七年级英语上册 Unit 3 This is my sister复习教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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1、Unit 3 This is my sister复习内容:词汇活动设计意图:激发学习兴趣,引出将要复习的内容。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step1巩固所学词汇和基本句型。Ask students to remember the words and expressions.巩固记忆。Remember the words and expressions.复习中活动基础知识测评词汇测评复习内容:教材P18 Self Check 1活动设计意图:通过练习,检测学生本单元基础知识掌握情况。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step2布置课本第18页Self Check 1任务,要求学生在认识的单词前面打钩。Ask

2、students to check the words they know.Check the words they know.独立完成认词任务,与同桌讨论并核对答案。Step3布置课本第18页Self Check 2任务,让学生在笔记本上记下一些新单词。Ask students to write some new words in their notebooks.Writesomenewwordsintheirnotebooks.在笔记本上记下一些新单词。Step4布置课本第18页Self Check3任务,要求学生看玛丽家人在北京的照片,完成对话。利用PPT演示,核对答案。Ask stud

3、ents tocomplete the conversations according to Marys family photos of Beijing.Complete the conversations according to Marys family photos of Beijing.看玛丽家人在北京的照片,完成对话。Step5布置目标语检测练习。利用PPT演示,核对答案。Ask students tocomplete sentences.Read and complete sentences.词汇练习。复习后活动综合测评复习内容:见单元学习评价活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元达标检

4、测。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step6可以先布置学生利用3040分钟完成测试题。利用PPT演示答案,进行核对及讲解。Ask students to finish the test.Check the answers.Finish the test individually.独立完成测试题。核对答案,理解掌握单元目标语。单元综合测评复习内容:评价手册P2630 Test B活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元达标检测。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step7可以先布置学生利用60分钟完成测试题,然后让学生与同桌互换答卷,根据教师PPT演示的答案,进行核对。AskstudentstofinishTestBin

5、dividually.Finish Test B individually.独立完成测试。Step8布置学生讨论答案,纠正错误。建议有疑问的学生,向教师或其他同学请求帮助。Ask students to discuss the answers first and correct the mistakes.Discusstheanswers,correctthemistakes andmakesurethattheyhavelearnedwhatistaughtin Section B well.讨论,互评,掌握Section B的学习内容。基础句型学习评价5. She is Mr Greens

6、c. Her name is Mona.Key: 1. Parents2.They 3. Thanks 4. daughter5. cousin二、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Who_(be)these girls?2._(those)is my dictionary.3.What_(be)these?4.This is Harrys pen and _(this)are Lilys books.5. Are_(it)pens?Key: 1. are2. That3. are4. these5. they 单元知识达标学习效果评价一、请观察John的家谱,用方框中的词补全句子。Bi

7、ll/RitaDavid/MariaPeter/EveJohnKevinAnnaRoseCindy1. Kevin is Johns _.2. Rose is his _.3. Rita is his _.4. David and Maria are his _.5. Cindy is his _.6. Maria is his_.7. Bill and Rita are his_.8. Eve is his _.9. David is his _.10. Peter is his _.11. Anna is his _.二、阅读下列对话,在括号中圈出正确答案。Bill:Here is a p

8、hoto of my family.Anna: Is1(this; these) your father?Bill:No,2(it isnt; they arent).3(Thats; Those are) my uncle.Anna: And is4(this; these) your grandmother?Bill:Yes,5(it is; they are). And6(this is; these are) my brothers, Kevin and Ross.三、将左右两栏词语连线,组成句子。1.Whata. meet you.2.Is thatb. are my parents

9、.3.And thesec. my sister.4.Nice tod. your uncle?5.Mom, thise. is her name?6.Shesf. is Bob.四、阅读理解。1)读对话,然后补全表格中相应的人名。Paul:Mother, this is my friend, John.John: Nice to meet you, Mrs Collins.Mrs Collins: Its nice to meet you, John.Paul:And these are my grandparents, Keith and Emma Collins. That is my

10、brother, Richard, and this is my cousin, Roy.John:Hello! Hello! And is this your sister?Paul:Yes, this is Carol.PAULS.NAME1.friend2.mother3.grandmother4.brother5.cousin6.sister2)再读一遍上面的对话,圈出正确答案。1. John is Pauls brother.TF2. Keith and Emma are Pauls grandparents.TF3. Richard and Roy are brothers.TF4

11、. Richard and Roy are cousins.TF5. Carol and Roy are cousins.TF6. Carol and Paul are sister and brother.TF3)用方框中所给单词补全对话。 A: This1)my father. Dad,2)is my friend, Pete.B: Nice3)meet you, Pete.C: Nice to meet4), too.A: And thats5)brother, Dan.C:6), Dan.D: Hello, Pete.五、写作训练。1根据上下文补全下列对话。Conversation1B

12、ill:1)sister?Anna:Yes,2).Bill:Whats3)?Anna:Jenny.Conversation2Jim:Ross,4)parents.Parents: Nice5).Ross:6), too.Jim: And7)grandparents.Ross:Hello.Conversation3Amy:Look8).Ben:9)cousin?Amy: No,10).Thats11).2请你和你的朋友一起看你全家的照片,并且写下你们之间的对话。 You:This is a photo of my family. This is my _.Your friend: Is that

13、 _?You:_.Your friend: _?You: _.单元知识达标学习效果评价参考答案一、请观察John的家谱,用方框中的词补全句子。1. brother2. cousin3. grandmother4. parents5. cousin6. mother7. grandparents8. aunt9. father10. uncle11. sister二、阅读下列对话,在括号中圈出正确答案。1. this2. it isnt3. Thats4. this5. it is6. these are三、将左右两栏词语连线,组成句子。1-5 edbaf6. c四、阅读理解。1)读对话,然后补

14、全表格中相应的人名。1. John2.MrsCollins3. Emma4. Richard5. Roy6. Carol2)再读一遍上面的对话,圈出正确答案。1-5 FTFTT6. T3)用方框中所给单词补全对话。1. is2. This3. to4. you5. my6. Hello五、写作训练。1根据上下文补全下列对话。参考答案(答案不唯一):1)Is this your2)it is3)her name4)these are my5)to meet you6)Nice to meet you7)these are my8)at this photo9)Is this your10)it

15、isnt11)my brother2请你和你的朋友一起看你全家的照片,并且写下你们之间的对话。参考答案(答案不唯一):You:This is a photo of my family. This is myfather.Your friend:Is thatyour mother?You:Yes, it is.Your friend: Is this your brother?You:No, it isnt. Its my cousin.单元学习小结一、学会使用本单元以下重点词汇和短语:mother, father, sister, brother, parent, grandmother,

16、grandfather, friend, grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, those, are, these, she, he, son, daughter, uncle, picture, dear, for, thanks for, photo, here词汇填空。1. There are seven people in myf .2.MrSmith has two children. One isas_ the other is ad .3. Jean and I are in the same class. We are goodf .4. My f

17、athers sister is mya .5. My uncle has a son. His name is Jim. So Jim is myc .Key: 1. family2.son, daughter3.friends4.aunt5.cousin二、学会使用本单元以下重点句型:1. Is this your sister? No, it isnt.2. Is that your brother? Yes, it is.3. This is my friend.These are my friends.4. That is my brother.Those are my brothe

18、rs.根据括号中的要求,完成下列句子。每空一词。1.Thatis my sister.(改为复数形式)They_my_.2.那些人是我弟弟的朋友。(根据汉语提示补全句子)_mybrothers friends.3.这是我的家谱。(根据汉语提示补全句子)Here_my_.4. Thats apicturein English.(就画线部分提问)_inEnglish?5. These are Chinese students.(改为单数形式)This is_Chinese _.Key:1.are; sisters2.Thoseare3.is, family, tree4. Whats that5.a; student三、熟练掌握单元文段。汉译英。玛丽你好,感谢你的全家福。这是我的全家福。艾玛Key:Dear Mary,Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo!Yours,Emma四、课文解析:1) Thanks for the photo of your family.for在这里表示原因,thanks for意为“因为而感谢”。for后接感谢的原因。例如:Thanks for y


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