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1、初中英语课件此ppt下载后可自行编辑 初中英语课件此ppt下载后可自行编辑 高中英语必修2-1-4-Cultural-Corner37张高中英语必修2-1-4-Cultural-Corner37张高中英语必修2-1-4-Cultural-Corner37张1way “方式;方法”;后可接of短语或不定式。Some women like the old ways of doing/to do things.有些女性喜欢用老办法处理事务。Try to find your own way to express/of expressing the idea.尽量用你自己的语言来表达你的想法。1way

2、“方式;方法”;后可接of短语或不定式。注意:way作“方法”解时,后面的定语从句通常有三种形式。The way she acted attracted a lot of audience.她的表演方式吸引了很多观众。The way in which she acted attracted a lot of audience.她表演的方式吸引了很多观众。The way that she acted attracted a lot of audience.她表演的方式吸引了很多观众。注意:way作“方法”解时,后面的定语从句通常有三种形式。知识拓展all the way 一直by the way

3、 顺便说(问)一句by way of 取道;经由in a way 在某种程度上in no way 决不no way 肯定不;没门知识拓展高考直击(2010上海40) This is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce解析:此处考查非谓语动词。此处应该用不定式the way to do sth表示“做的途径、方式”。we can imagine 做定语,前面省略了that。答案:B高考直击即学即用

4、(2007陕西)I think he is taking an active part in social work.I agree with you_.Ain a wayBon the wayCby the way Din the way答案:A即学即用2through1)表示“从内部通过”The thief came in through the window.小偷从窗户进来。2)表示“遍及;经历”He traveled through Europe.他游遍了欧洲。3)表示“由于;因为”It was all through your being late that we lost the

5、train.我们没有赶上火车,完全是因为你来晚了。 2through4)表示“凭借;由”I obtained my position through a friend.我靠一位朋友的帮忙而得到了这个职位。5)表示“从头到尾”He worked from dawn through the day and into the night.他从天亮一直工作到晚上。4)表示“凭借;由”知识拓展get through 渡过;到达look through 浏览break through 突围;突破知识拓展词语辨析:across, through, over这些介词都可表示“通过”,但意义不尽相同。1)acr

6、oss与on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行。在表示从一边到另一边时,可和over互换。He helped the blind across/over the street.他帮助那位盲人过街。2)through与in有关,表示动作在某物的空间内进行。We walked through the market to the truck park.我们穿过市场来到了卡车停车场。词语辨析:across, through, over3)over指相对于位置的高低而言,强调“翻越”;也常表示跨过一段距离。The man jumped over the wall and disappeared amon

7、g the crowd.那人翻过墙消失在了人群之中。3)over指相对于位置的高低而言,强调“翻越”;也常表示跨高考直击(2007全国)I have_all my papers but I still cant find my notes.Alooked through Blooked forClooked after Dlooked out解析:短语辨析。look through“浏览”;look for“寻找;查询”;look after“照顾”;look out“小心”。答案:A高考直击即学即用A thief came in_the window in the roof and took

8、 away some cellphones.Athrough BacrossCon Dover答案:A即学即用高中英语必修2-1-4-Cultural-Corner37张1pay for 支付;为而受惩罚注意:pay(money)for sth.意为“花钱买某物”;pay for sb.意为“替某人付款;请客”。She said she would pay for them to go to the cinema.她说她请他们去看电影。1pay for 支付;为而受惩罚知识拓展pay back偿付;还击pay out 付出(钱);出钱pay off 偿清(欠款等);努力得到回报知识拓展词语辨析

9、:spend, cost, take, pay(for)1)spend的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,其后用on名词或用in(可省略)动名词形式,不接不定式。Every morning he spends half an hour(in)reading English.每天早晨他用半个小时时间读英语。词语辨析:spend, cost, take, pay(fo2)cost的主语必须是“事或物”,表示“费用;耗费”;后接life, money, health, time等,侧重于指“花费”的代价。His careless driving cost him his life.他开车

10、不小心使他丧了命。3)take的主语通常是物,亦可用it作形式主语,构成句式It takes sb. some time to do sth.结构。It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark.花了好几分钟的时间他的眼睛才适应了黑暗。2)cost的主语必须是“事或物”,表示“费用;耗费”;后接4)pay的基本意思是“支付,付款”,它的主语一般是表示人的名词或代词,宾语一般是金钱,常用于pay some money for sth.这一结构中。有时宾语也可是人。He paid the taxi and hurried to th

11、e station.他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。He paid 50 dollars for the camera.他花五十美元买了这部照相机。4)pay的基本意思是“支付,付款”,它的主语一般是表示人的高考直击(2007重庆)Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he_.Awrites Bdoes writingCis writing Ddoes write解析:do代替spend, 结构为spend some time in d

12、oing sth.答案:B高考直击即学即用(2010苏州高中联考)Mom, I cant see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.Come on, dear. Years of hard work will surely_in the future of your career.Amake sureBpay offCbring back Dpay back答案:B即学即用2both.and.both.and.是连词短语,用来连接两个并列的词,当所连接的人或物作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。Both he and I

13、are from the south.他和我都是南方人。He was a success both as a pianist and a conductor.他是个出色的钢琴家和指挥家。2both.and.知识拓展(反)neither.nor.“既不也不”,该短语为并列连词,可以连接主语、谓语、宾语、表语或状语,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词一般与后面那个主语保持数的一致。知识拓展Its neither too cold nor too hot there.那里的天气既不太冷也不太热。You can come neither tonight nor tomorrow.你今晚和明天都不能来。He

14、would neither come in nor go out.他既不进来,也不出去。Neither they nor I was in the room at that moment.他们和我当时都不在房间里。Its neither too cold nor too高考直击(1)(2008北京)It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which_of the parents spoke the language.Anone BneitherCboth Deach解析:本题考查了代词的用法。none与neither都表示否定含

15、义,但none指“三者或三者以上都不”而neither指“两者都不”。由句意“对他来说在家里学英语是非常难的,因为父母两人都不会说英语”可知是对两者的否定。答案:B高考直击(2)(2008天津)To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet to go to the library, or_.Aneither BsomeCall Dboth解析:考查代词。句意:要知道大英博物馆的更多信息,你可以使用网络或去图书馆查询,当然也可以两者兼用。由句意可知选D项“两者都”。答案:D(2)(2008天津)To know mo

16、re about即学即用Both Jim and Mary_too tired to walk any further, but_of them would stop to have a rest.Ais; either Bwas; twoCwere; neither Dare; both答案:C即学即用高中英语必修2-1-4-Cultural-Corner37张The problem with this system is that poorer people dont have the money to pay for private health insurance.这个制度的最大问题是

17、穷人没有钱去支付私人健康保险。1)the problem with. 意为“的问题”。Whats the problem with your computer?你的电脑怎么了?The problem with the plan is how to carry it out.这个计划的难题是如何去实行它。The problem with this system i即学即用But how can we get so much money and so many workers soon?You mean the problem_the project?Awith BforCof Dabout答案:

18、A即学即用2)have the money to pay for.中不定式作定语修饰名词money。在have sth. to do结构中,have是“有”的意思,sth.是宾语,动词不定式是定语。有时候动词不定式也可以用被动形式,但二者意义不同。I have some clothes to wash.我有一些衣服要洗。(衣服是自己洗的)I have some clothes to be washed.我有一些衣服要洗。(衣服不是自己洗的,可能是妈妈或者别人帮你洗的)2)have the money to pay for.知识拓展1)have sb. do是省略to的不定式(do)作宾语,与sth./sb.之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系,即“让某人做某事”


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