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1、Unit2 SectionB,本课目标,1.熟读本单元相关单词,2.能针对问题提出自己的建议,3.能够熟练朗读并理解Reading大意,读单词,写一写,记一记: 新颖的_ 除,除外_ 心烦的,沮丧的_成年人_ 压力_ 抱怨,控诉_ 包括,包含_ 比较_ 一意孤行的,固执己见的_ 有组织的_自由_,original,except,upset,adult,pressure,complain,include,compare,pushy,organized,freedom,从课本中标画短语并写在下面: 与同样的_ 时髦的,流行的_ 相处,进展_尽可能的_ 各种,许多_ (在)一方面_ (在)另一方面_

2、,the same as,in style,get on,asas possible,all kinds of,on the one hand,on the other hand,3a,What is Lonely Kids problem?,He thought he was popular at school, but his friends were planning a birthday party for his best friend, everyone else was invited except him. He doesnt know what to do.,except,E

3、veryone is here except Tom,They all went there _ Jim and me.,全班除了我所有人都受到了邀请。,Everyone else in my class was invited except me.,Dear Aunt Chen, My cousin is _ _ age as me. Shes really nice, and we get on_, but she always _ my things. Last week, she borrowed my math book and didnt _ it. So I_ do my hom

4、ework. I dont want to have a _ with my cousin, because shes my best friend. I dont know what _. Could you please give me some _? Yours Looking for help,the same,well,borrowed,return,couldnt,fight,to do,advice,从Reading中答案回答下列问题: 第一段:1.Why is life for Cathy Taylors three children very busy?,Their scho

5、ol days are busy enough, after school, their mother has to take them from football to basketball, the daughter takes her piano lessons, they dont get home until 7 pm.,notuntil,not.until“直到.才”表示直到某一时间,某一行为才发生,之前该行为并没有发生.,昨晚直到9点钟我才学英语.,I did not study English until 9 oclock last night.,第二段:Many parent

6、s in America and British take their children from a_ to activity, and try to fit as much as _ into their kids l_. Doctors say many children are under too much p_ . Teachers c_ about t_ tired kids in classroom.,ctivity,possible,ives,ressure,omplain,eaching,第三段:判断正误 Parents see other children doing a

7、lot of things and they feel them should do the same. ( ) 第四段:翻译句子:In some families, competition stars from a very young age. They are always comparing them with other children .,Your advice seems to be useful.,seem,It seems that you were lying.,It seems to me everything is all right.,I seemed to hea

8、r somebody outside .,compare,If you compare the two books, you will see that this one is better. 如果你比较(对比)一下这两本书,你会发现这一本好一些。,comparewith 把与相比(同类相比), compareto 把比做(异类相比,比喻)。,People always compare the teachers to the candles.,Parents always compare their kids with others, they feel their own children

9、should do the same.,第五段: 对比下面的两个句子: Dr Alice Green says that these children may find it hard to think fro themselves when they are older. When these kids are adults, they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves. 总结find 用法:_,1.find it adj. to do,2.find +从句,3.find + sb /sth + v-ing,对比下面两

10、个句子: On the one hand, children need organized activities. On the other hand, they also need time and freedom to relax, and they need time to do things by themselves. 能翻译出来理解他们的意思吗?,一方面,另一方面,预习检测答案订正,一;根据汉语意思填单词 1.I always thought I was _(受欢迎的) at school. 2.Everyone in my class was invited _(除之外) me.

11、 3.I dont want to _(吵架). 4.Some childrens life is busy _(足够的).They have a _(快速的)supper, and its time for homework. 5.Activities _(包括)sports ,language learning, music and math classes.,popular,except,argue,enough,quick,include,二:将下列英语句子翻译成汉语。 1 疲惫的孩子的孩子们知道晚上七点才能到家 2 老师们经常抱怨课堂上都是一群疲惫不堪的孩子。 3 父母们看到其他的孩

12、子课外学了很多, 他们感到自己的孩子也应该这样。 4 父母总是拿自己的孩子和其他的孩子比较。 5 他们或许会发现为自己规划有些困难。,1.班里的所有同学出我之外都受到了邀请。 Everyone _ in my class was invited _me. 2.我不想和我的表妹吵架。 I dont want to _ a _ with my cousin . 3.你能给我点建议吗? Could you please give me _ _? 4.疲倦的孩子们一直到晚上七点才到家。 The tired children _ get home _ 7pm.,else,except,have,fight,some advice,didnt,until,4他们总是拿自己的孩子和别人的比较。 They always _ their children _ others. 5.他们或许会发现自己计划做一件事情有些困难。 They might find _ difficult _ plan thin


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