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1、Writing ,Phoebe,Grading Standards,从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体。作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而合适地表达思想,也就是考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。,This is your main problem.,Problems,词汇匮乏,表达单一,词不达意,啰嗦 语法基础差,文章通篇充斥低级小错 知识面窄,思路不开阔,无话可说 中式英语充斥文中,Examples: develop ourselves It will cut down the i

2、ncomes purchase new articles good action make/let themselves more competitive 展品things, works, products, treasures make us knowledgeable continue this activity Free admission attracts many visitors, this make the valuable treasures more likely to be damaged.,Museums opening for free The opening free

3、ly of museums to the public Opening the museums free for the public Free admissions to the public 门票收入-ticket income/gate receipt/selling tickets Income is the consumption and savings opportunity gained by an entity within a specified time frame, which is generally expressed in monetary terms. (From

4、 Wikipedia) Gate receipts is the sum of money taken at a sporting venue for the sale of tickets.Traditionally, gate receipts were largely or entirely taken in cash. Today, many sporting venues will operate a season ticket scheme, which will mean they allocate a proportion of season ticket moneys whe

5、n announcing gate receipts for a particular event. (From Wikipedia) With the development of society, people have more rights to do what they want.,lacking tickets income artificial damage the more it can give to us is the benefit the society will be more harmonious. museums free learn something else

6、, get more knowledge and know more about our country and the world,Broaden Ideas & Accumulate materials,1. 针对这篇文章 好处: 开阔个人视野,增长知识,激发个人兴趣,对各种文化增进了解和认识 (widen ones horizon, enrich ones knowledge, stimulate/motivate ones interest, promote understanding and appreciation of our diverse cultures) 满足公众文化需求

7、 (meet the cultural needs of the public) 弘扬民族文化/展示璀璨的历史和文化 (carry forward national culture, showcase splendid/brilliant history and culture),坏处: 大量涌入旅游景点的游客对文物保护构成潜在威胁 (Too many visitors flooding/pouring into/swarming into museums pose potential risks to the preservation of cultural relics. ) 很难保护展品

8、 (a difficult job for museums to maintain their collections) 拥挤的人群造成管理困难和安全隐患,不法分子趁机盗取文物 (overcrowded visitors, manage, potential security problems, steal cultural relics) 没有了门票收入,博物馆面临财政困难,很难更新展品和安全设施,不能更好地保护文物和服务大众 (without profits from the admission fee, face financial problems/burden, update col

9、lections and security means) 参观者不文明的行为影响了参观环境 (uncivil/bad-mannered),我的观点: 1)赞同,但需要改进 2)针对特殊人群如学生和老人实行免费 3)不免费,但降低门票吸引更多参观者 限制每天参观人数 (limit the number of visitors) 国家需投入大量资金采用先进的保护科技和手段,更新安全设施,更好地保护文物 (increase funding/investment, finance, update) 提高管理水平,改善服务设施 提供免费展览资料,方便参观者参观;通过宣传资料和标语引导参观者文明参观 (p

10、ublic information, slogan),2.如何开阔思路,积累观点 很多话题论据相似 1)Preserve the rare species/endangered animals/wildlife. The habitats of some animals are being destroyed and therefore they are in real danger of dying out. Provide better conditions and professional care and treatment. 2)act as an ideal scientific

11、research center, conduct experiments 3)play an educational role, enrich our knowledge and widen our horizon 4)boost the local economy, increase the government revenue, earn foreign currency and improve the living standard of the locals, relieve the pressure of unemployment,5)enhance mutual understan

12、ding, remove hostility and prejudice, promote good will and strengthen ties, maintain world peace 6)showcase the brilliant culture and glorious history, promote cross-cultural communication, improve the image of a place, increase reputation and update the status in the international community 7)impr

13、ove the living environment and better the basic facilities, increase investment in infrastructure 8)improve the quality of the locals, expose them to the outside world, widen their vision and develop a broader mind,如何积累论点论据 1)增大阅读量 2)精读相关范文 3)掌握常用框架结构 4)熟记常用套句与过渡连接词 5)勤动笔写,Expand vocabulary,Topic-re

14、lated words and expressions: brilliant and gorgeous culture, civilization, cultural heritage/legacy, cultural relics, cultural, spiritual and intellectual life, ancestor, ancient, be passed down, bequeath, inheritance, devastate, abundant, splendid, be proud of/take pride in, great and profound, immortal, imperishable, invaluable, carry forward, cultivate, inherit, spread, transmit, quintessence, prime, cohesion, a sense of belonging, ethnic and cultural identity, national pride, national unity, places of interests,give rise to/lead to/generate/bring about/


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