初中英语-What's the best movie theater教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第1页
初中英语-What's the best movie theater教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第2页
初中英语-What's the best movie theater教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第3页
初中英语-What's the best movie theater教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第4页
初中英语-What's the best movie theater教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? Section B2 (2a-2e)教学设计【学习目标】理解并掌握下列词汇及短语:New words: talent,common,magician,beautifully,role,winner,prize,everybody, example,poor,seriouslyKey phrases: talent show,have.in common,look for,and so on,all kinds of,be up to,play a role,make up,take.seriously,for examp

2、le, such as , come true理解并掌握下列重点句型:1)Its always interesting to watch other people show their talents. 2)Talent shows are getting more and more popular.3)When people watch the show,they usually play a role in deciding the winner. 4)But if you dont take these shows too seriously,they are fun to watch.

3、Grammar: 形容词或副词最高级形式的构成及用法。能用形容词和副词的最高级形式来描述人或物的特殊。通过合作学习,阅读训练,提升阅读能力。了解一些选秀节目的实质及目的,正确对待生活中的一些歌星及影星,不要盲目地追风、做追星族。【重点和难点】形容词或副词最高级形式的构成及用法。正确运用形容词或副词的各种形式描述人或物。【教学过程】.Warming-upEnjoy four kinds of talent shows.Talk about the names of the talent shows and the people in the videos.E.g:I think the man

4、from China is the most exciting magician in this show. I think Liu Meiling is the best singer in this show.I think Ye Yin is the most talented dancer in this show.I think Shen Teng is the funniest actor in this show.Presentation:Show some pictures of talent shows and talk about them. Talent shows ar

5、e becoming more and more popular.All these talent shows have one thing in common:They try to look for the most talented people. It is up to the judges(评委) to decide.It is up to you (people who watch the game) to decide.They play a role in deciding the winner. The winner always gets a very good prize

6、.These shows give people a way to make their dreams come true.Finish 2a.Work in pairs.Who is the most talented person you know?I think.is the most talented person.What can he/she do?He/She. Pre-readingLook at the title and the picture: 1).Whats the article?a diaryB. an ad.C. a report 2).What does th

7、e title mean?Whos: who has 的缩写have got: “具有;具备” ,相当于 have 字面上的意思是“谁有才华?”。谁是达人?3).What is the passage about? A.Two talented girlsTalent shows.The most talented personWhile-reading 1.Fast readingListen and find out the topic sentences in each para.Talent shows are more and more popular. Talent shows h

8、ave one thing in common. However, not everybody likes talent shows. 2.Scanning1).Which three talent shows are mentioned?2).Scan and match the main ideas with each paragragh.3.Careful readingRead paragraph 1 and finish the tasks.Finish the “true or false”.Its always boring to watch other people show

9、their talents.Talent shows are getting more and more popular.There are talent shows only in America.Answer the question.How are these talent shows getting now?.Read paragraph2 and finish the tasks.Finish the “true or false”.Only actors join these shows.The singers themselves usually play a role in d

10、eciding the winner.All these shows try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.The winner always gets nothing at last.Complete the mind map.Read paragraph3 and finish the tasks.Finish the “true or false”.Everyone enjoys watc

11、hing these talent shows.Some people like the lives of the performers in the show because they are true.In fact some people are poor farmers in the show.Its always fun to watch these shows if you dont take them too seriously.Finish the chart.Finish 2c.After readingLanguage points:Its always interesti

12、ng to watch other people show their talents.观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。【解读】 watch sb./sth. do sth.意为“观看某人/某物做某事”,强调事情发生的全过程。注意:watch sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行。类似用法的还有 hear,see 等。【活学活用】他喜欢在课后看这些孩子做游戏。 他看着他们吃东西。 All these shows have one thing in common.所有这些节目有一个共同点。【解读】common 是名词,意为“与相同”。常用句型:in commo

13、n with sb./sth.,意为“与某人/物一起,像某人/物一样”。 have in common 有相同特征; (想法、兴趣等方面)相同。【活学活用】他们的观点和我的相同。 (ft西中考)The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot .No wonder she is your best friend.A. in styleB. in commonC.in need 3)Thats up to you to decide.这由你来决定。【解读】 be up to sb.是一个习惯用语, 用来

14、表示“是的职责; 由决定”,句子的主语通常为 it, 有时也可用 this 或 that.另: up to 意为“多达”;“不多于,不迟于”。【活学活用】我不知道谁是最好的表演者,它取决于裁判。你可以一周参加一次或两次俱乐部的活动这由你定。I can take up to four people in my car.4)When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner.当人们看电视的时候,他们通常在决定冠军中发挥作用。【解读】play a role 是一种固定表达, 意为“扮演某一角色; 起到

15、某种作用”。若要进一步引出具体的内容, 后面应用介词 in, 表示“在某事或某个方面起到作用或承担某种角色”。【活学活用】John is playing the leading role in this years play.Schools play the most important role in education.Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.有些人认为这些表演者的生活是编造的。【解读】 make up 是动词短语,此处意为“编造(故事、谎言等)”,句中 be made up 是被动语态。另:make

16、sb./oneself up 意为“给某人/自己化妆”。【活学活用】我的朋友编造了一个有趣的故事逗我开心。(贵州安顺中考) Mrs. Wang always asks us to English classes.A . make upB . turn upC . end upD . look upconversations in theHowever, if you dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch.但是,如果你不把这些节目太当回事,它们还是有看头的。【解读】 take 在此处有 consider(认为; 觉得

17、)的意思。take someone/something seriously 相当于汉语“认真对待某人或某事 ; 把某人或某事当真”的意思。其中seriously 是 serious 的副词形式,意为“严重地;严肃地;认真地”。【活学活用】我希望你能更谨慎地对待它。 He was joking, but your sister took him seriously.Phrases summary:Translate the following phrases into English. 1).具有 2). 擅长 3). 越来越流行 4). 世界各地 5). 例如 6). 有相同特征 7). 尽力

18、去做某事 8). 等等 9). 各种各样的 10). 由决定 11). 发挥作用 12). 得到丰厚的奖赏 13). 喜欢做某事 编造 实际上 认真对待 17). 实现 Retell the article.Finish 2d.Check the answers. 5.Finish 2e.Discussion:What do you think of these shows?Do you want to join the talent showsto show your talents?What can you do?If you have a dream, just do it to let

19、 your dream fly high.There must be a use for my talent.天生我材必有用。板书设计:Section B2 (2a-2e)单词:common,magician,beautifully,role,winner,prize,everybody,example,poor,seriously,give短语:talent show,have.in common,look for,and so on,all kinds of,be up to,play a role,make up,take.seriously,for example, such as ,

20、 come true学情分析经过初 一年的英语学习,初二的学生已经对语言及结构有了更多的认识。大部分学生比较乐于参与各种英语实践活动,在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。在前面的学习中学生已经掌握了形容词最高级的基本用法,能够使用最高级谈论喜好或进行比较。学生基本能读懂浅易的阅读材料,但缺乏对于阅读策略的掌握和运用。学生 的语言运用能力和获取文本信息的能力也有待提高。从学生的能力来看,多数学生仍没有形成良好的学习习惯。课前能主动预习的学生较 少,课后复习不及时,不到位,有的同学课后基本不复习;上课不够专心,不能很好的随着 老师的思路转,基础知识掌握不牢,个别学生课堂笔记需要

21、老师提醒,甚至提醒了还无动于 衷。学生能力差异较大,不能带动集体学习,中层同学思路一般,学习缺乏灵活性,自学能力较差,下游同学人数相对较多。从学习主动性来看,大部分学生的学习主动性不够,不能 自觉的完成老师布置的任务,作业抄袭现象严重,课后练习不能自己独立完成,有的同学虽 然能完成所布置的任务,但缺乏学习的计划性,不知道自己该做哪些,怎么做。因此在本学 期实施英语教学过程中,更重视对学生学习方法和大体积强的培养。同时,培养学生养成听、 说、读、写等学习习惯,提高教学效率。在学习知识的过程中,提示学生用科学的学习方法。课前预习,上课认真听讲记好笔记, 课后能主动复习,驾御遗忘规律,形成一定的记忆

22、方法并注重知识的联系、比较,使其具备 一定的思维辨别能力。在教学中借助分组方式,提倡优生带动差生,互相团结协作,形成良好的学习环境,使每一位学生都能往上跳一跳。效果分析通过视频导入新课学习,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性。快速阅读文章找出每段中心句,渗透阅读策略:Skimming通过回答问题,掌握达人秀节目的起源等大体信息。通过思维导图的形式让学生对本段的重点一目了然。5 在完成思维导图的基础让学生复述课文,既能巩固文章内容,又进行了最高级的口语训练通过细节阅读找出人们对待达人秀节目的两种观点及原因。结合钟南ft,李兰娟抗疫情,为祖国风险的例子,让同学们深层次的意识到实现梦想要靠努力。6

23、.再次让同学们感受身边成功的例子,并学会表达。以读促写,让学生模仿例文写作, 提高写作能力,达成本节课的学习目标。7 引起学生学会思考,体会英语的“人文理念”,德育教学渗透其中,很好地完成了本节课的教学任务。教材分析本节课是人教版八年级(上)Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 的第四课时, 是一节阅读课。课前学生已经学过形容词最高级的基本用法,并能用形容词最高级评价人和事物。在此基础上,通过学习本课,学生被期待增加相关话题的单词量和相关话题的表达方式。本课以 talent shows 为主线,主要学习达人秀节目的起源,特点,以及人们对此类节目的不同看法。话

24、题与我们平时的生活联系紧密,容易激发学生的学习兴趣。通过本课时的教学内容与设计预测,学生能够巩固形容词最高级的用法,提高运用语言的能力和获取文本信息的能力。同时能够使学生们更好地了解达人秀节目,避免盲目崇拜,实现自己的目标和梦想要靠辛勤的努力。本课的教学重难点:教学重点:引导学生正确、快速地捕捉关键信息并进行归纳。阅读策略不足,所以在教学活动中,通过不断渗透某些阅读策略来帮助学生理解文章的内容是本课的重点。教学难点:学会正确表达实现自己的梦想要靠自己辛勤的努力。The old woman gthe boy five dollars for his help.一、根据首字母及中文提示写单词1.评

25、测练习Unit4 Section B 2a-2eLiu Qian is a m. He can pour different kinds of drinks from his magic pot (魔壶).The kind man always offers (提供) the pfood.Parents play a very important rin childrens education.The winner always gets a very good p.Generally speaking, excellent learners have some good habits in(

26、相同).The(获胜者) can have a chance to have a free trip.Thank you for(提供) me so much help.Not(每个人) is good at music.Li Ming studies hard and he is a good(榜样) in our class...10.二、用所给单词的适当形式填Who is(tall), Linda, Lily, or Lucy?I think Lily is.Who is the(good) at math in your class?July, August

27、 and September are the(rain) months of the year in Thailand.Millie is(thin) of the six girls. She needs to exercise more to become strong.My mother gets upin my family. (early)He is the(bad) student in his class.I think travelling by plane is the(dangerous) way of all.Grace dances(beautiful) of all

28、the children.The Yellow River is the second(long) river in China.Dream Clothes is the(bad) store in town.三、单项选择题1.What a poor boy! He is in my class.A.tallestB.the thinnestC.the smarter 2.一 Which season do you like best?一 I think autumn is of the four seasons.A.the betterB.betterC.the bestSummer Sol

29、stice (夏至) is on June 21st. It has daytime in a year. A.longerB.the longestC.too longThe fifth pear is of all. Give it to that little child. A.bigB.biggerC.the biggest 5.Is this dinosaur bigger than any other one in the hall?Yes. Its the dinosaur of all.A.tallB.tallestC.taller 6.Mother is in my fami

30、ly.A.busyB.busierC.the busiest7.Thomas is the player in the basketball team but he is the best. A.shorterB.shortC.shortest8.I think that Guns and Roses is movie this year. A.interestingB.more interestingC.the most interesting 9.Li Na is one of tennis players in the world.A.most famousB.the most famo

31、usC.more famous10.Come and have a look at my familys photo.Oh! Your brother is in your family.A.thinner四、语法填空B.thinestC.the thinnestDear Nancy,You asked about places to go and things (do) in our town. The Downtown Mall is always fun. Its a shopping place in the oldest part of the town. There are som

32、e good stores and restaurants there. For example, Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall. Its a fun place to shop, and it has the (good) quality clothes. The shop assistants are also (friend) people. My favorite restaurant in town is Nicks Restaurant. It is close my house. Its cheap the hamburger

33、s there are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the delicious! You must try the dumplings there, too. Butits (expensive) than Nicks. The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town. It hasthe (big) screens and the most comfortable (seat). The

34、Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies. It doesnt have the newest movies, but the tickets are cheapest. Anyway, there are lots of things to do and to see here. Come for a visit soon!Love,Kate1. Not everyone is successful (成功的) in making their dreams come true. So Walt Disney was. Usually

35、, mice are not popular. but Mickey Mouse wins many peoples hearts. 2. Movies about Mickey Mouse are popular almost everywhere in the world for more than eighty years. Walt Disney made this famous cartoon character (卡通人物). 3. 当他年轻时,Walt Disney 对画卡通人物感兴趣. And he tried to find better ways of making car

36、toons move. At that time, some movies just started to use sound. 4. 所以迪士尼决定也把声音放入到他的卡通片中. People were excited when they saw Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen. 5. Mickey became popular with both the young and the old.Later, Walt Disney started to build a new kind of amusement park (游乐场). He hoped

37、 to bring a clean, good and beautiful world to people of all ages. In the end, Walt Disney made his dream come true. In 1955, Disneyland opened in the USA and became the most successful amusementpark in the world.五、语篇翻译1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 课后反思Unit4 Whats the best movie theater?Section B Whos Got Talent? 2bSection B Whos Got Talen是


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