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1、Unit 5 Water第1课时VocabularyModule 3 Natural elements广东学导练 七年级 下册 配上海教育版Unit 5 Water第1课时VocabularyM课 前 预 习一、根据汉语写出英文单词1. 旅行;旅程 (n.)_2. 数量 (n.) _3. 形成;构成 (v.) _4. 实验;试验 (n.) _5. 化学品 (n.) _6. 淡的;无盐的 (adj.) _7. 通过;穿过 (prep.) _8. 宝贵的;很有用的 (adj.) _9. 继续 (v.) _journeyquantityformexperimentchemical fresh thr

2、oughvaluablecontinue课 前 预 习一、根据汉语写出英文单词journeyquan10. 嗓音;说话声 (n.) _11.归还(v.)_12. 银行(n.)_二、根据汉语写出下列词组 1. 关掉 _2. 把加入 _3. 有点;一点 _4. 由组成 _5. 干涸 _6. 的一部分 _voicereturnbankturn offadd.to.a bit(be)made up ofdry uppart of10. 嗓音;说话声 (n.) _7. (父母给孩子的)零花钱 _8. 记得不要做某事 _9. 环顾四周 _10. 从出来 _11. 掉入 _ 12. 的尽头 _13. 一滴

3、_ pocket money remember not to do sth.look aroundcome out ofdrop into the end ofa drop of7. (父母给孩子的)零花钱 _要 点 精 讲【1】dropn. a very small amount of a liquid 滴v. sth. falls onto sth. else or falls from sw. 掉下;落下【例句】It made us forget that every drop of wine we drink comes from cloned grapes. 它使我们忘记了我们喝的每

4、一滴酒都来自克隆的葡萄。He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers. 他感到热泪滴在他的手指上。要 点 精 讲【1】dropn. a very small【辨析】drop, fall与sink(1)drop指物体从一定高度落下。The fruit dropped from the tree. 果实从树上落下。(2)fall与drop同义,指突然或猛烈地降落,但fall可指任何下落,同高度或形式无关。If I fall down, what should I do? 如果我摔倒了,我该怎么办?(3)sink指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉。The boat

5、 was beginning to sink fast. 那艘船开始快速下沉。【应用】 我感到有两滴雨落在了我的脸颊上。I felt _ _ _ rain _ on my face.twodropsofdropping【辨析】drop, fall与sinktwodropsofd【2】journeyn. the act of travelling from one place to another 旅行;旅程【例句】Its about half an hours journey. 大约半小时路程。【辨析】journey, trip, travel与tour(1)journey 为普通用语,指陆地

6、上的远程旅行。This need not be the end of your journey. 这里未必是你旅行的终点。【2】journeyn. the act of trave(2)trip 指有特定目的的短距离旅行,强调在路上所花的时间和所走的路程。On Thursday we went out on a day trip. 周四我们出去旅行了一天。(3)travel 惯用复数形式,泛指到各地旅行,表示旅行的路途远、时间长。He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad. 他在国外旅游时也为家里收集些东西。(4)to

7、ur 指途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光游览。The band will be going on tour. 这支乐队将要进行巡回演出。(2)trip 指有特定目的的短距离旅行,强调在路上所花的时【应用】用journey, trip, travel或tour填空(1) At first I was afraid the long _ would be too much for her. (2) We went on a guided _ of Italy that included stops at Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome.(3) I go to wor

8、k by train, and the _ takes me 40 minutes. (4) The _ of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. journeytourtripTravels【应用】用journey, trip, travel或tou【3】voicen. the sound of humans 嗓音;说话声【例句】I know her by her voice. 我凭说话声知道是她。【拓展】(1)in a low/loud voice 小声说/大声说He spoke in

9、 a low voice, always without inflection. 他低声说话,总是声调平平, 无抑扬变化。(2)at the top of ones voice 声嘶力竭地;大声地She suddenly cried out at the top of her voice. 她突然声嘶力竭地叫起来。【3】voicen. the sound of huma【辨析】voice, sound与noise(1)voice主要指人讲话或唱歌的声音,是可数名词。When the teacher came into the classroom, our monitor spoke in a

10、loud voice, “Stand up!”老师走进教室时,我们班长大声喊: “起立!”(2)sound指一般情况下,各种能听到的声音。Peter heard the sound of gunfire. 彼得听见了枪炮声。 (3)noise主要指令人不愉快的声音,尤指噪音。The noise of traffic kept him awake. 车辆的喧闹声使他睡不着。【辨析】voice, sound与noise【应用】用voice, sound或noise填空(1) The _ wakes me up.(2) The teacher opened the door without a _.

11、(3) He answered the question in a low _.noisesoundvoice【应用】用voice, sound或noise填空noise【4】addv. put one thing in or on another, to increase, complete or improve it 添加;增加【例句】She added sugar to her tea. 她在茶里加了糖。【拓展】(1) add to增添;增加The bad weather added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气增加了我们的负担。【4】addv. put one

12、thing in or (2) add.to. 把加入He added a few more things to the shopping list. 他在购物单上加了几样东西。(3) add up to 总计达The cost of the two trips added up to 1,000 dollars. 两次旅行的费用总计达1000美元。【应用】 ()Add 27 _ 23, and you get 50.A. onB. up toC. toC(2) add.to. 把加入C【5】throughprep./adv. move directly from one side to th

13、e other 穿过;通过【例句】Let the rainwater run through this pipe. 让雨水从这个管道中流过。【辨析】 through与across through 和across都可以表示“穿过”,但是through 表示从物体的内部 “穿过”,如穿过森林、云层等,而across 表示从物体的表面 “横过”,如穿过大街、桥等。He walked through the forest alone. 他独自一人走过森林。The students ran across the playground to the canteen. 学生们穿过操场跑到食堂。【5】thro

14、ughprep./adv. move dir【应用】用through或across填空(1) Our train passed _ the tunnel.(2) You should be careful when going _ the road.【6】continuev. keep doing something 继续【例句】She looked up for a minute and then continued drawing. 她抬头看了一会儿,然后继续画画。【拓展】 (1) continue sth./doing sth. 相当于 go on sth./doing sth.,一直做

15、(同一件事)。I continued doing my homework after answering the phone. 我接完电话继续做作业。throughacross【应用】用through或across填空throughac(2) continue to do sth. 相当于 go on to do sth.,(做完一件事)接着做另外一件事。I continued to do my Maths homework after finishing English. 我做完英语作业接着做数学作业。(3) continue with sth. 继续某事。I went to my room

16、 to continue with my packing. 我走进房间,继续打包。【应用】 I did my homework for 2 hours. After drinking a cup of coffee, I continued _ (do) my homework.doing(2) continue to do sth. 相当于 go课 堂 练 习一、根据要求写出相应的单词1. quantity (复数) _ 2. salt (形容词)_ 3. valuable (名词)_4. drop (动词) _ 5. add (过去式) _ 6. continue (过去式) _ 7. f

17、orm (第三人称单数) _ 8. chemical (复数) _ 9. on (反义词) _ 10. fresh (反义词) _ quantitiessaltyvaluedropaddedcontinuedformschemicalsoff/undersalty/stale课 堂 练 习一、根据要求写出相应的单词quantities二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。()1. We should turn off the tap when we are brushing our teeth. Yeah. We really should sav

18、e water. A. throw away B. switch off C. give up()2. The workers add some chemicals to the water to clean it. Then we can drink clean water. A. put; intoB. get; fromC. lead; toBA二、词汇测试BA()3. What will you do during the summer holiday?I will take a journey to Beijing. There are many places to visit th

19、ere. A. jobB. bookC. trip()4. What do you think of your father? He is tall but he is a bit fat. A. too much B. a littleC. very()5. When did you borrow the book from the library?I borrowed it two days ago and I will return the book tomorrow. A. think ofB. give backC. look afterCBB()3. What will you d

20、o durin()6. Clean water is valuable, and every family has to use it every day. Yes. We must try our best to save it. A. useful and importantB. helpful and friendlyC. usual and convenient()7. After a rest, lets continue doing our work. No problem!A. keep B. stopC. finish()8. About 3% of the water on

21、Earth is without salt. A. saltyB. freshC. clearAAB()6. Clean water is valuabii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。()9. If you _ something, you give it back. A. buyB. throwC. return()10. If something _, it falls down to the ground. A. drops B. disappears C. launches()11. The water in the lake _. Wh

22、y?Because people and factories took too much water from it. A. woke up B. gave up C. dried upCACii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出()12. Mary has a sweet _.Yes. She can sing very well. A. voiceB. soundC. hearing()13. Water covers about _ of the Earth. A. one thirdB. one halfC. two thirds()14. Jim _, but

23、there was no one there. A. looked forB. looked aroundC. looked after()15. Is there enough water in the lake?_.A. No, there is little water in it B. The lake is next to my houseC. The water is very cleanACBA()12. Mary has a sweet _课 后 作 业一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Dont be so rude. You should speak to the gir

24、l in a soft v_.2. People have got a lot of useful c_ in experiments. 3. Add a d_ of oil to the dish. 4. How long can this c_?5. How long is the j_ from London to Paris?6. Open the window and get some f_ air. 7. He had 10,000 in the b_.oicehemicalsropontinueourneyreshank课 后 作 业一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词oicehem

25、8. Can you explain why bubbles (泡泡) can f_?9. Tony felt a b _ hungry, so he ate a cake.10. You need to a _ some water to the container.二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。()1. In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality. A. moneyB. productC. amountormitddC8. Can you explain why

26、 bubbles()2. An idea formed in his mind. A. developedB. droppedC. decided()3. She seemed a bit afraid of going out alone at night.A. very much B. a little C. much more ()4. He turned off the tap and left.A. switched offB. switched onC. opened()5. The group consists of 3 teachers and 5 students.A. ma

27、kes up ofB. is made up ofC. is made from()6. Her voice is so sweet. A. the sound of a personB. the act of a personC. the appearance of a personABABA()2. An idea formed in his ()7. The light was on and the door was open.A. in useB. out of useC. broken()8. Dont waste money on clothes. A. save a lot B.

28、 spend too muchC. make full use of ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。()9. The _ is the money that you receive when you pay for something with more money than it costs. A. pocket money B. rewardC. changeABC()7. The light was on and t()10. Something that is _ is free from dirt or unwanted marks.

29、 A. dirtyB. cleanC. fresh()11. To _ water, air or land means to make it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use. A. protectB. waste C. pollute()12. _ pens are there in the box?There are more than 50.A. How much B. How many C. How often()13. He left the room with the radio _.A. openB. openedC. onBCB

30、C()10. Something that is _()14. The sunlight goes _ the window.A. through B. at C. across()15. I am so sorry to give you _ trouble.A. not a bitB. a littleC. little三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Is it time for your father _ (tell) stories to you?2. The website provides us with a lot of _ (value) information.3. Aft

31、er he finished reading a novel, he continued _ (play) games with his friends.A A to tellvaluable to play()14. The sunlight goes _4. Remember not _ (leave) the lights on when you go out.5. Dont eat too much _ (salt) food.6. I want to be a _ (chemical) when I grow up.7. There _ (be) enough oranges on

32、the table.8. Lets _ (go) to the clothes store tomorrow.9. They are working on the farm _ (happy).10. I think it is time _ (have) a break.to leavesaltychemistaregohappilyto have4. Remember not _ (le四、阅读理解One late night, a young man walked into a corner store. There was only a salesgirl in it. Suddenly, the man took out a gun and ordered her to put all the money into his bag. The salesgirl was frightened and had to do as the man told her.Just when the man was leaving, he saw a bottle of whisk


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