



1、国开人文英语2单元自测6试题及答案 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 试题 1You blame me for that, dont you?No, _.选择一项:A.you dont.B.of course not.C.I do. 试题 2Honey, I regret quarreling with you. _.选择一项:A.Oh, whats the matter?B.What for?C.So do I. 试题 3 He played a Chinese folk _ on the piano. 选择一项:A.melody B. music C.song试题 4I should

2、_ Alex this morning, but I forgot. 选择一项:A.have phonedB. phone C.phoned试题 5I dont regret _ the concert yesterday because I am more willing to celebrate my baby s first birthday. 选择一项:A.missing B.to miss C. miss试题正文二、阅读理解:阅读文章,匹配段落大意。(共50分)Shashis Speech at a Wedding1.In the 2012 film English Vinglish

3、, Shashi leaves her home in Pune to visit her sister who lives in New York. She is there for 5 weeks to help plan the wedding for her niece.2.At the wedding, Shashi delivers a beautiful speech in English, which is not her native tongue. This speech is particularly lovely because the wisdom she share

4、s about life, marriage and family comes from her heart.3.“Meera . Kevin . This marriage is a beautiful thing. It is the most special friendship of two people who are equal.4.Life is a long journey. Meera, sometimes you will feel you are less. Kevin, sometimes you will also feel you are less than Mee

5、ra. Try to help each other to feel equal. It will be nice.5.Sometimes married couples dont even know how the other is feeling. So . how will they help the other? Does it mean the marriage is finished? No. That is the time you have to help yourself.6.Nobody can help you better than you. If you do tha

6、t, you will return back feeling equal. Your friendship will return back. Your life will be beautiful.7.Meera . Kevin . maybe youre very busy but have a family . son . daughter. In this big world it is your small little world. It will make you feel so good.8.Family . family can never be . never be .

7、never be judgmental. Family will never put you down, will never make you feel small. Family is the only one who will never laugh at your weaknesses. Family is the only place where you will always get love and respect.9.Thats all Meera and Kevin. I wish you all the best. Thank you.”操作提示:通过下拉选项框选择正确答案。选项:A. The couple should help each other.B. Family always gives you love and respect.C. Shashi delivers a beautiful speech at the wedding.D. Your family m


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