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1、一、 介绍教师IELTS SPEAKINGTracy 杨萃先如有学习问题,请发:8348 11299qq一、 介绍教师1-3 min self intro耐克销售代表柯达市场主任新东方出国咨询加拿大 移民新东方教书/写书1-3 min self introPUBLICATIONS雅思口语“保6冲7”5步突破【别背!必考2000单词10天听会】【这些道理没有人告诉过你】【逃尸案】译PUBLICATIONS3-4 min warm-up activity二、 介绍学生Whats your name?What shall I call you?Where do you come from?Do yo

2、u work or are you a student?Whats your major? (高中生答学文学理)Which country do you plan to go to?What are you going to study there?Have you ever taken the IELTS exam?What band do you need, 5.5, 6 or 6.5?3-4 min warm-up activityTIP 0.5分提分技巧:找到你合适的语伴WHY: 双人练50小时=自然提0.5分HOW: 上课找伴儿,下课找Q群 Q群主:TIP 0.5分提分技巧:三、 介

3、绍IELTS 10 minPart 1General Intro 20-30”Daily Qs 4-5Part 2Topics Cards 3-4Part 32 way Discussion 4-5三、 介绍IELTS 10 minPart 1GeneraSample test paper胜经P185 P1 personal questionsP2 话题卡P 3 general questions 其实,都一样! 千万千万,别费劲去琢磨P1/2/3的区别。Sample test paper胜经P185 Sample Test VideoP1 videoP2 videoP3 video只有50%

4、的考官是向日葵脸,还有50%是Poker Face.Sample Test Video四、 介绍评分 10-15 min1. 官方标准1) 流利连贯 2)词汇 3)语法 4)发音2. 非官方,可能的人为因素1)考官看似不爽 2) 考官病了 3)你病了 4)天色已晚 考生的实际反应 受到影响,紧张了 (扣分?不变?加分?)不在意环境,只想着答题(扣分?不变?加分?)触景生情,应景说话 (扣分?不变?加分?)考官病了:Are you alright? 。天色已晚:Its getting late now. Ill try to be quick. 。你病了:Ill sit a bit back,

5、Ive got a cold. 。考官看似不爽:和分数无关IELTS雅思口语课-精选课件评分 官方标准流利连贯流利: 语速快? 没有超过3秒的长停顿?连贯: 前言搭后语词汇准确: I like my hometown.变化: I like my hometown. I enjoy living here. 语法准确: I was born in this city. (I am born)变化: I was born here. Ive been living here for twenty years. 发音准确:sink, think 易懂: 美音?英音?东北音?IELTS雅思口语课-精选

6、课件7分考生I 评分场景重现考官评分发音:易懂。重音,表情 8词汇语法:准确。简单,无错 6.5流利:无长停。3秒, 10秒 7连贯:前言搭后语。 总分总7.7分考生C 评分示范she is a LEGEND, a POP ICONShe is a WELL-KNOWN POP STAR I admire her because of her BACKGROUNDshes got nice songsShe INSPIRED many people by her CREATIVITY发音:重音、表情、有错 6.5词汇:多变、词组 7.5语法:准确、多变7.5流利连贯:3秒,10秒,有卡 6.5

7、 .考生C考官评分发音:重音、表情、有错 6.5词汇:多变、词组 7.5流利:3秒,10秒,有卡 6.5 连贯:一条主线 I admire 7.5.考生C.关于评分,你还可能想问:地点影响分吗?-北京VS外地考官口音影响分吗?-英美澳加印日听不懂影响分吗?-反应正常OK;无反应或错误反应NO穿着打扮影响分吗?-双方舒服OK (西服; low cut)个人观点如政治、宗教、非常规想法等影响分吗?- 观点不同OK;惹人讨厌NO考官表情流露分数吗?背诵答案影响分数吗?-不被发现OK;被发现NO预测题准确吗?-你也能预测;预测能提分吗?关于评分,你还可能想问:NationalityReading Li

8、stening Speaking Writing Overall Germany 7.207.307.206.667.16China5.765.455.265.125.45Hong Kong 6.746.735.995.906.40India 5.726.195.935.625.97Vietnam5.945.535.645.555.70Russia 6.536.466.695.946.48Japan5.865.785.765.355.75Iran 5.895.976.215.736.03Taiwan5.795.585.645.185.59Malaysia 6.876.966.436.136.6

9、5Nepal 5.616.145.745.475.83NationalityReading Listening S五、介绍教材 3 min上课:胜经(CD里)下课:yasikouyufoxmail 密码yasikouyu “文件中转站”“雅思口语下载包”全部课件部分预测题五、介绍教材 3 min6月预测题FlyingMuseumsNews CDancing CThe Ocean CDaily Routine CNumbers NCLanguages CTraveling CScience NC=Not Common。6月预测题六、介绍课程安排 2min开班1.5小时;见面必问4小题0.5小时雅

10、思口语下载包雅思口语作业清单.docP1必问3大题,打通思路P1-2-3通用打通思路(任脉)P1-2-3通用丰富表达(督脉)P1-2-3通用如何准备P2如何准备P2、P3如何应对P3预测题、模拟点评、复习指南六、介绍课程安排 2min开班1.5小时;见面必问4小题0.Lets go to the exam!Open your mouth!Lets go to the exam!P0 倒计时60分钟蹲点 Whats new?考场外- Talk, talk, talk!进入考试大楼 Go to WC first.P0 倒计时60分钟P0 倒计时30分钟侯考区:关手机。别再上WC门外等:别敲门P0

11、倒计时30分钟侯考区:关手机。别再上WC一、P0.5 见面必问4小题Are you bringing your mobile phone with you? (other devices)Whats your name?Can I see your identification?Do you work or are you a student?雅思口语下载包IELTS SPEAKING 作业清单.doc一、P0.5 见面必问4小题Are you bringi二、P1 必问3大题学习or工作家乡住所必须提前准备,见“作业清单”必须打通思路,回答无准备提问二、P1 必问3大题Part 1 Part

12、 3 12大提分技巧上课流程:当月预测题,全真模考剖析你的答案,找丢分点 针对丢分点,找到提分技巧现学现用,技巧落地Part 1 Part 3 上课流程:丢分点1:卡词儿提分技巧1:练流利时转词儿 5* 练完“STUDIES”之后Whats your major?(文理?)Why did you choose your major? (调剂)转词儿方法:Literally I mean what I mean isyou know what I mean?练习:古董毛绒玩具瓷器陶瓷菊花荷花梅花丁香丢分点1:卡词儿TIP:转词儿,不意味着不查词儿转词儿=流利分查词儿=词汇分转词儿成功后,再查找该

13、词汇百度词典、有道词典等等:文科:liberal arts理科:sciencesTIP:转词儿,不意味着不查词儿丢分点2:不熟悉题目提分技巧2:听CD(胜经or五步),熟悉考题 5.5*练完hometown之后How do you like your major?Yes, I doWhats your major? (高中生就不会考)What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?What are the people like in your hometown?丢分点2:不熟悉题目丢分点3:不理解“雅思非考答案,乃沟通也”提分技巧3:自然地沟通,

14、而不是给答案 5.5* 练完下列题目:Whats your major? (高中生)Where do you work(study)?How do you get to work(study)?Whereabouts is your hometown?丢分点3:不理解“雅思非考答案,乃沟通也”丢分点4:答案太negative提分技巧4:positive, neutral 5.5*挑选合适的,练完下列题目Why did you choose this major/job?How do you like your job/studies?丢分点4:答案太negative丢分点5:千人一答提分技巧5

15、:先思考,再答题 6What kind of place is your hometown?Capital cityBeautiful生活压力大What are the people like in your hometown?Warmhearted爱打架Which do you prefer, a flat or a house?A house买不起哦丢分点5:千人一答Do you like reading? What kinds of books do you usually read? Where do you usually read? Is reading popular with

16、young people in China?In general, do adults today (in China) like reading? 丢分点6:不流利提分技巧6:R.E.P. 6丢分点6:不流利ErUm.千篇一律PictureEr千篇Picture I love reading so much. I even read when I am in toilet, it doesnt smell good though.I love reading very much. I still remember when I wasin college, I spent all my mo

17、ney on books. SometimesI even didnt have money to buy food.Whats your PICTURE? I love reading so much. I eve延展回答,I like reading, for example就回答了后面的问题,那考官的下一个问题怎么办?插播Q & A插播Q & AWhats your favorite sport?What sports are played in China?Whats the most popular sport in China?What are the sports facilit

18、ies like in your hometown?丢分点7:跑题、偏题、不扣题提分技巧7:开头抓key中间抓key结尾抓key 6丢分点7:跑题、偏题、不扣题加头方法:Why do some people dislike taking pictures?There are several reasons, I guess. FirstThe most important reason, I guessisWhat sports are played in China?Theres a great variety of sports in China.There are lots of dif

19、ferent sports in China.GENERALLY丢分点8:没有“头”提分技巧8:加个小“头”6加头方法:加脚方法:So扣题(最好变一下词)Thats why扣题(最好变一下词)You see, I 灵活扣题用表情,表示结束丢分点9:没有脚提分技巧9:加个小“脚”6IELTS雅思口语课-精选课件原因 because, the reason is举例 for example, for instance排序 first, second并列 also, not only but also, as well递进in addition, whats more转折 but; however,

20、 though, although丢分点10:没有脖子和腰提分技巧10:加个“脖”/“腰”6.5IELTS雅思口语课-精选课件教师示范Do you enjoy traveling?What do you usually do on holidays?Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays?For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?学员操练,技巧落地Which type of transport do you usually use in you

21、r hometown?Whats the traffic situation like in your hometown?Does your hometown have a lot of modern buildings or are they mostly traditional?Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?丢分点11: 思路单一,沟通不全面提分技巧11:把key word分层6.5教师示范丢分点11: 思路单一,沟通不全面教师示范What kind of books do you like

22、reading? 离异Do you like music? 白雪What kind of music do you like? 白雪学员操练,技巧落地What do you like doing in your spare time?What do you do at this time of the day?Why do you think some people like to do the same things without changing?丢分点12: 不好玩提分技巧12:煽情教师示范丢分点12: 不好玩Like = be keen on; not really interest

23、ed in XXPrefer = comparatively speaking,like A more than Bfavorite= What I best isFamous = the most well known XXWhy = an important reason is XXOften = a lot; hardly ever; never; sometimes; from time to timekind of= type of丢分点13:词汇重复、无多样性提分技巧13:强迫式同义词替换6.5Like = be keen on; not really 话说口语模板所有关于未来的题

24、目,如Which type of movie will be more and more popular in the future? 或 Do you think collecting will be more popular in the future?Its hard to say, because we really cant tell whats gonna happen in the future, say, when therell be an earthquake, or a bomb flying to us So, I guess its hard to tell, but

25、 anyway, maybe action movie will be more popular, because people like violent actions.话说所有关于WHY的题目,Why do you favor this sport? 或 Why did you choose this major?There are several reasons why I . The first reason is . The second reason is丢分点14:死背模板,不灵活提分技巧14:不背模板,大背串子+句子 6.5话说口语模板丢分点14:死背模板,不灵活大背串、句中文

26、摘串、中文造句、英文造句参考别人的答案参考高分的句子Google与Wiki-answer;Yahoo-answer雅思口语下载包IELTS SPEAKING 作业清单.doc大背串、句大背串、句中文摘串、中文造句、英文造句来自【胜经】喜欢和电脑打交道擅长数理化花了好多时间玩电脑买了好多XX方面的书背好多书本知识(死记硬背)有点保守,守着些老规矩(墨守陈规),比方说。善良好客,找人问路,可愿意帮忙了大背串、句插播Q& A我想先准备词儿,怕说的都是错我这么多年没用,单词忘光了,想先背背,再说我要买单词儿书吗我特别紧张,怎么办我同学考,押上3道题插播Q& AP2 话题卡VideoIELTS雅思口语课

27、-精选课件P2话题卡丢分点1:看到题目,发晕提分技巧1:扫描300道历史考题IELTS SPEAKING 作业清单.docP2话题卡丢分点1:看到题目,发晕话题卡丢分点2:不熟题目,发晕提分技巧2:重过程 轻结果教师示范:Describe a work of art同学操练: Describe a lawWhat is the name of the lawWhen you got to know itWhat it is aboutAnd explain how you feel about this law话题卡丢分点2:不熟题目,发晕教师示范:Describe a话题卡丢分点3:不会做笔记提分技巧3:每个小问题,出脑图教师示范学员真题操练话题卡丢分点3:不会做笔记教师示范话题卡丢分点4:结构不清


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