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1、Unit 3 Section ALonging for a New Welfare SystemBackgroundTopics for Discussion2. Text Learning 3. Words and Expressions4. Further talk and HomeworkLonging for a New Welfare System BackgroundWelfare1. BackgroundKey Words: Welfare Public assistance programs, commonly called “welfare, provide cash or

2、in-kind benefits for particular categories of the financially needy. 1. BackgroundKey Words: U.S. welfare U.S. welfare system operates on both the federal and state levels. It grew significantly in the decades following World War II, but increases in welfare costs during the 1960s and 1970s brought

3、into question the extent and quality of public assistance. 1. BackgroundKey Words: Social Security Providing benefits or assistance for child care, disability, food and medical assistance Providing assistance to both individuals and local communities with state schooling and social insurance.Key Wor

4、ds:State Welfare1# ENDWelfare system What kind of social welfare system does China need? Problems of Current Social Welfare System in ChinaNarrow Coverage According to the Constitution, citizens have basic rights to social welfare. However, current Chinese social welfare system mainly targets at urb

5、an residents. Farmers, employees of township enterprises, and immigrants from the rural areas to urban areas, which comprise of the larger proportion of the population, are basically not covered by the social welfare system.Problems of Current social Welfare System in ChinaHigh Pension Tax Rate The

6、current Chinese social welfare system includes five parts: pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injuries, and birth-giving insurance. According to the current system, enterprises have to pay 20% of salaries for pension and 9.8% for the other four insurances. Some provinci

7、al governments even charge a much higher social welfare tax rate. provincial a.偏狭的,粗俗的Problems of Current social Welfare System in China Current system not reducing poverty among the elderly In China, over 50% of the elderly in urban areas and around 80% of the elderly in rural areas have no savings

8、 and depend on their children for living. According to the statistics from China Aging Society, 57% of the elderly depend on children or other family members, 25% depends on their own earnings, and only 2% lives on social welfare insurance or other ways. To improve the current social welfare systems

9、tipend n.薪金 Special Living Stipends for the Elderly The social welfare system should provide basic living stipends for the elderly. Since China is still not a rich country, the government can start with modest stipends for the elderly over the age of 80. stipend n.薪金To improve the current social wel

10、fare systemstipend n.薪金 Expansion of Coverage The government should expand the coverage of current system. Under the reformed system, people over 65 can start to receive the benefits of pension and medical insurance. The rate of the social welfare insurances should be between 12%-15%. Employers and

11、employees should both pay half of the social welfare tax. 1. How do people treat disabled people? What about you? Topics for DiscussionTipsthe disabled / handicapped / crippled, normal, abnormal, weird, lower, equal, fair, optimistic, pessimistic disability, prejudice, bias, unwanted attention, good

12、will, good intention, ill will, ill intention treat sb. as., look down upon, stare and point, regardfairly, unfairly, unequally2. According to you, how do we (our government and every one of us) help the disabled people?3. According to you, how do the disabled people help themselves?4. Do you know s

13、omeone else who is disabledbut has set a good example for us? Introduce one or two to your classmates.Text structure analysisThe passages can be broadly divided into three parts: How people behave under the present welfare system What the problems are with it What should be required of the new syste

14、m. Several events are narrated to illustrate the problems with the present welfare system: welfare caseworkers try to find anything unreported, welfare clients have difficulties in obtaining help, and the law does not encourage clients to make a gradual shift away from welfare. Dealing with what sho

15、uld be done with the present welfare systemThis part is about how people concerned behave under the present welfare system: Clients cheat the system for more money while caseworkers, like detectives, expect the clients to bow down to them and beg.1. Structure of TextPara.1-3Para. 4-14Para. 15-17Refe

16、rence Words: lie; get; a little extra welfare money; caseworkers; know; 2. Questions to ComprehensionQ:1) What does the author mean by saying “A welfare client is supposed to cheat. Everybody expects it”? (Para.1)Reference Words:an honest life; drum up; some business; draw cartoons; magazines; Q:2)

17、How has the author chosen to live as a welfare client? (Para.2)Reference Words:know clearly; be made fools of; be entitled to; bow; as compensationQ:3) What do caseworkers really expect welfare clients to do? (Para.3)Reference Words:not think; caseworkers; be to blame; not being bitterQ:4) What is t

18、he authors attitude towards caseworkers? (Para.3)Reference Words:practically; require; people; lieQ:5) Why is the welfare system to blame, according to the author? Reference Words:call; be supposed to; notify; the medical worker, certify; get the cheapest bid; alert; the main welfare office; call ba

19、ck; approveQ:6) How could the author possibly get his wheelchair repaired at last? (Paras.11-12)Reference Words:easily; lend itself to; abuse; the welfare givers; the clientsQ:7) What does the author think of the current welfare system? (Para. 15)Reference Words:encourge; help; clients; develop; tal

20、ents; without guilt or fear; hold; jobQ:8) What kind of new welfare system does the author dream of? (Para.17)Words and ExpressionsTranslation:有些政府官员私下收钱。l.9Some government officials accepted money under the table.2. 她心底里是支持自己的丈夫参加这个组织.l.13Deep down, she supported her husbands involvement in the org

21、anization.3. 难道你不明白她是在愚弄你?l.14Cant you see shes making a fool of you?Translation:4. 别顶嘴,不礼貌。l.25Dont talk back. Its rude.5. 汽车在去飞机场的途中抛锚了,我只好叫了一辆出租车。l.29The car broke down on the way to the airport, and I had to get a taxi.6. 坏消息传播得很快。l.33Bad news gets around quickly.Translation:7. 她创办的生意很红火。l.54She

22、 has built up a very successful business.8. 经历了种种磨难,他还那么乐观,令人惊叹。l.56Hes amazingly cheerful considering all hes gone through. 9. 很多学生选择继续深造。l.7Many students opt to further their study.StickyEntitleBidThrivePensionLectureNotifyCertifyAlertApplianceConvicted1) sticky:There were a few sticky moments dur

23、ing the meeting, but everything turned out all right in the end. 会议中有不愉快的时候,但最后所有事都很顺利。 大多数的公司都不会为我而给自己惹麻烦。Most companies are not willing to get involved in some sticky situation for me.a. (informal) difficult or unpleasant 困难的,棘手的Translation1) sticky:Her hands were sticky from the ice cream. 她的手因沾上

24、了冰淇淋而黏乎乎的。 a sticky, humid afternoon 一个又热又潮的下午made of or covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it 黏的,黏性的a. (informal) (of the weather) hot and damp (指天气)湿热得难受的Translation2) entitle:Many caseworkers feel they are entitled to have the welfare clients bow to them as compensation.许多社会工

25、作者觉得,作为补偿,他们有权让救济对象向他们点头哈腰。 从法律上说,你完全可以将质量不过关的商品退还给那家商店。You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them.Translationv. (usu. passive) give (sb.) the right to do or have sth. 给权利3) bid:What was the highest bid for the painting? 这幅画的最高竞价是多少? 医务人员打 给各家轮椅维修公司,拿到最低的报价

26、。The medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid. Translationn. an offer to pay a certain price at a sale, esp. at an auction 在拍卖等活动中买主的喊价,出价,投标3) bid:A French firm will be bidding for the contract. 一家法国公司将竞标这份合同。They are bidding for our favor by making wild promise

27、s that they cant keep. 他们许下了一些无法实现的诺言,企图赢得我们的青睐。Translationv. (bid, bid) offer to pay a particular price for sth., esp. at an auction 投标,竞标v. (used esp. in newspapers) try to do, get or achieve sth. 努力,企图4) thrive:My garden is too dry and shady not many plants thrive in that condition. 我的花园里又干又阴,在那种

28、环境下没有多少植物可以存活。 这个靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢地建立了自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。The man living on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving.Translationvi. (on sth.) become and continue to be successful, strong, healthy, etc. 兴旺兴旺;茁壮成长Thrivel.69Three managers have left because of the pres

29、sure of work but Simpson seems to thrive on stress.由于工作的压力,已有三位经理离职了,但辛普森却在压力面前越做越好。New businesses thrive in this area.这地方新开张的生意都很兴隆。2. Words and ExpressionsPensiona regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age and to some widows and disabled people国家给老人们提供养老金。

30、 The country provided a pension to the old person .lecturel.28Dont start lecturing me! 别开始教训我! Shes always lecturing me about the way I dress.她老说我穿着不得体。 notifyl.41Please notify all staff that the inspectors will be here on Monday.Competition winners will be notified by post.Cf.note / noticecertify l

31、.41The accounts were certified correct by the finance department. The doctor certified me unfit to go to work for the next month. This is to certify that Qian Wen-wei (male,born in Feb.,1958) has completed with M.A. TESOL (Teaching English as Second or Other Language) Program in Sunderland Universit

32、y in UK.Cf. certificate / certificationAlertl.43An anonymous (匿名的) letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport. He altered teachers to the importance of observing children at play.Passengers should try to stay alert at all times and report any suspicious packages to

33、 the police immediately.乘客应该尽量一直保持警觉,发现任何可疑的包裹都要立即向警方报告。Appliance / facility / equipment / utilityHousehold electric appliancesTeaching facilitiesDoes your rent include utilities?He has installed video equipment to monitor the whole process of the test. A fire-engine is a very important piece of fir

34、e-fighting equipment to protect the peoples life and their properties in a city. Convictedl.70She was convicted of shoplifting. So she was a convicted thief.Cf.convince sb of sth2. Words and ExpressionsLeak: n. 泄漏;漏洞,裂缝 vt. 使渗漏,泄露 vi. 漏,渗;泄漏Leak out 泄露出去1、你要保证这份文件不被泄露出去。You should guarantee that the

35、 file wont be leaked out.2、One of the employees was responsible for the leak.一雇员对泄密负有责任。 2. Words and Expressionssticky adj.(origin)黏的 (extension) involving problems; difficult or awkwardThe relationship between the two country is going through a sticky patch. 两国关系正在经历一段困难时期。 2. Words and Expression

36、sConvict v. 定罪 n.囚犯我掌握一切证据来给这个年轻犯人定罪。 I have all the evidence to convict this young criminal.渴望/盼望向榨取选择招揽生意向屈服卷入/潜心于就某事训斥某人四处走动拿到最低的报价逐渐脱离突然脱离/摆脱适宜于; 同意参与任职,任代表,担任证明/宣判某人有罪4. Useful Expressions long for bleed foropt to do sth.drum up businessyield toget/be involved inlecture sb. about sth.get around

37、get the cheapest bidmake a gradual shift away fromjump offlend oneself tosit onconvict of1) drum up:我们努力争取人们对这一运动的支持。We tried to drum up peoples support for the campaign.During the season of Christmas each year, traders use their own unique tricks to drum up their business.每年圣诞节期间,商家们各显神通来招揽生意。 enco

38、urage the development of (sth.)TranslationDrum up +something招徕老李的广告招揽了不少生意。The advertisings of old Li drum up some business.2) yield to:他不情愿地屈从于他们的要求。He reluctantly yielded to their demands.Its very easy to yield to the temptation to sign for a lot of money.人们往往很容易受到一大笔钱的诱惑而签约。stop resisting sth/sb;

39、 to agree to do sth that you do not want to doTranslationyield tol.9The government refused to yield to the hostage takers demand.政府拒绝容许人质挟持者的要求。Further action may be necessary if the leaders do not yield to diplomatic pressure.Old-fashioned methods yielded to new technology.老方法被新技术所取代了。 I yielded to

40、 temptation and had a chocolate bar.我经不住诱惑,吃了一大块巧克力。收音机正被电视机取代。Radio is yielding to television.yield to/ give up They were forced to yield /give (up) their land to the occupying forces.Despite renewed pressure to give up the occupied territory, they will not yield.get/be involved in:她一旦潜心钻研某一课题,任何事情

41、都无法使她分心。Once she gets involved in a research, nothing can distract her mind from it.I was so involved in my book I didnt hear you knock.The four men were all involved in organizing and carrying out the terrorist attacks.The police are very reluctant to get involved in this sort of thing.be part of,

42、included in, mixed up, or deeply concerned with (sth or doing sth)Translation account forl.52How do you account for losing five games in a row?你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢?我觉得很难解释为什么两名最好的学生考试不及格。 I find it very difficult to account for the fact that two of our best students failed the exam.Cf. on account of4) len

43、d oneself to:她的嗓子不是很适于唱布鲁斯歌曲。Her voice doesnt really lend itself well to blues singing.The computer lends itself to many different uses.计算机提供了多种使用途径。be easily used for a particular activity or resultTranslationLend oneself tol.59None of her books really lends itself to being made into a film.她的嗓音不太适

44、合唱歌。Her voice doesnt really lend itself well to singing.有些诗歌不适合翻译。Some poems do not lend themselves to translation.5) convict of:他被判犯有谋杀罪。He was convicted of murder.If convicted of the charge, he could face a prison sentence of six years.如果控告罪名成立的话,他将有6年牢狱之灾。declare (sb.) guilty of ( a crime); persu

45、ade (sb.) to believe the truth of (his or her having done wrong)Translation2. Words and ExpressionsOptto/for something=choose消费者将选择低价商品。Consumers will opt for/to low-priced goodsWe offer a pension plan, and all staff have the chance to opt in.我们实行养老金方案,所有职员均可参加。Entitled: adj. 1) Named 2) Qualified1、

46、名为?读者文摘?的杂志The magazine entitled Readers Digest.2、他是一名合格的社会工作者He is a entitled caseworker.be entitled tol.15Everyones entitled to vote when they are above 18.你到65岁时,可以享受养老金。You will be entitled to a pension when you reach 65.In the face of sharing uncooked pet food with the cat, many of my wheelchai

47、red acquaintances have to lie about their circumstances, thus getting a little extra money from welfare givers.5. Key and Difficult Sentences1) Faced with sharing a dinner of raw pet food with the cat, many people in wheelchairs I know bleed the system for a few extra dollars. (L.1-2)我认识的许多坐轮椅的人面临与宠

48、物猫分吃生猫食的窘境,都会向福利机构多榨取几美元。bleed: v. sb. (for sth.) (informal) force sb. to pay a lot of money over a period of time 向某人勒索钱财 My ex-wife is bleeding me for every penny I have. 我的前妻要榨干我身上的每一分钱。真是态度鲜明,毫不模糊。2) Very high-profile. (L.10)The big magazines appear to be open and above-board as they honestly re

49、port to the welfare caseworkers the amount of money I make.Please note the sarcastic tone of the writer. When we refer to somebody as a high-profile person or something as a high-profile event, we mean they attract a lot of attention or publicity.I am not feeling angry deliberately / on purpose.我并不是

50、成心感到忿忿不平。3) Im not being bitter. (L.13)The structure “be being + adjective / noun is used to talk about action and behavior.Youre being stupid. (= Youre doing stupid things.)I was being very careful. (= I was doing something very carefully.)We do not use this structure to talk about feelings. For ex

51、ample: I am happy just now. (Not Im being happy just now.)Im not being bitter.l.15他现在表现得很谦虚。He is being modest.他今天真是一个好孩子。He is being a nice boy today.真需要有一位律师来保卫福利救济对象的权利,因为这一福利体制不仅容易使救济对象滥用权力,也很容易使福利提供者滥用权力。4) There needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients,

52、because the system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients. (L.55-57)Welfare clients need a lawyer who can enthusiastically support, defend and fight for their rights, as the system can be so easily abused by both parties the welfare givers and the clients.The

53、re needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients, l.58There seems to be some problems.接着就是一阵令人难以忍受的沉默。There followed an uncomfortable silence.问题出现了,不知该怎样来说服他采纳我们的建议。There arose the question of how to persuade him into adopting our proposal.数以千计像我这样的福利救济对象,如果允许的话,可以

54、慢慢地负担自己的一局部甚至全部生活费用,对此,我会不会在州政府的委员会里尝试做点儿什么呢?5) Would I sit on the governors committee and try to do something about the thousands of welfare clients who, like me, could earn part or all of their own livings if they were allowed to do so, one step at a time? (L.62-64)sit on: be an official member of

55、 a group of people that represent or control an organization 成为的成员one / a step at a time: going slowly 一步一步地,慢慢地6. Some proverbs:Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。2) Man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。3) A strong man will struggle with the st

56、orms of fate. (Thomas Addison) 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。-爱迪生4) While there is life there is hope. 一息假设存,希望不灭。5Cease to struggle and you cease to live. Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。 卡莱尔 be supposed tol.1 / be expected to l.13Borrowers are expected / supposed to return books on time.The meeting was supposed to end at

57、4 p.m. The meeting was expected to end at 4 p.m.What are you supposed to do if you want to leave the classroom? House prices are expected to rise sharply. Cf. should Text Learning One by one paragraph analysisTasks and questions completingReading SkillsUnderstanding figurative language Similes: Dire

58、ctly comparing one thing to another by using the words as or like.Metaphors: Comparisons are only implied, without using as, like and the like.Personification: Comparing non-human things to humans. 3. Text LearningTasks for Whole Passage:1. Divided Parts2. Main Idea3. The Writing FeaturesFurther Tal

59、king3. Text LearningParagraph 1A welfare client is supposed to cheat.Key sentenceSome phenomena which lead to the people handle such idea.3. Text LearningParagraph 2Im tempted to get paid under table.Be tempted to: have an urge or inclination to do something.Para: Im eager to get these paid in priva

60、te.3. Text LearningParagraph 2yield to: 顺从Very high-profile: 姿态鲜明3. Text LearningParagraph 2Showing an example related “I , supposing a situation and infer the result.Very high-profile3. Text LearningParagraph 3Deep down ,caseworkers know that they are being made fools of by many of their clients, a


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