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1、Unit 10,Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,Section A 1 1a-2d,Yard sale 庭院旧货出售 这是国外的一种风俗, 也是一种独特的售货方式。人们利用周末, 将家中搁置不用的物件, 放在自家庭院中廉价出售, 因而被称作yard sale, 也可译作“家庭拍卖会”。 庭院售卖的物品种类繁多, 大到家具, 电器, 小到玩具, 衣物和鞋帽。这些物品虽多数为二手家什, 但也有全新的物品, 且价格合理公道, 甚至还可讨价还价。正是这种低廉, 公道的价格及买家淘宝和碰大运的心理, 使得yard sale广受欢迎, 逐渐演变成一种独

2、特的文化现象。,toy bear(s) 玩具熊,bread maker(s) 面包机,scarf n. 围巾 复数为:scarves,New words,soft toy(s) 布绒玩具,board game(s) 棋类游戏,1a Look at the things at the yard sale. Do you have any of these things at home? How long have you had them?,Pairwork,I have had the scarf for two years. I have had the scarf since two ye

3、ars ago.,How long have you had the toy bear? Ive had it for two years!,How long have you had the ? I have had for years/since years ago.,1b Listen and check () the facts you hear.,_ Jeffs family is having a yard sale. _ Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things. _ Jeff has had his bike for more tha

4、n 10 years. _ Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories. _ You can also give old things away to people in need.,Listening,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Amy: You have some great things in this _,Jeff. Jeff:Thanks, Amy. Our family has _ somanythings over the years,

5、 but we dont use themanymore.,yardsale,collected,Amy: But isnt it hard to sell some of your things? There are many things Ive had _. I dont think I could sell them. Jeff:Yes, its hard to _ to certain things. Amy: By the way, how long have you had that bike over there? Jeff:Ive had it _! I learned ho

6、w to ride a bike on it.,since I was a child,say goodbye,for three years,Amy: Old things really bring back sweet _. But its true that we may never use some of these things again. Jeff:Yes, like _ youve already read. You can sell those, or you can also _ to kids or people who need them. Amy: Oh! _ is

7、this book? Jeff:You can have it for 75 cents.,memories,old toys or books,give them away,How much,in need 需要; 在困难中 【考向】 in need可作后置定语或表语, 其中need为不可数名词。 e.g. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 【拓展】 be in need of 意为“需要”。 e.g. Ill come when you are in need of help. 在你需要帮助的时候我会来的。,Note,1c Practi

8、ce the conversation. Then make conversations about other things in the picture on page 73.,A: This is a really old book. B: Yes, Ive had it for seven years. Ive read it three times. A: Why are you selling it? B: Because I dont read it anymore. A: How much is it? B: You can have it for 75 cents.,anym

9、ore也可写作any more, 常用于否定句末尾, 表示“再也(不); (不)再”。相当于not any longer。 e.g. You can have it, for I dont need it anymore. 你可以把它拿走, 因为我不在需要它 了。 The doctor told me not to play computer games anymore. 大夫叫我别再玩电脑游戏了。,Note,2a Listen and check ( ) the things Amys family are giving away and circle the things they are

10、 keeping.,book magazine toy bear toy lion toy tiger bread maker sweater dress hat scarf,2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1. Amy has had her favorite _ for three years. 2. Amy has had the boy _ since she was a _. 3. Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than _ years. 4. Amy can give aw

11、ay the _ and _ because they do not fit her anymore.,book,bear,baby,10,sweater,dress,Listen again and choose the best answers.,1. Amy wants to give away the _. A. book B. magazine C. bear D. hat 2. Why does the bear has special meaning to Amy? A. Because her father gave it to her. B. Because her Gran

12、dpa gave it to her. C. Because her Grandma gave it to her.,B,C,3. Where can Amy take these things? A. the childrens home B. the old peoples home C. the teachers home,A,Mom: Lets look through this box of old things and decide what to give away. Amy: I think I want to keep this book. Ive had it for th

13、ree years. Even though Ive already read it twice, its still my favorite book. But we can give away the magazine.,Listen again and role play the conversation.,Mom: What about these soft toys? Amy: I want to keep the bear because Ive had it since I was a baby. It has special meaning to me because Gran

14、dma gave it to me. Ill give away the lion and tiger. Mom: OK. And this old bread maker of mine can go, too. Ive had it for more than 10 years. Aunt Taylor bought a new one for me last week.,Amy: Thats great. We can still have homemade bread. And I can give away this sweater and dress, too. They dont

15、 fit me anymore. But I want to keep the hat and scarf for ice skating. Mom: Great. You can take these things to the childrens home tomorrow then.,2c Students A is Amys mom. Student B is Amy. Make conversations.,A: Amy, can we give away these soft toys? B: Mom, I want to keep the bear. A: Why? Its so

16、 old. B: Because Ive had it since I was a baby.,Pairwork,2d Read the conversation and answer the questions.,1. Who is Linda? 2. Who is Am? What does she want to do? 3. What things has Amy brought? 4. How long has Amy or her mom had them?,Linda: Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Children. Im Linda. Am

17、y: Hi, Im Amy. I have some things for the kids. Ive had this magazine for a couple of months. The stories inside may be a bit old, but theyre still interesting. Linda: Great! Many children here love reading.,Role-play the conversation.,Amy: And check out these soft toys and board games for younger k

18、ids. Ive had them since I was a child. Theres also a sweater and a dress. Linda: Perfect! We always need toys and clothes. Amy: One last thing is a bread maker. My moms had it for a long time but it still works. Linda: Thanks so much!,how long/how soon/how often/how far how long多久, 多长(时间)。对时间段提 问, 如

19、: for+时间段;since+过去的时间点。 e.g. -How long have you worked in Beijing? -For five years.,1. - How long have you had that bike there? - I have had it for three years.,how soon多久以后。对“in+时间段提问, 常用于一般将来时”, 其答语常用“in+时 间段”。 e.g. -How soon will Mr. Li be back? -In a week. how often多久一次, 对频率提问, 其答语 为: once (twic

20、e/)+时间段, always, usually等。 e.g. -How often do you exercise? -Once a day.,how far多远,对距离提问,其答语是 表距离的内容。 e.g. -How far is it from here to your school? -Three kilometers.,2. Because Ive had it since I was a baby. I have had this magazine for a couple of months.,a couple of 有两种意思: 其一,表示具体的数量“两个”,指两个相同的人或

21、物体;其二,表示数量不定的”少数几个”,作这种虚指的用法时,具体意思往往视上下文和具体的语境而决定。,e.g. You have to wait for a couple of hours for the clothes to dry completely. 你得等上一两个小时让这些衣服完全 干燥。 Look! There are a couple of boys waiting for you at the door. 瞧!门口有两三个男孩正在等你。,for其后只能接表示“一段时间”的名词性短 语, 可用于多种时态, 表示动作或状态持 续时间段长短。 e.g. I have lived in

22、 this city for five years. 我在这座城市居住了5年了。 He usually sleeps for twelve hours every day. 他通常每天睡12个小时。,for与since,since其后接表示“时间点”的短语或从句(过 去时), 也可以接“一段时间+ago”, 常用于完 成时态;还用于句型:“It is +时间段+since+ 一般过去时的句子”, 表示过去某个时间发生 并持续到说话时的动作或状态。 e.g. It is two years since I came to China. 自从我到中国以来已经两年了。 She has worked

23、here for five years.=She has worked here since five years ago. 她在这儿工作5年了。,sale用作名词,意为“出售,销售”。on sale意为“出售,上市”;for sale意为“待 售,供出售”,尤指从主人手里出售。 e.g. Chickens are on sale in the market. 小鸡在市场上出售。 Im sorry, its not for sale. 抱歉,它不出售。,3. Jeffs family is having a yard sale.,Its +adj. (+for sb.) to do sth.意

24、为“(对某 人来说)做某事是的”, it是形式主 语, 真正主语是后面的动词不定式。 e.g. Its important for us to learn English well. 学好英语对于我们来说是很重要的。,4. Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things. 艾米认为卖掉她的旧东西很难。,5. Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.艾米想保留她的旧东西,因为它们勾起她的甜蜜回忆。,memory作名词意为“记忆; 回忆”, 复数形式为mem

25、ories, 动词为memorize, 意为“记忆, 背诵”。 e.g. She has a good memory. 她记忆力好。,a bit意为“一点儿, 稍微”, 修饰形容词 或副词, 相当于a little; a bit of +不可 数名词, a little直接加不可数名词。 e.g. There is a bit of/a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有点儿水。,6. The stories inside may be a bit old, but theyre still interesting.,【链接】a little bit也意为“有点儿

26、”,可用来修饰形容词或副词。 e.g. I came a little bit ( = a bit / a little) early this morning. 【运用】完成句子,每空词数不限。 1)对我来说,这个包有点儿贵。 This bag is _ expensive for me. 2)我们仍有点儿面包。 We still have _ bread.,a bit of/a little,a bit/a little/a little bit,check用作及物动词, 意为“检查, 审查”; check out意为“察看,观察”。 e.g. If you finish it, check i


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