意为“实践;实施”。follow意为“跟着,跟随;接着,跟着发生”。appear意为“出现”。答案:A三、阅读理解 AIn American schools there is something called Homecoming Day. Mary high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game. This can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commenc

58、ement(毕业典礼) day. Students plan homecoming day for many weeks in advance(预先).Several days before Homecoming, students start to decorate(装饰) the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty ye

59、ars after their graduation.The members of school clubs build booths(摊位) and sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors.During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy

60、years in school.Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is a grea


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