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1、ReadingA Short History of Western PaintingUnit 1 Art人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading(共81张PPT)人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading(共81张PPT)ReadingA Short History of Unitfaithaim conventional typical evidentadoptpossesspossessionn. 信任; 信心; 信念n. 目标; 目的vt. & vi. 瞄准; 努力adj. 常规的; 传统的adj. 典型的; 有代表性的adj. 明显的; 明白的vt. 采用; 采纳; 收养vt. 拥有; 具有

2、; 支配n. 所有; 财产Words previewfaithn. 信任; 信心; 信念Words previesuperbtechnique coincidenceshadowridiculous controversial attemptpredictadj. 卓越的; 杰出的n. 技术; 方法; 技能n. 巧合; 相合n. 阴影; 影子adj. 荒谬的; 可笑的adj. 争论的; 争议的n. 努力; 尝试; 企图vt.尝试; 企图vt. 预言; 预告; 预测Words previewsuperbadj. 卓越的; 杰出的Words previby coincidence a great

3、deal on the other hand 巧合地大量另一方面Expressions previewby coincidence巧合地Expressions pSkimming To get general ideasSkimming Reading Tips在阅读每个段落时,要注意综合运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning)这两种方法Reading Tips在阅读每个段落时,要注意综 略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标题以及每个部分或者段落第一行,关注文章中反复出现的关键词。 略读时,要用充足的时间读懂段落的第一句和第二句,因为第一句往往是该段的主题句(top sen

4、tence),而第二句往往是对前句的延(extension)或进一步的解释(explanation)。通过略读把握文章大意 略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标题以及 运用扫读(scanning)迅速浏览从第三句开始的后面部分,搜寻作者对开头两句的支持句(supporting sentences),并同时注意文章中间是否有转折词(transition),因为这些词常常会把文章的思路逆转或加入其它重要的信息。当读到段落的最后一句时,我们又要使用略读,这时必须再次放慢速度(slow down your pace)直到完全消化作者对段落的小结(conclusion),因为该小结有可能与主题句截

5、然相反或引导读者进入下一个段落。通过扫读寻找特定信息或特定词组 运用扫读(scanning)迅速浏览从第三句开始的1. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?Four. They are the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern Art.SkimmingReading Comprehension I1. How many styles of Western 1.The paintings with rel

6、igious themes mainly appear during _. A. the Middle Ages B. the RenaissanceC. the late 1800s D. the early 1900s2. Drawing things in perspective is the most important discovery in the _ century.5th B. 16th C.19th D. 20th3. The beginning of “Modern Art” are the _paintings.Religious B. perspective C. I

7、mpressionist D. ridiculousSkimmingReading Comprehension II1.The paintings with religiousCareful reading to solve difficult pointsCareful reading to solve Now draw the history of western painting:Middle Ages: (5th to 15th century)Impressionism:(late 19th to early 20th century)Modern Art: (20th )The R

8、enaissance:(15th to 16th century)Now draw the history of westerScanning to get detail informationScanningComplete the chart below.PeriodTime Characteristicsof the paintingsMiddle AgesRenaissance Impressionism Modern ScanningReading Comprehension IVComplete the chart below.PerioPeriodTime Characteris

9、ticsof the paintingsMiddle AgesRenaissance 5th-15th century1 religious themes2 many religious symbols15th-16th century1 realistic themes2 perspective3 new oil paints人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingPeriodTime CharacteristicsMiddPeriodTime Characteristicsof the paintingsImpress-ionism ModernArt

10、Late 19th-early 20th century1 painted outdoors2 painted changes in light3 not detailed20th century-today1 abstract: concentrated on qualities of the object2 very realistic: like photographs人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingPeriodTime CharacteristicsImprFurther Appreciation in details人教版选修六英语第一单元

11、Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingFurther Appreciation in detailAges: Middle AgesTime: 5th to 15th century ADArtist: GiottoFeature: Religious, realistic人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingAges: Middle Ages人教版选修六英语第一单元RAges: The RenaissanceTime: 15th to 16th century ADArtist: MasaccioFeature: perspective,

12、realistic人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingAges: The Renaissance人教版选修六英语第Ages: ImpressionismTime: late 19th to early 20th Artist: not mentionedFeature: not detailed, ridiculous 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingAges: Impressionism Ages: Modern ArtTime: 20th century to todayArtist: not mentio

13、nedFeature: controversial, abstract, realistic人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingAges: Modern Art人教版选修六英语第一单元ReCan you tell which period the following pictures belong to? Quiz I人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingCan you tell which period the The Middle Ages人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readin

14、gThe Middle Ages人教版选修六英语第一单元ReaImpressionism 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingImpressionism 人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadModern Art 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingModern Art 人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingRenaissance人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingRenaissance人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading_ (如果没有发现透视法), no one would h

15、ave been able to paint such realistic pictures._ (没有新的颜料和新的绘画手法),We_ (就不能看到) the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.Without the Impressionists, many of the painting styles _ (就不可能存在).TranslationQuiz III人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading_ (如果_ (如果没有发现透视法), no one would have b

16、een able to paint such realistic pictures.2. _ (没有新的颜料和新的绘画手法),we_ (就不能看到) the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.3. Without the Impressionists, many of the painting styles _ (就不可能存在).TranslationIf the rules of perspective had not been discoveredWithout the new paints and the ne

17、w techniquewouldnt be able to seemight not exist人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading_HomeworkTextbook P4 (1)(2) P67语法,完型Words (周六收)人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingHomeworkTextbook P4 (1)(2)人教版选Language points人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingLanguage points人教版选修六英语第一单元Reaabstract (adj.)

18、抽象的,深奥的,(艺术)抽象派的an abstract paintingBeauty is abstract.(n.)(文章、演说、书籍等的)摘要、概括an abstract of this article相关短语:in the abstract 抽象地;理论上;一般而言e.g. I like dogs in the abstract, but I cant bear this one. (反义) concrete 具体的人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingabstract (adj.) 抽象的,深奥的,(艺术)抽象 Would you rather h

19、ave Chinese or Western-style paintings in your home?Structure: 主语+ would rather + 动词原形其他形式:主语+would rather sb. +过去时 主语+ would rather do sth.+ than do sth. 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading Would you rather have Chinee.g. To be honest, I would rather stay at home.e.g. He would rather not play co

20、mputer game.e.g. I would rather you went to bed now.e.g. He would rather take a bus than walk. 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readinge.g. To be honest, I would rat Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. 艺术受到一个名族习俗和信仰的影响。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading Art is influenced by the

21、 cufaith 【U】信任;信心(常与in搭配) He always puts his faith in the future. 他对未来总是抱有信心。【 U,C】诺言;宗教信仰 e.g. People of every faith attended the mayors funeral. 信仰不同宗教的人士出席了市长的葬礼。 拓展:Yours faithfully 敬上人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingfaith 【U】信任;信心(常与in搭配)人教版选修六英语people复数意义 1. There are lots of people at th

22、e meeting. 人 2. People do not know the value of health till they lose it. 泛指“人们” ,不加“the” 3.Shes spending Christmas with her people. 家人,亲属(常与his,your,my等连用)the people 人民;百姓 e.g. Serve the people heart and soul. 全心全意为人民服务。 【C】民族 e.g.There are 56 peoples in China. compare: two people & two peoples人教版选

23、修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingpeople复数意义人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.在中世纪,画家的主要任务是把宗教的主题表现出来。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingDuring the Middle Ages, the maaim(n.) 【C】目的;意图;目标 Whats your aim in the next term?【U】瞄准 The

24、 hunter took aim at the lion.(v.) 瞄准,对准,致力于 e.g. He aimed the gun at the door. 他把枪对准那扇门。 e.g. He aims to be a successful teacher. 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingaim(n.) 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版相关短语:aim at/for 瞄准,目的在于be aimed at 旨在,目的在于with the aim of 有目的without aim 漫无目的,胡乱地人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教

25、版选修六英语第一单元Reading相关短语:人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were.一个传统的艺术家无意于如实地展现自然和人物。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingA conventional artist of this conventional(adj.)常规的;传统的;因循守旧的“Good morning” is a convent

26、ional greeting.conventional forcesconventional weapons There is no doubt that the Internet is far more convenient and efficient than the written word or other _means of conveying meaning. 常规部队常规武器conventional人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingconventional(adj.)常规的;传统的;因循守旧A typical picture at thi

27、s time was full of religious symbols, which creat a feeling of respect and love for God.那个时期的典型的绘画充满了宗教的特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴和敬重。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingA typical picture at this timetypical (adj.)(adj.) 典型的,有代表性的(常与of搭配)e.g.This painting is typical of his early work. 这幅画是他早期的代表作。 (adj.) 特有的,独

28、特的;表现特征的e.g.It was typical of him to be so merciless. 只有他才会这么冷酷无情。 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingtypical (adj.)(adj.) 典型的,有代表性的But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.但是很显然到了1

29、3世纪时,观念发生了变化,像乔托这样的画家开始以一种比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingBut it was evident that ideas evidentStructure:It is/was evident (to sb.) that+从句e.g. It was evident that we dont understand each other.很显然,我们彼此不了解。It is evident _ the boss that he has no experience in this work. 同样句型:It

30、is/was clear/ obvious/ easily seen +that从句to人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingevidentStructure:to人教版选修六英语第一单Peopla began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingPeopla began to concentra

31、te leadopt采用(方法),采取(措施、态度)adopt a new teaching methodadopt attitude toward this matter2)正式批准(通过);接受、采纳(意见)e.g. He adopted my suggestion.3) 收养;领养They adpoted aN orphan.拓展;adopted (adj.) 收养的;领养的adoption (n.) 收养;采纳;采用人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingadopt采用(方法),采取(措施、态度)人教版选修六英语第Rich people wanted

32、 to possess their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.富人们想拥有自己的艺术品并用来装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingRich people wanted to possess possess (vt.)1) 有,拥有(不用进行时)e.g. The police asked me if I possess a gun.2) 具有e.g. He didnt possess any sense of

33、 humor.3) (感觉、情绪)支配,控制,促使e.g. She was suddenly possessed by/with fear. 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingpossess (vt.)1) 有,拥有(不用进行时)人教版possession (n.)possession(pl.) 可数名词,意思为“财产”。 不可数名词,意思为“拥有;所有权”。 (人) be in possession of (物)(物) be in the possession of (人)相关短语:come into possession (某物)落入(某人)手中g

34、et/take possession of 拿到;占有;占领人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingpossession (n.)possession(pl.) The style of Western art has changed many times, while Chinese art has changed less often.While 用以表示对比或相反的情况。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading The style of Western art 1)我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。I drink bla

35、ck coffee_拓展:在期间;当的时候:2)他在监狱中写出了第一部小说。_,he wrote his first novel.while he prefers it with cream.While in prison, 人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading1)我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。while he prefThis technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428.这一手法是1428年由马萨乔第一次使用的。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingThis techn

36、ique was first used techniquetechnique 技术;技巧;手法technology 工艺学,科学技术Best P 9人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingtechniquetechnique 技术;技巧;手法人教版focus on 聚焦于、使成为兴趣的焦点1)我要把镜头对准那儿的一群重要人物。Ill_ the main group of people over there.2)所有的目光都集中到他的身上。_.Similar phrase: _ focus on All the eyes were focused on him

37、. concentrate on人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingfocus on 聚焦于、使成为兴趣的焦点1)我要把镜头By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.巧合的是这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,它使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富,更深沉。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingBy coincidence, o

38、il paints wercoincidence令人吃惊的巧合,巧事 What a coincidence!We are wearing the same clothes!by coincidence By a strange coincidence we happened to be travelling on the same train.人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingcoincidence令人吃惊的巧合,巧事人教版选修六英语第In the late 19th cenrury, Europe changed a great deal, from

39、 a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.19世纪后面,欧洲发生了巨大变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingIn the late 19th cenrury, Euroa great deal“大量,很多”,该短语可以用作名词或副词。1)昨天晚餐他吃了很多。_2)她嫁给一个男人大她很多。_a great/good deal of为形容词,只接不可数名词。3)那个项目花费了大量金钱。_the project.He ate a great

40、deal for supper yesterday.A great deal of money was spent on She married a man a great deal older than her.人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readinga great deal“大量,很多”,该短语可以用作名词或表示数量的修饰语many few/a fewa good/great manya large/ great/ big/ small number ofmany a +单数名词more than one +单数名词muchlittle/a little

41、a good/great deal ofa large amount of (谓语动词用单数)large amounts of (谓语动词用复数)修饰可数名词: 修饰不可数名词 :人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading表示数量的修饰语many much修饰可数名词: 修饰不可修饰可数和不可数名词 :a lot of/lots of plenty ofa large quantity of (谓语动词用单数)large quantities of (谓语动词用复数)百思 P 9人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading修饰可

42、数和不可数名词 :a lot of/lots of At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were controversial, but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we called “modern art”.在印象派作品的创建初期,它们是存在争议的,但是如今已被人们接受而成为现在我们所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingAt the time they were created

43、,controversial 有争议的Euthanasia remains a controversial topic all over the world. 安乐死仍然是世界范围一个有争议的话题人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingcontroversial 有争议的Euthanasia There are scores of modern art styles.现代艺术风格有好几十种。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingThere are scores of modern artscore1)意“二十”,单复数同

44、形a score=20 四十 two score2)scores of 很多 (前不能加数词)那件事我已经听过很多遍。I have heard that _.3)比赛得分、考试得分The score in the final was 4-3.scores of times人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingscore1)意“二十”,单复数同形scores of tiOn the one hand, some modern art is abstract;that is, the painter does not attempt to paint obje

45、cts as we see them with our eyes.一方面,有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingOn the one hand, some modern aattempt 试图;尝试 反复尝试做 企图做1)汤姆企图说服玛丽改变主意,但失败了。Tom _persuade Mary to change her mind, but failed. _ an attempt to prevent criticism,the government has made educ

46、ation a priority. attempt doing attempt to do attempted toIn人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingattempt 试图;尝试 attempt doing aconvince (vt.)使确信convince sb. to do sth. _convince sb. of sth. _sb. be convinced that _1) 他使我确信他的真诚。He _ his sincerity.People are convinced_ the good quality of famous-brand

47、 food.2)你的错误使我确信你没有学习功课。Your mistakes _ you hadnt studied your lesson说服使某人确信某事某人确信 convinced me of convinced me that of人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingconvince (vt.)使确信说服使某人确信某事某人On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look loke photographs.另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那

48、么写实,看上去就像是照片。人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingOn the other hand, some paintion the other hand (可是) 另一方面习惯搭配: on the one hand.on the other hande.g. 一方面,我这个月没有钱; 另一方面,我不想买它。 On the one hand, I dont have money this month.On the other hand, I dont want to buy it.人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readi

49、ngon the other hand (可是) 另一方面习惯Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?谁能预言将来会有什么样的绘画艺术风格?人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元ReadingWho can predict what painting predict v. 预言;预报 e.g. 那农民预言天气会改变。The farmer predicted a change in the weather.n. prediction e.g. Nobody believe his p

50、rediction then but later it turned out to be true.人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingpredict v. 预言;预报 e.g. 那农民预言天气specific (adj.) 确切的,特定的a specific instruction 确切的指示The money is to be used for specific purpose.这笔钱要用于特殊用途。拓展:spcifically (adv.) 明确地;特定地specify (v.) 指明;指定人教版选修六英语第一单元Reading人教版选修六英语第一单元Readingspecific (adj.) 确切的,特定的a specifigure (n.)雕塑,身材,数字a slim fi


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