七年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版) 外研版_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Language in use 第五课时学习目标 1、复习并掌握Unit 1 and 2.中的词汇2、Read the conversation in Unit 1 and the text in Unit 23、Learn to write a letter about Spring Festival to a foreign student 学习重点 1、现在进行时态的各种形式2、现在进行时态和一般现在时态的运用学习难点 1、现在进行时态的各种形式2、现在进行时态和一般现在时态的运用课前预习识记下列单词和词组。1. 讲、告诉 _ 2. 说话 _ 3.在之前 4. 毛衣 5.打

2、扫房子 6.做饭 7. 做灯笼 8.为春节做准备 9. 学舞狮 10.扫地 使用说明与学法指导1. 预习并完成P64页Act2,2. 把不懂的写在我的疑问处。预习自测题 A. 选词填空。1. We have ( many much ) food.2. There (is has) a lion dancing.3. The New Year Festival finishes ( in on ) the Lantern Festival after 2 weeks. B. 按要求完成句子。1. His uncle often gives him presents.(改为同义句)His uncl

3、e often presents him 2. Im learning dragon dance with my father. (划线部分提问)_C. 选词填空。 dance luck wear1. At the moment, he is in the dancing room.2. Kate and Lingling usually new clothes on Childrens Day.3. I always get a hongbao .It means money我的疑问 课内探究必背短语短语互译(1) Spring Festival (2) get ready for (3)

4、at work (4) Lantern Festival (5)扫地板 (6) hurry up (7) the same day (8) have a look (9) a few days before (10) a kind of (11)舞龙 (12) sweep away (13) making lanterns (14) cook the meal (15) put away (16) good luck (17) the first one (18) getfrom (19) such as 必背句子语法内容:现在进行时态的各种句式:肯定句式: 否定句式: 一般疑问句式: 特殊疑

5、问句式: 动词的现在分词变化规律是: 课堂教学(1)Activities1,2,3先独立完成,再全班核对答案(2)Activity4你能说出现在进行时态和一般现在时态的区别吗? 用括号里面单词的正确形式填空,注意句子选用什么时态。(3)模块任务完成Activities 6,7,8,给你的外国朋友写一封描述春节的信,说说你现在正在为春节做哪些准备,和你通常在春节会做什么。注意时态的选择。课后学习指导:复习、背诵对话和课文,梳理知识框架,查漏补缺,整理笔记。当堂检测A. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空格处填入正确的词,使短文意思完整。The Spring Festival is one of th

6、e most important (1) f_ in China. There are a lot of (2) t_ for Spring Festival. We clean our houses and (3) s_ away bad luck, and then we paint doors and windows (4) r_. It means good luck. We usually decorate the doors and windows with (5) p_ cuts. We also buy clothes and everyone has a (6) h_. Th

7、e family have dinner and we eat jiaozi a kind of (7) d_, or a sweet rice pudding. Older people give young people red packets with (8) m_ in them. On New Years Day, we put on our new (9)c_ and visit our family and friends. There is dragon and lion (10) d_ in the street.B. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1She is mak

8、ing (灯笼) 2Can I (帮助)them?3Spring Festival is an important (节日)in China4I always get a hongbao,1 money,from them5Chinese people have many (传统)6We paint the doors and windows redIt means good (运气)7China is a country with lots of (传统)8What is (发生)?9My father works (努力地).课后反思 课后训练1. 用正确的语音语调朗读Unit 1的对话和

9、Unit2的课文,并能用自己的语言进行复述。2. 给一位外国学生Tony写一封信,描述中国人是如何过春节的。Unit 3 Language in use 第六课时模块测试题. 单项选择(15分)( )1. New Years Day comes_ the first day of January. A. onB. in C. at D. to( )2. The Smiths_ TV_ seven oclock. A. are watching; inB. is watching; atC. is watching; inD. are watching; at( )3. Look! There

10、is_ water in the bottle. Can you go and get some?A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few( )4. I often help mother_ housework after school. A. doB. doingC. to doingD. does( )5. Are you getting ready_ the exam?Yes, we are. A. toB. forC. inD. at( )6. What_ “hongbao” _?A. is; meanB. is; meaningC. does; meanD

11、. do; mean( )7. I want to buy that dress, but I dont have _ money. A. so manyB. so muchC. so fewD. so little( )8. Whats_ over there? There are so many people. A. happenB. happenedC. happensD. happening( )9. What do you usually say to your friends and family on Christmas Eve?A. Happy New Year!B. Happ

12、y Birthday!C. Merry Christmas!D. Happy Spring Festival!( )10. Hello, may I speak to Lucy please?_A. Who are you?B. Im Lucy. C. Whats wrong?D. This is Lucy speaking. . 完形填空(15分)The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day. It usually 1 in January or February. Everyone in 2 likes the Spring Festiv

13、al very much. When Spring Festival comes, I usually 3 my parents clean our house and do some 4 . 5 that day, 6 eats 7 , New Years cakes and some other food. But I 8 dumplings best. We usually 9 dumplings and 10 TV. I like the Spring Festival. ( )1. A. come B. comesC. is comingD. to come( )2. A. Amer

14、icaB. ChinaC. EnglandD. Japan( )3. A. helpB. helpsC. askD. carry( )4. A. cleaningB. fishingC. readingD. shopping( )5. A. OnB. InC. AtD. Of( )6. A. everyoneB. someoneC. no oneD. people( )7. A. eggsB. meatC. dumplingsD. fruit( )8. A. eatB. makeC. likeD. get( )9. A. is makingB. eatsC. make and eatD. li

15、kes( )10. A. lookB. have a lookC. seeD. watch. 阅读理解(20分) Im from Shanghai. My favourite holiday is Spring Festival. On that day, we put on our new clothes and see our friends. We have dumplings for dinner.Im from the USA. I enjoy Christmas a lot. We say “Merry Christmas”to our family and friends, si

16、ng Christmas songs and have Christmas dinner. We also get lots of Christmas presents.Im from Beijing. I like Lantern Festival best. On that day, we can see many beautiful lanterns in the streets. We eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.I come from England. I always have a great time on Easter

17、(复活节). We play a fun game with our friends.We eat lots of chocolate eggs.Im from Canada. Thanksgiving Day (感恩节)is my favourite holiday. My family have a turkey(火鸡)dinner, and we also have pumpkin pies(南瓜馅饼) on that day.( ) 1. Christmas is _ favourite holiday. A. Wu JunsB. BettysC. MikesD. Lindas( )

18、2. Mike enjoys _ very much. A. ChristmasB. Spring FestivalC. EasterD. Thanksgiving Day( ) 3. People have _ on Thanksgiving Day. A. dumplingsB. noodlesC. chocolate eggsD. turkey and pumpkin pies( )4. There are _ festivals in the form(表格). A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six( ) 5. Which of the following sent

19、ences is TRUE?A. Wu Jun puts on his new clothes and visits friends at Spring Festival. B. Betty is a girl from England. She likes Christmas very much. C. Zhou Jie plays games with her friends and has rice dumplings. D. People in Canada dont celebrate Thanksgiving Day. BThanksgiving Day is a public h

20、oliday. It is on the fourth Thursday in November in the USA and on the second Monday in October in Canada.For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from(除之外)Christmas. Schools,offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving Day,and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.Tod

21、ay people celebrate Thanksgiving Day to remember the early days. The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America. The meal includes(包括)turkey,sweets,potatoes and so on.On Thanksgiving Day there are special television programmes and sports ev

22、ents. Thanksgiving Day is considered(认为)as the beginning of Christmas period,and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents.( )6When is Thanksgiving Day in Canada?AThe fourth Thursday in November.BThe second Monday in October.CThe fourth Monday in October.DThe second Thursday in

23、October.( )7Is Thanksgiving Day the most important holiday for many Americans?AYes,it is. BNo,it isnt.CWe dont know. DNone is right.( )8Does China have Thanksgiving Day?AYes,it does. BNo,it doesnt.CWe dont know. DNone is right.( )9_ is the beginning of Christmas period.AThanksgiving Day BFathers Day

24、CMothers Day DChristmas( )10_ is the most important part on Thanksgiving Day.ATurkey BSweet potatoesCShopping DA traditional dinner. 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. Turkey is a k_ of traditional Christmas food. 2. Its raining outside. Please p_ away your clothes. 3. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is

25、 my favourite TV p_. 4. Come and j_ us! Lets have fun together. 5. H_ up! We are late. ()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)6. Dont worry(担心)! Let me help you _ (clean) it. 7. Tom _ (listen) to the radio every morning, but he _ (not listen) to it now. 8. Do you know the famous singer _ (call) Cai Yilin?9. What is he doing?He is learning _ (make) dumplings. 10.Keep quiet, kids. Dad _ (sleep) in the next room. OK. Mum. . 完成句子(15分)1. 看!那边发生了什么?Look! What_ _ over there?2. 你们准备好野餐的食物了吗?是的,准备好了。Are you_ the food for picnic _?_, _ _. 3. 小鸟正在树上干什么?它们正在唱歌。What _ the birds_ in the tree


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