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1、英语演讲作文的写作 演讲:演讲者在一定的场合,就某一个问题用口语和肢体语言的形式向听众传播信息的活动过程。 演讲的重要意义:是一种颇具魅力的口语表达方式,成为当代的国际时尚。在政治角逐,商业竞争,人才选拔,日常社交中是不可或缺的重要组成部分,是现代人的必备素质。 一 构思:确定演讲的主旨,勾勒出演讲的主线(分四个步骤) 1明确演讲的主题和目的,给演讲定位,明确讲什么,如:让听众享受乐趣,传递某些信息或鼓舞听众听完演讲后采取某种行动,2弄清听众类型:获取听众的注意,让听众充分理解并感兴趣演讲者传达的信息,达到有效交流,确保听众在离开会场时感到确有收益。 3查找资料:成功的演讲者拥有丰富的知识储备

2、。根据演讲主题,从报刊,图书,互联网等信息媒介中搜集足够的资料,资料力求最新最近(成果,时尚)增加演讲效果,使演讲新鲜生动。 4组织材料,确定演讲分论点及其逻辑顺序:1)对相关资料进行初步筛选和梳理确定演讲中提出几个分论点。2)组织分论点,关键是排列逻辑顺序。因为,对每个分论点的强调程度影响听众的理解。可以把希望给听众留下最深刻印象的论点先提出来,也可以把几个分论点相互交错地提出来,表明它们同样重要。,二演讲英语作文写作: 1结构:称呼,正文和结束语,结束语通常表达演讲者对听众的感谢,祝贺和祝愿等。称呼和结束语是演讲作文的必要格式,是对听众的尊重,因此,礼貌用语必不可少。 2正文:演讲作文的核

3、心部分。 1)好的开头是成功的一半。激发听众的好奇心或设置悬念都是很好的开头方式。可以以具体的事例,令人震惊的数据或提问的方式开始。例子或具体的数据可以从很大程度上帮助普通听众理解抽象的陈述。开始就向听众提出问题也可以激活他们的思维,吸引他们全身心沉浸于演讲中。 例1:,Failure Dear teachers and students: Today it is a great honor that I stand here and give a speech titled “Failure”. In the past, I always thought that I was not the

4、 lovely girl in the Gods eyes, because bad luck seemed to be my best friend who always followed me. I remember when I was a primary school student I always did a good job in the preparation exam, but always failed in the final. The same thing happened during my junior high school years.,例2: On the W

5、ay to Success Ladies and gentlemen: Good afternoon! Today it is my great honor to give a speech here. The title of my speech is “On the Way to Success”. My dear friends, first let me ask you a question. How do you define success? This is a difficult task. . 2)核心部分:说服力是主体部分的重中之重。可以结合实际例子展开论述。 (1)演讲者讲

6、个人亲身经历,写内心感受,描写细腻真实,充满人情,具有很强的感染力。 例: Just to Try,I would like to begin with a story. Half a year ago, I worked as a journalist for the English newspaper of my school. One day I was given a special task: to interview a manager of a foreign company. I made full preparation for the interview. But as i

7、t was my first time talking with a foreigner, I found it rather difficult. I always thought, “What if he refuses to answer my questions? What if he is arrogant? What if he pays no attention to me because I am just a senior high school student?” But whenever these questions came to my mind, I told my

8、self immediately, “Now, he is the manager, so what? Big deal! He used to be a student before. He may have had the same experience as what I have now. If you are too shy to sell your ideas, if you are too shy to present yourself, if you are too shy to,speak in public, you will never have any opportun

9、ity! God does not require you to succeed. God only requires you to try!” (2)可以通过层层递进的论理方式展开演说,如在”On the Way to Success”一文中,开头,主体,结尾处分别使用了三个设问句,“如何定义成功”? “如何获得成功”?(I am sure everyone wants to succeed. But how?) “道德与成功有没有什么关系”?(Does success have something to do with morality?) 极好地架设起全文的整体构架,条理非常清晰。 (3

10、)还可以通过正反对比的方式论理,使全文逻辑严密,分析透彻有利。 3)好的结尾与好的开头同样重要。通常结尾总结演讲的,要点,加强听众对主题(旨)的理解。在听众坐立不安之前,或希望你能讲更多的时候结束演讲,听众会认为你是个出色的演讲者。演讲者还可以通过呼吁某种措施结尾,用一些富含哲理的谚语,诗歌或为人熟知的歌词。 三英语演讲作文的特点 1与普通演讲作文的相同之处:必须具备强烈的鼓动性和感染力,用演讲者自己的炽热感情引发听众的感情之火,但必须是真情实感,切勿口号式说教,更不可矫揉造作。在内容上还可旁征博引,增强演讲的可信度和说服力。 2英语演讲作文显著特点:长短句,排比句与简短句的大量运用。大量运用

11、长短句,有张有弛,使演讲富有节奏感和韵律感。如:“Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way”,Honorable Judges,dear teachers and my fellow students: Good morning! Today it is my great honor to be here and make a speech. My topic is “Where There Is a Will, there is a Way” I think we are all very familiar with this proverb. It mea

12、ns that if you are really determined to do something, no matter how difficult it might be,you will find a way of doing it at last. The important point is you must have the will to achieve the success. Ninety percent of failures are due to the lack of a strong will. Many people simply say that they w

13、ant something, but they do not make enough attempts or even any attempt to achieve it. On many occasions, people tend to exaggerate every small obstacle,making the objective seem impossible to attain. However, in reality, if they have the will to succeed, they can get rid of the obstacles and achiev

14、e their goals one day. Remember,only those with an undaunted,nd:ntid will and spirit can fight their way to final victory. Most famous people have this same experience. They have attained their status because,they have bad the will to overcome the seemingly insuperablensup()rb()l obstacles. Many art

15、ists, writers, inventor, and statesmen have managed to succeed because they possess a strong will which has helped them to achieve success. From this, we can see that the main point one needs is a strong will. Weak-willed people will never climb to the top of the mountain. On the other hand, strong-

16、willed people will stand up against all difficulties and surmount s:maunt the peak one after another. So, my dear friends, if we want to accomplish anything in life,lets bear in mind that we must have the strong will,we must persevere,p:sivi ;If we want to learn our lessons well in school, we must b

17、e diligent and never give up whenever we come across anything difficult. We shall find many of our lessons very hard,but lets consider that the harder they are the better they will do us in the near future, if we have the strong will to persevere and learn them thoroughly. Thank you!,排比句的运用,具有排山倒海之势

18、,使演讲气势恢宏,一气呵成。如:”Pain and Growth” Ladies and gentlemendear teachers and fellow students: Good morning! Today I feel much honored to give a speech about“ pain and growth” Looking back over my life,it seems to me that I have learned the most when I felt the greatest pain. For example, my sisters death

19、 made me more deeply aware of the beauty in the world. Each time I lived through great sorrow,l have always been able to find Joy more easily in the most ordinary events, such as flowers opening, leaves turning red, and birds taking a bath. I have realized that pain and growth are like twins. Just a

20、s a saying goes“No pain,no gains” And 1 believe “No pain, no growth” Death makes life more precious, frustration makes success more satisfactory, and failure makes the next accomplishment more meaningful,If we want to feel deeply, we need to feel everything, no matter how small or unimportant it isF

21、or exampleif we dont know the sadness of separationwe cannot really know how great our senses of joy will be at the reunion; if we dont know the pain of failure; we cannot really feel how great our sense of satisfaction will be; if we dont taste bitter,we cannot really know how great the taste of sw

22、eet will be. It is through pain that we discover ourselves and others, feel more deeply about the surrounding world, and explore the potential for a full,significant and meaningful life. However some of us have the mistaken idea that being happy is good while being sad is terrible They are afraid of

23、 failure and pain When they meet something hard, they choose to run away. Usuallythis kind of people doesnt have confidence in themselves They dont believe in themselves They dont have the capacity to explore the full range of human experiences. Their life is dull, lifeless and fragile.,We need to u

24、nderstand that suffering,frustration and failure are inevitable,because life is not always a bed of roses. You may be caught short and live from hand to mouth. You may be in hot water or have difficulties in your work. You may fail in your scientific experiment. You may receive a low grade after dil

25、igent study. These experiences are inevitable. And we need them to grow up,to become more mature in mind. They help us to develop patience, persistence and the ability to copy with pain. There is nothing so terrible about failing and feeling pain; what hurts in the long run is to avoid trying becaus

26、e of the fear of pain. At last1et me use Garlands poem to finish my speech,“Go face the force of the wind, and fight the slash of the rain, the palms of your hands will thicken, the skin of your checks will tan, But you will like a man.,简短句的使用,有一种势如破竹之感,使语言简洁明快,流畅清新。如:“How to Learn with Success” Hon

27、orable Judges, dear teachers and my fellow students: Good afternoon! My topic today is “How to Learn with Success” I think every student here want to learn with success. Some students always complain that this is too hard. But as a matter of fact,to learn with success is not as difficult as you thin

28、k if you follow some fundamental principles. Here, I would like to mention four indispensable principles:diligence, devotion, constancy, and punctuality First, diligence. Nothing cannot be conquered by diligence. It makes the foolish wise, the poor rich, and the humble noble. It has a magic power an

29、d can produce a wonderful effect in learning, the work of a diligent fool doubles that of a lazy wit. Second, devotion. Devotion means to set our heart off only one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts. Never think of,learning another subject while you are still focusing on one subject. A

30、good skater never tries to skate in two directions at the same time. Those who change their studies from time to time will never succeed. Therefore, in order to be successful we need devotion. Third, constancy. Constancy makes Success a certainty. In contrast, inconstancy often results in failure. I

31、f we study day after day, there is nothing that can not be achieved. We should remember a worthy proverb ”Constant dropping of water wears away a stone.” Therefore, if you want to succeed. Practice constancy more, and never give up anything when there are troubles or inconveniences if we want light,

32、we must conquer darkness. And constancy is the key. It can sometimes equal genius in its results. “There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmounts:maunt the pyramids, the eagle and the snail.”,Last but not the least, punctuality. Punctuality doesnt only mean always getting or leavi

33、ng someplace on time, but more importantly, it means keeping regular hours. In other words, doing your work according to the schedule you have made. Dont delay todays work until tomorrow. Work while you work; play while you play. Every man will certainly become strong and wise if he does so. So my d

34、ear friends, Whatever you learn, lets always remember the four principles and follow them: diligence, devotion, constancy, and punctuality. Thank you!,作文还可讲究对比,对偶,比喻等修辞手法,恰当的运用能够让演讲更加生动活泼,明白晓畅。如: “Of Friendship” Respectable judges,ladies and gentlemen, dear teachers and my fellow students: Good afte

35、rnoon! Today it is my great honor and pleasure to be here and share with you some of my thoughts about friendship. Nowadays the word “friendship” is misused by many people. Colleagues, roommates, nodding acquaintances, or a person one meets for the first time without oven knowing his name, are all c

36、ategorized as “friends”. But in fact,the definition of a true friend is much narrower. Friendshipin its essenceis not like ice cream,which is sweet and delicate and you may easily get satisfied with. Instead, friendship tastes like pure water, mild and simple,but essential and necessary. Without it

37、you cannot sustain your life.,Real friends are special people. They give their special care and special attention to you, no matter what position you hold and what kind of profession you are engaged in. They share your laughs and tears, joys and sorrows, happiness and sadness. We all know that life is tough, teemed with富于;充满 good times and bad times. This is the


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