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1、新目标八年级 13-14下学期,Unit 1 Whats the matter? Section B,A: Whats the matter? B: He /She has,Revision,A: Whats the matter? Does he have a _?,toothache,B: Yes, he does.,A: He should_.,see a dentist,Free Talk,Presentation,Put a bandage on it.,Someone got hit on the head.,He fell down and cut his knee.,Someo

2、ne had a nosebleed.,1a When these accidents happen,what should you do? Put the actions in order.,_Put a bandage on it. _Run it under water. _Put some medicine on it.,3,1,2,_Go to the hospital. _Get an X-ray. Rest for a few days.,1,2,_Clean your face. _Put your head back. _Put on a clean T-shirt.,2,1

3、,3,1b Listen to the school nurse. Check( ) the problems you hear.,Problems Treatments Someone felt sick. b,c Someone cut his knee. Someone had a fever. Someone had a nosebleed. Someone hurt his back. Someone got hit on the head.,Problems Treatments Someone felt sick. b,c Someone cut his knee. Someon

4、e had a fever. Someone had a nosebleed. Someone hurt his back. Someone got hit on the head.,1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.,a.put a bandage on it b.took his temperature c.told him to rest d.put some medicine on it e.took him to

5、 the hospital to get an X-ray f.told her to put her head back,d,a,f,e,1d Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c.,A: Who came to your office today? B: First , a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E class. A: What happened? B: .,2a Accidents or prob

6、lems can sometimes happen when we do sports.Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.,A=soccer B=mountain climbing C=swimming,_fall down _have problems breathing _get hit by a ball _get sunburned _cut ourselves _hurt our back or arm,A/B,C,A,A/B,A/B,A/B,在2003年,美

7、国登山爱好者Aron Ralston 在犹他州一座峡谷攀岩时,因右臂被石头 压住被困5天5夜,为了逃生,他强忍剧痛, 用自己的运动短裤当作临时止血带,然后 用小刀从肘部将右前臂硬生生切断。从岩 石下脱身后,为了与失血抢时间,他以超人的毅力爬过 狭窄和风力强劲的峡谷,沿绳下到60英尺深的谷底,再 步行5英里后与营救人员相遇,终于成功生还。 当奥斯 卡获奖导演Danny Boyle(贫民窟的百万富翁的导 演)第一次听到这个关于Ralston的故事时,他开始在 脑海中预想一部男主角难以施展动作的动作电影 127小时,由詹姆斯弗兰科领衔主演身处险境的登 山运动员,详细记录Ralston独自陷于险境的艰

8、难时刻。,背景阅读,2b 耗尽”, 主语通常是时间、金钱、水、食物等无生命名词。 例如: His strength ran out. 他的力气用完了。,【归纳拓展】run out of的用法 run out of意为“用完; 用尽”, 是及物动词短语, 表示 主动, 主语是人, 后接_作宾语。例如: They have run out of money. 他们已经把钱花完了。,名词或代词,【及时小练】 当食物耗尽时, 他们不得不外出寻找能吃的东西。 When the food , they had to go out to find something to eat. 当你们的测试时间结束时,

9、 你们必须立刻交卷。 When you your test time, you have to hand in your test papers at once. 答案: ran outrun out of,5. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.他对于登山的爱是如此的深厚以至于在这次经历之后他还继续登山。,(1)so. that意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。,(2)keep on doing sth.意为“继续

10、或坚持做某事”,常表示将一直在做的事继续做下去。例如:They kept on working though it was dark. 尽管天黑了,他们却继续工作。,1.他摔倒了,伤着了自己。 He _ _ and _ _. 2.你应该先上点药,然后缠上绷带。 First, you should _ _ _ on it, and then put a bandage on it. 3.我习惯于早起。 Im_ _ _ up early. 4.她因为意外事故几乎失去了生命。 She almost lost her life_ _ accidents. 5. 他虽然病了,但仍坚持工作。 Though

11、 he was ill, he_ _ _.,根据汉语,完成句子。,知识点精练,fell down hurt himself,put some medicine,used to getting,because of,kept on working,完成句子。 1. 汤姆怎么了? the matterTom? 他发烧了。 Hea fever. 2. 我们必须马上送这位病人去医院。 We mustthe sick manthe hospital at once. 答案: 1. Whats; with; has2. take; to,当堂达标测试,3. 首先, 你应该上点药, 然后缠上绷带。 Firs

12、t, you should on it, and then put a bandage on it. 4. 她生病了, 因此她需要卧床休息几天。 She got sick, so she needed to and rest for a few days. 答案: 3. put some medicine4. lie down,5. 那边发生了什么事? over there? 有人在街上被打中了头部。 Someone the head in the street. 答案: What happened; got hit on,从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。 get, take, oneself, cut, nosebleed 1. If you have a, you should put your head back. 2. Bob hurtin P. E. class and he couldnt move. 3. Sheher finger while getting ready for the supper yesterday. 4. I felt sick, so Imy temperature. 5. The boy hurt his knee while


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