



1、 PAGE PAGE 4 / 42022 年北京东城区第二十四中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题Onhearingthevoice, the little girlbecame .terrifying;terrifyingB. terrifying;terrifiedC.terrified;terrifiedD. terrified;terrifying参考答案:BIf you cheat in the exam, youll neverit.get in withB. get along withC. get away withD. get through参考答案:C【详解】考查动

2、词短语辨析。句意:如果你在考试中作弊,你将不会侥幸逃脱惩罚。A. get in with 参加;B. get along with 和相处;C. get away with 侥幸逃脱惩罚;D. get through 通过。根据句意,故选C。The total cost of their triptoCanada$5,000.AaddeduptoBaddedupCaddedtoDwas added upto参考答案:A How do you find the book written by Mo Yan?.In the libraryB. Quite interestingC. From a

3、friendD. By surfing参考答案:B试题分析:A.在图书馆;B.非常有趣;C.来自一个朋友;D.靠上网。句意:你认为莫言写的这本书怎么样?非常有趣。根据句意可知应选 B.He islookingforwardhisfather.ofreceivingB. ofhearingfromC. to hearing from D. to hearfrom参考答案:C What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon? Ithe classroom.was cleaningB. have clea

4、nedC. will cleanD. clean参考答案:AEven on a cold day,he prefersout to play footballat home.going;rather stayB. going;to stayingC. to go;rather than stayingD. to go;rather than to stay参考答案:BHea Party member lastyear.joinedB.joinedinC. tookpartinD.became参考答案:DAtage of 8, the boy had read most of the books

5、 about science from the shelves of his father and madenote of any new information.the ; aB. the; /C. /; /D. an; a参考答案:AThisbook18articles,three written by my father. Acontains;includesBincludes;containing Ccontains;including参考答案:CMy Englishteacherhasrich experience in teaching and we all think sheis

6、 experienced teacher.A.不填;anB.a;anC.不填;theD.a;the参考答案:APlease dont laugh at him. In fact,heisafoolhelooksnotsuch;thatB. not asbig;asC.too;toD. not butalso参考答案: BThespeakerspokeinaloudvoicehe could be heard byall.sothatB. inordertoC. soastoD. in orderwhich参考答案:B略Youmaydishonesty for a while, but youl

7、l be found out sooner orlater.A. getonwithB.getthroughC. getawaywithD. get outof参考答案:CAlice trusts you, onlyyoucanher to give up the foolishideaA.tryB.attractC.temptD.persuade参考答案:DIoftenthe words I dont know in thedictionary.A.lookupB.lookatC.lookforD. lookinto参考答案:A二、 完型填空In one class, we discusse

8、d about Christmas. Jace16said he had gone ten years, never experiencing the joy and surprise of17a present. I searched my internal data bank for a reason that he might be saying this. Then I remembered his story. He lived alone with his dad. His father had a hard time holding down a job. After class

9、, the other students secretly came to me,18to buy gifts for him.A couple of weeks after Jaces19, he was absent from school.As the gifts poured in, the20students told me how they found the “perfect gift”. I was so proud my students were truly demonstrating the21of Christmas.After several days of Jace

10、s absences, you can imagine our22when we learned these absences were due to the fact that he had moved away!I was23of one thing. I couldnt let my students or Jace24. I found my information sheet and called every number25, but the number would ring with no26despite my continuous 27. Finally, on Chris

11、tmas Eve I was so used to it that I was startled 吓一) to hear a response.28, Jace answered the phone!When I drove to Jaces home, it took several29back and forth to my car to get all the gifts. We 30his room with all of the carefully wrapped gifts especially for him. He was so surprised and grateful t

12、hat his smile31the sky like twinkle lights.I went to sleep that night32about Jace and all of the33he was going to have, my thoughtful students and how excited I was to tell them all about34Jace. I was thankful to be a part of one of the most important 35” of their lives.A. calmlyB. eagerlyC. shylyD.

13、 proudlyA. receivingB. makingC. sendingD. pickingA. rememberingB. agreeingC. choosingD. waitingA. debateB. complaintC. commentD. discussionA. academicB. honestC. attractiveD. enthusiasticA. spiritB. historyC. mysteryD. storyA. embarrassmentB. impatienceC. disappointmentD. worryA. afraidB. sureC. awa

14、reD. tiredA. awayB. outC. aloneD. downA. admittedB. exchangedC. countedD. listedA. responseB. informationC. returnD. communicationA. rolesB. explanationsC. effortsD. excusesA. FortunatelyB. AmazinglyC. ApproximatelyD. CertainlyA. tripsB. hoursC. choicesD. chancesA. linkedB. coveredC. cleanedD. fille

15、dA. opened upB. held upC. lit upD. blocked upA. talkingB. thinkingC. doubtingD. arguingA. funB. painC. luckD. hopeA. recognizingB. knowingC. findingD. praisingA. lessonsB. opportunitiesC. challengesD. problems参考答案:16. C17. A18. B19. C20. D21. A22. C23. B24. D25. D26. A27. C28. B29. A30.D31. C32. B33

16、. A34. C35. A本文属于故事类文章。文章要主要讲述了一群学生们为他们班级中的一个从未收到过礼物的小男孩在圣诞节前送给了他好多礼物,让他体会了收到礼物的惊喜。C考查副词辨析。根据下文说他从未体验过收到礼物的快乐及后面说的其家境贫寒,可知是“害羞地”地说。 calmly 镇定,冷静地; eagerly 热切地;shyly 羞怯地,胆怯地;proudly 自豪地。分析选项可知A 项符合题意,故选A。A考查动词辨析。receive 收到;make 制造;. Send 送;pick 挑选,挑拣。根据下文送给他礼物,可知是说他从未收到(receive)过礼物.B考查动词辨析。remember 记

17、得; agree 同意; choose 选择;wait 等候。句意:下课后,其他同学偷偷来到我面前,同意给他买礼物。agree to do sth. 同意做某事。故选B 项。C考查名词辨析。debate 讨论,辩论,争论;complaint 抱怨; comment 评论,意见,闲话,议论; discussion 讨论,谈论。Jace 说这话以这后的几周,他没来上学。分析本句可知,是说那节课上我们谈论了有关圣诞节的事时贾森说的话,因此C 项符合题意,故选C 项。D考查形容词辨析。academic 学术的,学业的; honest 诚实的; attractive 吸引人的;enthusiastic

18、热情的。句意:当许多礼物送来时,热情的学生们告诉我他们是如何找到“完美的礼物”的。根据下一句同学们都在找一份礼物送给贾森,可知学生们很热情(enthusiastic)故选 D 项。A考查名词辨析。spirit 精神;history 历史; mystery 谜;story 故事。我很自豪我的学生能真正展示圣诞精神(spirit)。分析句意可知是精神,故选 A 项。C考查名词辨析。embarrassment 窘迫,难堪;impatience 不耐烦,焦躁; disappointment 失望;worry 担忧,担心。根据下文可知当得知贾森没来上学是因为他已经搬家了,学生们是多么的失望(disapp

19、ointment ),分析选项可知C 项正确。B考查形容词辨析。afraid 害怕的;sure 确信的,有把握的;aware 有意识的; tired 疲倦的,困倦的。分析句意可知,作者不想让学生和贾森失望,故选B 项。D9. A. awayB. outC. aloneD. down考查句意:我确信一件事。我不能让我的学生或 Jace 失望。Let sb down,为固定搭配,“使某人失望”,故选D 项。D考查动词辨析。admit 承认,认可; exchange 交流,交换; count 数数;list 列出。句意:我找到了我的信息表,并打了每一个信息表上列出的电话。根据下文,贾森接了电话可知,

20、作者打了信息表上列出的电话。分析选项可知D 项符合题意。故选D 项。A考查名词辨析。response 反应,回应; information 信息; return 返回;communication 交流。根据常识可知打了许多电话都没有回应(response),故选 A 项。C考查名词辨析。role 作用,角色; explanation 解决;effort 努力;excuse 借口。根据上文,尽管我不断的努力(efforts )寻找,但都没有回应。故选C 项。B“Jace ans Fortunately 幸运地;Amazingly 令人惊讶地;approximately 近 似,大约;certai

21、nly wered the phone!”贾森回了电话,可知令人惊奇地(amazingly)B 项。A考查名词辨析。trip 旅游,出行;hour 小时; choice 选择;chance 机会。根据下文找到了贾森并开车来回几次(trip 出行)送礼物给他,可知是选A 项。D考查动词短语辨析。linkwith 与有联系;cover with .用.覆盖. Cleanwith 用清洁; fillwith, 用装满。句意:我们给他的房间装满了所有精心包装的礼物,这些礼物是专门送给他。分析句意可知是装满了。故选D 项。C考查动词短语辨析。open up 打开;hold up 维持;light up

22、点亮; block up 阻碍,阻塞。句意:他如此惊讶和感激,他的笑容像闪烁的灯光照亮了天空。分析选项可知C 项正确。B考查动词辨析。根据句意:晚上我睡觉时,想着 Jace 和他要享有的快乐、体贴的学生以及要告诉他们找到贾森时是多么的激动。A考查名词辨析。根据文章可知贾森从未收到礼物,这次收到这么多的礼物,一定是“快乐的”。分析选项(fun 乐趣,快乐;pain 痛苦;luck 运气,幸运;hope 希望)可知A 项符合题意。C考查动词辨析。根据 18 题可知,是“找到(find)”,故选 C 项。A考查名词辨析。lesson 教训,功课,课程,一堂课;opportunity,机会; chal

23、lenge 挑战;problem 问题。句意:我很感激能成为他们生命中最重要的“一堂课”。分析选项可知 A 项正确。三、 阅读理解D. help guitar beginners to improve their techniquesWho will probably contact 510-333-9091?A. A music lover.B. A Hip-Hop lover.C. A dance lover.D. A Qi Gong lover.Sarah and Jessey decide to attend the dance classes for six months. They

24、 each will have to payA. $135B. $270C. $540D. $1,080According to Angie, the Qi Gong exercise is.A. traditional, gentle but unpopularB. ancient, positive but unhealthy18. Guitar Lessons for Guitar PlayersC. simple, effective but a little violentD. traditional, gentle and effective参考答案:Playing the sam

25、e things over and over again when you pick up the guitar? Teaching yourself for years butyou hit a wall? Dont know what to do next? Whether youre a total beginner, or an old guitar player, well get you working on something you can benefit from. Im a professional() teacher, over 30 students atmy stud

26、io in downtown Berkeley and several music schools in San Francisco, Alameda, and Mountain View. No matter what style youre into, I guarantee there are songs by your favorite bands that you could learn. Call at 510-333-9091 or e-mail at HYPERLINK mailto:blueschoo147 blueschoo147Dance Classes for Stud

27、ents 2.5 Through AdultsMotion Dance Center in Martinez is now accepting registration) for all fall dance classes. There are classes offered in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Cheerleading. Classes run like the school year Sep. through June. Prices are very reasonable at only $45 a month. Thats for a one-hour class once a week for a month. This studio is known for their younger child program. We are always looking for talented instructors too. If you want more information call Deena at 925-229-5678.Qi Gong with AngieQi Gong is the perfect activity for anyo


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