七年级英语上册 Lesson 33 LiMing‘s Family导学案 冀教版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Lesson 33 LiMing‘s Family导学案 冀教版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Lesson 33 LiMing‘s Family导学案 冀教版_第3页




1、Lesson 33 LiMings Family教师活动(链接、活动)学生活动(自主参与、合作探索、战时交流)一.词汇。(10分)从框中选择单词,并用适当的格式填充空格。show,ride,help,can,follow1.哇!我的little sister _ _ _ _ _ _ write her name!2.excuse me . I don t know the way to Zhongshan park . would you _ _ _ me?3.Jenny likes _ _ _ _ _ a horse(马)。4.Lynn s cat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her int

2、o the bedroom。5.bobis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an old man across the street . what a good boy!.单一选取。(20分)1-how does your sis ter go to school?-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A.On the bus。B. By the bus。C. On foot .2.let s go to the market _ _ _ buy some food。A.and B. or C. but3.-_ _ _ _ _。where is the teachers office?-ne

3、ar the library .-thank you .A.let me help you b . please help me c . excuse me4.-why is Li Ming crying?-_ _ _ _ his mom doesnt buy bananas。A.But B. Because C. And5.I want to go to the movie theatre to _ _ _。A.have some tea b . buy a chain c . watch a movie6.go down the street and _ _ _ _ left . the

4、library is over there。A.take B. turn C. get7.-where are you going?-_ _ _ _ the tea shop . would you go with me?A.in b.to c.at8.-梅I help you?-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A.im lost.b.yes,please.c.excuse me。9.-鲍勃,where is your sister?-I seeher _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.down to street b . on the stairs c . up stairs10.T

5、om _ _ _ _ _ _ some straw berries and he _ _ _ _ _ _ them now。作业Lesson 33 LiMings Family上课第一节课上课型神秀学习目标1家族,各种亲属称谓,双亲,小的,爱,小的,我们,加。2介绍自己的家庭。过程1简介2解说3练习4作业中难点介绍自己的家庭。教师活动(链接、活动)学生活动(自主参与、合作探索、战时交流)复习地图学写以下单词:爷爷()奶奶()伯父、叔父、舅舅()伯母、婶婶、阿姨()爸爸()妈妈()父()表妹()儿子()女儿()写篇短文介绍自己的家。(30-40个字符)教师活动(链接、活动)学生活动(自主参与、合

6、作探索、战时交流)教师活动(链接、活动)学生活动(自主参与、合作探索、战时交流)11.-how _ _ _ bananas do you want?-I want a kilogram(kg)。How _ are they?A.muchMany B. manyMuch C. many曼尼12.my paper hasmany _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.sheepsPigs B. sheepPigsC.sheep猪13.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _?-take the second turning on the right and you ll see

7、it .A.where can I go B. which bus can I takeC.Excuse me。Where is the shop14.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _?-是的,please.id like somemilk .A.Would you like some milk or coffeeB.What about something to eatC.Can I help you15.-what _ _ _ thechicken _ _ _?-It s running after a dog .A.道斯;Do B. isDo C. is多英宗16.-reping,where

8、 is the zoo?-go down this street and turn _ _ left。A.at B. to C./17.-where does a bird _ _ _ _?-_ _ _ _ the tree。A.go;On B. liveIn C.comeFor18.What can I do for you?-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A.yes,please . b . they are my favourite sweaters .C.Some water,please .19-Tom,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ go with you . the libr

9、ary is far from our school。-好吧.A.let me B. lets C. let I20.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is35plus37?-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72。A.How manyThey re B. WhatEqual C. WhatIts填空。(10分)我的部件和I are in Mr . cool s clothes shop now . the clothes in it 1 _ _ _ _ verynice . I want a sweater . my mool Dress 3and my fatherwants 4 _ _ _

10、 _ _ t-shirt . look!The sweaters are very red,green,Yellow.this sweater is red and white . I like it 5 _ _ _ _ _ _。it is 22 dollars。_ 6 _ _ _ _ _ shors A blue dress and she likes 8 _ _ _ _ _ very much . 9 my father?he s between the t-shirts . he wants two t-shirts!They are white。Well 10 them!Theyre 90 dollars together .1.A. is B. are C. have2.A. looks B. sees C. wants3.A. to B. for C. with4.a .


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