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1、Unit 9 Cars -Paradise Found and paradise Lost,-by Marilu Knode,Xian city in 1970s,Modern city of Xian,Lead-in,Since the emergence of cars on the earth, the world landscape have totally changed. And peoples lives have thereby changed, too. While enjoying the many benefits brought about by cars, peopl

2、e gradually find that theyre at the same time suffering a lot. Then,Questions Discussion,1) What benefits have cars brought to peoples lives? 2) What are the problems cars have created for people? 3) All in all, would you own a car? Why or why not?,Question 1:,What benefits have cars brought to peop

3、les lives?,Having a car means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains, and you can drop off the children at school on the way.,Having a car allows you to move around freely and thus makes your life more convenient. You can go to almost any places at any time. This also means you

4、may enjoy more freedom and may have more control over your time.,Traveling in your own car, you feel cozy, especially in bad weather. In winter, you just stay warm; in hot summer, the air-conditioner sends out cool breeze; in rainy days, you remain dry. So a car can be a kind of shelter which protec

5、ts you from coldness, hot sun or heavy rain.,Having a car means you can enjoy the weekends and holidays better, because you can go to places where the regular buses and trains do not go, and so you can find a quiet scenic spot with no crowds.,Question 2:,What are the problems cars have created for p

6、eople?,It is not cheap to run a car, as the prices of gasoline, maintenance and repairs are constantly rising, not to mention the prices you have to pay for a license, insurance coverage and tickets. It is said that when you fill up the tanks, you empty your wallet. As a result, you have to work lon

7、g hours to afford the high cost of car travel.,Owning a car may cause worry and stress. With the increase in car ownership in recent years, you may find it exhausting to drive in rush hour, to be stuck in traffic jams, to drive around and around looking for a parking space, or to wait in long lines

8、at filling stations. All these can be a tough challenge to your patience and often make the car journey more of a nightmare than a nice dream.,It may bring about health problems. To some extent, your body will deteriorate when sitting in the car for a long time without moving an inch. When having a

9、car, you may quickly become dependent on it, and thus be deprived of chance of exercise.,Cars discharge great amount of carbon dioxide which seriously pollutes the air, affects peoples health and accelerates global warming.,More cars may lead to more accidents. Its reported that about 120 thousands

10、people died from car accidents last year in China.,Increasing number of cars are guzzling the earths limited resources of fossil fuels. The resulting global gasoline crisis and the hunt for fossil fuels are heightening international tensions.,Question 3:,All in all, would you own a car? Why or why n

11、ot?,Text Structure,Part I (Para. 1) Overview,Part II (Para. 2-10) Detailed Analysis,Part III (Para. 11) Outlook,Cars,Part I (Para. 1): Overview,Part II (Para. 2-10),Part III (Para. 11),Cars,Cars have brought us great freedom, but have simultaneously posed dangers to our future.,Part III (Para. 10-14

12、),Cars,The role of cars have changed from the initial engine of economic development and peoples convenient life to the now driver of environmental degradation and international tensions. Correspondingly, the cultural observation on cars by the world artists have also changed from celebration to cri

13、ticism.,Part I (Para. 1),Part II (Para. 2 Para. 10): Detailed Analysis,Cars,Part III (Para. 11): Outlook,With peoples efforts to reduce cars negative impact, the cultural critique on cars by artists will surely take a new direction.,Part I (Para. 1),Part II (Para. 2-10),Sentence Study,(1) The car is

14、 one of the twentieth centurys most persistent symbols of freedom, a modern-day Pegasus taking humans on a headlong rush into the future. (para.1line1 ) 1) persistent: remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time; enduring 持久的 2) headlong: at dangerous speed; uncontrollably fast; rash;

15、impetuous 飞快的;鲁莽的;轻率的,3) Pegasus,A winged divine horse in Greek mythology. Captured by the Greek hero Bellerophon, Pegasus helped the hero accomplish many dangerous deeds, including slaughtering the monster Chimera, conquering the neighboring tribes and fighting the Amazons.,3) Pegasus,However, in f

16、ace of the tremendous victory, his rider soon became so arrogant as to ask Pegasus to take him to Mount Olympus and visit the gods, which aggravated Zeus.,3) Pegasus,Zeus sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus. The hero was thrown and crippled. Pegasus was then transformed into the constellation Pegasus and

17、 was placed in the sky and so could never return to earth.,(1) The car is one of the twentieth centurys most persistent symbols of freedom, a modern-day Pegasus taking humans on a headlong rush into the future. (para.1line1 ) 4) Paraphrase: In the 20th century, car has always been a symbol of freedo

18、m. However, just like the flying horse Pegasus, todays car has been taking us humans going into the future without considering the negative results we may have. 5) Translation: 在二十一世纪,汽车一直以来都是自由的象征之一。但是,它就像当代的佩贾索斯(天马),带着人类飞速却又轻率地冲向未来。,(2) Under every silver lining, however, there lurks a dark cloud.

19、 (para.1line4 ) 1) lurk: to lie in wait; to exist unobserved 潜伏;潜藏 2) Every cloud have a silver lining. 每朵乌云背后都有阳光。 黑暗中常有一线曙光。 天阴总有天晴时。 天无绝人之路。 守得云开见月明。 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村! 塞翁失马,焉知非福。,(2) Under every silver lining, however, there lurks a dark cloud. (para.1line4 ) 3) Paraphrase: However, every advantag

20、e may also have a disadvantage behind it. 4) Translation: 然而,凡事有利就有弊。,(3) A site for the projection of dreams and desires, the automobile has served as artistic muse since the late nineteenth century. (para.7line1 ) 1) muse the source of an artists inspiration 缪斯;艺术家的创作灵感 2) Paraphrase: While reflec

21、ting peoples dreams and desires, car has also served as a source where artists in the late 19th century get their inspirations. 3) Translation: 体现人们梦想和欲望的同时,汽车自十九世纪后期以来,又成了艺术家们的创作灵感。,(4) Cars are both vessels for metaphoric projection and literal killing machines. (para.7line5 ) 1) vessel: channel;

22、medium 渠道;通道;媒介 2) metaphoric: 比喻性的;隐喻性的 3) projection: the attribution of ones own attitudes, feelings, or suppositions to others 把自己的态度、感情、设想等归因到别的人或事物身上;表情达意 4) literal: avoiding exaggeration, metaphor, or embellishment 无夸张、隐喻或修饰的;原原本本的;千真万确的,(4) Cars are both vessels for metaphoric projection an

23、d literal killing machines. (para.7line5 ) 5) Paraphrase: Cars are not only channels for people to express their feelings and ideas, but also killing machines that have deprived millions of people of their lives every year. 6) Translation: 汽车既是隐性的供人们表情达意的渠道,又是名副其实的杀人机器。,(5) This illegal migration pe

24、rmanently rent the social fabric of many cultures. (para.8line8 ) 1) this illegal migration: the smuggling of human beings 偷渡;偷运人口 2) rent: split; pull apart 撕裂;分裂 3) fabric structure 结构;基础,(5) This illegal migration permanently rent the social fabric of many cultures. (para.8line8 ) 4) Paraphrase:

25、Such practice of smuggling human beings has forever changed the social structure of many nations. 5) Translation: 这种偷运人口(偷渡)的行为永久地改变了(破坏了)许多文化的社会结构。,(6) In 1974 conceptual performance artist Chris Burden “crucified” himself on a Volkswagen to comment on the violence of the Vietnam era. (para.8line5

26、) 1) conceptual performance artist: 概念派行为艺术家 2) crucify: kill by nailing onto a cross; torment 把.钉死在十字架上;(当众)折磨;虐待 3) Volkswagen: (德国)大众汽车,4) Chris Burden,An American artist working in performance, sculpture, and installation art. In the early 1970s, he made a series of controversial performances in

27、 which the idea of personal danger as artistic expression was central.,Chris Burden, Doorway to Heaven,1973,His most well-known act from that time is perhaps the 1971 performance piece Shoot, in which he was shot in his left arm by an assistant from a distance of about five meters.,4) Chris Burden,O

28、ne of Burdens most reproduced and cited pieces, Trans-Fixed took place in 1974. For this performance, Burden lay face up on a Volkswagen Beetle and had nails hammered into both of his hands, as if he were being crucified on the car.,4) Chris Burden,(6) In 1974 conceptual performance artist Chris Bur

29、den “crucified” himself on a Volkswagen to comment on the violence of the Vietnam era. (para.8line5 ) 5) Translation: 1974年,概念派行为艺术家克里斯伯顿把自己“钉”在一辆大众汽车上,以此来评说越战的暴行。,(7) Although most of these artists worked in Los Angeles, the clich of L.A. as the ultimate car-plagued city is now tired. (para.11line1

30、 ) 1) clich: a trite or obvious remark陈词滥调 2) ultimate: utmost; extreme 最大的;极度的 3) plague: pester; annoy 使苦恼;烦扰;困扰,(7) Although most of these artists worked in Los Angeles, the clich of L.A. as the ultimate car-plagued city is now tired. (para.11line1 ) 4) Paraphrase: Although most of these artists

31、worked in Los Angeles, yet if you still say that Los Angeles is the city which suffers most from cars, you are actually repeating something that people have heard too much and already got tired of. 5) Translation: 虽然这些艺术家大多数都在洛杉矶工作,但是如果还说洛杉矶是最受汽车困扰的城市,对这样的陈词滥调,人们已经听烦了。,words and Phrases,headlong adj

32、./adv. (Para.1-line2) 1) At dangerous speed or with uncontrolled force 飞快的;飞速的 2) impetuous ; imprudent; rash 鲁莽的;轻率的:仓促的,1) The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions. 那个鲁莽的领导人老是作轻率的决定。 2) He rushed headlong into marriage. 他仓促地结了婚。,perpetuate vt. (Para.1-line4) 1) cause to continue in

33、definitely; make perpetual 使无限期地延续下去;使永久 2) prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered 使延长的存在;使被纪念,(1) The Washington Monument is built to perpetuate the memory of a great man. 华盛顿纪念碑的建立是为了永远纪念一个伟人。 (2)These measures will perpetuate the hostility between the two group. 采取这些措施势必使那两集团永远对立。,Stere

34、otypical adj. (Para.2-line7) lacking originality or individuality; conventional 老套的;一成不变的;典型的,(1) A drama is usually characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters and interpersonal conflicts. 戏剧通常都以夸张的感情、老套的角色及人物之间的冲突为特征。 (2)她母亲是一个普通而传统的美国家庭主妇。 Her mother is a stereotypical America

35、n housewife 。,dampen vt. (Para.6-line7) 1) lessen or soften the force or effect 减震;缓冲;减弱 2) restrain; check; suppress; depress抑制;控制;使沮丧,(1) Nothing can dampen my spirits today! 今天什么也降低不了我的兴致! (2) Dont dampen the enthusiasm of the masses. 不要打击大家的积极性。(不要给大家泼凉水。) (3)但是所有的磨难都没能磨灭她的创作力。 But all the hards

36、hips did not dampen her creativity.,Intractable adj. (Para.6-line14) 1) difficult to manage or govern; unruly; stubborn 倔强的;难管制的 2) difficult to solve or deal with 难处理的;难解决的,(1) It takes time to solve such an intractable problem. 解决这样的难题,需要时间。 (2)The intractable young man never gives in to his paren

37、ts persuasion. 这个执拗的年轻人对父母的劝说从来都听不进去。,incessant adj. (Para.7-line16) ceaseless; continual 无尽的;不停的;不断的;没玩没了的,(1) After a week of incessant rains, I get somewhat depressed. 连续下了一个星期的雨,我的心情有些忧郁。 (2) We are all tired of his incessant complaining. 我们都对他没完没了的埋怨感到厌烦。,discordant adj. (Para.8-line5) 1) not i

38、n agreement; inconsistent; conflicting 不一致的;冲突的 2) disagreeable in sound ; disharmonious 声音不和谐的;刺耳的,不调和的,(1) Therere discordant opinions as to how to punish the student for his immoral behaviors. 该怎样处置这个学生的不道德行为,大家众说纷纭。 (2) The sound, in such a peaceful night, seems especially discordant. 在这样一个平静的夜晚

39、,那声音似乎尤其地刺耳。,accelerate vt. (Para.9-line4) 1) speed up; promote; facilitate 加速;促进 2) cause to develop or progress more quickly: 使加快,使加大,(1) Regular exercise can help to accelerate the course of your recovery. 坚持锻炼会促进你的康复。 (2) If we dont accelerate the reform and our concepts and ways of thinking can

40、 not keep pace with the times, our company may lose everything overnight. 如果我们不加快改革,我们的观念和思路跟不上时代的步伐,我们的公司会在顷刻之间失去所有。,unflinching adj. (Para.10-line6) Showing neither fear nor indecision; resolute; decisive 无所畏惧的;坚定的:决断的;不畏缩的,The ancient people who was successful, not only had exceptional talent but

41、 also had unflinching will. 古人成大事者,不仅有出色的才能,还有坚忍不拔的意志。 (2) She prayed devotedly, with an unflinching confidence that God could hear that prayer. 她专心地做着祷告,满怀信心地相信上帝会听见她的祈祷。,clich (Para.11-line1) n. 陈词滥调 adj. 陈腐的;老套的,(1) A young reporter asked him the clich question of whether it was hard work or tale

42、nt which brought him his Nobel Prize. 一名年轻的记者问了他一个极老套的问题,即他的诺贝尔奖是努力还是天分的结果。 (2) 他的文章中满是一些陈词滥调。 His article is stuffed with clich.,10,Exercises,Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Cloze Translation Writing,a. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.,Reading Com

43、prehension,(1) B (2)C (3)C (4)A (5)B,b. Fill in the blanks with the information that youve learned in the text.,Reading Comprehension,(1) (1)individualistic; innovative,(2) send their products to distant markets; the demands of family structure; social mobility; the outside world; convenient service

44、s; family care,b. Fill in the blanks with the information that youve learned in the text.,Reading Comprehension,(3)unbalanced material and cultural; inequality,(4) the improvement in car design; support from some emerging industries,(5) the influences of consumer culture; radical and economic segreg

45、ation,a. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.,Vocabulary,(1)perpetuate (2)posed (3)Skepticism (4)stereotypical (5)unflinching (6)Infatuation (7)breadwinner (8)clich (9)degradation (10)avant-garde,b. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in me

46、aning to the underlined one.,Vocabulary,(1)B (2)A (3)A (4)D (5)D (6)D (7)B (8)A (9)B (10)D,Choose an appropriate word or phrase from the following list to fill in each of following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the form where necessary.,Cloze,(1)expensive (2)suggested (3)in the fac

47、e of (4)embodiment (5)unemployed (6)risen (7)once-abandoned (8)undergoing (9)ultimate (10)deeper (11)accessible (12)dealt (13)connections (14)localized (15)point out (16)supermarket (17)question (18)dot (19) isolated (20) afford,a. Chinese to English.,b. English to Chinese.,Translation,a. Chinese to

48、 English.,Translation,1) Translate the following sentences into English.,(1),After thirty years experience of reform and opening-up, Chinese people have come to realize that new economy and globalization have become an unavoidable fact and an irreversible trend.,(2),This heart-to-heart talk between

49、the two countries helped to eliminate their deep-seated misunderstanding, and appropriately solve their trade disputes, thus creating a win-win situation.,(3),There was such an outcry when the Government put forward its proposals that it was forced to bow before the storm and withdraw them.,(4),Thes

50、e documents reflect the central authorities deep understanding of the important position and role of the population issue and their firm determination to take comprehensive measures to address the population problem.,(5),To better prepare the soil for planting wheat, the farmers had their field chur

51、ned up by tractors.,(6),Many large companies outsource their Web sites to hosting companies because those companies offer management services, taking care of security, updating software and providing site-monitoring services.,(7),To obtain lasting peace, it is imperative to abandon the cold war ment

52、ality, cultivate a new concept of security and seek a new way to safeguard peace.,(8),He had one quite reasonable offer for his used car, but turned it down. Then he could find no taker at all. He learned with a vengeance that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.,a. Chinese to English.,Trans

53、lation,2) Translate the following paragraph into English.,Although Henry Fords name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered advanced even by todays standards. Safety measures w

54、ere improved, and the work day was reduced to eight hours, compared with the ten-or twelve-hour day common at the time. In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts. In addition, sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured

55、 on the job were instituted. The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants. Some efforts were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts. The most wid

56、ely acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was offered in order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions.,b. English to Chinese.,Translation,1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.,汽车是20世纪最持久的自由象征之一,是现代生活中的佩加索斯,带领人们一头扎入未来的漩涡,也使得人们能够远离生活中的种种烦愁。自从汽车诞生后,艺术家们抑或以它为主题抑或以它为目标,创造和延续一个又一个现代神话。然而,塞翁得马,焉知非祸。飞马佩加索斯在被英雄柏勒罗丰俘获后帮助其完成了一件件伟大的功绩,但当它发现柏勒罗丰自我膨胀后就突然消失得无影无踪。这难道不是对现代人类的一个警示


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