七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading 2学案(新版)牛津版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading 2学案(新版)牛津版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading 2学案(新版)牛津版_第3页




1、Unit 3【课前导学】一翻译下列词组1.带领某人参观某地_ 2.这么大_3.在一楼_ 4.在的前面_5.干净、明亮_ 6.这边走_7.看起来很现代_ 8.一间美术室_9.穿白衬衫的男人_ 10.去礼堂_11.教学楼_ 12.在那儿_二试着用下列句型描述Millie的学校:Millies school looks. There is/are .They also have. The playground is. is in front of . is behind. is on the ground floor.【课堂学习】一新知导航:1. Your school looks beautifu

2、l. 译:_思考 looks在句子中是系动词,意思是_, 后面接形容词; e.g.He looks _(强壮) (unit2) look _ (现代化) look _ (年轻) looks做名词,意思是_(unit1)链接 look at_ look after_ look like_练习 a.看那个小男孩,他正在照顾他的妈妈。Look _ the little boy, he is looking _ his mother. b.那个男孩长得像他妈妈。 The boy looks _ his mum. c. She has good looks and looks modern. 译:_2.

3、 The playground is so big. 译:_解析 so - 如此,这么(修饰形容词或副词) 链接 so做连词,意思是_ 练习 a. You are so clever. 译:_ b. She dances so well. 译:_ c. He sings so well, so many people like his songs. 译:_3. Let me show you around. 译:_解析1 let sb. do sth. - 让某人做某事 解析2 show sb. around - 带某人参观某地练习 a. 现在让我来帮助你。 Let _ _ _ now. b.

4、 让他带着你参观一下我们学校。Let _ _ you _ our school.4. We are now in front of the classroom building. 译:_解析 in front of - 在(事物外部的)前面 拓展 in the front of- 在(事物内部的)前面练习 a. The playground is _the classroom. b. The blackboard is _the classroom. 5. There are 18 classrooms in the building. 译:_解析 此句使用了there be 句型,其结构是“

5、there is/are + 主语 + 介词短语”表示“某地有某人/某物” 练习 There is a tree in front of the classroom. 译:_变为复数句 There _ some _in front of the classroom.变为否定句 _ _ _ trees in front of the classroom.变为一般疑问句并回答 _ _ _ trees in front of the classroom? Yes, _ _.6. Whos that man in the white shirt? 译:_解析 that man in the white

6、 shirt - 那个穿白衣服的人(介词短语作后置定语)练习 a. the boy under the tree _ b. the woman in a black T-shirt_c. the students from Grade 7_ d. the glass on the desk_7. We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms.译:_解析 also - 也,常位于系动词,助动词和情态动词之后,实义动词之前 辨析 too - 也,用在句子末尾 练习 a. He can swim. I can swim,

7、too. = He can swim. I can _ _. b. I like reading. He also likes reading. = I like reading. He _ _ _.【课后拓展】一、选择题( ) 1. His desk is _ the classroom and he sits _ Zhang Hua. A. in front of ; in front of B. in the front of ; in the front of C. in front of ; in the front of D. in the front of ; in front

8、of( ) 2. Kitty and Amy are now _ the ground floor. A. in B. with C. on D. to( ) 3. The girl _ a red sweater is a new student in our school. A. on B. in C. has D. with( ) 4. There are _ books and magazines in the library. A. many B. lots of C. a lot of D. all of above( )5 . Lets _ volleyball together

9、, OK? A. to play B. play C. playing D. will play( ) 6. - Is it your school? - Yes. Let me _ you around. A. thank B. watch C. take D. show二将下列句子译成英语。1.请不要把小汽车停在商店前面!Dont park the cars _ _ _ the shop, please!2.这个女孩这么漂亮。 The girl _ _ _.3.让我带你四处看看我们校园吧!Let _ _ _ _our school!4.我的教室在一楼。_classroom _ _ the

10、_ _.5.这边走,妈妈。_ _, Mum.6.我们在学校礼堂开会。We _ _ _ the school _.7.穿黑色T-恤的男孩是谁? _ the boy _ a _ T-shirt?三、完形填空Dear Sandy,My family and I _1_ in Nanjing, China. We are very happy. I am _2_ student in No. 11 Middle School. Is our school _3_? No, it isnt very big, but its very beautiful. There _4_ any swimming pools in it. But our school _5_ two basketball courts. There is a garden and many tall trees in our school. There are about fifty _6_ in our school. I am in Class 2, Grade 7. My classroom is _7_ the second floor in _8_ A. There are twenty boys and tw


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