七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D教案 仁爱版_第1页
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1、 Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the phonetic symbols:/eI/, /A/, /i:/, /e/.2. Review questions and their answers with am/is/are.(1)Where are you from?Im from England.(2)Where is he/she from?He/Shes from Japan.(3)Where are they from?They are from Canada.(4)Is he/she?Y

2、es, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.(5)Whats his/her telephone number?His/Her telephone number is(6)whats=what is wheres=where is shes=she is hes=he is isnt=is not arent=are not3. Review some useful expressions:(1)Excuse me, are you Jane? Yes, I am./No, Im not.(2)Whats your name? My name is Sally.(3)Is h

3、e Li Ming? No, he isnt. He is Yukio. Teaching aids 教具录音机/自制图片/实物教具/投影仪/照片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)1. (1)(把自己制作的姓名卡片拿出来,和伙伴一起对话。)T:Make a dialog with your own name cards.S1:Whats your name?S2:My name isS1:Where are you from?S2:Im fromS1:Whats your telephone numbe

4、r?S2:My telephone number is(2)(根据自己制作的姓名卡片,到讲台前做自我介绍,目的是培养学生的语言理解能力和表达能力。)T: Please introduce yourself.Example: Hello! My name is . Im from . My telephone number is2. (让学生把家庭作业,即:找一些电话号码,手机号码,门牌号码,车牌号码,邮编等都显示出来,两人一组互相提问,目的是巩固旧知识。)T: Read the numbers in pairs.3. (教师用投影仪出示句子并找学生朗读,检查学生的语音、语调及重音。)T: Re

5、ad the sentences and pay attention to the pronunciation, the intonation and the stress.Example:A: Whats his name?B: His name is Kangkang.A: Where is he from?B: He is from China.A: Whats his telephone number?B: His telephone number is (010)9267-6790.4. (数字接龙游戏从0到10,目的是检查学生的掌握程度及反应能力。)T: Play the game

6、 about the numbers.5. (利用前面用过的自制姓名卡片,进行综合能力复习,师生互动,目的是及时发现学生的知识弱点,教师给予指导。先老师问学生,后学生问学生。) T: Whats his name? S3:His name is T:Where is he from? S4:He is from T:Whats his telephone number? S5:His telephone number is6. (播放录音,让全班同学齐唱“Where are you from?”活跃课堂气氛,导入新课。)T: Please sing the song “Where are yo

7、u from?” together.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (可利用实物和自制图片呈现蛋糕、地图、书包、鸡蛋、钢笔等英文单词,通过师生互动方式来完成,注意突出/eI/和/A/的音。)T: OK. Boys and girls, attention please. Who is she?(教师可找来一名女同学,取名Jane。)Ss:She is Jane.T:Yes. And whats her name?Ss:Her name is Jane.T:Right. What grade is she in?Ss:Grade Seven.T:Yes.

8、 And whats this?(举起蛋糕的图片。)Ss:Its a cake.T:Welcome to my class.Ss:Thank you.T:Where are they from?(教师找两名学生到讲台前。)Ss:She is from Fujian and he is from Henan.T:Im from Hubei and he is from Henan. OK?Ss:OK.T:Good. Whats this?(教师展示一幅地图。)Ss:Its a map.T:The map is in the bag now.(把地图放到书包里。)(板书,并领读。) /eI/ Ja

9、ne name grade cake/A/ thank and map bagT:Now look at the blackboard and read them together.(读完后让学生观察,并归纳。学生会发现都是字母a,发/eI/时后面有字母e等,根据学生讲的,老师再进行补充说明开音节,闭音节。)T:In the open syllable, “a” sounds /eI/.In the closed syllable, “a” sounds /A/.Do you know other words with the sound of /eI/?Ss:face, planeT:Ver

10、y good. What about /A/?Ss:an, has2. (教师出示邓亚萍的照片,继续通过师生互动方式来展示英文单词,注意突出/i:/和/e/的音。)T:Where is she from?Ss:She is from China.T:Excuse me, what are these in English?(教师指着讲台上的几本书。问后并给予解释。)Ss:They are books.(教师帮助回答。)T:Good evening.(教师解释此句含义。)Ss: Good evening.T:Are you from China?Ss:Yes.T:Whats this?(教师出示

11、一支钢笔。)Ss:Its a pen.(教师帮助回答。)T:Whats this?(教师出示数字卡片10。)Ss:Its ten.T:Whats this?(教师出示鸡蛋卡片。)Ss:Its an egg.(教师帮助回答。)(板书,并领读) /i:/ she me these evening /e/ yes ten pen eggT:Now look at the blackboard and read them together.(读完后让学生观察并归纳,学生会发现都是字母e。教师再进行补充说明字母e在开音节,闭音节中的读音规则。)T:In the open syllable, “e” so

12、unds /i:/. In the closed syllable, “e” sounds /e/. Do you know other words with the sound of /i:/?Ss:the, heT:Very good. What about /e/?Ss:seven, telephone3. T: Listen to 1 and pay more attention to the pronunciation. Then read after it. Finish 1.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)1. (进行下列操练。教师先做示范,

13、后由学生操练。)T: Review the grammar focus questions and answers with am/is/are.(板书Grammar focus,完成4a。)Is he/she from?Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.Are they from?Yes, they are./No, they arent.Where are you from?Im from England.Where is he/she from?He/She is from Japan.Where are they from?They are from Ca

14、nada.Whats his/her telephone number?His/Her telephone number is2. (教师和学生互动,训练学生的反应能力。)Example:T: Where are you from?S1:Im from Liaoning.(教师指着旁边的一位女同学。)T:Where is she from?S2:She is from Shanghai.(教师用手指着旁边的另一位男同学。)T:Where is he from?S3:He is from Beijing.(教师用手指着那边的学生。)T:Where are they from?S4:They ar

15、e from Shenyang.T:Is he Kangkang?S5:Yes, he is.T:Is she Jane?S6:No, she isnt. She is Li Hong.T:Whats her telephone number?S7:Her telephone number is(可给学生2分钟时间,让他们自由操练。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (1)(播放2的录音,并让学生重复,目的是培养学生的听力。)T:Listen to the tape and repeat.T:110Ss:One one zeroT:114Ss:One one

16、fourT:119Ss:One one nineT:120Ss:One two zeroT:122Ss:One two two(2)(打开课本Page 15,让学生完成2 Work alone。)T: Listen again and match the numbers with the right pictures.(核对答案。)1.C119 2.A110 3.B114 4.E122 5.D1202. (教师与学生操练有用的表达方式。完成4b。)T:Excuse me, are you Jane?S8:No, Im not. Im Wang Wei.T:Whats your name?S9:

17、My name is Sally.T:Is he Li Ming?S10:No, he isnt. He is Yukio.(板书出有用的表达,学生自由练习,然后找学生到讲台前表演。目的是培养学生的口语表达能力及合作精神。)Excuse me, are you Jane?Yes, I am./No, Im not.Whats your name?My name is Sally.Is he Li Ming?No, he isnt. He is Yukio.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (学习class activities部分,播放录音并跟读,以小组比

18、赛的形式进行,增强学生的竞争意识。完成5。) T: Lets chant. (强调A、E、I、O、U这五个元音字母的重要性。)2. (跟我说音标/eI/ /A/ /i:/ /e/认读游戏。)(1)游戏规则:要求学生集中注意力看教师的口型,教师读音标但不发出声音,让学生举手说出是哪一个音标,再让其他学生用“Yes”或“No”进行判断。教师也可以让举手最快的学生来回答,如果正确则给予口头奖励。(2)游戏之前,教师要强调这四个音标的发音口型,并让学生齐读几遍。T:OK. Boys and girls. Lets play a game. First lets review the phonetic symbols.Ss:OK.T:Lets begin our game. Look at my mouth carefully. S1:/A/. T:Oh, no. Look at my mouth again.S2:/e/.T:Good, youre right.3. (假设你想结交一位新朋友,两人一组进行问答对话。完成6。)T: Suppose you want to m


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