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1、2021 京海淀初一(下)期中英语2021.04注意事项学校班_名_绩本调研共 共九道大题, 道题满分 100 ,考试时间 90 分。 在调研和答题纸上准确填写学校名称、班级名称和姓名。调研卷案一律填涂或书写在答题纸,在研卷上作答无效。在答题选择题用 2B 铅作答其他题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。听力理解共 32 分一、听后选择(共 每小题 15 分听对话或独白根据对话或独白的内,下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独 白你将听两遍。请听一段对话完成第 第 2 小。 Whats the man A bus driver. A seller. A teacher. Why th

2、e like Because for Because he C. Because talk with 请听一段对话完成第 第 4 小。 At a B. At store. C.In are speakers mainly Getting Visiting C. drawing a 请听一段对话完成第 第 6 小。 does woman think show? Its funny. are in the C. It boring. dishes. B. boat race. C. Playing the piano. 请听一段独白完成第 第 8 小。1 / 9 How camping Two d

3、ays B. Three C. days Why the speaker make To to To introduce activities C. To students things to take for 二、听后回答(共 每小题 2 )听对话根据对话内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两。请听一段对,成第 题。 club does he boy to ?请听一段对话完成第 10 小。10. How long does it take boy school?请听一段对话完成第 11 小。11. How go library?请听一段对话完成第 12 小。12. What the bus 请听

4、一段对话完成第 13 小。13. What does the at home?三、听后记录并转写本大题包括两节。第一节:听后填空。听短根据所听内容和示信息将所缺信息填写在相应位置上。短文你将听两遍( 分,每小题 )How sleep up bedtime routine things around the time up bedtime routine of _14_, story bed soft lightlisten light music2 / 9Prepare for off your _17_ and one bedtimemake sure your room or bright

5、第二节:听后转写。请再听一遍短根据所听到的内容和一节中的提示信,写出短文的主要内容。短文的开头 已经给出。请注意语法正,意连贯。(共 5 分19. got Chris 知识运用共 20 分四、单项填空(共 ,每小题 )从下面各题所给的 AB、D 四选项,择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。20. My sister Amy likes His B. He C. He 21. the book in two No, I am busy these days.22.B. is it from your to C. D.dontIt about two kilometers. How B. C. How f

6、ar D.How much 23. can remember lot of B.friendly C. smart 24.Tony, time go What are doing Mom. I the weather B. watched C. D. watches 25. What a fine for walk. you very muchC. You re welcome五、语法填空(共 ,每小题 ) The same you阅读下列短文根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 个当的单在给出提示词的空白处用括 号内所给单词的正确形式填空。3 / 9 for Art We want

7、some students for our school art you good beautiful_27_(picture)? If want to join us, callus_28_622-6033.Tom gets home from school every day in like boy. 5: 00_29_ 00 usually his homework. family. thinks its for family.六、完形填空(共 ,每小题 )阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意然后从短文后各题所的 A、D 四选项中,选择最佳选项。Every time I see trophy on

8、 shelf, I cant thinking about the y when I took spotlight.Sometime in my teacher about school_32_ The was overcame( 服)difficulties lives. I I could try I thought of Lorraine Parsley. She 癌 13 times and is still She has overcome difficulty in her speeches. My the five on next I was top five three _34

9、_ came next The top go to the final. I was one of seven really hard. We had only two The big day I knew it, I in our with all around, listening to every word I I present I soon I knew the all prizes; but I said myself I _ to the one.”After we finished, the (宣布 third-place winner is Anna, second plac

10、e goes to and Kelli in the were going wild clapping cheering for I felt _38_. I did I would always_39_ the moment. once-in-a-lifetime -when I 33. 34. 35. play36. makes38. singing study learn wins teachC. C.subjectsC. changeC. startC. C. surprisedC. picture sports lesson tests practice want know4 / 9

11、阅读理解共 38 分七、阅读下列短根据短文内容,短文后各题所给的 A、C、 四选项选择最佳选项。(共 ,每小题 2 分)AWelcome to zoo! We have interesting activities. Do you join us?Bella are two lovely give a at 30 every day, and they enjoy taking part in all with The ticket is $3.5 for person.Coco very quiet. She is heavy slowly. can buy Coco food at S5

12、you may join us in feeding at every The bossy girl Psota comes from a Polish zoo. Her favorite food is 木 粉) If want teeth long come to the pool 14: The ticket the star in Splash Safari very He can close youif you give him and fishes. can a with the for 40. Ben and Bella are . B. smart quiet D. 41. H

13、ow should pay if want B. $3. C. D. 42. If you Psotas you should . C.14:00 D.15:3043. can a with and Bella Coco C. PedroBShirley so excited for birthday. She thinks about the fun she will get. mom her she has make room for new give Shirley not happy. She loves all of toys! Her mom sits with her in fr

14、ont toy look the one by 5 / 9“Oh. look lovely are! Keep them please! she her mom.But you played with for long time. Are you sure really want if you toy? Mom asks. now I remember I will play them.“That fine. but there might be someone else love them kids dont have any toys, says Mom.Shirley wants to

15、keep most of the mom puts them in “keep and puts others in the away bag. they go to the childrens home, and ask the workers if can hand out toys the kids there. the kids makes happy, lot of kids first toys. Shirley her mom and if they can the keep These need those than does! Shirley so great that ch

16、oice makes the kids 44. What does mom her for her birthday? C. a fun 45. What can we about Shirley? She buy new C. She to the 46. What makes Shirley happy?A. mom wordsC. The workers 47. What can Shirley her Giving C. Seeing is believing. Make room toys. Buy birthday B. doesn like the childrens home

17、with toys for long. kids smiles Shirleys is better comes saving.CWith the can see more more phub in Phubbers going and listening to using phone.There signs (象of youre in with a group of looking talking to also a form of if you find yourself your phone, you cant help checking every five minutes, you

18、likely to be a phubber. find that has some harmful 负影响) Using smart on the sofa can back neck pain. people a rest and more to They games on way places. Phubbing make people lonely. Although used for its important remember sometimes we cut off in to get real communication with are several to help fro

19、m phubbing.6 / 9 your and take a deep you really want to check your phone. media apps off phone.静)your group chats and telling yourself not to look at them are walking, riving running.It phone and raise Do 珍视) everything around and what is ahead us. Lets do exercise part in real-life enjoy every day

20、.48. following an phubbing? messages while C. Playing almost every Listening to while walking Checking every five 49. probably “ always C. careful 50. What does the writer think phubbing? It do good B. It stop feeling lonely.C. It may harm to It may to join in activities. DIf find article on the Int

21、ernet, IlI read later. to it finishing all other that day. are 拖) us from doing our tasks more fun Luckily, if we can why were looking for instead of doing what should do, we stop procrastination and live a fruitful life.We tasks because we find it hard control our 控制情绪 Without ability, wouldnt anyt

22、hing t This doing what dislike makes us really Thats why subconscious(意) well out of doing these if procrastinate.If of doing your fills you with so much worry that you cant get try something like. You play your favorite and around the room give minutes to with a pet. had try, you might find the is

23、as it seems.Well, the next step simple: get can it by stopping excuses procrastinate first For you very you believe you will do better after have rested. Whats more helpful is to believe that even though youre too tired finish your you might still be able to start bit If can control bad can next thi

24、ng that needs done, at that ve already won part of (战役 Take action!51. What about? Why procrastinate. What C. What are How affects us.52. writer mentions the in Paragraph 4 .7 / 9 make our good C. with bad feelings53. What will writer probably with? the of is all never too late stop C. finish diffic

25、ult tasks We should have fun before we working.八、阅读短文根据短文内容回问题(共 分每题 )Now people are trying make the world better place for birds live in. have the Bird Loving Week in early Students from all country have been to for birds.Meng a student from Nanyang in Shanghai, asks people to visit birds the Meng and classmates have put many of ideas in report, that people will take better birds. not do that. people cut down and the homes. This birds


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