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1、Do you remember what did we learn in unit20?,一.用动词的适当形式填空 1. We _ (paint) the house before we _ (move) in. 2. That rich old man _ (make) a will before he _ (die). 3. They _ (study) the map of the country before they _ (leave). 4. The robbers _ (run away ) before the policemen_ (arrive). 5. I _ (turn

2、 off) all the lights before I _ (go) to bed.,had painted,died,moved,had made,arrived,had run away,left,had studied,went,had turned off,6. Paul _ (go) out with Jane after he _ (make) a phone call. 7. Tom _ (say) he _ (read) the book twice. 8. Our plan _ (fail ) because we _ (make) a bad mistake. 9. W

3、hen the chairman _ (finish) speaking, he _ (leave)the hall.,went,had read,failed,had made,said,had made,left,had finished,Unit 21 A Very big cat,by Morrow,The cats say:meow,1.Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心.,2.Thecatdidit. 推卸责任.,3.When the cats away, the mice will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王.,4. A cat has nine

4、 lives.,puma pju:m n.美洲狮,leopard lepd n.豹 leopardess lepdis n.雌豹,stare st v.盯,注视 stare at give sb an icy ,look 看,(动作) 因想看而投注目光 不管结果如何。 look at=have a look at watch 看,观看,(过程) watch sb. do/watch sb. doing,see 看见,强调结果,无进行时。 happen to see sth. see sb.do sth see sb.doing sth. notice 看到,注意到,觉察到;偶尔看到细小的但可能

5、是重要的事情。 notice sb.do sth/ notice sb.doing sth. observe 观察;从不同的角度长时间的看并研究 read 阅读(报刊,杂志),wall on the wall/in the wall wall painting Wall Street,onto: 到之上,into: 进入之内,disappear v. 1.消失,不见 2.不复存在,灭绝 appear disappear into thin air 完全消失 disappearance n.失踪 appearance,appear to be 似乎 it appear to be a story

6、.,wildlife park n. 野生动物园 wild adj. 野生的 animals fire wildlife n./adj. 野生动植物(的),(尤其自然保护区中的),大林波波跨国公园是非洲南部跨南非、莫桑比克和津巴布韦三个 国家的跨国公园。它由南非的克鲁格国家公园、莫桑比克的林波波 河国家公园和津巴布韦的国家公园组成,是目前世界上最大的跨国 公园及世界级生态旅游点.,世界上最大的动物王国大林波波河跨国公园, 地处热带稀树草原,横跨三国,总面积达3.6万平方公里,几乎相当于荷兰的国土面积,园内有非洲大多数的 哺乳动物,爬行动物,鸟类和植物,Interview intvju: v.访

7、问,采访 n.会面,面试,采访,Interviewer Interviewee trainer trainee examiner examinee,I am tired,What did he say?,He said (that) he was tired.,I want some water.,What did he say?,He said (that) he wanted some water.,I want some biscuit.,He said (that) he wanted some biscuit.,What did he say?,I need to go home.,

8、What did he say?,He said (that) he needed to go home.,He said,I play the piano. He said that he played the piano. He said,I am watching the games. He said that he was watching the games He said,I will get a job. He said that he would get a job,He said ,I phoned Yao Ming. He said that he had phoned Y

9、ao Ming. He said,I have heard from Paul. He said that he had heard from Paul. He said,I had seen Yao Ming many times. He said that he had seen Yao Ming many times,He said,I can make the bed. He said that he could make the bed. He said,The sun is bigger than the earth. He said that the sun is bigger

10、than the earth. He said,I was born on June,1st,1999. He said that he was born on June,1st,1999.,直接引语-间接引语,一般现在 一般过去 一般将来 过去将来 现在进行 过去进行 一般过去 过去完成 现在完成 过去完成 过去完成 过去完成 can/may could/might,直接引语 间接引语 1.当主句是现在时时,从句时态不变。 2.当主句是过去时时,从句需要变成过去的某 种时态。 3.当宾从是客观真理或事实时,用一般现在或遵循客观时态。,1He said: “Ive left my book i

11、n my room.” 1 He told me that he had left his book in his room. 2She said: “He will be busy.” 2 She said that he would be busy. 3The boy said to us, “ I usually get up at six every day.” 3 The boy told us he usually gets up at six every day. 4He said, “We are still students. 4 He said they are still students.,5 .He said to me, “I was born in 1978.” 5.He told me that he was born in 1978. 6The engineer said, “I was at college


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