七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Language in use第五课时学习目标 1、熟练掌握学过的词汇。2、能够描述怎样使用电脑。3、一般现在时的特殊疑问句。学习重点 1. 复习巩固一般现在时的用法,尤其是本模块所学的一般现在时特殊疑问形式2. 复习巩固本模块所学的电脑词汇及一些动宾搭配的使用。学习难点 较熟练地运用本模块中所学的词汇和句型,区别应用助动词do, does。课前预习1、朗读学过的单词、短语、对话、课文等。2、写出下列短语:使用电脑 发送邮件 检查时刻表 买票 制作旅行计划 玩电子游戏 使用鼠标 点击“新文件夹” 在文件夹里 点击“保存” 使用说明与学法指导1. 巩固掌握本单元重点单词、短语及句型

2、。2. 将预习中不能解决的问题标出来,并写在我的疑问处,预习自测题 A. 单项选择。( )1.He often uses the Internet their work . A does B do C to do D doing( )2. e-mails do you send ? A How many B How much C How old D How often( )3.-How often does she watch TV? - . A A day B Sometimes C At night D In a day ( )4. He has got a laptop and he u

3、ses it for his business , he never plays computer games on it .A and B or C but D so( )5. They usually on the Internet . So they dont need CDs.A listen to music B visit website C make travel plans D check the train timetable ( )6. a computer , but their son never goes online . A She has B We have B.

4、 改错。1.I often go online and use the computer doing my homework .( ) A B C2.Do your brother make travel plans on the computer ? ( ) A B C3.We can get many information on the Internet . ( ) A B C4.How many email do you get every week ? ( ) A B C5.How do you write your homework to the computer ? ( ) A

5、B C我的疑问 _课内探究观察What do you usually do on your computer?How many emails do you send?Do you often go on the Internet?Do you make travel plans on the Internet?思考: 在一般现在时中,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句有联系吗?说一说。在一般现在时中经常使用的副词有哪些? 1、做Activity 1 .(两人一组)2、做Activity 23、做Activity 3 4、做Activity 4 5、做Activity 5 并根据所填内容造句。6、阅读Aro

6、und the world 。当堂检测A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Satoshi _ ( play ) games, but he _ (not send ) emails. 2Xiaomei _ ( use ) her laptop for work, but doesnt use it _ ( talk ) to her friends on QQ. 3Karl Heinz _ ( make ) travel plans, but never _ (buy ) tickets.B.按要求完成句子。1. I usually use a computer on Sunday. ( 对划线部

7、分提问 ) _ _ you usually _ a computer? 2. Tom always play games on Sundays.( 变一般疑问句并作否定回答 ) _ Tom _ _ games on Sundays? _, he _.C. 选词填空。 connect use check 1. _ the printer to the computer.2. _ your spelling of the words.3. _ the laptop for my lessons. 课后反思 课后训练1. 根据拼读规律,拼读并记忆本模块的单词。 2. 完成Unit3作业。3. 描述自

8、己或家人使用电脑的情况。Unit 3 Language in use第六课时模块测试题.单项选择。(15分)( )1Dont_ the TV. My baby is sleeping now.Aturn onBturn off Clook at Dpick up( )2When you write English,read it and _ your spelling.Awrite BplanCcheck Dspeak( )3Excuse me._ do you say “autumn” in American English?Its “fall”AHow BWhenCWhere DWhy(

9、)4Do the students often_online_school?No,sometimes.Aplay;at Bgo;withCgo;at Dplay;in( )5I dont like to _ the website today.Asee BonCgo Dvisit( )6Please connect the keyboard_the computer.Ain BatCto Dfor( )7Before you switch off the computer,you must_the document.Akeep BsaveCstay Dhold( )8_ seeing the

10、TV play Scheming Beauty(美人心计)?Thats a great idea.AHow many BHow aboutCHow old DHow often( )9I think you can _ money to buy a birthday present for your mother.OK.Ill try.Abring BsaveChave Dleave( )10This is a present for you.Thats so _ of you.Akind BluckyCreally Dkinds.完形填空。(15分) Do you know how to m

11、ake a phone call?Let me _1_ you. First,you must _2_ the right number. If(如果) youre not sure about the _3_,you can check it. Second,you should _4_ the person some time to answer the phone. Please _5_ patient(耐心的)and wait for a few more minutes. Third,you must speak clearly. Dont shout(喊)_6_ mutter(嘀咕

12、)And your mouth should be one inch(英寸)away _7_ the phone. Fourth,after _8_ “hello”,you should tell the person your name and who you are. Fifth,if the person isnt _9_,you should let the person who is answering the phone take a message for you._10_,please put the ttelephone gently(轻放电话)Its not polite

13、to throw the phone.( )1A. say B. tellC. talk D. speak( )2A. write B. readC. know D. sees( )3A. website B. personC. number D. email( )4A. give B. useC. take D.spend( )5A. am B. isC. are D. be( )6A. so B. orC. but D. then( )7A. to B. from C. near D. beside( )8A. saying B. tellingC. speaking D. asking(

14、 )9A. at B. toC. from D. in( )10A. Finally B. Firstly C. Usually D. Last.阅读理解。(30分) AComputers are very popular with students now. Its very easy for them to surf the Internet(网上冲浪)Most of them go to the Internet bar and spend more than two hours there. They can do their homework,get some information

15、 for their study,download music,and send emails on the computer. But some of them spend too much time playing computer games,and it is bad for their study.( )1Which of the following is popular with students today?AThe television.BThe radio. CThe recorder.DThe computer.( )2Where do most students surf

16、 the Internet?AAt home. BAt school.CAt the Internet bar. DIn the library.( )3How many hours do most of the students spend on the computers?ATwo hours. BMore than two hours.COne hour. DLess than two hours.( )4What can the students do on the computer?AThey can download music.BThey can send emails.CThe

17、y can do their homework.DAll of the above( )5Spending too much time _ on the computer is bad for their study.Aplaying gamesBgetting information for the students studyCdoing their homeworkDpractising EnglishB根据下面的内容完成后面的短文,每空一词。 Ill use computers for my work. Now I use my computer to go on the Intern

18、et and play games. I also write emails on the computer. I use computers for many kinds of things,like homework. I can also use computers to surf the Internet. I use computers to look for information or use Microsoft Word to do my homework. I also use it for PowerPoint. When I use the computer,I some

19、times surf (冲浪) the Internet. I use it for Microsoft Word and games.Many students have computers now. They 6._computers to do 7._ kinds of things.8._of them go online and play 9._or 10._emails.Some use it to 11._their homework. They often look for 12._on the Internet. Other students use Microsoft 13

20、._or 14._.Sometimes students can 15._the Internet. .情景交际。(5分)AFirst,enter the name of the book here;then click “search”BWhats up?CThen you can get more information.DThanks for giving me so much help.EBut how can I do that?A:Jenny,can you help me?B:Sure.1._A:My classmates often buy some good books on

21、 the Internet. I also want to do so.2._B:Its just a piece of cake. What book do you want to buy?A:Gone with the Wind.B:OK.3._.You will see a lot of entries(条目)Next,click the entry you are interested in. Usually,they have some instructions(介绍).4._A:Let me have a try(尝试)Oh,Ive got it. Here are so many

22、 entries.B:You can click any one to open it. Following this,you will get what you want.A:5._B:Youre welcome.根据句意、首字母及汉语提示补全句子。(5分)1Its warm in spring,but s_ its cold.2Its too dark(黑暗的)here. Can you help me _(打开) the lights?3We use Internet to get lots of _(信息)4After finishing your homework,you should _(检查)it.5There is something wrong with my _(键盘)So I want to buy a new one.用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1Have yo


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